I rented an ATV over Canada Day long weekend from WesternOne, and while they were most of the experience quite nice, the finale to this story left me quite angry. I got a discount on the rental because they were closed on their normal days open, so I got three days for the price of two days - $360 all told.
I go out, have a really great time with a friend visiting for the first time in years, and bring the ATV back to WesternOne. I did two things to it. I got a bit of debris in the tire seam that was causing it to deflate, and I got a two inch long slice in the plastic of the footwell. Both I thought were pretty minor, pointed them out to the guy helping me unload it, and he said he'd be in touch for the repair costs. No big deal, I think.
A couple weeks later, I see a $318 dollar charge on my credit card, pushed through the pre-auth I had given them to cover damages. After an email exchange, I learned that they charged me $28.50 to repair the tire (perfectly reasonable), and $28.50 in labour to replace the entire footwell (reasonable). The problem was they charged me $219 dollars for the footwell itself. For a slice that was short, tight, and didn't reach to the edge (so it would not have spread wider).
I understand keeping your rental equipment in good shape. But $219 dollars for a part that was 99% fine and was neither functionally nor aesthetically damaged is unreasonable. It ended up costing me close to $700 dollars for a 3 day rental.
I gave them two stars because, aside from doubling my rental fee in a totally bogus manner and with poor justification, they were very polite while plundering my cash from me.
Renter beware.
Gordon Stephens.