I was just at there store on Monday, July 23 rd. 2019 at 8:10 pm and the store had a good run of people in it. I was shopping for a few things) cause it's my last day off) and I decided to grab a cart, every aisle I went to the manager lady (Lorraine) followed me around literally, playing with stuff beside me not working, not asking if I need help, but tailing me, right up beside me. I had my car keys on me, my wallet in hand! and I was wearing a shirt and shorts with no accessible pockets, At one time I did enter the cashier aisle but I bought something pretty much from every aisle there was a line up at cash and the poor guy who was doing it, was swamped, and she knew it. She was actually getting mad cause I was shopping. Being rough with the merchandise and huffing and puffing beside me. There was at least 7 people, couples, children waiting. When I was at the cashier for a sec and then remembered I needed toothpaste, Just before that, she asked her cashier if he needed help and cause I was in isle she was gonna help cashier but when I took off for toothpaste, she bolts from helping him or taking over a cashier to literally chasing after me, and then as I'm standing at the toothpaste aisle I hear her explain that it's not happening tonight!! She just gave a reason to let everybody wait in line cause she has to watch me, !@! What sum thief!@ What is that,!@! That's being biased! I drove there for one thing and I have a job, I paid in cash! had my debit card and I also own a MasterCard!@!nSo why the display of mistreatment in front of all the customers!@! u cant do that to people in public the whole store was staring at me like I'm responsible for all shoplifting. I wanted a box of 2.00 dog treats too for my two dogs but I didn't dare hold up more people. For what I bought 27.00 worth of dollar store products, I also dropped another 50.00 @ C.T. and other things. I'm 49 yrs of age, the hat I where I have 20 of them there 80.00 NBL hats, that's why I'm a thief!@!