If you are looking for a company to annoy your neighbors, then this is the company for you!
The first snowfall we had, I was waken up with a tractor that was Reving his engine at 3:30 am., shortly after my daughter came in to my room to said she was waken from the loud tractor. So I had to go read till she fell back to sleep.
I realize that when it snows that the removal of snow has to be done. The problem I have is that the residential parking lot next to my house that belongs to the fourplex. It had snowed 24 hours previously and during the day all the cars were gone, likely the tenants were at work.
This company waited till 3:30 am to clear the snow with cars in the parking lot. The tractor driver rev his engine to hurry and get the lot cleared, going around the cars. Of course my daughter was hard to get up in the morning and She was late for school and I was late for work.
Second time they came it was 1:30 am same thing woke my child so again had to read to get her to fall asleep. Again we were both late for school and work.
Third time 12:30 am omg same thing woke me up and my child again so here i go again had to read to her.
I think I failed to mention, I am a sound sleeper and nothing usually ever wakes me.
I have owned this house for over 15 years never waken from the snow removal.
My house sits right close to the street, I have no front yard and My child's room is at the front of the house.
The city usually clears the streets during the overnight, my child has never waken up from the clearing of the streets in the 7 yrs since she was born! Also with previous snow removal for the lot next to my house, it has never woken us up.
On Christmas Eve I was downstairs wrapping gifts as ppl usually do, low and behold 12:15 am here come this tractor same thing loud revs. I went outside to ask why, they always have to wait till after midnight to clear the lot?The guy said my boss tells me what has to be done and that's where I go. I pointed to where my child sleeps and said you constantly wakes her up. He said if you have a problem you can always call my boss .
So I called the owner of the company to let him know he always wakes us in the middle of the night. The guy ended up being a jerk on the phone. He said we are within our rights (not very sympathetic) I said the lot is usually empty during the day so why wait till this time when the lot is full of cars. I also told him I feel this is a noise complaint and I was going to calling the police! He said go ahead I don't care, we are within our rights.
The police came out (of course the tractor was already gone by that time) the police informed me that they have the right to clear the snow. The police also told me that they would have to come out to observe the noise to see if it is loud enough to warrant a noise complaint ticket. Only problem is that by the time the police come out they will most likely be done and gone. The next morning my child told me that she was waken by really loud truck, she said she was scared to leave her room cuz she didn't want santa not to come.
Now with her broken sleep, her grades at school are slipping.
I work out of town and have to drive the 401, an hour each way and I found by my interrupted I find myself nodding off at the wheel while driving I even fell asleep at a stop light with my foot on the brake.
I notice this morning that the city snow removal truck came by during the night, and none of use even we're waken.
I went and checked pitcher perfect web page with the prices, I don't know if I got lucky but I found someone that comes and clears my driveway. He only charges $20 a shot. I wish I could post his company name and number that way if you are looking, you will get a better deal then what this guy is charging.
Also my guy uses a blade in front of his truck. He clears residential property during decent hours and business parking lots during the overnights the way it should be. I guaranteed you would be annoyed if it was your family being woke up all the time, all hours of the night.