Reviews of Toronto General Hospital (Hospital)

200 Elizabeth St, Toronto, ON M5G 2C4, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you have the information of people who purchased the products of Toronto General Hospital (Hospital) near Argentia (Canada).

As of day this firm has a score of 4 stars out of 5 and this score has been calculated on 127 reviews.

You must have seen that it reaches an opinions average is really good, and it's based on a high number of scores, so we can conclude that the score is very credible. If many people have bothered to rate when they are pleased with the business, it works.

You know that we do not usually stop to put opinions when these are positive and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Hospital belongs to the category of General hospital.

Where is Toronto General Hospital?

REVIEWS OF Toronto General Hospital IN Argentia

Zokier McCrone

Too kind nurse staff and competent doctors

Mike Lovas

kambiz shahkavosi

The best doctors and , the best nurse ( also some of them hot and beautiful). I’m a regular customer, but I love to go there, everybody friendly

Stephen Cunningham

Harry Ben

Kushant Gupta

Nabiha Haider

I've been here for six months and realized something very important. I'd rather go to the streets and ask the first person I find with no medical background whatsoever to perform my surgery than go to any of the so called "trained" medical staff in this horrible place. Please take my advice, don't risk your life or the lives of your family by coming here. Yes they'll fix one thing but only to break everything else, leaving you to say "I was fine with that one broken thing had I known you'd break what's left of me." Lives are not important here, they only care about the beds and making money. It's also extremely rare to find competent nurses and physicians here. I wish everyone that comes here the best of luck, because you'll need it if you want to leave this hospital alive.

Annick David

my father-in-law was hospitalized over a week ago due to an alarm which set off in his defibrillator. He was admitted and was due to have surgery in order to move it from 1 side of his chest to the other as well as replacing some of the wires which were rusted. He was to have the surgery last Friday. The surgery was never done and we didn't see a nurse for 4 hrs. No one checked on him to make sure he was ok. Then he was put on the waiting list for the surgery. He was suppose to have the surgery on the Saturday. Again no surgery done. all this time he is only being given 1 meal per day in case the surgery was done. Again put on the waiting list. Today is Thursday and we were told he would have the surgery at 9 am this morning. He is still sitting in his room waiting to be taken into the operating room. His cardiologist was not advised of any of this until 2 days ago. No one gives us any updates on his condition. No one calls his wife to let her know what is going on. My father-in-law is in in 80's and as early onset dementia. A man who has never swore in his life is now swearing at the nurses due to his frustration of being in the hosp and wanting to go home. Now we wait again for a surgery which never seems to come. stressful for his wife and us all to say the least.

Kent Johncox

This facility is nothing short o

D St.Arneault

Amazing hospital with helpful staff.

Pedro Negromonte

Why are doctors, nurses and staff so rushed and uncaring of patients coming into that emergency room with medical issues? There are no excuses for rudeness. They are in the caring professionals. They are supposed to care about their patients. I think they just want you out there (not in a good way...).

Francesca A

Mercy Thomas

Laxman Guduri

Best hospital. Administration is very good. Clean and hygienic hospital. Staff, nurses, doctors handling with patients is good.

Dr. Mohd. Misbahul Amin

This is best hospital in Ontario. Canada and over all one of the best hospital in the globe.

Glenn Dickler

Hong Yao

Most dreadful experience in my life. Some staff was friendly but most of all, you don't feel that doctors care about you or your suffering at all. They operate a hospital exactly like operating a business; health care is secondary here.


Great service and great staff!!!

Brook Brook

This is the best hospital i know but i had the worest interaction with the person who was working at the blood collection window 5 on sep 30, 2021 at 2pm. I havent had a single conversation with her but she through my health card and number on my face. I was out of word to see this cos this as i said is the best hospital staff i know but that person was behaving soo bad for some reason. I never had any kind of attitude or havent said a word so i couldnt blame it on me.

Mahyar Moharer

ER is a big mess...

Umeshkumar Patel

Tamuna beridze

George Ivanov


Reckless and Careless staff. Only cares for their pay checks. Really aggressive with their patients, Worst hospital I have ever seen.

Robin Chi

Ashley K.

This hospital helped my brother get a heart transplant and save his life. The doctors, nurses and surgeons were all amazing. However it is really cold in the basement waiting room is the only downfall. Families are there waiting hours at a time and even over night and should be a warmer temperature for comfort.. they offer small quiet rooms for families in need which i love. Also i think that there should be a security guard in waiting areas in the basement because many families come in and other families can be inconsiderate of others at time with the noise levels. Everyone is stressed and going through something so I think security should be there as there are high emotions and people are vulnerable. I've seen it turn ugly real fast.

Melissa Martinez Leo

Deep Desai

Worst medical facility I’ve ever visited. After a 10 hour wait the doctor will impatiently check your results and give you a bad result. Then will spam call you the next day to come to the hospital for another 10 hour wait. Nurses there are rude, they simply don’t care about your health. All they care about is clocking in and clocking out. Stay away from this place. Malpractice will definitely occur. Hope they get sued asap.

Chris White

What more can I say, they saved my life and took my cancer away. Amazing, compassionate, professional staff. I could never thank you enough Dr. Kulkarni and the team.

elizabeth efthymiadis

On October 27, 2019, the bravest surgeon and his team resuscitated me following a cardiac arrest and gave me a new lease on life. Then, at "Short Stay" for a few days, I had the best and kindest care from the doctors, nurses and staff. Forever grateful.

Sandra Otto

Had a mostly negative experience in the emerg yesterday. I was sent there after an ultrasound at Metro Central Ultrasound picked up a tiny blood clot behind my knee. The emerg nursing staff were good; the doctor (Dr. S.L. Yi) was dismissive, and I think didn't believe me because I didn't have the Metro report in hand. TGH radiology did a flimsy scan of my leg (the Metro one was thorough) and found no clot. Then I was shown to the door. No blood thinners. Advised to come back if I had symptoms. Going to see my regular WCH doc tomorrow.

Khadijah kadiri




Randy Singh



lokeshwari nataraj

bolduc francine

jaime ca

Abdulsamad Alzubaidi

If you would the good place for your health this place was a mazing

Sabbir Ahmed

X Li

very orgnized hospital

Kyle Doré

Erica Dubois

Good experience. I was well cared for

Brooke L

Easily accessible by the Queen's Park subway station. Washrooms in the Munk building are very wheelchair/IV accessible. 4th floor conservatory is a relaxing place to look out over the city. Shuttle service to TWH is also quite handy, running every 15 min. The admitting department is quite efficient. Once connected with specialists here they have been more than accommodating and willing to meet me where I'm at. Very helpful for referrals elsewhere. Nursing staff have overall been extremely professional and genuine in my darkest moments.

John Graham

Great surgeon and medical team and dedicated daytime nurses but overnights a nightmare. I received very good care after walking in with jaundice and received quick testing which alarmingly revealed pancreatic cancer. I was quickly given on operable diagnosis and went back for surgery after about 4 weeks, pretty good but longer than I had wanted to wait. The preparation nurses were excellent, we knew what to expect and what to do. Surgeon, Dr. Greig, was excellent, very lucky to get him, and 9 hour surgery went well. The problem arose at night time. The nursing staff was thin and four out of five nights they were busy dealing with one or more of my elderly neighbours who were confused or mentally ill and wanted to get out or know where they were which went on for hours. They were grumpy old guys who made a big fuss and wore out my sympathy with their demanding and unreasonable behaviour and attention seeking. The other problem was the machinery going 'ping' which went off a lot and twice I experienced all night 'pings' from machines that seemed to be unresponsive. I spent one night pressing the reset button every five minutes on my IV machine which I couldn't get anyone to change. I lost a lot of sleep and despite willingness to pay for private or semi private room they were not available. My care suffered too, and I felt dirty and tired. I managed to catch some essential sleep during the day but naturally there were a lot of interruptions in a room with four patients. Daytime nurses were generally friendly and enthusiastic and there was a nice friendly buzz much of the time around the station on our floor, despite the high mortality, which is really a credit to the staff. The surgical staff were excellent and supportive and I was able to go home five days after surgery, almost a record. Fortunately I am relatively young and fit, or the hospital stay may have done me a lot more damage!

kasem derkey

Monique Wertheim

I would like to thank all the Emergency Staff that were working on Tuesday September 26th from 10:30am - 7:00pm. From the Triage Nurse to the Admin LADY to the AMAZING Nurses Karen and Jess and to the CT were all very kind and compassionate and as quiet as you could be lol ....having come in with a Migraine that had blurred my vision and made me throw up numerous times I was in so much pain and frankly little scared. I would be remiss if I did not send a huge THANK YOU to my Dr F. Al-Rawi who I was grateful to be able to be in his care that day...he is the kindest most compassionate ER Doctor I have ever had. I am also grateful to have him as my Concussion Dr at The Altum Health Clinic at Toronto Western. I am getting better each day and just wanted to let you know how much you are all appreciated. K. Monique Wertheim


I am here for about three hours and it seems that they have forgotten me. They just tell you be sitted and they do nothing

Megan Campbell

Been seeing a specialist for years and has been so kind and invested in helping me live with my medical conditions . He is a diligent work, his medical advice care has been amazing. He is a busy guy but makes time for you. I feel lucky to be under his care


I went to get cardioversion for my heart and one doctor checked me very thoroughly with the blood tests and found out there was something wrong with my blood. It was very serious. They did cardiovert me. But this doctor ran a lot of tests because it was my first time there. He was an oriental doctor I'm saying this because I'm trying to remember his name he saved my life I think it was Cheung.and because of him I ended up going to a hematologist finding out I had intravascular hemolysis from a leaky heart valve which I already had surgery for but they told me I needed another surgery wow. I found this out after going to several hematologist appointments. GODBLESS YOU Dr. And dr. Demko also sorry if I'm spelling it wrong she's a hematologist. Thank you for the doctors that actually do their job. I am extremely grateful. So I had my open heart surgery almost 5 weeks ago was a 7 hr surgery. I went through hell but now I am in recovery I'll have to see what my surgeon says he is at st. Mikes because he did my last one.(((EDIT One YEAR LATER THANK YOU JESUS I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER HALLELUJAH!!!✝️????????PRAISE GOD I'M ALIVE. ALL GLORY BE TO GOD!!!✝️)))

Patty D

They kept me waiting for 45 minutes but the Dr was very kind and helpful.

Kulwinder Samra

Giovanni Dato

Reginald D'Cunha

Second lease on life. Thankyou.

Zuich Schuetzzberg

Toronto General Hospital

Dessi Dobrolevska

Everyone is very friendly, but you really need to keep track of what type of tests doctors want you to do and the documents you are given. When told bad news, it's hard to keep track, and in all honestly, it shouldn't be up to the patient to tell the doctor that in order to get blood taken, one must have a blood work form. I understand there are hundreds of patients, but in the 20 minutes the doctors has to visit me, I should be top priority.

Wallace L

No one likes going to the hospital but when my grandfather was admitted, he received excellent care and attention from everyone at 13 Eaton. Not sure if standard practice but one thing that really stood out to me was when he was discharged and his nurse Hasan noticed my grandfather was a little weak when trying to get out of bed and immediately called for a PT consult to make sure it was okay for him to leave. James then spent time to assess and converse with him explaining to both of us what he is seeing in his motion before ultimately giving us the okay. Definitely felt the extra care and attention.

Sherieka Dawson

Lazy Minifever

Nice nurses and doctors

Lovely Peachy

I would like to thank the ER young female nurse practitioner who diagnosed and prescribed me effective medications for my ear infection. The annoying sounds and pain in my left ear has gone away after using the ciprodex ear drops after just two days.

James Steele (Eh Gardener Guy)

Ayush T Raman

Elvin Hatemov

The nurse sitting at the front door, maria, is rude. She has to take training about how to get proper relation with customer. My mom, who does not speak English, was a patient in General Hospital Emergency, and Maria did not let me go to help mom with what Dr said, even they did not provide an interpreter. Maria, who is far from professional, took me out with rude behaviour. They did some procedures on my body without asking her permission because of Maria's ego. Her behaviour is " Go sit. I give permission here and she mad at the security woman who is let me help my mom ". I will ask about my legal rights. She is responsible if Something happens wrong to my mom.

Richard Sproule

works great

Mahrukh Bhatt

Sahil Sadat

Wait time is frustrating to the point where you will regret coming here. Review and comments here are useless as poor and helpless people in pain have to come and they take full advantage of that.

Eduard Cojocari

brahim ZM

(Translated) Very nice hospital (Original) Très belle hôpital

Bob W

Jamie Ng

very good, thanks

Zainab Ahmed

Dr Jacqueline Quyen Thu Ha Le Pham

I just want to extend a heart felt thanks to them all. Patients care appears to be a goal and it was accomplished with me. Much love to them all and keep up the great work .Thank you for opportunity to voice my gratitude. They were all doing there job, but it never hurts to hear praise for doing a good job.!!!


I have found one of the best doctors out there, his name was Dr. Aguayo. He was so nice in saving my friend from near death. It was around a year ago and my friend is perfectly okay! Thank you!

Patricia Gibmann

I just want to extend a heart felt thanks to them all. Patients care appears to be a goal and it was accomplished with me. Much love to them all and keep up the great work .

Umeshkumar Patel (Dr.kalam)

Tosh Kumar

Alchemyriri C

Everything was okay other than the waiting hours are really long I’ve been here since 10am it’s 8pm now.. 9hrs no food no drink they want me to stay back.. even though Nurses are helpful and the doctor was nice as well

Kamila M.

Excellent nurses and compassionate intelligent doctors. UHN is one of a kind.

Jelena Orsanic

Vanpriya Cor

I had my parathyroidectomy done here. The surgeon along with other health care providers were very professional and kind. I recommend.

Brad Dickson

I have severe back and neck pain but had to wait to see doctor on their schedule. This is malpractice but no defense for the patients.

Vincent Canning

Good hospital

Maher HaNt

Great Clinical Placement

Rishabh Chadha

Getting worse with each passing day. Been to the ER if not at least 4 times as they are the only ones DT but clearly they know that and take advantage of the fact. At the entry point itself the lady was nothing more than a frustrated soul. Then the doctors in the waiting room are hands down horrendous. My sister had to cry to get their attention. And even after two cuts in need of stitches they kept moving her down the line. The wait was over 2 hrs to get stitches. Its a disaster of a place

yvonneinca Toronto

(Translated) Ultra is well equipped, the staff is friendly, and you can feel the warmth of the doctor. Doctor ! Thank you ^^ ❤ (Original) 울트라 시설이 잘되어 있고 직원들이 친절하며 의사선생님의 따뜻함을 느낄수 있어요 의사선생님 ! 감사합니다 ^^ ❤


What's not to say about one of the best hospitals in the world located right here in our city. The team at this hospital is always on there A game. This hospital staffs some of the greatest doctors on this planet. The whole team at this hospital should not go unnoticed they are top class and every single department. My dad had the David procedure invented by world famous dr. Tyrone David and it was nothing but a success. I'm always happy when I go to this hospital easy access by subway lots of parking by the hospital always clean and like I stated very professional. I wish all hospitals were like this across Ontario and the world. To the people that make up the whole team at Toronto General Hospital smile and be proud for what you do. To the people behind the scenes that we don't see good job and making this a top-notch hospital thanks to everyone Toronto General hospital you are number one


The University Health Network is the largest health research organization in North American and has the best doctors training residents. All of the hospitals in this network offer excellent healthcare in these days of budget restrictions. Our doctors and nurses do their best while over worked yet I read these petty reviews from entitled ingrates who fail to see the big picture. Give your head a shake...

Aaron Hogan

Best hospital service I've ever experienced

Bernadette Whalen

The care I received when I had my Heart attack. The fast reaction, The Cardiac unit was amazing. The Surgeon's had the OR ready when I arrived.. There was a code blue, Do to the fast thinking and the professional's I am still here. I am very grateful for our healthcare system.

Chas Ellis

For the heart one if the best


Lucinda Lynn

Most helpful, lovely staff!

Dana Clark

Amazing staff! I haven't experienced such kindness and professionalism from hospital staff ever. BRAVO.

Colin Fung

Darren Saumur

Kathleen and all the nurses in Emergency were amazing as well as Doctor Kirby. Such a tough job and we need to make sure we fund these amazing institutions!!


Took care of my wife from start to finish! After surgery got a follow up call from the department making sure everything is ok. Hospital clean and staff is amazing.

Toronto Reviewed

Good representation of how Canadian hospitals are run. Well trained staff, excellent service.

Deb Camp

Best hospital I have ever stayed in..I had a liver transplant and the Drs and all the staff are excellent.Coudn't have asked for a better group of ppl to be on my side and looking after me in my time of need..Thank you so very much for my second chance on life..Xoxoxo ????????????????????????????

sandeep hari

The Ladyfoghorn

Fair warning for Indigenous, Black, Biracial individuals, you are not welcomed here at Toronto General ER. This ER only facilitates for Whites and Asians only. And I am speaking on my experience. …

Anushka Inamdar

I genuinely hope and pray no one ever has to come to the hospital but TGH has been nothing but a pleasant experience. Since the time my father was transferred to the peter munk cardiac centre to the day of his discharge we experienced nothing but the best. Dr. Cusimano and his team were absolutely amazing and extremely helpful. He is a godsend and his work is so perfect I’m not surprised he’s one of the country’s top most cardiac surgeons. From the minute he met us he put us at ease and I knew my father was in good and safe hands. Post op care was phenomenal and the staff on the cardiac surgery floor were just the most pleasant set of medical staff I’ve ever met.

Valerie Balliu

I loved working at TGH. I was the secretary for Dr. Vijay Shanker Dayal, ENT! I just recently found out that lovely man passed away, in Chicago, at the young age of 75yrs. I would love to have my position back . I would be coming out of retirement!

Tayseer Farah

Jeff Smith

I invented surgeon general it is my name Jeffery thomas smith the hospital h is the h of my name in evvery city town village area Letters

Janine Doughty

I would just like to thank the nurses Jeff in ICU and Daniel in cardiac recover and a few others who I unfortunately forget their names .. they made my recovery easier, bringing a smile to my face and taking such great care of me :) "the food was horrible" lol wonderful DR's who cared and checked in on me frequently :)

Tim J

dan wang

The staff at the desk gave me contrast liquid (barium) to drink at intervals

Pramod Karthikeyan

Ahmed Al-Imari

Érika O.

nat Casey

Michael Kerr

Tamika Samuels

Had a bone stuck in my mouth for a week and was unable to eat solid foods. The doctors were unable to locate the bone and sent me home. I stayed in emergency for most of the night before asking for a bed. My dentist removed the bone a day later.

Junior Lloyd

Preety Bedi

My son was admitted in hospital with ear n blood infection and had flu as well. Drs and nurses and other staff are vry good and coperative . They come to u n explain u everything n do the best. Thanks to all . Had a wonderful experience with u .

wu vivian

I will give a zero if I can. The people there is super not welcoming. The worst hospital ever when to. The staffs there ignore people and have the worst attitude ever seen.

T. Jim

I had a pleasent visit. But the interior waiting room had insufficient seating and was too small for all the patients with visitors, which forced families to be split-up.

Mary Jain

Really professional hospital.

Jesse Schantel

almost died

Jared Haley

Achiyah'el Israel

Good work

Chloe Cheng

Shahram Shams

It's one of the best hospitals in the world. Thank you all UHN team.

Alle A

Met the nicest sitter here.

Kevin Mair

Owen Chase

I had a accident & i was brought here for treatment. They really had very good surgeons. My right arm was broken & It took 15 days for my full recovery. The nursing stuff was very good too.


How a hospital should operate clean and good staff.

lou fazzari

littlewill1166 (littlewill1166)

Shahriar Asta

The apathy of the nurses is staggering. I went there having sever breathing difficulty, I was panicked and shocked. It was the first time something like that happened to me. In the reception I noticed almost all of the seats are empty and that was a relief for me, I thought I'll get help sooner than I expected; alas. The nurse told me that I have to wait for 2 hours and that I can stay or go: "its really up to you" she said. You know, that kind of behaviour gets to you, it makes you feel you have no value, you're on your own ... and people fear artificial intelligence will take over the world. I'd rather have a machine treat me. Btw, I would give a 0 star if I had the option.

jiumary si menos comerciales porfavor morales

(Translated) Hello, good morning, blessings to all. Would you like to know from a patient if she were hospitalized in that hospital? Her name is Sandra Elizabeth Herrera Gómez, she has cancer of the larynx. I am Venezuelan residing in Peru, if someone please can give me information if you are confined there thanks and blessings (Original) Hola buenos días bendiciones para todos, quisiera saber de una paciente si estara internada en ese hospital? Se llama Sandra Elizabeth Herrera Gómez ella tiene cancer en la laringe. Soy Venezolana residenciada en Perú si alguien por favor pueda darme informacion si esta recluida ahi gracias y bendiciones

Robert Bisson

Helen Spencer

Ajit Parashar

Calvin Joe

I have been some accidents, so stay in the hospital last month.

Peter Zheng

Chris St. Pierre

Caught the transit to Western hospital from there.

Crystal Ells

They saved my life twice. I had open heart surgery; where as the, second time they put in a maniacal value to repair the aorta. i had wonderful doctors to help save my life. i am so grateful for them. ( Dr. Jack Coleman and Dr. David Tyrone and their staff.) thank you once again.

Kevin Roche

Very nice and clean

Charlene Poon

Waiting time for dr. still very long. People are helpful and nice.

Lucas Harutunian

Madeleine Palmer

in july, my father passed away but they did everything they could until there was no hope left. what he had could have killed him in a day but he was on life support for three weeks, and i miss him but the staff worked so hard. my mom and family and i were back and forth overnight in the waiting room and it wasnt the comfiest but knowing my father was in good hands was enough. the furnishing is good, the building is good, there is a pharmacy and food court, which helped us too. thank you for helping so many people

Jordon Kehoe

Nice hospital, parking was expensive

Butter Sause

Was in and out of the hospital in about 90 minutes to 2 hours for a suture removal, lovely nice understanding nurses/RNs

Alex Yaro


Paula Stewart

James LeBlanc

One of the best hospitals in the world.

Farooq Azam

Best hospital, wait time is there, but doctors and facilities are awesome.

Kevin King

Joshua Klassen

Had a double lung transplant and didn't die. ????

Ronald Francis

Tricia Kortekaas

Poramee Prayoonpokaraj

Cosimo Commisso


905 guy

Great hospital but come early to find parking if you are driving.

Savanna Hamilton

I've been to the ER here a few times for myself or for others. They are very relaxed. Even if you have the worst pain they aren't in much of a rush to attend to you.

Eileen Giles

Leo Bibo Liu

Kris Standen

Not a bad map good be better

Margret teacher

All the nurses in Emergency were amazing as well as Doctors. Provided me treatment in no time.

Lisa Baggs

Afshin Rahimi

I went there for emeregncy because I couldn't breathe properly and what I figured after going couple of time for my friends as well is that you could be waiting a lot to get admitted to the emergency room. Maybe going to a walk-in clinic near you if there is one open is a better option.

Chris Redshaw

Excellent. Had a terrible flu and received excellent care and advice. Both nurses and doctors were super nice, efficient and friendly. Thank you!

Ted Oliveira

Best cardiac care in Canada based on my experience.


Great Staff. Big Thank you Mr Rao and his team to help my dad recover from heart surgery.

Taiane Alves

ashish patel


Sofie B

CURT st.vincent

dan johnston

It's been 7 months now since I had a liver transplant at TGH and their service was impeccable, even amidst covid, and the merchandise has performed perfectly. Very reasonably priced as well. Would recommend.

Sylvie Pamphile

I accompanied my brother to the Emergency ward there when he required a much-needed procedure. Not only did we not wait very long, every staff member was kind and efficient. I recall overhearing a doctor say to an awaiting patient, "Hi, I'm doctor __________, Thank you for your patience." I was floored. I've NEVER HEARD THAT EVER IN A CLINIC OR HOSPITAL! And when it was our turn to be helped, the doctor on duty (Dr. Deghani) was ever-professional, performed his job exceptionally and most-importantly, was humane. Big thanks also to Dr. Monica, Paris, Alisha and Curtis. Toronto General Hospital is lucky to have these genuine all-stars!

Andrea Ferenczy

Asia Rivera

The doctor that saw me on the emergencies room seemed reasonable. I had a severe tonsilitis. She wanted to make sure it was bacterial before sending me antibiotic. But still she iv some cortisone to lower the size of my tonsils and told me to go buy the antibiotic if i had bacterial infection if they would call me. Gratefully it was just a virus so i had to recuperate on my own with cares.

Eric Speers

100 stars!! My first review ever. Fastest service I have ever had at a hospital. Way to many staff in emerge for patients. Making it the best Ontario healthcare experience of my life.

Rita Shpigel

Nurses were very friendly and the doctors were efficient and clear. The emergency room staff were also very welcoming, helpful and informed. They were able to figure out the problem and give me next steps within a very short period of time. The only negative that I saw was that the food was unappetizing and subpar, and sick and unhealthy people only have this unappealing food to eat.

Kimmie Kardie

This is the best hospital in Toronto. Very caring and professional from the admin to medical staff.

Erez Zobary

If i could give it a 0 I would, the most unfriendly, unorganized and unprofessional staff


Went twice in two days for breathing problems. First time I waited in the Rapid assessment zone for 3 hours and I watched them cycle through 2 full waiting rooms before I decided to ask what was up. Nurse said they were short staffed, then called someone else that showed up well after me to be seen. Went back tonight and I couldn't even get registered. The intake people just kept talking to one and another and looking back at me while I was wheezing. If you need help asap, don't go to this hospital.

Jennifer Corneau

On January 31st I was treated for an angiogram in their "Cardiac Investigation Unit". My nurse " "Michelle V" was nothing other then extraordinary. I would definitely recommend this Hospital to everyone ì know. We definitely need more nurses like "Michelle V"; because my nurse was very competent, understanding, and most of all, my nurse treated me the way she would want her own family to be treated if they were in a Hospital.


Was treated very well by medical and nursing staff.

Sasha Sakic

Claude Khan

Cindy Clayton

My husband just received a double lung transplant and triple heart bypass. All drs nurses everyone are our heroes. I thank them all from the bottom of our hearts. Bless you

Tomasz Pasternak

The surgeons, doctors and nurses here are like saints. Kind, compassionate, understanding and considerate as well as extremely talented. My wife had a serious surgery and was very well taken care of here. The rooms are cleaned twice a day and are kept immaculate. The meals are not always visually appealing but rather tasty! That was a pleasant surprise. Policy is also very important here and the checking of narcotics consumption among other behaviors are closely monitored and verified which helps to improve patient safety. The staff and administration take patient concerns seriously and act to ensure changes are made quickly and effectively when there is a concern brought forward by a patient or family member. Over all an excellent hospital with very special people helping the vulnerable in their time of need. Special thanks to Dr Laframboise and her incredible team, as well as all the staff on 6B, in the OR and PACU for outstanding care of my wife when she needed it most. I'm grateful to you all for your service.

Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi

Worst Hospital in the World that I filed biggest lawsuit against it FOR CONSPIRACY at Ontario Court that went to Supreme Court of Canada Nourhaghighi vs Toronto Hospital et al ( Fifity Defendants including Toronto Police Lawyers and Law Society

Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi

Worst Hospital in the World that I filed biggest lawsuit against it FOR CONSPIRACY at Ontario Court that went to Supreme Court of Canada Nourhaghighi vs Toronto Hospital et al ( Fifity Defendants including Toronto Police Lawyers and Law Society

Ed Ferraz

Noah Topolinski

I was very happy with the level of care and service I received from the staff and doctors at Toronto general hospital.

maureen armstrong

Although it an hospital its meals are tasty and cleanning of rooms are in high level

Paula Weeks

Terrible treatment by the nurses and Dr. Carr. I was sent to emerg by my family doctor and when I got there I was laughed at by the nurses and treated as if I shouldn't be there by Dr. Carr. It was a horrible experience!!!

Mary Butte

Surprisingly clean and safe environment. The doctors and nurses were compassionate and talented. I had a major surgery here and it was very well taken care of.

Don Hamilton

We have been to this hospital several times during the past year. Our experiences with both in-patient and out-patient care have been very positive. The staff are very helpful and competent. The care is excellent.


I applaud the Toronto General Hospital for taking the steps and not to be taking Anti- Vaccinated people into their hospitals. Those people don't deserve to be treated.. They are selfish and do not Care of others. They are causing a significant life threatening issues for people who really need life saving treatments. I hope these people who did not take the vaccine wake up to reality! UHN is A professional health network. ONTARIO PROFESSIONALS

John Smendrovac

Best Doctors and Nurses in Ontario

Tiger Yee


I go to Toronto General Hospital very often for blood work, and more things to do. Everything I do is always very smooth, and no problems at all. Nurses are gems here! :)

Stelth Ng

One of Toronto's best hospitals, clean facilities, great doctors.

Steph k

Orlando at reception was beyond helpful, even though I wasn't feeling well he was a smiling face. He made me feel safe and welcome. Thank you! That meant a lot. ???? Nursing and Dr staff were also kind and helpful. They explained everything to me, made sure I understood. Wait time wasn't bad either, with emergency you know there will be a wait, but it wasn't bad when I went.

Dr.R. Murugesan

Saw the pictures of the various departments of the hospital they are all well maintained



Didn’t believe me when I said I had a broken foot and tried to force me to walk on it. Called my name in the ER reception so I had to crawl on the floor to talk to the nurse. If you’re into degradation - def go here for your healthcare needs.

Jame Tackett

Mount Sinai Hospital, Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Complex which is part of Sinai Health System, is as an internationally recognized 442-bed acute care academic health sciences centre affiliated with the University of Toronto. Clinical strengths include women’s and infants’ health, chronic disease management, specialized cancer care, emergency medicine, and geriatrics. Mount Sinai has been designated with Exemplary Status from Accreditation Canada and every aspect of patient care is anchored in a rigorous quality plan and monitoring of safety and quality goals

Jonathan Van Dongen

Was released today following an unexpected diagnosis. As usual - excellent care both knowledgeable and compassionate. I wouldn't be here today without their latest care. Thank you!

Tiger Yee

Graham B

marshagermaine haga

marshagermaine haga

Tandis Rezaei

Tiago Leonor

Don't bother coming here unless you have a whole day to waste.

Ilias El Ouagari

Shalom Selam


Nicholas Dewkinandan

Hospital is great overall. The staff are kind and considerate. Come here often for medical follow ups and never had a problem.

Dimond M

Wait times are ridiculous, I waited 5 hours and didn't see anyone

Vivian Hua

My name is Tran N.T.. I ' d like thank you all Doctors and Nurses @ Emergency General Hospital on March /10/17 This is the Best Best hospital with patient.. Thank you so much for everything when i be there ..❤❤❤❤

Gary McNish

I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for the Liver transplant i received on January 22nd 2013, from Toronto General Hospital,


I want to be diagnosed with a spinal disc problem. is it can here?

Thiyagu M

Kathleen and all the nurses in Emergency were amazing as well as Doctor Kirby. Such a tough job and we need to make sure we fund these amazing institutions!!

Twin Dragon Kickboxing Woodbridge

This hospital is world class. Undoubtedly some of the best doctors on the planet.

Carmen Franco

Fast Service, Good care from employees!

yuan zuo

Synthia S

Amarpreet Sran

It’s a huge Hospital with a very knowledgeable staff.


I love toronto general hopspital . I had multiple organs transplant in the sick kids Hospital and to cross the street. After transfer over from the kids hospital I. I was reading a free to go to Concord General Hospital b**** cuz I don't know what is it like to go to at the hospital I'm done buster ask the stuff OSC mean which hospital or did you come from I said I'm coming from the curse hospital kids hospital'

Marcelo Gondim

The best nurses and doctors of the GTA

Christina Escobar

I had a scare with a brain aneurysm that took a toll on my and my whole family. Throughout all this Dr. Pereira (neurologists)and his team, especially nurses Bernice and Edgar in medical imaging when I would get my angiograms were amazing. These are the type of Dr and nurses that you wish they all were caring, kind, compassionate and knowledgeable.

Anthina Walker

The worst hospital staff I have encountered. 12 hours in emergency to be told I have to have Gallbladder surgery the same night...As I am finally given a bed I'm told I won't be operated on until two days which would be Tuesday August 7. I'm now in my room in pain and hungry told I also can't eat or drink anything until surgery. So that's two days. I'm in bed with no gown no reassurance as to what's really going on, to then be called by a porter to bring me to OR. Well I have not been given a gown to change or a bag. to put my belongings in. So unfortunately I was rushed to get changed and the porter was so upset that they had not received the message to come and have me ready for surgrry. The two nurses said they did not receive any word on what to do with me. I was told by the porter to leave my panties on and take the rest off. I did as I was asked. As I'm getting my gouwn on the doctor comes and marks where he's going to cut me open and I go down to be operated on. As I'm in or I'm not seeing the doctor just these other ones and I wake up sort of in recovery and my horror of a stay begins. The nurse taking care of me out of the operating room was very kind ,but then she left and I was at the hands of a very reckless Rn all I know is I was thirsty and I was asking if I could drink something and the Philippino lady Rn said no and left.She then turned her attention to the caucasian woman next to me and gave her ice chips she had previously had frozen for her from another floors kitchen. I'm disoriented and feeling dry mouthed, I asked again and she then brought me mouthwash and sponges and a small cup of water. Well I did rinse my mouth out but confused as to why I couldn't drink anything and I was out of surgery ? After resting the same nurse came in and out another bag of morphine on my IV and I'm like whatever... I'm resting and I come to and go pee then I eat some more and start to feel nauseous so I ring the bell and the same nurse came bsck. I then told her how I was feeling and she stood and looked at me and said The IV is coming fast ok you be okay and I tried to feel better by doing the mouth rinse thing and nothing worked so I rang again and the same nurse came back. I told her I was feeling nauseous still and she then says annoyed well I guess you're high and I'm like high??? I'm not trying to be high I'm feeling sick and she like we'll I don't know and leave.Im so upset and confused and feeling like wtf just happened here? So I got up in all my pain i got up and I walked to the nurse's station and asked to use the phone to be discharged. Yes I was that hurt. So I call my older kids to wake them up to come for me and they weren't getting up so I then asked the nurse's if I can speak with the doctor and they said yes they'll call him. When this doctor Ling or Lin he was half asleep and was not interested in ethics issue with the nurse and me feeling nauseous. I'm looking at him rocking like as if he wasn't able to stand due to sleepiness. I asked are you sleeping did I interrupt your sleep or something?? He shrugged and nodded yes andasked me what the issue was after already telling him I said to him to just leave and go back to sleep. Before he left he says ms Walker did you want something for anxiety and I'm like wtf no!!! I'm not anxious I'm upset. He left and I sat in the chair in RM 409-1 and cried. That's all I could do. Then I watched the nurse's not come to tend to me until the blond nurse came back and I told her what happened. She said that nurse won't come to me again for the rest of the night and I didn't see her again. There's more I was given water finally and told I can eat soon as they get things ready for me... Well that never happened and I said screw this and went home and I'm going to report this to patient relations.

David McCarthy

To be honest, I am been treated for pulmonery fibrosis both lungs. Have always found Doctors and staff excellent. Genuinely concerned especially when you get called in for transplant (3 times) 1st not viable, both were good so it was a no for me. I was an alternate. 2 & 3 not viable. On a hurry up and wait.

Afshan Ivon

Thank you for all your support. Staff is amazing!

Good Four

(Translated) Nice, clean, popular Toronto General Hospital. The atmosphere is friendly, the doctors and nurses are friendly and professional. There is a parking for cars, as well as a special parking for ♿ disabled ♿. I want to say a big thank you to all the Toronto General Hospital employees for their excellent work. ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????? (Original) Хороший, чистый, популярный Торонто Генеральный Госпиталь. Атмосфера дружелюбная, врачи и медсестры приветливые и профессионалы своего дела. Есть паркинг для машин, а так же есть специальный паркинг для♿ инвалидов ♿. Хочу сказать огромное спасибо Всем работникам Toronto General Hospital за отличную работу. ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????

Anes Omer

Simply Emie Vlogs

Noon time is perfect timing to come. Not so much traffic that hour and public parking is adjacent to the hospital. Expect individual checking of vaccine record at the entrance.

Anil Kumar

Having difficulty in climbing stairs my cardiologist send me to Toronto General hospital for an angiogram on January 24, 2014. Dr. Overgaard and his assistant was very caring and made me feel very comfortable before the angiogram. After the angiogram Dr. Overgaard gave me the news that I have no choice but to go for coronary bypass surgery at the earliest and he has already talked to the surgeon Dr. Terrance Yau..... Dr. Yau met me at short stay ward. A soft spoken simple man, very caring and explained to me the pros and cons of a coronary bypass surgery and what is the percentage of failures. Gave me paper to sign. The date of surgery was fixed for February 4th 2014. Was scared stiff but a Google search of Dr. Terrance Yau made me confident....... Initial experience at the pre admission clinic was horrible. Women behind the counter maybe from Trinidad or Guyana with seemingly south Asian ancestry was very rude for no valid reason other than maybe she did not like my face. The toilet was dirty and toilet seat with urine. Once out of the pre admission clinic reception, it was comfortable and I spend about 5 hours during which lots of test where done and I was filled up with lots of information..... The day of the surgery, 6 A.M. I found that the staff all over was very friendly and caring. I was guided through all the pre surgery process by very experienced staff. I have to admit that TGH is very huge but very well organized institution. Everyone I met knew what they are supposed to do and well trained in their job. I don't remember when I lost consciousness and I don't remember anything that happened that day. Next day I was moved to a room where I stayed for 4 days before I was discharged. Doctor Yau checked on me and the nurses in the ward was very caring. The Head nurse and Mariam , the nurse during the day was very kind and took good care of me, even if she was upset sometimes when I kept on asking her for cold water. I do have to say that the night nurse, Alysa Leung was the best nurse who took care of me in TGH. It seemed that, for Alysa, selfless service was a devotion than a profession. She went out of her way to take care of patients. Even when I woke up in the middle of the night, buzzed her and asked for "Tea" she did not say NO, said she will try to get tea for me. Went and came back after sometime and told me there is no tea available now, made me feel that at least she tried...... I stayed in a private room for 4.5 days. The cleaning lady never bothered to clean the room or the toilet. Third day after complaining, she came and half halfheartedly cleaned the room. TGH does have a cleaning problem....... Barring my experience in the pre admission clinic and cleanliness issue which I can afford to ignore, I have to admit that I had a wonderful experience in TGH. It is four months and I am in much better shape than I was before, thanks to UHN, and the efforts of people like Dr Terrance Yau, Mariam, Alysa and numerous other staff who took care of me during and after my surgery.......

SM Mohsen

Specious and clean, nicer than other TGH locations.


CanDesk Height Adjustable Standing Desks in Canada

Thank you for your service to the community.

Bridget Pidah

Elle Italiyah

This was by far the best emergency room care ive ever had. I live in Thornhill so I usually went to the emergency rooms at the hospitals up there for my son and I. But i was downtown today and needed emergency care and I was amazed at how kind the nurses were and the doctor that helped me sat and listened to me, looked into my eyes, showed me he was present and cared about my "basic" issue compared to others around me. I wish I remembered his name. It was refreshing to not have nurses and doctors brush me off, ignore me and just presribe stuff just to get me out of there. Thank you all and please keep it up!

Cheryl Moscoe

The BEST hospital in Canada! Excellent staff in all departments. You are well cared for and treated with respect and dignity. I see a number of specialists here and they are all excellent. Full transparency; you can see everything on your file if you create an account.

Manuel Howard

Gareth Zhuo


I went to an emergency and see a doctor very quickly(within 2 hours) and they refered me a specialist which called me the next Monday.

Terrie Cox

Our experience at Toronto General was all good. The staff was excellent, efficient, and very friendly. They went out of their way to help as much as possible.

Christine A

Doctor that I saw was great and very patient with me, but I’ve been waiting here since 2:00pm and it’s now 9:00pm and I’m still here. Unbelievable. These wait times are outrageous

JiaZhen Liang

Silvi E

Had day surgery here and the care was outstanding

Karam Jamalo

Best service, blood and x ray tests are really fast, nice nurses expect the one at the front


Jay Kurt Laroa

this place is a maze! but there were really great staff to show me around


This hospital need to be closed! Staff is rude and ignorant. The system is upside down. Zero stars

Salad Amin


The development and first clinical use of insulin in the treatment of diabetes - 1922 World's first clinical use of the anticoagulant heparin - 1935 World's first external heart pacemaker used in open heart resuscitation - 1950 World's first successful valve transplant - 1955 World's first coronary care unit- 1965 World's first successful single lung transpl(Tom Hall) - 1983 [12]World's first successful double lung transplant (Ann Harrison) - 1986 [12]World's first aortic valve transplant using the Toronto Heart Valve - 1987 [13]Canada's first and largest HIV/AIDS clinic - the Immunodeficiency Clinic - 1994 [12]World's first successful triple organ transplant (lung, liver and pancreas)

More Spinach

A mess of a telephone line and a mess of a reception. In a pinch if you’re close this is fine, but in my experience this was one highly sleepy, unprofessional place with utter disregard for not only me but also around six people waiting with me. All of us were frazzled. They assigned an intern doctor to me, which was redundant as the senior doctor asked the same questions again. All over again. What was the point? He came two and a half hours later. Stupid experience for this ‘free’ medical stuff.

Suleiman Mohd.

arulkumar s

A Nar

Santiago Franc_ouver

Very good atención from all the personal.

Sehar Mangrani

very good hospital

sriiram mohan

Better attention care at third world hospitals which are Also free and immediate. 10 hrs for one ultra sound and still no dr at 3.20 am .

taiyu TONY chan

Scott Hudson

Why is there no long-term psychiatric mental health services available here - my girlfriend was admitted here for a suicide attempt, received one follow-up, and since attempted suicide again. Mental health is not a joke. Why it is continually interpreted as such here is unclear.

Steve Wyatt

Ki-Yoon Thomas Lee (Canada Thomas)

Joe Costello

The doctors try their best for you

Lynda Quach

I checked in here on December 31st and was taken care of with fast and efficient kindness. Thank you for the services and help. The team here was a hardworking bunch.

Roshan Perera

What can I say about this hospital, they saved my life! In November of 2012 I received a double lung transplant at the amazing hospital. The doctors, nurses and all the staff at the hospitals went above and beyond to bring me back from death. Simple amazing Hosipital!!!

Michael Acri

This doctors, nurses and many other staff are truly incredible and second to none. My mother had two major blood clots and required emergency surgury. After an intense 3 weeks in the ICU (1 week in a coma). And another 3 weeks on the floor, my mom is feeling much better and almost back to her regular self! I cant thank the UHN team enough! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for saving my moms life!

Katherine Kryukova

Great hospital, great staff! Attend in a timely manner and treat patients with respect. Naturally, there is a bit of a wait time to get the procedure scheduled.

Tom Nitsch

Very busy ER but great people. Kudos to staff, RNs and DRs for making it work.


An amazing hospital my dad had something wrong and we didn’t know what it was and brought him to the ER. He was treated very fast and since by nurses who were so kind and helpful. The doctors we saw are top notch and they figured out he had an infection in his stomach and is now on the mend. They do a lot tests and make sure they fellow you with you. I can see why this is one of the top rated hospitals globally.

Merri Salmoni

I took my husband for an MRI at 2AM Oct 13. I have to say the nurse was so nice, that it made for a very pleasant experience, in the middle of the night. She was professional, accommodating and helpful with an air of empathy. We would not have asked for better care.

Shivali Srivastava

Very clean

Luna Liu (Lunaismoon)

The service here was so bad. I came here at noon and now is 5:57. Waiting more than 4hours. And still the nurses was so rude and impolite. Seriously, if you can go to the clinic never come to the hospital!

Mohaab Ali

Billy Rotten

Why this hospital insists on giving times for appointments boggles my mind. You're always waiting for hours after your scheduled times. Staff are super slow and unmotivated. Get to work you lazy slow buggers, you people would never hold a job in construction.

Eric Dingman

The leading hospital in Toronto and part of university Health network. World class Munk centre for cardiac and transplant. Centrally located with good public transit access. Parking is available but expensive. Food court and shops on lower level are convenient for visitors and in-patient alike.


abas fulad

greatful, good staffs and nursing. specially surgery section and letshia from brazil .

Chandler Jones

Kevin Jackson

Went there in the evening for a CT scan. The staff at the desk gave me contrast liquid (barium) to drink at intervals, but neglected to inform me to stir the liquid before drinking it. As a result there was a thick disgusting sludge at the bottom. When I went back to the lady at the front desk, she said "well drink it up" and "go in the washroom and put some wast er in it". What a jerk for not even apologizing. I expect much better client services from TGH. Somebody in medical imaging please speak to this woman!

Mamad Senator

Love you

John Norton

This hospital is truly amazing in the work that they do. This is where the Pace Maker was invented! And where countless medical breakthroughs have taken place. Some of the best doctors in the world work here. If your going to get sick and nearly die.... this is definitely the place for you! Very little chance of death here, And if you do die... Great news! there is a good chance there is a doctor working who can probably bring you back.... maybe.

Senses Interior Design

Unfortunately, I have been in and out of hospitals in the past few years with ovarian cancer (now in remission). ???????? I had a double mastectomy preformed by Dr. Toni Zhong, and Dr. Leong and I am in awe of the professionalism, calming bedside manner before the surgery and the constant care and follow-up I received after the surgery. The nurses and everyone else I came in contact with were kind and on their game with my recovery. I have read this is the number one hospital in Canada and number 4 in the world. With this type of care I understand why. Thanks to the entire team!! Kelly

Christopher Chen

Nick Palmieri


Here where my husband was given the gift of life :) There is a mussalla room for muslims where employees and visitors can come and pray. There is those stones for ship to pray on too. Full respect for this thoughtful administration who let this place to exist. Please if you have time come and vaccum this place or fold those prayer dresses once every while !

Gary T

I had a 1pm appointment at the balance center and they managed to actually see me on time. I find that's very rare in most medical offices.

Kerry Gibbins

Staff are amazing. Doing the best they can. A+ (Spent 3 weeks for a kidney transplant)

Dr. Patricia Galata

My dad recently had surgery with Dr. Lee and his team this past Thursday. I want to express my gratitude to Dr. Lee and the whole team on behalf of my dad. My dad is doing so well and he was so thoroughly impressed and appreciative of all the care he received. We thank you for taking such good care of my dad, Dr. Lee, nurses and staff. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! - Patricia (Vasile's daughter)


Nika khedri

Greg Polimis

I had an unplanned visit on May 17, 2017. Went head over the bars on my bike and face-planted. I was admitted around 19h45 and discharged around 04h30 on the morning of May 18th. Might seem a long time (especially when you're wearing a neck brace) but better safe than sorry. I was well cared for, staff were all top notch and I've nothing but the utmost respect and appreciation after that visit.

Carle Churly

An excellent hospital with great care and excellent people. However as with all Ontario hospitals, the Ontario the Government provides nearly inedible food unsuited to peoples dietary needs.


Mathew Liam Sousa

hang _

""Epiploic appendagitis", look it up, only very rare case people get this decease. i would understand it if they cannot figure it out. BUT THEY FIGURED IT OUT. they are the best.

David Villanueva

Where do I start? From Drs. Hamilton and Jewett, his assistant, Kerry, the blood lady, Marie, to the nurses at the hospital, Nick, Serje, and Tathiana, and everyone else we had contact with; THANK YOU! A cancer diagnosis is nothing short of terrifying. The surgery is intimidating. You are never lonelier than when you confront your own mortality. But the entire staff at this hospital is there to help, to encourage, to comfort, to push as much as you need them to, and to be a shoulder to cry on - not just for the patient, but also for the patient's family. Having you all as our teammates, has made this battle for me and Melissa much easier. We are eternally grateful to all of you. We actually love you guys. Thanks for everything!

Jayne Lee

The front staff are kind of rude depending on who is working but the majority of the nurses are very nice and polite. No one likes to visit the hospital but this is one of the more decent ones.

Bria Adderley

Simeon Mparoutoglou

grant sobkowicz

Wonderful Hospital!!! Went to the ER for a prescription refill and i was in and out in no time!! Very friendly staff!!!

Valerie White

I would like thank Dr. Thomas Waddell, Dr. Elliott Wakeman, Dr. Allison Wallace, and the entire surgical team that performed the Thoracic surgery on me. They did an incredible job. I have never seen surgeons so compassionate and the kindness they have shown me, is something I have never received from other surgeons. I also want to thank the entire nursing staff on the 10th floor, Thoracic Surgery unit, from Step Down to the ward I was in, for the care and support they each gave me. There was something special in the nurses, I had. Each time they came to assist, they always had a smile on their faces. It made my recovery much easier and I don't think I would be doing so well if it weren't for the kindness, compassion and care they each gave me. There are too many nurses to mention, but you should all be proud of yourselves. I have never seen such hard working nurses and you were always available when called. Thank you all again. Valerie White

Rebecca Taylor

At this hospital I have encountered nice nursing staff & NOT so nice staff! When you come to this hospital for one sickness problem you have, they seem NOT to help with something else and you have to beg for it, to get the other help for. They put you in one room with three other people & 1 washroom to share. This hospital is not as clean as I thought it would be, cleaning staff don't clean rooms where patients are but only in the hallways, also hate the fact that the paint on walls & floor boards coming apart need some repairing & a fresh coat of paint! I also find the Doctors seem to want to get you out of their Hospital in a HURRY, even you think you are not really ready!!!!!!!! NOT HAPPY at all !!!?

Cute Mia

Steffen Manderla

Great hospital if you need one. The Cardiac unit is the BEST they saved my life.

Thabotharan Sivanesan

Shahla Bashar

After being hospitalized for three times and also as an outpatient for quite sometimes I can tell you that it’s the worst hospital I have ever seen. It has so many good doctors but it’s dirty and The management does not pay attention to protocol of keeping their environment clean and the patients safe.

Rami Theobald

fab Sic

The nicest nurses and doctors I have encountered.

Lumberton Cres

Not so bad. Some staff need to get off their high horse and remember people are people. Compassion goes a long way. Don't expect miracles when you come here for smaller problems and their emergency room is tiny, but they are doubling its size in the coming years. Stock up on snacks, fluids and expect at least a 4 hour wait in the ER. They will always give you a warm blanket or basin if you need it, or help you find the washroom.

Gregory D.

Saad S

Great facilities.

T Crave

There a lot cleaner. just no more visits!

Eden glan

Dr. Gilbert is an outstanding surgeon and gentleman. He is honest, straightforward, and has an aura of confidence that is quite comforting to a patient. If Dr. Gilbert is your surgeon, you're in the best possible hands. J. Glanville

Jennifer Reid

be joly

I give 1 star for the building inside direction It's very confusing! t's like ur in the movie fracture lol.. doctors and nurses I can give 5 star

Stephen Bell

Amazing nurses and doctors from the moment I entered the ER to being admitted here for 5 days. They truly set the bar high and I couldn’t have asked for better care! Thank you TGH!

erina yamada

Violet Backwell

Recently I went to do some tests and the two technicians were totally amazing. This was my first time going to this hospital and the care that I gotten was outstanding. The first technician that I seen, she was very sweet and explained to me what she was going to do before she did it. The doctor i've seen was amazing and very respectful. To my surprise everyone had called me with the correct name and thank you for that.


Emergency physician Dr. Carly Ng and Nurse Tass were absolutely amazing. I'm so used to dealing with rude/dismissive doctors and nurses. But these two were absolutely incredible, so sweet and caring. Thank you so much!!!


This hospital (emergency room) faces a huge number of malpractice law suits and they lost 89.6% of the trials. So, needless to say, if you want to live, you are better off not checking in there

Ali T

Dr. Raghu Venugopal really listens and was so kind. Highly Recommend this doctor in ER at this hospital. Registration receptionist is tedious but after seeing Dr. Raghu and Sarah i was in less pain. Really appreciate their professional service and advise.


4 hours in emergency room and no one came


Denz B

Twin Power

I used to like this hospital until today. I been waiting to go to the bathroom for hours and a doctor said that they where going to send a nurse to help me. So when a nurse came to me hours later, I told her that the doctor was to send someone to help me to the bathroom, and she just looked at me and said that no one told her. If you are going to come to this hospital, just be ready to wait for help to go to the bathroom. If you tell a doctor that you have to go pee and you need help to the bathroom, they won't they will say that they will get a nurse to help you to the bathroom, but they make you wait for 2 and a half hour to go. That's what happened to me. Then if I call the nurse for pain medicine they tell me that I am to early for it. Then the nurse turn around and tell me why I didn't call them for anything for the pain.

Martin Malaison

I would like to thank the doctors and staff for my visit yesterday, how empathetic and professional they were, the speed at witch tests and care were provided, everything was done in one day at one hospital.

Heart Surgery

The russian guy and the young Elena Vidaya(I hope I’m not wrong with the her name but I have their photos) made fun and laugh while making a hole in a old patient’s lungs Yong nurse telling russian guy to talk to the patient in russian language The other nurse told them not to, I told them you guys are at the hospital and can not do this but the russian nurse (or a moron I can say) said “ whatever he says) and his laughter gets louder.

Tuquay Mckie-Miller

Alan Arkilander

On July 17th, 2008 I had a prostatectomy at TGH performed by Dr. Fleshner. He and his team were amazing. The care I received at TGH and followup was 110%. Subsequently due to radiation damage to my bladder I attended the Hyperbaric Chamber Unit to help heal the damage. Dr. Wayne Evans is head of the unit. He is very knowledgeable and caring. His team reflects the high standards that he sets and help make the therapy that much more comfortable. This non-invasive healing therapy is one of the best kept secrets in our health care system.

Eric Wong

Anthony Molek

crazy place

Angela Chen

lalit vatish

My Brother was admitted to hospital in March 2016.for kidney transplant He had a successful kidney transplant, but died within a week. After kidney transplant he was moved to regular ward after 3 days. He was perfectly well and started eating solid food and urination, as his body accepted the kidney. He started complaining about his leg pain on Wednesday Apr 6 morning. But doctor and nurses advised that it is due to lying on bed and will be fine. Papers were prepared to release him on Friday 8 April, 2016. Half hour before his release, he collapsed with a cardiac arrest. It took doctors almost a full night to figure out that he was infected with eEcoli, which in turn has turned into flesh eating disease. They operated on him but it was too late to save him. He passed away early 2nd week of April 2016. I always thought TGH is the best hospital, where they can revive a dead person. But I lost a healthy live person, who was ready to go home. Who was responsible? Why EColi was not checked before? Why it took them so long to confirm Flesh Eating Disease? Why Why Why – No answers..Ignorance by doctors, nurses - - Who I blame - Over worked staff - Inexperienced Doctors- or my destiny!!! I am not able to start internal inquiry into this death as I am not unauthorized person, even being a brother. I just want to find who was responsible for ? Was it the head nurse who put him in room which was joint to another room with patient - I asked her to change the room but I was assured there is no risk for infection from other patients, who were there on day to day temporary basis - one of the patient required visitors to put gowns or the doctors who operated on him, who later pointed the fingers that it is not their fault - its other floor services fault or the nurses who attended him while he was recovering or the nurses who always complained that they have to cover two floors and when called they took 3-4 hours to show up as they are busy, or the nurses who sleep during the night duty and it is considered normal. I dont know where to go to get these answers. Any advice from anybody, hospital , public - I am not after money but trying to put the processes right for future so it does not happen to somebody else or myself going there for treatment.

Nathan McCabe

Carolina Yaffé

Toronto Discovery

One of the best hospitals, signing in was easy and fast. No troubles at all. I had some issues with swelling and was looked after had to see a couple of doctors and each one was beyond their typical bedside manner. I felt cared for at this hospital. A special thanks to Dr Mok(female) ent, Dr Wong(male),Dr Yaphe(male) in the Emergency Ward. When you employ such wonderful doctors , the integrity give the hospital good reputation Praises to such a well run team!

Brittany Cunningham

Had a decent experience here when I took my boyfriend to emergency. The wait was fairly long but at least they gave us a bed and everyone was very nice and polite and helpful.

Calwyn Dollard

Саидахмад Кодиров

Carrie Ferri

Ron Grant

First rate doctors, surgeons and nursing staff. I had a transplant here, and everything went perfectly. Care in the hospital was excellent, and friendly. Follow-up care team is exceptional. Very impressed. Sorry to read of people that had a bad experience, but either they ran into unusual circumstances, or perhaps they need to realize that medical staff are not miracle workers, but rather just other people doing a job to the best of their ability, with an incredibly complex 'machine'. (and one that varies from person to person.)

shaghayegh mousavi

Ron Arnold

I acquired nice nursing staff and ate tasty meals.

Mohammed Al-Mansob


Bill Alguire

The best in the world, I should know, it is my Hotel California.

Anu Sai

Shujjah Tariq

Kamyab F

Katie Daniels

I recently had an MRI at Toronto General Hospital and the experience was great. First I got my appointment within a week of the request, and I don't have a serious health issue. The team (all women) were very kind and efficient, they were on time, I was in and out within an hour.

Trevor Brumwell

Good hospital, well maintained, friendly nurses, usual hospital wait times and red tape.

Zarz Ch

Seems like the doctors and nurses aren’t sure about what they’re doing. Kept me waiting with no food no drink for about 2 days now for a 30 min surgery. VERY CONFUSING AND NEGLECTING. At least took 15 bottles of blood, God knows what are they doing. Health care is free in this country but it’s absolutely trash

Vikas k

Diana Daley

I am very grateful for this facility, the staff I encountered there all helped to save my life seven years ago. Thanks

Hayden Silver

rupinder mundi

r l

Justin Hurren

Connor Jarvis

Cle Hendo

Been waiting for 2 hours. 1 person was overdosing on medication and was having difficulty staying conscious and they didn’t do anything for 40 min. I pointed out a used pee pad on the floor, security guard walked up, kicked it a foot and did nothing.


Staff seemed more interested on flirting with each other than actually helping the patients


I was stunned by some of the reviews. Some were impossible to understand and one seemed to focus on the food court! I have spent a lot of time in this facility over the past 10 years eventually requiring a liver transplant done by a team of Doctors, nurses, Radiologists, ..... the list is very long. I always had excellent care and if it looked like a problem was about appear or if I had questions the situations were resolved prior to the end of the day. I am still tied to the transplant team and wil be until my death. I am comforted by this as they remain a highly skilled team that will deal with any health problems I may encounter. As for the food court, any of my visitors had good things to say about the various shops they tried. I will say that I did eat a fair bit of the Druxeys and their Chicken Soup aided my recovery! This IS a world class hospital and I have always felt I could trust the various professionals with my some times fragile health. Remember, Hospital NOT Hilton! K D Johncox Muskoka

CK Angola

The best hospital ever, saved my mother life several time, yes, did some professional had a poor judgement(wait too long for surgery) that put her at risk, but at end everything work out good. My mother loved that care, that hospital, all doctors, unfortunately, she had a seizure and ambulance took her to Michael Garron (The worse Hospital ever-run) and they did no had a EEG and so many mistakes, that lead her to her death after 21 days of hospitalization and blame of her cancer that was stable. Anyway - In honor of my mother "ANTONIA CONTREIRAS", i am rating this hospital the BEST HOSPITAL EVER

Alexa W

worst hospital EVER, gaslit by employees.

Big Neechi94

palin yip

hesham sayeh

Osher Joseph

Iris Singh

Ed Qu

Worst ER ever. One doctor only in the emergency during the night. Extremely Long wait. The doctor is very slow, nurses give different answers about the que snd wait time. Really very bad

Jason Barrie

Utterly useless incompetently managed hospital services...

Delores Rependa

The doctors I had this time were absolutely amazing, Henry and Sarah , thank you so much for the compassion and caring you showed me it was truly appreciated on all levels!!!

Séana Stewart

Spent a week in the psych ward at Toronto General and have never had a better experience. Doctors and nurses were extremely attentive and caring. I felt welcome, and safe. For anyone needing to go to the hospital for mental health reasons, I cannot recommend Toronto General enough.

Carlos Arr


lucy kissoon

Fred Smith

The correct address is 200 Elizabeth Street and the hospital is so large that it also has an address on University Ave. One of the best hospitals in Canada

Brianna Ainsworth

Yanan Zhang

Devon Bell

Clean and safe

jenni Kim

C. Karr

For those of you at this hospital from secretaries, clinical staff, and admin who were extremely rude, derogatory and/or condescending towards me, stereotyped and harassed me for the time I was here, if you are having a hard time now it is your bad karma catching up with you for being mean to ethnic minorities like myself. I also noticed some of you were even quite rude to ethnic fellows despite them being of a higher status than you, not that it is acceptable to be rude to anyone. Absolutely reprehensible.

Annetta Robinson

Lucke bryan

ggyyg 7788

Sanam S

erjian lu

Nicole Guitard

canada glenn

Attentive, polite, efficient.

Erick Woolsey


Pretty bad I think this hospital is underfunded and under staffed which puts more stress on employees and affects there job output.

Zaryab Shafiq

I want to visit there.

Emma Fren

Damian D

Amrit Dhoot

Great staff and er in and out in less than 3 hours


Aaliya Sayed

Dianne Lalonde

the nurses could not address me using proper noun which really upset me. I constantly reminded them to stop. I eventually had enough and left they are now under review.

Mike Benefits

I wasn’t even at the hospital for two hours when the X-ray tech tried to steal my cell phone. What kind of stuff do you employe.

Irina N Tchaguina Tchaguina

my concern how some of those doctors become doctors? Very dissapointed. I'd like the ministry of health to have such "treatment" what we had and do something. i understand there is a shortage of doctors in canada..........but it would be better to have none than such phisicians( Pulle and his helper ) that we recently had on June 26. The prescriptions which we had indomethacin 50 mg 3 times for 3 days for the pain with no tests just taken from the file is so wrong and dangerous that we dont know what to do .i am in shock. the pharmacist worried when he saw the prescription and called that Pulle to confirm if he really wanted the patient to take those medications. Now i fully understand why.........

Stephanie Mora

For sure one of the best hospitals you will ever see. Doctors and nurses in the emergency department are the best! Emergency department staff are friendly, have tons of knowledge and really care about patients.


Bridget Pidah

Jennifer Young

Jennifer Young

Chill Machine

Well run. Clean and organized. Staff friendly and helpful. Great on site choices for fast food.

Russell English

Great hospital for anything heart related.

Cold as Icee

Terrible!!!! The front receptionist has some rotten attitude. She just completely ignores patients when they go up to the window. The first ER doctor that saw me was so nice and smart and was polite and respectful. The next morning, I had a different doctor,who i believe was just training. He had a terrible, rude, bedside manner. He didn't even know what he was talking about! I had to correct him and explain the medical situation and told him to read my chart because he had no clue what I was talking about. He didnt even read my test results! I had to tell him!. Then he came back in the room with another dr who had the same poor beside manner but at least she knew what she was doing. If I wasn't so on the ball and knowledgeable myself, I would have just been sent home and then would have ended up returning by ambulance. This is supposed to be a reputable hospital. They shouldn't have clowns working for them. And yes , I'm angry because this dr should not be seeing patients until he's properly trained! People's lives at stake!!!


Jeremy Clarckson

Doctors and nurses are top notch, wait time is quiet long but thats not their fault!

israth sayda

Марина Шихман

zan c

Haven't been here, but why do I keep seeing the exact same sentences in a bunch of different reviews? EX: The staff and administration take patient concerns seriously and act to ensure changes are made quickly and effectively when there is a concern brought forward by a patient or family member. Over all an excellent hospital with very special people helping the vulnerable in their time of need. Special thanks to Dr Laframboise and her incredible team, as well as all the staff on 6B, in the OR and PACU for outstanding care of my wife when she needed it most. I'm grateful to you all for your service. My wife had a serious surgery and was very well taken care of here. The rooms are cleaned twice a day and are kept immaculate. The meals are not always visually appealing but rather tasty! That was a pleasant surprise. Policy is also very important here and the checking of narcotics consumption among other behaviors are closely monitored and verified which helps to improve patient safety. My dad had the David procedure invented by world famous dr. Tyrone David and it was nothing but a success. I'm always happy when I go to this hospital easy access by subway lots of parking by the hospital always clean and like I stated very professional. I wish all hospitals were like this across Ontario and the world. To the people that make up the whole team at Toronto General Hospital smile and be proud for what you do. To the people behind the scenes that we don't see good job and making this a top-notch hospital thanks to everyone Toronto General hospital you are number one The team at this hospital is always on there A game. This hospital staffs some of the greatest doctors on this planet. The whole team at this hospital should not go unnoticed they are top class and every single department.

صالح الفقير

Calvin Li

TGH Rank #1 in Canada for a reason, experienced and compassionate from cleaners, nurses to the doctors, I recently donate my kidney to my wife, surgery went great, post op just Tylenol XS, the whole process was fine tune and the hospital with 5k-6k staff work like a well oiled machine. We are blessed to have world class hospital in our city. Big thx to Julie, Bee-Jay, Dr Kim, Dr Ghanekar, Dr Singh keep up the good work ????


Great communication and direct calling

Duncan Robinson

I was referred to the emergency section of the hospital by my insurance company. the waiting time was far too long (4 hours ) for an hospital emergency. But after being attended to, I was very pleased with the effency and professionalism of the staff.

Susan Porcarelli

This review is meant to recognize the amazing doctors and nurses at Toronto General Hospital. In particular, Dr. Sanjog Kalra who performed my angioplasty. The procedure took 4 1/2 hours, and if it was not for the amazing staff, in particular, Dr. Kalra, I would not have been able to make it through this procedure. He put me at ease especially when he knew I was getting restless. After the procedure, he even took the time just sit with me and have a conversation, to get to know me a little better which made me feel like he really cared about me and my recovery. All of the staff at Toronto General Hospital were professional and caring. Dr Kalra I can’t thank you and your staff enough, for everything you did to support me through this difficult time. Adriano Porcarelli

Aria Manny

Danni Harminc

My mother had a very serious heart attack and was brought to Toronto Gen by Toronto Paramedic Services. This review is based on what she has said as well as what I have experienced while visiting her. The nurses that have we have met, the ones who come to see her every hour to take her vitals and check on her are intelligent, compassionate and friendly. They introduce themselves, they listen to her and answer questions. They take their time, they don't rush. She is well cared for.

Eric Bosma

Kevin Cadsby


Excellent experience

Ritu Bhardwaj

Feridoun Pourhadi

It looked like to me the people in emergency were RACIST people

August Graves

1 STAR. I came in with severe poisoning and dehydration, was called a "bedbug" and kicked out "to vacate bed for dying people"!

Paul Adario

Marenglen PAJAJ

Abel B

Amanda Stoneage

It is easy to see why Toronto General Hospital is ranked as one of the best hospitals in the world. Everyone from the nurses to the doctors are highly trained with great experience and all super nice. I cannot thank the nurses and doctors enough for helping a couple family members through some challenging health issues.

Maria Cristina Plastina

The old part of the hospital is a bit ran down. However, the staff is awesome and very professional!

Mandeep Singh


Horrible bureaucratic red tape with this hospital's billing system.I am now being harassed for over 6 months with a supposedly unpaid ambulance charge.This was resolved in June with the hospital with assurances it was taken care of.No one returns my several messages to hospital billing other depts I have been referred to. When you do reach someone they blame their assistants for the mix up tell me it's resolved. Highly doubt that as I just rec'd another call from collections. Avoid this hospital like the plague.The stress is worse that the reason I went there which was a life and death situation. Finally went to Sunnybrook and rec'd excellent care.

Ashly Efrayim

One of the best hospitals in the world, the staff and doctors are amazing. They helped my mother in her ordeal for months. We are very thankful to everyone at Toronto General Hospital

Justin Hurren

Vanessa Pulla

I am currently laying in a bed at emerge and the doctors, nurses and receptionist have been so incredible. They were calm, understanding and so informative. My experience has been wonderful.

Richard Daniels

Best doctors. UHN has the best systems and should be replicated across the province.

Graham Stansfield

craftmans furniture

Muhammad Azam Khan

Marvelous State of art hospital.

ron liggety

Dave Wong

shobha rao

Cindy Ma

World class staff. Thank you for taking such good care of my mother.

Naz A

My daughter was taken to emergency with severe stomach pains. She waited SIX hours before they could locate an ultrasound technician since they suspected appendicitis. Apparently there is only one ultrasound technician that is shared amongst THREE hospitals during the night shift. This is totally unacceptable. My daughter was very fortunate since they found later that the appendix was inflammed but had not ruptured. I hate to think of the consequences had it ruptured since they had no way of knowing before the ultrasound was done. TGH MUST invest in extra ultrasound technicians. Apart from this very important point, the service after that was SUPERB. The doctors, nurses and all staff involved were very attentive, efficient, compassionate and caring. Once they get extra technicians, I have no hesitation in giving them a rating of 5 star plus!! Keep up the excellent work!

Homeira Mirhashemian

I am writing this review to thanks Dr. Rostein and his group of professionals for my thyroid surgery. However, I am not happy with the after surgery service at Toronto General Hospital. The personnel were not available when I needed them. Whenever, I asked for help for going to the washroom, I had to ring the bell twice and the nurse came to help me after 15 to 20 minutes. They lost my belongings ( which had label on it) ,they could finally find them after two hours and after asking them many times. The hallways , close to rooms which patients are resting were very noisy. The staff were talking together and laughing with very loud voices. Overall, the situation was not professional or organized. Hope to see some positive changes.

Joyce Konadu

hUyas truasn


The Pinch

We stumbled in at 5 AM for lung cancer surgery. Everyone was very kind, professional, and concerned that we got to the right place, even taking the time to walk us there. The surgery went very well. We are indebted to TG and the staff.

alberts chan

Christien Godin

From front desk, to the nurses, and the doctor. Each and every one of them was courteous, professional, and made my visit as comfortable as they possibly could.

Akar Dlzar

Helo dear plaese help me resend qusgen me im fire hangry my counntry dont have d.k body


Bubba Hee

Alisha T

Carole Catterall

Best health care and staff is amazing.


Amazing Doctors and such caring Nurses! I was there for a week and was treated like family. Definitely made a huge difference in my recovery. GOD bless this hospital!!!

Peel region Brampton

jionghui wu

My first experience with this hospital is terrible, some Emergency Doctor is unprofessional , uncaring and lack of sympathy. The hospital also print my first name wrongly on the wrist tag.

Stephen York

Jay Gee

There incomptance killed my father.

Maureen Jansen

Good and clean. Workers are very kind too

Sh Dh

Adeola Ajiboye

Maher HaNt

Great Clinical Placement

Ludmyla N

Professionals I trust

Ирина Попова

Worst reception. Worst services. That not review about doctors and nurses. I'm writing about administration.

Jay Cee

Jennifer Penney

In an emergency picked based on Apple Maps quickest proximity to home and really glad we did. Kind, caring and thoroughly investigative - from triage to overnight and day Nurses, Dr's, PT/OT teams, Pharmacist, Technicians, Students, PSWs, Social Workers, Maintenance and even the Tim Horton's crew on the 1st floor. Everyone works really well together to make a stressful situation - easier and manageable. Thank you TGH. You are world-class and with heart.

Ana Martinez

Terrible with the way they treat families of patients who have lost a loved one. Imagine being called down because your sister passed and they don't let you in and being told that They're hospital isn't a lobby. Terrible service, poor …

ANNE Grant

My husband and I were the "Hospital Parents" for a family friend while he donated a kidney to his 26 month daughter. Every single person visited our friend in the pre-op room and asked questions and gave assurance to the patient. Half way through the operation, a nurse named Georgia came out to tell us about our friend's progress. Georgia was informative, professional and caring! What an excellent example of a gentle woman she is! Thank you! Anne Grant


Anonymous User

Triage nurse in the ER did not do their job and evaluate me, instead they asked me to wait in the waiting room to fill out forms. I don’t believe I got copies of all my test results, nor was I able to receive a bill for the ambulance co-pay. They lied to me and said the ambulance co-pay wouldn’t be covered for anyone in Ontario, when in fact it is covered for everyone with extended health insurance. So I had to pay out of pocket and it was too late to get reimbursed by the time I found out that the hospital lied to me! I had to leave my valuables in the ER exam room and wasn’t allowed to take them with me for the abdominal ultrasound, which was very painful! The doctors were just concerned with making me a guinea pig for their residents and the nurse was the one who figured out what was wrong with me...they didn’t even ask my permission to bring in all these residents to evaluate me.

Harry Zhang



Fortunate to have in Toronto

Ted Aman

Excellent hospital and excellent care in Cardiac center. Clean hospital and wonderful doctor, nurses and staff.

Jaylen Moultrie

Gino Belvedere

Aleksandra Vasilieva

Best hospital ever. More clean and they take their jobs very seriously than any other hospitals.

Alastair S

security is rude

Bethany Gleesond

Paul Martins

Stephen Tucker

Alex Charteris

Mark D.

TGH's doctors, nurses and staffs are getting paid because they charge patients enormous amounts of OHIP fees from our taxpayers dollars, and yet they treat patients the worst way possible. Disrespectful towards patients, TGH staffs don't deserve my taxpayer dollars.

David Crowley

They are the best in the medical and personal field and just great andd amazing


Joanna Poblocka

Imran Dossa

Jon Dawson

Forcing the jab on their employees, shameful

tonkatough _

Fahima Saruian

their nurses are so caring and they took good care of me well.



Toronto General's okay. The doctors were nice but don't dig deep enough to find the root of the problem, rather cover up the problem with a bandaid. It's still one of the better hospitals in Toronto, but compared to the world, it's quite lacking in the ER department.

Ichigo Ryu

Jamie Fergusson

Julie Lex

I have spent time in a few hospitals in my life and the treatment of patients that i have witnessed over the last week is DISGUSTING!!! The doctors hardly showed their faces in a week and the nurses, especially on the General Medicine ward (14th floor) need to go back to school and learn some humility. I witnessed patients being treated with ZERO compassion, ZERO respect and the level of care and communication was appalling. On the wall of the ward is a tree and leaves that compliment the nurses, doctors and care...i did not experience any of this!!! They do not listen to their patients and their response time to patient needs is so long...if i was not there to keep going out to find them i don't think they would have come at all. I will never let a member of my family be treated there again!! If i could make this review without selecting a star, i would have given it a negative star!!!!! A TOTAL DISGRACE FOR ANY HOSPITAL NEVER MIND A "WORLD CLASS" TEACHING HOSPITAL!!!!!

Larry Chen

Mike Chateau

Very clean hospital and nice staff

Orville Palmer

Cornerpark Lodge Ltd Paul Sweeney

Steve Miller

My wife was here for a double heart valve replacement (Ross Procedure) Simply Amazing. The staff made this hard experience tolerable and were all very upbeat (well there was one grumpy nurse, but hey I don’t know what they were dealing with). Nursing can’t be easy and I think “They” truly do have a tough job and are likely underpaid for what they have to deal with. Dr. David was simply the best darn doctor I’ve encountered. The staff, nurses and even peer-doctors had a respect for Dr. David that I’ve never seen before. Almost to the point they would bow at his feet. What a sweet man and he was so kind to my wife... oh-ya and he basically extended/saved her life. We are very grateful to have been referred on to him. Thank you, thank you.


I went there to do some tests. The lady by the entrance to the right, long dark curly hair asking the covid screening questions is not very "friendly" - definitely unwelcoming. If you are in a bad mood, don't take it out on visitors- especially early in the morning...before 8 am...

Isaac Keast

Isaac Keast

Isis Shaukallah Ibrahim

Excellent & Nice Good treatment by highly qualified Heads & Staff members

Kate Stanuch

My dearest friend was admitted to cardiac care yesterday. I am in the US and have been trying to call for a status for over one hour and no one answers a phone. I have tried several different numbers that all end up at the hospital operator and the phone rings for at least 20 times and no one has answers. This is very frustrating for loved ones to not be able to get a status of a patient.


Very rough nurses and the doctors just want you out

William Thomas

Mari G

I don't normally write bad review here. But I feel that I have to let people know about this. The system of the emergency room is confusing. You have to go through a few rounds until you get to see the real doctor. That means the waiting time is forever. And the worst is that they let the person whose daughter seems to be a nurse to get in front of others who are much earlier there. The daughter first squeezed his father through the blood test, then when they came inside she stopped the doctor who has called me to the room. The doctor just switched records, went to see his father... I questioned the doctor, but he just said he is doing his job and it is based on individual case. I understand if someone indeed has serious situation, they need to be taken care of first. But I don't see the person has any sign of suffering and he looks much better than people who are earlier than him. If his situation is indeed serious, the assessing nurse would have put him in front of others rather than until his daughter talked to the doctor....very disappointed

Kimia Asadpour

Janice Stronge

Best doctors ever nurses are great. If you need a specialist they make all the arrangements and they have the best website where you can find all your results your appointments and they send you email reminders what more can you ask for.


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