Reviews of Garderie Deux Oursons (Kindergarten)

1919 Rue Lucien-Thimens #202, Saint-Laurent, QC H4R 1K8, Canada

Average Rating:


You have all the information of real people who have information of the services and products of Garderie Deux Oursons (Kindergarten) in the area of Côte-Saint-Luc (Canada).

To this day the firm gets a score of 4.7 out of 5 and this rating is based on 27 reviews.

You must have seen that the average of ratings is practically the top, and it's based on a very large number of reviews, so we may be quite sure that the valuation is very accurate. If there are many people who bothered to rate when they are satisfied, it works.

As you know, we do not usually bother to place evaluations when these are correct and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Kindergarten is classified in the category of Day care center.

Where is Garderie Deux Oursons?

REVIEWS OF Garderie Deux Oursons IN Côte-Saint-Luc

Akash Abrol

Melissa Kawther

Adam Khellaf

(Translated) the nursery 2 and 5 bears is an excellent daycare in the heart of Quebec, it offered my son a very rich educational program aimed at the overall development of the child without forgetting also a good professional team (administration, qualified educators) who Master their work perfectly, me and my husband thank you very much for your warm welcome and your good work and I encourage parents to enroll their children in this daycare with their eyes closed. (Original) la garderie 2 et 5 oursons est une excellente garderie au coeur de Quebec,elle a offert à mon fils un programme éducatif très riche qui vise un développement global de l:enfant sans oublier aussi une bonne équipe professionnelle (l administration ,éducatrices qualifiées )qui maitrise parfaitement leur travail, moi et mon mari vous remercient infiniment pour votre accueille chaleureux et de votre bon travail et j encourage les parents d inscrire leurs enfants dans cette garderie les yeux fermés.

bagavathy subbiah

Best daycare to send your kids to. Qualified, kind hearted, friendly educators. Director Rita always welcomes you with a warm smile. Very much satisfied with their service. Highly recommended.

Mylee Alex

(Translated) I like this daycare because it takes good care of the little ones. The educators are professional because they ensure their overall development from a cognitive, motor and emotional point of view. (Original) J'aime cette garderie, parce qu'elle prend bien soin des tout-petits. Les éducatrices sont professionnelles, car elles s'assurent de leur développement global du point de vue cognitif, moteur et affectif.

Régie Centrale MTL

(Translated) Qualify personal, very professional. (Original) personnels qualifier, très professionnels.

Mel Melousse

Selma Ennia

(Translated) We have been attending this daycare for 2 years already and we have never regretted our choice. The director, Ms. Rita, as well as the educators have the well-being and development of children at heart. They are always welcoming, smiling and understanding. Despite the current difficult conditions that we are all experiencing, Ms. Rita continues to ensure the proper functioning of the daycare and the safety of all. My daughter loves going there and we plan to enroll her brother there in a few months. Thank you. (Original) Nous fréquentons cette garderie depuis 2 ans déjà et nous n'avons jamais regretté notre choix. La directrice, Mme Rita, ainsi que les éducatrices ont a coeur le bien être et le développement des enfants. Elles sont toujours accueillantes, souriantes et compréhensives. Malgré les conditions actuelles difficiles que nous vivons tous, Mme Rita continue de s'assurer du bon fonctionnement de la garderie et de la sécurité de tous. Ma fille adore y aller et nous comptons y inscrire son frère dans quelques mois. Merci.

Philippe Charest-Neault

(Translated) My daughter attended this daycare from 1 to 5 years old and she loved it. The educators are fantastic: dedicated, trained, professional and warm. The director of the daycare really cares about the daycare and all the children and what I liked most about the place is the stability in terms of staff. Most of the educators have been there for ten years and very few leave. So it's a very good sign and it puts everyone at ease. (Original) Ma fille a fréquenté cette garderie de 1 à 5 ans et elle a adoré. Les éducatrices sont fantastiques: dévouées, formées, professionnelles et chaleureuses. La directrice de la garderie a vraiment le bien de la garderie et de tous les enfants très à coeur et ce que j'ai le plus aimé de l'endroit est la stabilité au niveau du personnel. La plupart des éducatrices sont là depuis une dizaine d'années et très peu partent. C'est donc très bon signe et ça met tout le monde en confiance.

Claude Rizk

(Translated) Very professional. (Original) Très professionnels.

Tony Saba

(Translated) 2 and 5 cubs is the daycare that my son attends, first class educational environment, all sports & fun activities. Don't forget that the educators are super nice !! (Original) 2 et 5 oursons est la garderie que mon fils fréquente, environnement éducative de première classe, tjs des activités sportives & amusantes. A ne pas oublier que les éducatrices sont super sympa!!

Annie Perreault

Rita Khalil

Claude Cyr

(Translated) Very satisfied! real professionals! (Original) Très satisfait! des vrais professionnels!


Highly recommended Daycare !! Lovely place for kids , Responsible management, a special app for kids info updates .

Nathalie Habchi

celine fdl

I went to this daycare 14 years ago and the woman taking "care" of me used to humiliate me in front of all the other kids and everyday i used to go back home to my parents and cry because she was extremely harsh. These events caused me trauma for 11 years. I would pee my bed every single day until i was in my second year of highschool. This type of trauma should not happen to anybody and i suggest you never put your little kids through this. For all these years i wanted to come talk to the woman that was responsible for my trauma but i dont remember her name and neither do my parents. Dont put your kids in that day care, do better. I could sue this place but i have humanity in my heart. To whoever it may concern, hire people who have the education to take care of kids. PERIOD.

Joseph Tizi

(Translated) I have the pleasure of sharing my wonderful experience as well as that of my two children for four years with this kind establishment where they had the chance to flourish and to prepare well for school integration, I thank all the educators for their work and their dedication, and also a big thank you for the director Mm Rita, for her commitment to ensure our comfort and to have peace of mind during our working days ..... I strongly invite all parents to visit and register their children in this warm daycare !. (Original) J’ai le plaisir de partager ma formidable experience ainsi celle mes deux enfants durant quatre année avec cette aimable établissement où ils ont eu la chance de s’épanouir et de bien se préparer pour l’intégration scolaire, je remercie énormément toutes les éducatrices pour leurs travails et leurs dévouement, et aussi un grand merci pour la directrice Mm Rita , pour son engagement à assuré notre confort et d’avoir l’esprit tranquille durant nos journées de travail..... J’invite vivement tous parents à visiter et inscrire leurs enfants dans cette chaleureuse garderie !.


ghaythaa hamdan

toubache mebrouka

Magdalena Oana Trestianu

(Translated) It is one of the best daycare centers in Saint Laurent with qualified educators who know how to treat children well according to their needs and their stages of development. Many thanks to the management and staff for their dedication and patience for the little ones! (Original) C'est une des meilleures garderies à Saint Laurent avec des éducatrices qualifiées qui savent bien traiter les enfants selon leurs besoins et leurs étapes de développement. Mille mercis à la direction et au personnel pour leur dévouement et leur patience pour les tout petits!

Krystel Ghazal

mounir bouhraoua

Douaihy Sally

karim b

(Translated) I would like to point out that the two-five-bearded daycare is one of the best daycare centers, for its quality of service and its devoted professionalism, for the commitment of all of its staff at their head, the director and the know-how. make educators who do everything for the development and well-being of our children. (Original) Je tiens à souligner, que la garderie les deux cinq oursons est l'une des meilleures garderie, par sa qualité de service et son professionnalisme dévoué, par l'engagement de l'ensemble de son personnel à leur tête la directrice et le savoir-faire des éducatrices qui font tout pour l'épanouissement et le bien-être de nos enfants.

Adoniya Kandiah

Business Hours of Garderie Deux Oursons in Côte-Saint-Luc

6:30AM TO 6PM
6:30AM TO 6PM
6:30AM TO 6PM
6:30AM TO 6PM
6:30AM TO 6PM


Garderie Deux Oursons en Côte-Saint-Luc
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