Reviews of Fruiterie Épicerie St-Denis (Fruit Store)

7692 Saint Denis St, Montreal, Quebec H2R 2E6, Canada

Average Rating:


Here we offer you all the information of people who consume the services of Fruiterie Épicerie St-Denis (Fruit Store) around Montreal territory (Canada).

To this day the business has a score of 4.1 stars over 5 and that score is based on 109 reviews.

As you can see it reaches an opinions average is quite high, and it is based on a high number of reviews, so we can say that the rating is very credible. If many people have bothered to leave their review when they've done well, it works.

You know that we do not usually stop to put reviews when they are correct and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or incidence...

This Fruit Store belongs to the category of Grocery store.

Where is Fruiterie Épicerie St-Denis?

REVIEWS OF Fruiterie Épicerie St-Denis IN Montreal

abi fz

(Translated) Super little trick that makes small quality services! (Original) Super petit truc qui rend de petits services de qualité !


Alain Caron

Anas Masri

Laurence Lacouture

(Translated) Small grocery store that helps. A lot of organic vegan / vegan products, but fruits / vegetables are average. Very welcoming staff. (Original) Petite épicerie qui dépanne. Bcp de produits bio végé/ vegan, mais les fruits/légumes sont moyens. Personnel très accueillants.

Valérie Paquette

Debra Murphy

eddie iles

Great little store for vegan food options.

Ketty Dünkler

Patrick Scrive

Sasha S


(Translated) Purchase of chocolates that are found to be expired; by bringing them back, all the others on the shelf were also out of date which did not seem to worry the cashier, who was not very polite. Bad experience. (Original) Achat de chocolats qui se sont trouvés être périmés; en les rapportant, tous les autres sur l'étagère étaient aussi périmés ce qui n'avait pas l'air d'inquiéter la caissière, qui n'était pas très polie. Mauvaise expérience.

Jean-Loup Crété

(Translated) Top. Lots of organic, vegan & co. Still a lot of plastic like everywhere but everything in its time. Recommended (Original) Top. Beaucoup de produits bio, vegan & co. Encore pas mal de plastique comme partout mais chaque chose en son temps. Recommandé

Joëlle Frenette

(Translated) Always a wide choice !!! (Original) Toujours un vaste choix !!!

Ka rimka

(Translated) Must have better deals (Original) Doit avoir de meilleur deals

Rachel Corbières

(Translated) A small fruit store where you can find a little of everything (fruits, vegetables, cheese, oat milk, crisps, coffee ...). An excellent welcome! (Original) Une petite fruiterie où on trouve un peu de tout (fruits, légumes, fromage, lait d'avoine, chips, café...). Un excellent accueil!

Nestor Dan Orozco

(Translated) Products that are rarely found elsewhere. Great as a grocery store. Very good customer service! We really like this place. (Original) Des produits qui se trouvent rarement ailleurs. Génial comme épicerie. Très bon service à la clientèle! On aime vraiment cette place.

Maude Léonard

Étienne Gaël

(Translated) There are a lot of products and the employees are nice. (Original) Il y a beaucoup de produits et les employés sont gentils.

Greg St-Elien

Fruits are to be consumed within 1 or 2nd day of purchase.

Luca Zanotto

Magalie Paquette

Renê Bibeau

(Translated) Fresh products (Original) Produits frais

dallas710630 m

Nicolas Hourdain Rossi

(Translated) I am going and will continue to go for the choice of products. But the display of prices seems optional. (Original) J'y vais et je continuerai d'aller pour le choix des produits. Mais l'affichage des prix semble optionnel.

Mechanic Yt

(Translated) Good product with lots of choice! (Original) Bon produit avec beaucoup de choix!

Alex Taylor

Johnny Campini

Eric Le Reste

Frida Volta

Cameron Dubroy

My local grocery store, always has everything I need

Daniel Levesque

(Translated) Nice variety of products! Very friendly service! Just a pity that it is relatively expensive and few local products .... (Original) Belle variété de produits! Le service très sympa! Juste dommage que c'est relativement coûteux et peu de produits locaux....


(Translated) Good prices for a lot of products. Some are more expensive, but they have a lot of products not available in other grocery stores. Lots of organic, vegan, etc. They are also very nice. (Original) Des bon prix pour beaucoup de produits. Certain sont plus chers, mais ils ont beaucoup des produits non disponible dans d'autres épiceries. Beaucoup de bio, vegan, etc. En plus ils sont très gentils.

Samantha Gadet

(Translated) All health products at my doorstep! When I need something special but forgot to buy, it helps me out! There is a large selection of products in this small grocery store ... (Original) Tous les produits santé à ma porte! Lorsque j’ai besoin de quelque chose de particulier mais que j’ai oublié d’acheter, il me dépanne bien! On trouve une grande sélection de produits dans cette petite épicerie...

Daniela Viloria

It is a very nice place. They have a lot of organic and healthy options. The costumer service is awesome

Sophie Retailleau

(Translated) Organic products. Frankly good prices. (Original) Des produits bio. Prix franchement bons.

Simon Champagne

(Translated) Lots of beautiful vegan options, specialty products and fresh vegetables / fruit! (Original) Plein de belles options véganes, produits spécialisés et légumes / fruits frais!

Antoine Chagnon Michaud

(Translated) Well, it's not so much a fruit shop but a small grocery store with products hard to find elsewhere. From vegan to organic, there is a good variety. Inventories are not constant, however, and not always fresh. (Original) Bon, c'est pas tant une fruiterie mais plus une petite épicerie avec des produits difficile à trouver ailleurs. Du vegan au bio, il y a une bonne variété. Les stocks ne sont cependant pas constants et pas toujours frais.

Ludwigray Ray

Lenore CH

I'm happy this is a convenient place for me to grab my staples and then some. Their sustainable approach to packaging and choices for ethical products is refreshing. The service is always delightful and helpful.

J-F Charky

(Translated) Attention the MAPAQ has been called for several offenses ... the major problem and that the unilingual English owner (when we speak to him even in English he acts as if he did not listen ...) voluntarily leaves outdated products in his counters go to the brichelieu market at the next corner (gounod). Be very careful ... check the dates and appearance of the products (because they remove the dates when the products are out of date but sell them anyway ...) (Original) Attention le MAPAQ a été appelé pour plusieurs infractions... le problème majeur et que le propriétaire unilingue anglais (lorsque nous lui parlons même en anglais il fait comme si il n'écoutait pas...) laisse volontairement des produits périmés dans ses comptoirs allez au marché richelieu au coin suivant (gounod). Faites très attention... vérifier les dates et l'aspect des produits (car ils retirent les dates lorsque les produits sont périmés mais les vendent quand même...)

Maria Bello

Good products but veggies are wrapped in plastic ????

Alice Cantine

Shop here now! The variety is amazing considering the size of the shop! This is a family grocery that has persevered despite repeated major construction blocking foot traffic, and now a chain grocery selling similar things in a shiny way on the next block.

Karolane Thibault

(Translated) More vegetarian and vegan choices than the big grocery chains known. (Original) Plus de choix végétariens et végétaliens que dans les grosses chaînes d'épiceries connues.

Vincent Rouleau

Nice little place. Very convenient.


Megane Perrault

Ani-claude Demers

(Translated) I did not appreciate my experience at all in this crowded fruit store, whose staff were rude and irresponsible (Original) Je n’ai pas du tout apprécié mon experience dans cette fruiterie encombrée et dont le personnel a été impoli et irresponsable

Gabrielle Généreux

jesus meza

Carolyn St-Denis

Check the expiry date. Lots of stuff is past. I've been burned before. They do however have a nice gluten free section and a modest vegan and vegetarian frozen foods and breads

Myriam Taillefer

Layla Jeremy

(Translated) The products are not expensive! (Original) Les produits sont pas chère!

Florian Lemaire

(Translated) the ali baba barracks for health and vegan quality products. All at a low price. excellent staff. Just a flat on the freshness and quality of fruits and vegetables (shame for a sign that bears the name of fruit ...) In short, an excellent grocery store but not for the fruit side (Original) la caserne d'ali baba pour les produits de qualités santé et vegan. Le tout a petit prix. excellent personnel. Juste un bémol sur la fraîcheur et la qualité des fruits et légumes (domage pour une enseigne qui porte le nom de fruiterie...) En bref, une excellente épicerie mais pas pour le côté fruiterie

Charles Tison

Maxime Legault

(Translated) Nice grocery store, they have good prices and they have good products, in one go I have everything and the cashier is really nice.Good customer service :) (Original) Belle épicerie, ils ont de bon prix et ils de bon produits, en un tour, j'ai tout et la caissière est vraiment gentille.Un bon service au client:)

Mylene Bruneau

Lots of hard to find ingredients, ethnic food, vegan specialti es

Guillaume Galliano Bondurand

You can find almost everything to eat. Vegan friendly. Staff always correct and kind.

Annie Perreault

Haisam Asmar

Small place and the prices aren't anything to brag about.

F. Benard

Sam Stephenson

Really good selection of fruits, veggies, vegan food and gluten-free food options. They have good prices, too. I will definitely be going back in the future since it is really convenient.

Grant Caldwell

Benjamin Mayo-Martin

(Translated) Nice choice, good price! (Original) Beau choix, Bon prix!

Etienne Boivin

great selection of dairy free, gluten free, vegan food. the prices are very good especially compared to marché richelieu, which is a bit pricey

Alex Garneau

Héctor L Palacios V

Good variety. Prices according to such a small place but it's understandable

Maxime P

Harry Papageorgiou

Very wonderful customer service, a lot of vegan options, closes at 8:30pm but will wait for you to finish your groceries. Fruits and veggies are not always fresh but they sell it to you for less.

Genevieve Richard

Eug Graz

(Translated) Not very smiling as a welcome ... The prices can be good but you have to know how to choose otherwise some fruits and vegetables may not be very fresh. (Original) Pas très souriant comme accueil... Les prix peuvent être bons mais il faut savoir choisir sinon certain fruits et legumes peuvent être pas très frais.

Sophie Lebas

Valérie Holtzer

Ana Maria Da Cruz

Excellent Place! They have everything

Josh Sam

(Translated) Good price good service !!! (Original) Bon prix bon service!!!

Richard Dinel

(Translated) Don't be fooled by appearances they say. There it is true: organic products, choice of cereals, breads, lots of things not found at Richelieu on the other corner. And cheaper than Freshly Good but less choice for vegetables. Mandatory passage. At least once to locate products. Like me, you will be returning often. (Original) Ne vous fiez pas aux apparences qu'ils disent. Là c'est vrai: produits biologiques, choix de céréales, de pains, plein de trucs qu'on trouve pas chez Richelieu à l'autre coin. Et moins cher que Fraîchement bon mais moins de choix pour légumes. Passage obligatoire. Au moins une fois pour faire du repérage de produits. Comme moi, vous y retournerez souvent.

Andre Lane

(Translated) Very good grocery store where you can find everything. (Original) Très bonne épicerie où l'on trouve de tout.

m moon

They have a surprisingly great selection for such a little spot. Good prices and friendly staff too!

emma hernandez

Gregory Janvrin

(Translated) Delicatessen with very good products. The employees are always very friendly (Original) Épicerie fine avec de très bons produits. Les employés sont toujours très sympathiques

Dominic Venditti

(Translated) Good choice of products for a small grocery, health products and veg. Unfortunately a lot of outdated food. (Original) Bon choix de produits pour une petite épicerie, produits santé et végé. Malheureusement beaucoup de nourriture périmées.

Mandy Middlewood

Endonzel 2

Jeffrey Brown-Pagé

Élise Forget

Annabelle Norac

(Translated) A lot of expired products, both canned products and frozen products or meat under vacuum. Vigilance is required during your purchases. Fruits and vegetables not always fresh either. But some interesting little finds sometimes. (Original) Énormément de produits périmés, autant les cannages que les produits congelés ou encore les viandes sous vides. La vigilance est de mise lors de vos achats. Fruits et légumes pas toujours frais non plus. Mais quelques petites trouvailles intéressantes parfois.

Alexandre Pinsonneault

(Translated) Quality products and competitive prices (Original) Produits de qualité et prix compétitifs


(Translated) Very practical in the neighborhood, with an excellent selection of products. However, it's still expensive. (Original) Très pratique dans le quartier, avec une excellente selection de produits. Par contre, c’est quand même cher.


Bruno Gauthier

Pharmacie B & C

(Translated) people are always smiling, the products are varied and of good quality (Original) les gens sont toujours souriants, les produits sont variés et de qualités

celine gravelle

Pascal Laquerre

Ghislain Boudreau

(Translated) Super service! ! Wow never seen that in a grocery store! ! (Original) Super service! ! Wow jamais vu ça dans une épicerie! !

Julien Boudreau

(Translated) Great variety of products, reasonable prices, very friendly employees (Original) Grande diversité de produits, prix raisonnables, employées très sympathiques

Denis G Mercier

This place is fantastic Great products available!!

diane lafrance

Very good food

Richard Mercier

Mélanie DEMAN

The Norm

lage couls

Julien Sirois

(Translated) Small grocery store really nice. A ton of sauces and spices. The fruits are always fresh! (Original) Petite épicerie vraiment sympathique. Une tonne de sauces et épices. Les fruits sont toujours frais!

Steve Sych

Jean-Marc Tourigny

(Translated) Very welcoming place. Impeccable service. Fruits and vegetables are fresh. Lots of great discoveries to be made there. I will stay there often. (Original) Endroit très accueillant. Service impeccable. Les fruits et les légumes sont frais. Plein de belles découvertes à y faire. J'y retournerai souvent.

Christophe Horguelin

(Translated) A cashier who does not speak French. In Villeray. (Original) Un caissier qui ne parle pas français. Dans Villeray.

Gabrielle Gabrielle

Claude Black

Annie Chabonneau

(Translated) They don't even have organic fruit :( (Original) Ils n'ont même pas de fruits biologiques :(

Alice Wu

Business Hours of Fruiterie Épicerie St-Denis in Montreal



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