Reviews of Centre Éducatif Rose des Vents (Kindergarten)

1650 Second St E, Cornwall, ON K6H 2C3, Canada

Average Rating:


We have the reviews of people who bought the services and products of Centre Éducatif Rose des Vents (Kindergarten) in Cornwall territory (Canada).

As of day this business has a rating of 5 over 5 and the rating has been calculated on 1 review.

You may have noticed that it reaches an opinions average is very high, in fact, it reaches the best overall average it can earn., but it is founded on few reviews, so you will understand that the rating isn't very faithful.

You know that we do not usually bother to set evaluations when they are positive and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Kindergarten is classified in the category of Day care center.

Where is Centre Éducatif Rose des Vents?

REVIEWS OF Centre Éducatif Rose des Vents IN Cornwall

Roxane Jodoin


Centre Éducatif Rose des Vents en Cornwall
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