I can’t rate Brody and Android Bodies highly enough. I go to Android Bodies every weekday unless I’m out of town, it is my home away from home and friends and family who have come to try it for a week have stayed. Considering that I look forward to going every day, the membership on a cost per use basis ends up being way cheaper than ones I used to pay for and never use. Everyone is super supportive of your successes even if they are lifting much heavier weights than you. The most trouble I’ve had getting people to come into the gym is that they are scared they’ll immediately have to pick up a barbell loaded with hundreds of pounds of weights, which is so far away from the truth that I wanted to write a quick review to explain what my experience has been like.
Most of us are doing customized strength programs that Brody (the owner) came up with, it is four weeks of lifting weights 3 or 5 days a week, followed by a 'test' week to see if you’ve gotten stronger, then a new program with percentages based on your 'new' numbers. The weights are based on what you are able to lift safely. Brody spots me to make sure I don’t get injured and coaches for all my working sets, and also any heavy warm ups. After you do your main lift of the day (say, squats), Brody has written us all circuits – usually with lighter weights or resistance bands – that you complete, and they get a bit harder every week. It is like having a personal trainer but he circles around the room of us (sometimes just me, at busy times maybe 10 of us) so he isn't standing there staring at you while you rest or do your entire circuit, which I like. Although you rent your lifting rack by the hour, I am usually there for a few hours. It is an unlimited membership and you try to get done your heavy main lifts within an hour if it is busy, but it isn’t extra to stay longer and finish up your circuit (dumbbell lifts or bodyweight workouts) on a mat or the floor.
I love it. I was at the YMCA for a few years lifting on the machines and doing classes, then doing free weight lifting programs I read about, then Crossfit for years. Since starting at Android last fall, my squats are up 60 lbs to 225. Deadlifts are up 80 lbs to 355, and benchpress up 30 lbs to 135, and the shoulder injury I had from an early Crossfit experience has healed. I can't say enough good things.