I became suspicious after receiving some exceptionally poor customer service over several years of being a customer. I finally got fed up and I took my business return to H&R block for their free review and they found some "creative" accounting. Is this accounting firm crooked? No. He just doesn't seem to care about helping the customer, just about getting his money. If you are looking for somewhere to get your taxes done that will help you by answering your questions in a friendly, helpful manner, look elsewhere.
Response to CGL's angry reply:
As you can see from the response below, CGL is unapologetic towards his customer, didn't offer to help or to work together to make things right. Like I said in my review above, he doesn't care about his customers, and his arrogance is pretty clear from his response. I would have been happy to work with them, but it is clear that if you have a complaint or problem he just isn't interested. This isn't customer service. This is the same response I received when I asked him for help previously. Negativity towards unsatisfied customers is a mark of a business that doesn't care.
You can see that he blames his client and is and not willing to be responsible for bad service. Businesses everywhere accept and correct instances of bad service, but you can see that is not the case with CGL. Clients are responsible for your own return, regardless of who prepared it. Don't take the risk!!!!!
It is obvious why your customers don't want to publicly share their names, especially when you are publicly accusing them of falsifying their tax returns, as you did so in your other negative review response. Clearly you have no respect for your customers whatsoever. You did creative accounting on my return, sir, and I assure you I provided no false information.
Shouldn't CGL's response be, I'm sorry you had an issue with our service, how can we work together to make it right? As you can see for yourself, this is NOT the case.