Reviews of Fruiterie du Petit St-Jacques (Fruit Store)

1907 R. Atateken, Montréal, QC H2L 3L8, Canada

Average Rating:


We offer you all the feddbacks of people who are using the services and products of Fruiterie du Petit St-Jacques (Fruit Store) near to the area of Montreal (Canada).

Nowadays this firm receives a score of 4.1 out of 5 and this rating has been calculated on 96 reviews.

As you can read, it has an average rating is very good, and it's founded on a very high number of feddbacks, so we may say that the valuation is very faithful. If there are many people who bothered to give their score when they are pleased with the service, it works.

As you know, we do not usually bother to write feddbacks when these are correct and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Fruit Store corresponds to the category of Fruit and vegetable store.

Where is Fruiterie du Petit St-Jacques?

REVIEWS OF Fruiterie du Petit St-Jacques IN Montreal

Jessica D.

(Translated) I live near this fruit and I must admit that I go there regularly because they have a choice and because it is close to home. I put a 3 star because I do not understand why the vegetables are overpacked! What is the point of packing peppers individually with plastic film !!! (Original) J'habite proche de cette fruiterie et je dois avouer que j'y vais assez régulièrement car ils ont du choix et parce que c'est proche de la maison. Je mets un 3 étoiles car je ne comprends pas pourquoi les légumes sont suremballés! Quel est l'intérêt d'emballer individuellement les poivrons avec du filme plastique!!!

Anas Masri


(Translated) Really very pleasant as a grocery store, the cashier answered all my questions and directed me in the right direction. Thank you very much to you young man! (Original) Vraiment tres agreable comme epicerie, le caissier a repondu a tout mes questions et m'a dirigeait dans le bon sens. Merci beaucoup a toi jeune homme!

Laura Carolina

Good range of products, including fresh produce, snacks, an olive bar, pasta, spices, organic coffee, beer and more. Lots of vegan products.

Juliette Tarwacki

Victor M

نزار قباني - الأعمال الشعرية الكاملة

Max P

(Translated) A lot of choice. It is more a convenience store that sells fruit than a "fruiterie" strictly speaking. (Original) Pas mal de choix. C'est plus un dépanneur qui vend des fruits qu'une "fruiterie" à proprement parler.


Nice staff and products, fruits, spices, vegetables, meat, coffee and more

Benoît Eclache

Great place with a wide selection of products with friendly people. Prices are pretty good as well. I really like going to this place.

Elian Perrot

Francois Bruno

(Translated) Firstly, the aisles are small. One car at a time. I found that there is a lot of goods on the floor. Also I found the prices really expensive especially celery at $ 6. I do not think I go often. Only check prices first. It seems to me that it was clean. Friendly boss. Oh yes 4 tomatoes for. 99. Pay attention to the price check the date on the product. Thank you. (Original) Premièrement les allés sont petit. Un carosse à la fois. J'ai trouvé qu'il y a beaucoup de marchandises sur le plancher. Aussi j'ai trouvé les prix vraiment cher surtout le céleri à 6$. Je ne crois pas aller souvent. Seulement vérifier les prix d'abord. Il me semble que c'était propre. Patron sympathique. Ah oui 4 tomates pour. 99. Faite attention au prix vérifier la date sur le produit. Merci.

William Deaffie

Farzam Asad Haidari

Wow amazing stuff affordable price good quality food ????try it you will love it. Special there's a gentleman he's name Najibi

Victoria Brown

Gabrielle Lauzier

(Translated) Good variety of products, it's a good grocery store to help out but you really have to choose your products ... I no longer buy fruits and vegetables there because it has happened too often to take rotten ... It helps out but you have to shop with GREAT care. Even if the service is good, it is insulting to buy products and realize that they are out of date ... (Original) Bonne variété de produits, c'est une bonne épicerie pour dépanner mais il faut vraiment choisir ses produits... je n'achète plus de fruits et légumes la bas car c'est arrivé trop souvent d'en prendre des pourries.... Ça dépanne mais faut magasiner avec GRANDE attention. Même si le service est bon, c'est insultant d'acheter des produits et se rendre compte qu'ils sont périmés ...

Daniel Tifo

Nathan LeLièvre

Jose Cotanda

Francis Miron

Moderate prices for good quality. The freshness of the fruit isn't always at its best, but there will always be a sales on these products with that happens. Which is perfect if you're not too fancy to just cut the part off from the fruit or vegetable which is starting to detriment. I go there frequently cause the price is perfect and the variety is good enough to find whatever you require for your daily needs. They are never out of stock, so it's a sure bet.

Albane Guy

Alex Lussier

(Translated) Very friendly staff, good selection of products, very affordable prices. (Original) Personnel très sympathique, bonne sélection de produits, prix très abordables.

Georgina Williams Riley

I love this little place crate for variety of fruits and vegetables fresh breads and other Mediterranean delicacies

Amanda Olson


(Translated) Important choice but the fruits are sometimes too ripe and suddenly there is a lot of loss ... damage (Original) Choix important mais les fruits sont parfois trop mûrs et du coup il y a bcp de perte...dommage

Lilas Morin Tirone

(Translated) Find fresh fruits and vegetables at a good price (Original) Trouvez a bon prix les fruits et légumes frais

Sylvain Roy

(Translated) Very nice fruiterie of Cartier. (Original) Très belle fruiterie de cartier.

Gary Shea

(Translated) The owner super friendly and attentive Good choice of European products (Original) Le propriétaire super sympathique et attentionné Bon choix de produits européens

Mick Petitfrère


(Translated) Great service! (Original) Super service !

Ekaterina Kudelka

Amir Zaribaf

Maud Thiery

(Translated) Good neighborhood fruit store with some things at competitive prices with the Super C opposite recently installed. A wide variety of products between vegetables, fruits, preserves, fresh etc. The olives are also very good in bulk and I hope soon to be able to have many products in bulk. The owner is very friendly and the employees too, always available if we are looking for a product! (Original) Bonne fruiterie de quartier avec certaines choses à prix compétitives avec le Super C en face installé depuis peu. Une grande variété de produits entre légumes, fruits, conserves, frais etc. Les olives sont très bonnes aussi en vrac et j’espère vite pouvoir avoir de nombreux produits en vrac. Le propriétaire est très sympathique et les employés aussi, toujours disponible si on cherche un produit !

Stéphane Mailhot

(Translated) Choice, price, fine products, etc. Everything you want from a neighborhood grocery store. Well kept !! (Original) Choix, prix, produits fins, etc. Tout ce que vous voulez d’une épicerie de quartier. Bien tenu!!

Jean Michel

Christo Vasseur

Isa Gervais

Very fresh and nice


Sacha Hobeila

fayçal guetat

(Translated) Nice and helpful (Original) Gentille et serviable

Maxine Hamel-Michaud

Anne Fréchette

(Translated) This place is ok for products that are not fresh (canned, pasta, etc.) but every time I bought fruits and vegetables they were rotten inside. Considering the high prices, it removes any desire to shop there. Also, the plastic overpack is absolutely ridiculous (pack a pepper with two layers of cellophane, come on). (Original) Cet endroit est correct pour les produits qui ne sont pas frais (conserves, pâtes, etc.) mais chaque fois que j'ai acheté des fruits et légumes, ils étaient pourris à l'intérieur. Vu les prix pas mal élevés, ça m'enlève toute envie d'y faire des emplettes. Aussi, le suremballage en plastique est absolument ridicule (emballer un poivron avec deux couches de cellophane, come on).

Guy Tsror

Nicolas Gauthier

(Translated) Friendly staff, they make choices on different sizes of fruits and vegetables. Some specialty products. (Original) Personnel sympa, ils font des choix sur les différentes tailles de fruits et légumes. Quelques produits de spécialités.

Michael Clermont

(Translated) Good selection of products compared to Super C. Generally better quality. Sometimes more expensive, sometimes less expensive. Improves a lot over time. Definitely a good alternative to avoid the lines of grocery stores around. (Original) Bonne sélection de produits comparativement au Super C. Généralement de meilleur qualité. Parfois plus cher, parfois moins cher. S'améliore beaucoup au fil du temps. Définitivement une bonne alternative pour éviter les files des épiceries autour.

Genevieve Trottier

(Translated) I often went to this fruit store to help out and liked it very much. Today, I just discovered several different types of meat products that are more than 30 days out of date (between August 22 - September 3, it is October 6), with a special product label that hid said date of expiration. expiration on all packaging (around thirty packages). When I raised the issue with the manager, he didn't look so surprised and didn't do anything to correct the situation. His reaction encouraged me to put the items I had in my basket back in their places and leave. I am deeply disgusted, I no longer trust and I will not go back. (Original) J'allais souvent à cette fruiterie pour dépanner et l'aimais beaucoup. Aujourd'hui, je viens de découvrir plusieurs différents types de produits de viande périmés depuis plus de 30 jours (entre le 22 août le 3 septembre, nous sommes le 6 octobre), avec une étiquette de produit en spécial qui cachait ladite date d'expiration sur tous les emballages (Une trentaine d'emballages). Quand j'ai soulevé le problème avec le responsable, il n'avait pas l'air tellement surpris et n'a rien fait pour corriger la situation. Sa réaction m'a encouragée à remettre les articles que j'avais dans mon panier à leurs places et à quitter. Je suis profondément dégoutée, je n'ai plus confiance et je n'y retournerai plus.

Joanie Henry

(Translated) The kindest of all. Good price and quality. (Original) Les plus gentils de tous. Bons prix et qualité.

Hugo Laquerre

Denis Pettigrew

Emi Fleur

(Translated) Lots of choices, at the same price or cheaper than the super C opposite, BUT it's a family from the neighborhood who is adorable and helpful. Lots of great products imported from Europe, also for French locals, it can sometimes make products of childhood fear happy. (Original) Beaucoup de choix, au même prix ou moins cher que le super C en face, MAIS c'est une famille du quartier qui est adorable et serviable. Plein de chouette produits importés d'Europe aussi pour les Français du coin ça peut faire plaisir parfois des produits de peur enfance.

Stefane Houle

Victoria Tweedie

Good variety for a shop of this size but the prices are NOT competitive and I have had various bad experiences here with produce quality and customer service. I will not be returning as a customer and would NOT recommend this establishment to a friend. First the quality of the produce. The first time I bought a mango, it wasn't until I got home and cut it open I discovered it was rotten. I went back to return it for another, and carefully picked out the best looking mango of the group. It wasn't until I was all the way home and cut open the mango that I discovered this new one was rotten as well, and likely the rest of the bunch. There was no point wasting my time and returning it for another when I knew the rest had to be rotten as well. Determined to give my local fruiterie another chance I returned to buy more produce. When I purchased kale it wasn't until I was cleaning the leaves that I found a cockroach in between them. A COCKROACH. Now that is bad and not a good sign for the cleanliness of the store. I have also purchased dry goods such as cookies which are past their expiry date, something I did not notice until I had opened them. The final straw came when I was in a rush picking up some milk. I offered to pay by card, but was informed that the minimum debit/credit fee is $5. When I told the clerk I had no cash at all he offered no sympathy. So I left very disgruntled. As someone on a budget this was incredibly frustrating. The quality of food at this place is unreliable and I am very disappointed.

Regis Paul

Samuel Ragot

Bertrand Groulx

Annie Perreault

Morgane Baudry

(Translated) I always find lots of foreign products, including Europeans, and the employees are super nice! Also useful for troubleshooting because there is everything. ???? Only small detail, pay attention to the expiration dates, it happened to me several times to have in hand past products or very close to being. (Original) Je fais toujours plein de trouvailles de produits étrangers, dont européens, et les employés sont super sympas! Pratique pour dépanner aussi car il y a de tout. ???? Seul petit détail, faire attention aux dates de péremption, il m'est arrivé plusieurs fois d'avoir en main des produits passés date où tout proche de l'être.

Artie R. Prado


(Translated) It's a place where I find everything I need, all the products come from Quebec (or almost) ????, so always fresh and delicious. And what about the delicious pecans and sugar pies ??? Miummm ... Miummm ... Miummm! Everything is tasty ! The only downside: the prices are really very very very high ... I would even say exorbitant?!?! It is for this reason besides that I put 4 stars! And for the rest, it's a 5 star! ???????????? (Original) C'est un endroit où je trouve tout ce dont j'ai besoin, tous les produits proviennent du Québec ( ou presque )????, donc toujours frais et délicieux. Et que dire des délicieuses tartes aux pacanes et au sucre ??? Miummm... Miummm... Miummm ! Tout est succulent ! Le seul bémol: les prix sont vraiment très très très élevé dirais même exhorbitants ?!?! C'est pour cette raison d'ailleurs que j'ai mis 4 étoiles ! Et pour le reste, c'est un 5 étoiles ! ????????????


Julien Paquier-Galliard

(Translated) Good little fruiterie that helps, unpretentious (Original) Bonne petite fruiterie qui dépanne, sans prétention

maxim isabelle

Vincent Biret

Alexandra Suthern

Emilie Louise

(Translated) The staff is nice but the fruits and vegetables are rarely fresh. It helps in sum. (Original) Le personnel est agréable mais les fruits et légumes rarement frais. Ça dépanne en somme.

Jessica Jeanne

Camille Briquet

Kathleen A. Gilbert

Kalya Bennis

Première et dernière fois dans ce supermarché, l’employé était arrogant et très méchant lors de la collecte de mon panier to good to Go, il avait le regard froid et c’était comme si je le dérangeais, pourtant j’avais payé pour mon panier, il m’a tendu les produits pourries et dangereux à la consommation. Très mauvaise expérience, faites attention à ce que vous prenez!

Bethany Soap

(Translated) Too cool they sell capri sun (Original) Trop cool ils vendent des capri sun

Samueld. CYR

Oscar Marquez

Elodie Dumortier

(Translated) A real Ali Baba cave that it is good to have near your home :-) (Original) Une vraie caverne d'Ali Baba qu'il est bon d'avoir à côté de chez soi :-)

andre blouin

(Translated) Friendly (Original) Sympathique

Justin Gallant

Silvin Ross

Susie R

Marc Bradet

(Translated) Do not respect their customers. Often poor quality of fruits and vegetables. (Original) Ne respectent pas leurs clients. Souvent mauvaise qualité de fruits et légumes.

Mel G


Kenza Laachfoubi

Je ne le recommande pas, produits très chers et pas frais

Andre Poirier

Simon Fournier

Oussena Nzie

(Translated) I always find what I'm looking for ... (Original) Je trouve toujours ce que je cherche...

Gloria Jiménez


Fruits and vegetables are not fresh, in spite of premium price! Yet cash price might be even more expensive than shelf price! Be aware

Kasper Rossing


Fruit went bad after a day :(

Jimena Mendoza

I always find novelties, I go for one thing and come out with much more

Miléna Stojanac

Vicky B

Maria Mermolia

Its a nice little market with a virety from cheeses to organics but the product is not always the freshest .

Ryan Yevcak


(Translated) You can find everything there ! Very nice choice of products (Original) On y trouve de tout ! Très beau choix de produits

Susie Bérubé

Rachel Cable

The owner is a lovely gentleman! We conversed in broken French and English, he made me feel very comfortable in my Airbnb neighborhood and remembered me when I came back. Lovely food selection!

Business Hours of Fruiterie du Petit St-Jacques in Montreal



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