Well, after i had finally completed paying $10 000.00 for my schooling, more than half way through the school year I was kicked out because of the teachers blabbermouth husband that I had no idea even was her husband until I had already told this man all about the course I was so excited to be in.
At this point he replied
"Oh my wife teaches their."
At this point I returned to school,
And suddenly I was watching my grades go from 80s and 90s to 50's and under for incredible work. i could not figure out what in earth...
I had even caught them at one point marking my work without even opening it.
I finally had to confront them about a project that recieved under 50 percent but was worth 100 percent and was also clearly the best in the class. They then gave it a new mark of 68 or so, again without really looking inside.
I was shortly after kicked out of school for an attendance not near as bad as girls who had had their school paid for and chose to miss every Friday for fun, meanwhile they were aware i was working full tine to pay to come to school, also full time.including 8:40-6 on Wednesday.
The night I accidently met her husband I had been at work, which happpened to be a strip club, that was at the time, paying for my school.
The teachers were aware of that before I even signed up and before I gave them their first dollar.
So there I am, discussing how excited i was to be in the course.. But the lap I was sitting on as to pay for my school one night, happened to be on of the teachers husbands.
Within those next 2 weeks were when my grades had misteriously dropped per project and test assigned, ... I was kicked out before i could even catch a clue as to what had happening
The worst part about the class is the teachers dont even know half the material in a text book they read about 12 times a year. According to them there is no such thing as correcting psoriasis through tanning .. even though it has a aection in the mddle of the text book saying so.
They will also argue until they are blue in the face that tgere is no such thing as organic, and forced me to die my hair brown aayinf if you wanr to exoress yourself do it in make up. meanwhile they are both blonde.
They are pathetic theives and I should have demmanded refund , but got nothing instead.
10 Grand and 1 year down the drain because some one cant keep their husband at home while they were fully aware thats how I was paying for the course.
They waited patiently for my last 400$ payment and kicked me out the same day that they accepted it.