not study friendly at all....
they have divided tables and plugs for laptops and devices. other than that. This is NOT your typical library. More like a YMCA with books. If you can handle outside distractions like kids running and screaming around then your fine. if your okay with kids doing a scavenger hunt throughout the library then your fine (remember a scavenger hunt is a RACE to find hiding objects within the Library)
There is a dedicated quiet zone whice is great but it is a small space so you are most likely looking for a table in the main area where kids run up and down the aisle (my first experience here, they were doing a scavenger hunt.. IN the library? which was confusing because it is attatched to a community center) .. Unfortunatly they also make annoucements thorough the speaker when kids programs are about to start so prepared to be inturrupted once in a while. also the announcement speak is played in the "Quiet room".
This was my first time since renovations, and like i said its more like a YMCA with books. In my opinion a library is where we were taught to use our "indoor voices" and for quiet time. If the library isn't place to study, read, research, and write. where else can you go. hopefully the atmosphere changes. For now this best library that is STUDENT FRIENDLY would be downtown (central branch). The kids sections is downstairs and the library isn't used for kids programs so that they are running around the library. So if your a Starbucks person that can deal with background noise, your good. if you actually looking for quiet. Sorry unfortunatly this is not it.