After almost a decade and a half of suffering from chronic insomnia, I was so grateful to finally be referred to a proper sleep clinic (after being ignored by doctors for all those years).
At the end of my sleep testing and unsuccessful CPAP trial, Comey agreed my issue did not fit the normal apnea presentation, acknowledged I was not losing oxygen while sleeping but was getting zero deep sleep. No big deal.
Comey offered me no further testing, treatment or support suggestions/references. I pleaded for him to look deeper, or do more testing. In the end, he sent me on my way as if my issue was a nuisance to him, because, you know, it wasn't one of the two sleep disorders that he treats. This behaviour alone is a violation of the current Code of Ethics and Professionalism.
I had already developed mild distonia and blepharospasm from long term use of Seroquel, which was negligently prescribed based on a bipolar misdiagnosis (a very common thing these days, a perspective my current, reputable neuropsychiatrist concurs with), and so was in a desperate situation where I needed some answers and proper support, but could no longer rely on the toxic meds prescribed like candy in this twisted medical system (already did the fun benzo addiction and withdrawal thing too, although it wasn't technically an "addiction" because it was doctor-prescribed!).
My mother, who has been my advocate dealing with the hubris and ignorance of paternalistic doctors like Comey all these years, and just wants to see me get better, had a nervous breakdown soon after this. Believe me when I say having our last hope dashed by this doctor was absolutely related, if not the main cause.
That was 2017. This year, after working with one of the few actually competent and compassionate doctors I've met in my life, I had an MRI and SPECT scan done that has revealed I was born with an occluded internal carotid artery, and suffer from a mild congenital brain injury. Both my current neuropsychiatrist and neurologist are shocked I wasn't given an MRI earlier.
While I feel this corrupt, profit-driven medical system has failed me in so many ways, and left my body and my family seriously injured, physically and emotionally, Comey specifically should have listened to my concerns and looked deeper as I asked him to, given the prevalence of structural issues that can cause insomnia. Instead, because I did not suffer from apnea or restless leg syndrome, I was sent on my way after years of suffering, only to have things worsen before getting real answers.
This man is a joke of a doctor, and this clinic is a sorry excuse for a sleep clinic. And if the current legal system wasn't pay-to-play and basically only for the rich, I would absolutely sue this man for medical negligence. If he does not do everything in his power to get to the bottom of your issue (ordering an MRI, for example, though SPECT scan is even better), and sends you on your way without any suggestions for further treatment or help, take note, that's a violation of the current CMA Code of Ethics and Professionalism.