Cyndy - Synchrotherapy Bishop
My son attended this school. It was very disappointing. For a very small school, it is surprisingly very poorly ran by the principal. The energy of control and judgement exudes from her: the children feel it and talk about her yelling and disdain for some children she clearly dislikes.
His time started well with a lovely teacher. Yet this teacher eventually quit by taking an early retirement due to the inability to work with this tyrant of a leader. There have been many people that have chosen to not continue working or re-enrolling their children due to this principal [and teacher].
This principal is a mean person and should not be considered a good example of the values and virtues a christian school.
Thank you for your reply Pastor Michael.
I did write the review yrs ago immediately following our experiences with LC. I had just edited it and made it more legible just recently.
We did try to work with LC during that time. You and I spoke many times...I tried to speak with her too. Our family was not the only one to have ongoing issues with her. Unfortunately, the concerns were fallen to excuses of having more faith and that all are sinners and not perfect.
LC has some amazing staff there and if not for those few, many families would not have kept their children there due the one person's judgemental, discriminating and abusive treatment. Additionally, a couple of your best staff chose to leave as they could not handle working with her any more.
She has shown to be a lovely and kind person - to those she chooses to. But she could be extremely mean and even demonstrate abusive treatment to those she didn't/doesn't like - even the children.
I am sorry if this upsets you, but this the truth.