I had the displeasure of being approached by Chris, the owner of this gym. I was not exercising at Gridiron strength however, I was training at Anytime Fitness on Edinburgh. Chris watched me as I exercised, being sure to watch even after I left the room he was exercising in and got my personal information from the employees at Anytime fitness. He is extremely creepy, unprofessional and approaches young women to make them feel like they need his help. His behaviour is predatory and he uses people's personal information illegally.
Chris acknowledges through his follow up email that the way he approached me might "creep me out". Also to note, he may have gathered my information from Anytime Fitness but did not use the Anytime Fitness email to contact me.
If you were working with Anytime Fitness and used their system to email me, you would not have used an email address from your own gym.
The two exercises you outlined in the first email that I might need assistance with (which I don't disagree with) were being performed in two separate rooms. If you didn't watch me, you wouldn't know that I was doing clean and presses with subpar form...
Chris, as an adult and reasonably intelligent human being you must know you were wrong here. I emailed you to ask where you got my contact information from thinking that the gym released it to you without my consent. I then found out that you, yourself gathered the information and used it to try and sell sessions to me. When you're wrong, have the courage to admit it rather than gaslighting someone and then claiming that they're making this more than it is.
If your bank had cleaning people subcontracted out and they had access to your personal information and used it to promote their business you would also feel uncomfortable. This is tantamount to the same thing.
Grow up and learn to apologize.