Reviews of Paysagiste Terrassement Sicurella et Fils Inc. (Gardener)

2810 Rue Asselin, Longueuil, QC J4M 2K8, Canada

Average Rating:


You will see the feddbacks of real people who used the products and services of Paysagiste Terrassement Sicurella et Fils Inc. (Gardener) in Longueuil territory (Canada).

At present the business has a rating of 4.3 over 5 and that score has been based on 35 reviews.

You may have noticed that it reaches an feddbacks average is really good, and it is based on a very large number of opinions, so we can be quite sure that the assessment is quite reliable. If there are many people who bothered to rate when they are happy with the service, is that it works.

You know that we do not usually stop to give tatings when they are good and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Gardener is classified in the category of Paving contractor.

Where is Paysagiste Terrassement Sicurella et Fils Inc.?

REVIEWS OF Paysagiste Terrassement Sicurella et Fils Inc. IN Longueuil

Evelyne Fortier

Chantal Provencher

(Translated) We are more than satisfied with the work done at all levels! Great team! (Original) Nous sommes plus que satisfaits du travail effectué et ce à tous les niveaux! Super équipe!


(Translated) Quick submission and very nice preliminary meeting. Once the work started, everything was done in a very professional manner. Mr. Sicurella was present every day to see the progress of the project. (Original) Soumission rapide et rencontre préliminaire très sympathique. Une fois les travaux commencés, tout s'est fait de manière très professionnelle. M. Sicurella était présent chaque jour pour voir l'avancée du projet.


(Translated) I do not recommend, unpleasant attitude of the owner and questionable quality of work (Original) Je ne recommande pas, attitude désagréable du proprio et qualité des travaux discutable

Ulrich Kanngiesser

We can highly recommend Sicurella et Fils! We had our backyard redone, some re-leveling, new grass and deck extension. Great service and customer orientation. The guys doing the job were outstanding. Very friendly crew, excellent workmanship, everything was well done, clean and on time.


Sahadat Amin Nejat

karma kosmo

We are very satisfied with the job done at our house. It was done professionally and delivered on time. Being in a family like neighborhood, all our neighbors had good comments, to the point that one of them is also having their driveway done by your company. Peter and his team were excellent and flexible. Thank you. God bless you all and the company. Mr and Mrs Mandavia

Jean-Sebastien Olivier

Sherrie De Souza

The Sicurellas are very professional and courteous. We had Yoandi and Orlando working on our project and they are meticulous to a fault! Their craftsmanship is impeccable and they provide honest and feasible solutions to design issues. Without a doubt or hesitation, I would recommend Sicurella et Fils for your next paving and landscaping project. Thank you so much! We LOVE the way you have transformed the front of our home !

Talent Propulsion

(Translated) Super job we are really satisfied (Original) Super travail on est vraiment satisfait

Dan W

We hired Sicurella & Fils for the landscaping of our driveway, our front and back yards and to build two retaining walls, and we could not be happier that we did! Peter and his team were professional, punctual and hard-working. The job started and ended on schedule and on budget and the guys left no mess. Peter was on site several times a day to oversee everything and to deal with every possible detail and issue. We were impressed with his expertise, his patience and his can-do attitude throughout the project.. From the initial concept through to the final touches, Peter and his team were second to none and we would highly recommend them.

Marylee Bernard

(Translated) We loved our experience with Peter! Really good attentive service and well executed. The work is beautiful, we are very happy with our entry :) (Original) Nous avons adoré notre expérience avec Peter! Vraiment un bon service attentionné et bien exécuté. Le travail fait est magnifique, on est très contents de notre entrée :)

Michael G

High quality and precise workmanship. Beautiful retaining walls ,driveway and walkways all done in pavé uni at my house by sicurella et fils. Manuel the team foreman is a legend with over 30 years experience. I now have the most beautiful driveway on the street and everyone passing by compliments the work. Thanks again!

Sylvain Lapointe

(Translated) Very satisfied with the service and quality. Very professional service and even did more than requested. I highly recommend it. Also did work for my two neighbors. (Original) Très satisfait du service et de la qualité. Service très professionnel et en a même fait plus que demandé. Je le recommande fortement. Ont également fait du travaille pour mes deux voisins.

Natacha Silber

Great service, excellent skilled work!

Deblois Samuel

Karen Brunet

Had our driveway and walkway completely redone with pave uni in August and it turned out beautiful! Staff worked very professionally and super clean. Repaired grass and my gate to the backyard also. Was done in a timely manner also. Highly recommend this team !! Some before and after pictures.

Mylène G.L.

(Translated) My experience with the company Sicurella et fils was unique! It all started last year when I met Peter, the big boss for a submission. He answered my questions, took the time, listened to me and explained to me the issues that my project could involve. He was welcoming, open and patient because I changed my mind a few times. In addition, it was with a big smile that he reassured me that he would do something beautiful. So I took the contract with them. That's when I got in touch with his wife, Vanessa who emailed me my quote. Whenever I had any questions, she responded in a timely, courteous, polite and honest manner. However, my project could not be completed last year due to the pandemic and several other life hazards. I will not hide my disappointment from you ... Peter then mentioned to me to call him back in May of this year. I didn't have time to do it because believe it or not, in early April, he rang my doorbell to tell me that construction was starting the next day. What was my joy and my surprise !! As expected, the next day at 7am sharp, a guy was removing my paving stone. He was Peter's brother! A well-to-do, delicate and clean guy. WoW! A few days later, two workers came to my home to start work. A gentleman of a certain age and his "helper". The gentleman made a low wall for me as well as breathtaking plain cobblestone steps. I'm telling you, it's flawlessly precise. You should see the angle he made in my steps, it's impeccable !! He is meticulous and above all conscientious, in short, we can see that he likes a job well done! As for his "helper", he talks a lot, he is friendly and he moves rocks and dirt. Here is the Sicurella et fils team that I worked with !! A professional team, which likes a job well done and above all to make its customers happy! This is what is at the heart of this company. What a joy it was to be around you near or far. Long live you, your company and the values you promote! Ask me if I refer them to you ?? Eyes wide closed with all my confidence. Thanks everyone! (Original) Mon expérience avec la compagnie Sicurella et fils a été unique! Tout a commencé l’an passée alors que je rencontrai Peter, le grand boss pour une soumission. Il a répondu à mes questions, a pris le temps, m’a écouté et m’a expliqué les enjeux que pourrait comporter mon projet. Il a été accueillant, ouvert et patient car j’ai changé quelques fois d’idées. De plus, c’est avec un grand sourire qu’il me rassurait en me disant qu’il ferait quelque chose de beau. Alors j’ai pris le contrat avec eux. C’est à ce moment que j’ai eu contact avec sa femme, Vanessa qui m’a envoyé ma soumission par courriel. Dès que j’avais des questions, elle y répondait dans un délai raisonnable et ce de façon courtoise, polie et honnête. Toutefois, mon projet n’a pas pu se faire l’an passé en raison de la pandémie et plusieurs autres aléas de la vie. Je ne vous cacherai pas ma grande déception... Peter m’a alors mentionné de le rappeler en mai de cette année. Je n’ai pas eu le temps de le faire car croyez le ou non, au début avril, il est venu sonné à ma porte pour m’annoncer que les travaux commençaient le lendemain. Quelle fût ma joie et ma surprise!! Comme prévu, le lendemain à 7h tapant, un gars enlevait mon pavé. C’était le frère de Peter! Un gars à son affaire, délicat et propre. WoW! Quelques jours plus tard, deux ouvriers sont arrivés chez moi pour commencer le travail. Un Monsieur d’un certain âge et son « helper ». Le Monsieur m’a fait un muret ainsi que des marches en pavés unis à couper le souffle. Je vous dis, il est d’une précision irréprochable. Il faudrait voir l’angle qu’il a fait dans mes marches, c’est impeccable!! Il est minutieux et surtout consciencieux, bref, on voit qu’il aime le travail bien fait! Quant à son « helper », il parle beaucoup, il est sympathique et il en déplace de la roche et de la terre. Voici l’équipe de Sicurella et fils que j’ai côtoyer!! Une équipe professionnelle, qui aime le travail bien fait et surtout de rendre ses clients heureux! Voilà ce qui est au cœur de cette compagnie. Quel bonheur ça été de vous côtoyer de près ou de loin. Longue vie à vous, votre compagnie et les valeurs que vous véhiculez! Demandez-moi si je vous les réfère?? Les yeux grands fermés avec toute ma confiance. Merci à tous!

Marie-Claude Cousin


Ludvic Laberge

Great experience! Very understanding of my properties' needs and great recommendations. All that followed by great execution of the work!

Daniel Tardif

(Translated) The SICURELLA & Fils company carried out work on a riprap wall. The work was carried out in a professional manner, the management of the Horizontal Syndicate - Phase I, on Riverin Street, in Brossard is very satisfied with the work carried out quickly and professionally. (Original) L'entreprise SICURELLA & Fils a effectué des travaux sur un muret en enrochement. Les travaux ont été réalisés de façon professionnelle, la direction du Syndicat Horizontal - Phase I, de la rue Riverin, à Brossard est bien satisfaite des travaux réalisés rapidement et professionnellement.

Olivier Garneau-Proulx

Unprofessionnal, wreckless workers. Big red flag!

Nicole Lefebvre

(Translated) We used the services of Sécurella et fils on two occasions. We were, each time, more than satisfied with the quality of the work, the precautions taken not to damage anything and the final result. I recommend them to you without hesitation. Nicole (Original) Nous avons utilisé les services de Sécurella et fils à deux reprises. Nous avons été, à chaque fois, plus que satisfaits par la qualité des travaux, les précautions prises pour ne rien abimer et le résultat final. Je vous les recommande sans hésitation. Nicole

Maxime Jean

(Translated) 130 km / h on the highway with plastic bags in the trailer that fly to the wind behind you on Highway 30. Very nice image! (Original) 130 km/h sur l'autoroute avec des sacs de plastiques dans la remorque qui s'envolent au vent derrière vous sur l'autoroute 30. Très belle image !

Adam Schrufer

Excellent work. Very satisfied with my new natural stone steps and retaining walls. Designed and executed by Mr Sicurella and his team. I highly recommend

B Bangash

I highly recommend this company to any work you may have. I received quotes from many established companies for the work we had which was initially just our front stairs. Sicurella et Fils was the only company that explained what they will do in detail, were honest and took the time to discuss the project. With this and the fact they provided a great quote we ended up adding replacing our driveway, side walkway and garden to the job. The workers were always on time, professional and work so hard. 5 stars well deserved!

Michael Hebert

(Translated) Work very well done and attentive to the customer. Peter was there almost every day and he gave us great advice. I recommend this company 100%. Thanks to all the team. (Original) Travail très bien fait et à l'écoute du client. Peter était présent presque tous les jours et il nous a donner de très bon conseil. Je recommande cette entreprise a 100%. Merci a toutes l'equipe.

Marie Gagnon-Idiart

(Translated) 1 star for your service, execution scheduled in August 2018 I had to call you several times in September and October to keep me informed (I am promised to call back every time and I do not have no call from the lady Vanessa). My husband wanted to cancel with you but following Mr. Sicurella's call in November apologizing to me and promising me that I would be more than satisfied with the work I agreed to postpone the work in April 2019. 1 star because of 6 elements heard in the submission, there are 2 that have not been done. Mr. Sicurella asked for an extra amount of money to perform the other 2 jobs. It may take a little longer to submit a quote because I expect to pay the price for the agreed work. There was no big surprise here that could justify an additional amount. 1 star because the work is not satisfactory as promised. They broke two slabs and instead of replacing them they glued them together. The extension of the parking does not take into account the design of the rest of the parking lot, they just cut a rectangle in a curve and put pavé united (not the same color because it seems that there are more on the market of square gray). When I asked the site manager if he was going to put a border because there is a big enough space between the lawn and the end of the pavement, he replied that I just had to buy 2 sacks of soil and to put it on. (Original) 1 étoile pour votre service , execution des travaux prévu en août 2018 j`ai dù vous appeler à plusieurs reprises en septembre et en octobre pour que l`on me tienne au courant (on me promet de me rappeler a chaque fois et je ne recois aucun appel de la dame Vanessa). Mon mari voulait annuler avec vous mais suite a l`appel de Mr. Sicurella en Novembre me présentant des excuses et me promettant que je serais plus que satisfaite des travaux j`accepte de repousser les travaux en avril 2019. 1 étoile parce que sur 6 éléments entendu dans la soumission, íl y en a 2 qui n`ont pas été fait. Mr. Sicurella a demander un montant d`argent supplémentaire pour effectuer les 2 autres travaux. Il faudrait peut-etre prendre un peu plus de temps pour faire une soumission correctement car je m`attend a payer le prix indiqué pour les travaux convenu. Il n`y a pas eu de grosse surprise ici susceptible de justifier un montant additionnel. 1 étoile car le travail n`est pas satisfaisant tel que promis. Ils ont brisé 2 dalles et au lieu de les remplacer ils les ont recollés. L`extension du stationnement ne tiens pas compte du design du reste du stationnement, ils ont juste coupé un rectangle dans une courbe et mis du pavé unis (pas de la meme couleur car il parait qu`il y en a plus sur le marché des gris carré). Quand j`ai demandé au responsable du chantier s`il allait mettre une bordure car il y a un espace assez important entre le gazon et la fin du pavé uni il m`a répondu que j`ai juste a acheter 2 sacs de terre et a le mettre la.

Nancy Trudel

(Translated) I highly recommend this company. They are trustworthy and very professional people. The owner Peter was always there to answer my questions and give me any explanations I asked for. Vanessa was also very patient. I had had several quotes done and they were neither the most expensive nor the cheapest, and my choice fell on them because Peter offered me solutions that others had not provided. In addition, he immediately inspired me with confidence. Its teams are punctual, polite, meticulous and super professional. A big thank you especially to Yohandi and Manuel. The work was carried out diligently and to my complete satisfaction. I am very impressed with the final results. I would do business with them again anytime and positively loved my experience. A huge thank you to the whole team. (Original) Je recommande chaudement cette compagnie. Ce sont des gens de confiance et très professionnels. Le propriétaire Peter était toujours là pour répondre à mes questions et me donner toutes les explications que je demandais. Vanessa a été d’une grande patience aussi. J’avais fait effectuer plusieurs soumissions et ils étaient ni les plus chers ni les moins chers, et mon choix s’est porté sur eux car Peter me proposait des solutions que les autres ne m’avait pas fournis. De plus il m’a tout de suite inspiré confiance. Ses équipes sont ponctuelles, polis, méticuleux et super professionnels. Un gros merci tout particulièrement à Yohandi et Manuel. Les travaux se sont effectuer de façon diligente et à mon entière satisfaction. Je suis très impressionnée dû résultats final. Je referais affaire avec eux n’importe quand et j’ai positivement adorée mon expérience. Un immense merci à toute l’équipe.

Julie Tremblay

Paul Leguerrier

(Translated) We are very happy with our low walls, our driveway and especially our balcony which modernized our house. My wife is delighted, "It's so beautiful! " she says. The work is impeccable, the employees efficient and kind, the boss attentive to our needs. Sicurella et fils, to recommend without any hesitation. Paul Leguerrier (Original) Nous sommes très contents de nos murets, de notre entrée de garage et particulièrement de notre balcon qui a modernisé notre maison. Ma femme est ravie , « c’est si beau ! » dit-elle. Le travail est impeccable, les employés efficaces et gentils, le patron à l’écoute de nos besoins. Sicurella et fils, à recommander sans aucune hésitation. Paul Leguerrier

Jonathan Harou

(Translated) Good service, good work, meeting deadlines, respecting the price! Great, thank you very much and see you next time! (Original) Bon service, bon travail, respect des délais, respect du prix! Super, merci beaucoup et à la prochaine!

Anita Salvatore

Business Hours of Paysagiste Terrassement Sicurella et Fils Inc. in Longueuil

8:30AM TO 6PM
8:30AM TO 6PM
8:30AM TO 6PM
8:30AM TO 6PM
8:30AM TO 6PM


Paysagiste Terrassement Sicurella et Fils Inc. en Longueuil
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