Dedicated the Station 15th of the Cross to the new Bishop of Kamloops.
Station 15: Jesus is RISEN.
"If Christ has not been raised, then empty too is our preaching; empty, too , your faith." Because He Lives so I may have Life through the Blessing Grace of God to do my penance and repentance to glorify His Name Truly in Christ.
Guardian: Jesus Christ, You died for our sins and Risen from the death so we may have Life through You. You walked on earth for forty days after Your Risen to proclaim Your Resurrection and shared the Will of the Father. "If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it. But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you." (Jolm14: 15-17)
Guardian: Jesus, you have asked Simon Peter three times, "Do you Love Me?" and asked Peter to do these works if he Loves You; ''Feed My lambs," "Tend my Sheep," and "Feed my sheep." You know our hearts and our will. Let it be done to the Father's Will that You have Glorified.
Father, Hallow be Thy Name
Here I am Lord
Sanctify me to be Your little ones
Bless me Strength to endure afflictions
And to profess the Cross daily
To build the Truth Temple of within
Wisdom to share the Truth with the needy
To know Your Will and walk within the Fire of Hope
To know the wrong and make change
Grace TO SERVE and PRAY Your Name
The Mysteries of Glorious Hope Rosary that You Blessed
In the likeness of Your Presence
Nurture my spirits with Tree of Life
Purify me with Fire of Hope and Water of Life
That Your Awesome Memory Lives within me
Spirit to comfort me to die with CHRIST
Through the valley of darkness without fear
To face evils and enemies in Your Name
Guides me to where You lead me
Bending knees before Your Flame of HOPE
To Glorify Your Name to eternity
The Seed of Life that You sowed with Hope
The Father of mercy and compassion
One Endless Love of Your Glorious Hope
Let my tears and sweat of Love be fruitful
Upon the Foundation of Faith that You Blessed us
The seed of my life to be the Song of Your Glorious Hope
To renew and restore our Faith with Love
Through tribulation, we may see Divine Providence
Leading us Home to Your Glorious Hope
Till that day come that I may be Your Gardener
With Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ
Blessed Mary, Mother of the Church
St. Joseph, the guardian father of Hope
St. Michael and three true Protectors of God
All Your True Saints and Angels on earth and Heavens
To sing an endless Song in Your Name, Father
People: Amen to Your Glorious Hope to come.
All: “Lord Jesus Christ, son of the Father, send now your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, That they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mother Mary, be our advocate (The Lady of all Nations) ‘with St. Michael and the three Protectors of God’".
Guardian: Jesus Christ, You who suffered sorrowful passion for us and the whole world.
People: Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and those who have done wrongs against us, in Your Passion.
May God bless your poor servant; Bishop Joseph Phuong Nguyen with Your Strength, Wisdom, Grace, and Spirit to leading Your Children to the Truth Path of FAITH with LOVE in Your Glorious HOPE to come. Amen.