Reviews of Cuisines Beauregard (Interior Designer)

655 Rue Simonds S, Granby, QC J2J 1C2, Canada

Average Rating:


You have all the reviews of real people who purchase the products and services of Cuisines Beauregard (Interior Designer) in the territory close to Granby (Canada).

Nowadays the business gets a score of 4.6 stars over 5 and this rating has been calculated on 22 reviews.

You must have seen that its rating is nearly the highest, and it is founded on a large number of feddbacks, so we can conclude that the valuation is very reliable. If there are many people who bothered to give their feddback when they've done well, it works.

You know that we do not usually bother to put opinions when these are positive and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Interior Designer is classified in the category of Kitchen remodeler.

Where is Cuisines Beauregard?

REVIEWS OF Cuisines Beauregard IN Granby

Adam Oberman

(Translated) We paid 10% more for the Beauregard kitchens because they promised to finish in time to move in. Once the kitchen was over, we were very satisfied with the work. Unfortunately, they were a month late, so we had to spend a month in the summer with two small children and no cooking! This type of delay is quite typical of large companies: they can afford to be late with some customers. However, a small business must keep its promises. I asked for a discount because they were late. I was told that we could get a discount on the final 10% that would be due when the work was completely finished. We finally received a late bill for the final 10% and they seemed to have forgotten the discount. When I asked for a discount, they offered $ 150. (Original) Nous avons payé 10% de plus pour les cuisines Beauregard, car elles avaient promis de terminer à temps pour nous emménager. Une fois la cuisine terminée, nous étions très satisfaits du travail. Malheureusement, ils avaient un mois de retard, nous avons donc dû passer un mois en été avec deux petits enfants et pas de cuisine! Ce type de retard est assez typique des grandes entreprises: elles peuvent se permettre d’être en retard avec certains clients. Cependant, une petite entreprise doit tenir ses promesses. J'ai demandé un rabais parce qu'ils étaient en retard. On m'a dit que nous pourrions obtenir une réduction sur les 10% finaux qui seraient dus lorsque les travaux seraient complètement terminés. Nous avons finalement reçu une facture en retard pour les 10% finaux et ils semblaient avoir oublié la réduction. Quand j'ai demandé un rabais, ils ont offert 150 $.

alexis arbour

(Translated) Good employees, good service :-) (Original) Bon employées, bon service :-)

Marcelo Sanches de Paula

Jean Francois Brette

(Translated) Specialist in kitchen cabinets (Original) Spécialiste en armoires de cuisines

Kamal Chehade

Hi, This is a second time a write a review for this company. I called back today to ask if they had my plans since I paid 1500$ and the secretary who answered the phone told me that we no longer have the plans for your project since it was never started. Yet I signed a contract paid 30% deposit and had to cancel the project afterwards since the renovations were not going well. They charged me 1500$ as a penalty since they had done some work such as the plans for the kitchen but they never provided me with the plans for me to approve or accept. Today they tell they don't have the plans anymore. What a bunch of thieves. How can a company charge a client 1500$ and not provide them with anything? How does someone not have store the plans as a backup? Are there any proofs that they have done any work? If you have nothing to provide or show, you simply haven't done any of the work. Be careful everyone, there is no such thing as a kitchen specialist. Ikea, Home Depot & RONA offer all the same service with no cost and no down payment. Please note that I am not going to stop fighting for either my plans or my money back. I will go to the "Protection Du Consommateur" to find out if what they are telling me is the truth, that they are allowed to do what they are doing.

Julien Bussieres

(Translated) The reception is very professional, we have done 3 renovations in 15 years with the designer Pascal Leroux, and our satisfaction is at the maximum! The quality-price and the service are the 1st choice! (Original) L'accueil est très professionnel, nous avons fait 3 rénovations en 15 ans avec le designer Pascal Leroux, et notre satisfaction est au maximum ! La qualité-prix et le service est aux 1er choix !

Nihad Kobas

Kevin québec

Michel Paquette

Sylvie Leclair

(Translated) Judicious advice - pros (Original) De juducieux conseils -- des pros

Jean Bakhache

(Translated) Wow !! Super beautiful, efficient and clean !! A whole team. (Original) Wow!! Super beau, efficace et propre!! Tout un team.

Richard Héon

(Translated) Very good customer service during our visit! (Original) Tres bon service a client a notre visite !

Jean-marie Chagnon

(Translated) Good (Original) Bien

Kate “Gigi” Rodrigue

Leonard Myriam

(Translated) Employ professional very good service (Original) Employer professionnel très bon service

Jonathan Michaud

(Translated) If I could I would put 7???? (Original) Si je pouvais je mettrais 7????

God Boost

(Translated) Excellent service, very good price. A great surprise! (Original) Excellent service, très bon prix. Une belle surprise!

Danielle Laramée

David Blais

Jonathan Gagné

(Translated) Quality work done by people who take their job to heart! Thanks for your great job! (Original) Un travail de qualité effectué par des personnes qui prennent leur job à coeur ! Merci pour votre super travail !


Gerald Arcand

(Translated) Excellent product quality. Refined and tasteful. (Original) Excellente qualité des produits. Raffiné et de bon goût.

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