Reviews of Metro Plus Greber (Fish Shop)

499 Bd Gréber, Gatineau, QC J8T 0B3, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you have the feddbacks of real people who buy the services and products of Metro Plus Greber (Fish Shop) in Gatineau (Canada).

Now the business has a rating of 4.2 stars out of 5 and that score has been calculated on 127 reviews.

You must have seen that the average score it has is quite high, and it's founded on a very large number of feddbacks, so we may say that the assessment is very credible. If there are many people who bothered to evaluate when they are happy, is that it works.

As you know, we do not usually bother to give scores when these are correct and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or incidence...

This Fish Shop corresponds to the category of Supermarket.

Where is Metro Plus Greber?

REVIEWS OF Metro Plus Greber IN Gatineau

Rejean LHeureux

(Translated) Corner Gréber and La Vérendrye (Original) Coin Gréber et La Vérendrye

jean morin

(Translated) I was there for work but well (Original) J'y étais pour le travail mais bien

François-Olivier Guay

Everything you need.

Carole Albert

(Translated) I really like the meat and the store in general (Original) J'aime beaucoup la viande et le magasin en général

Elie Pierre-Louis


Elleanor Ripley

Friggen quebecoise don't know how to social distance or wear masks and this locations a bit crowded

Genevieve Groleau

(Translated) I love this grocery store, the employees are wonderful too! (Original) J'aime cette épicerie, les employés son merveilleux également !


So we had a terrible experience from start to finish. We had placed an order through “Cook it” which is a third party vendor that does Meal-Kit subscriptions that you are able to pick up at a Metro location in your area. Unfortunately that meant, Metro Greber. We received an email saying our order had been delivered and was ready for pick up - we also placed this order two weeks in advance to try to minimize the amount of possible difficulties. After we received the email, we called the store as we wanted to double confirm that our order had arrived, was ready to pick up and where in the store we need to go to pick it up. We were initially told on the phone that “no we don’t have that here” and then “maybe you should try calling another location”. We had informed them that we had a confirmation email stating where to pick it up. Then without another word the person just put us on hold and eventually someone else picked up and we went through the same conversation again. Both times the staff just said “no we don’t have that” and were unwilling to help. After a lot of push back, and us asking if they can ask someone else/ if we could be transferred to someone else they put us on hold and then the same person came back and said “yes we do have that service but we didn’t get anything today” as you can imagine we were pretty surprised because we had received a confirmation email. We decided to bite the bullet and drive over to the store and try to pick up our box. Upon arrival, my partner was told yet again, “no we don’t do that”. My partner said “I believe that you do as I have an email confirmation”. And then went through the exact same thing that happened on the phone from multiple staff saying they don’t offer the service at all to then saying they didn’t receive anything today. Meanwhile the manager doesn’t know what we are talking about either. My partner showed them the confirmation email along with the store’s receiver’s signature. They then said that they received our box but they lost it. And then the story was that they gave it to another department who must’ve given our box to someone else. Then they all just stood around and just said they don’t know. Not once did anyone offer to try and figure out what was going on, until they were asked to. By my partner. Then there’s a few of them going to the back and and running around the store looking in different fridges. Eventually as the manager is going to look in the back, she walks passed one of the cashes and sees our box sitting there. And just started laughing. It was an unnecessarily difficult and stressful situation and the lack of service was horrible.

Juan G. S.

Gold service, very clean place.

Phil Charles

Good selection

Rebecca Raymond photographie

(Translated) Good service and well organized (Original) Bon service et bien organisé

Neil Wick

Large store with a great selection.

Guy Beland

Good friendly staff always ready to help out , clean store , and there sandwitch plateau are very good

Nicolas Saumure

Manager is super nice. Big and clean store

Manon Prevost

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

mxaure 2229

(Translated) Very clean place and pleasant staff. Nothing more to say about the prices, it's like all metro! ???? ???? (Original) Endroit très propre et le personnel agréable. Rien à dire de plus sur les prix, c'est comme tout les métro! ???? ????



Luc Levac

Food way to expensive

Marcela Turizo

(Translated) Cheap, clean, tidy and spacious, good reward program, (Original) Bon marché, propre, bien rangé et spacieux, bon programme de récompense,

Chantal Bergeron

Usually find what I need. Friendly staff.

Emma Kadri

Great produce selection. The closest place to Ottawa where you can buy Horse meat. I have to say, their costumer service is outstanding, especially in the Meat department. Great staff!

Kevin Courts

limited selection of gluten free products and can return machine is old and doesn't take many cans needs updating

Sarah Beaulieu

(Translated) My favorite metro in Gatineau. (Original) Mon métro favori à Gatineau.

Emile Groleau

Only thing going for this store is the friendly casiers but the rest don't care about the customers. The overall store is not always clean, the prices are way too expensive and I would never buy in store made products there surprised they haven't made people sick

Nicholas Larcher

s be sure to check the expiration date. sometimes it's got home, and it was expired.

Mart Bigras

(Translated) These coorrect (Original) Ces coorrecte

Monique Gareau

Very overpriced

Karl Ivall

(Translated) Super good place to shop (Original) Super bon endroit pour magasiner

Allyson Cameron

Love their prices

Mark Weston

Clean friendly and fast cold beer yay

Juan Sebastian

Good place to get pizzzzza :)

patrick quinn

Great service

Ryan J

A fine selection of creton.

Daniel F Paulin

Excellent service!

annie leblanc lajoie

(Translated) Perfect for online orders when it is not possible to go out! Fast service! (Original) Parfait pour les commandes en ligne lorsqu'il n'est pas possible de sortir! Service rapide!

Shawn Paterson

Great selections!

Simon Forgues

(Translated) Much better service than at the neighboring IGA. I had enough bad experiences on the other side of the street and enough good experiences in this one (Metro) that my choice was not difficult to make. (Original) Un bien meilleur service qu'au IGA voisin. J'ai eu suffisamment de mauvaises expériences de l'autre côté de la rue et assez de bonnes expériences dans celui-ci (Métro) pour que mon choix ne soit pas difficile à faire.

Cédric Lavergne

(Translated) A clean place that sells quality food. The staff are always respectful and ready to answer your questions. Their application is really tailored to your needs and offers you discounts accordingly. And the icing on the cake, it packs your items in your bags! (Original) Un endroit propre qui vend des aliments de qualité. Le personnel est toujours respectueux et prêt à répondre à vos questions. Leur application est vraiment adaptée selon tes besoins et te propose des rabais en conséquence. Et la cerise sur le gâteau, il emballe tes articles dans tes sacs !


Great place to shop . Good selection of goods But especially they're fresh made foods you can't beat it anywhere

Mat Mer

A nice feeling Metro but it lacked in the produce department. If you're English speaking you may have to ask a couple of employees your questions before you find an English speaker.


Very friendly and helpful staff

Joshua Wright

Mainstream products. You won't find scent-free or healthy alternatives. If you like beer there's a good selection of microbreweries

Matthias Lévesque

(Translated) Well organized and clean. The employees are courteous and available to help us. (Original) Bien organisé et propre. Les employés sont courtois et disponibles pour nous aider.

Roger Chénier

(Translated) Grocery store not big so a little less products (Original) Épicerie surface pas grande donc un peu moins de produits

melinda cummings

Great selection. Clean store. Well stocked. I only buy sale items here as I find it vastly overpriced.

That Guy

Prices were good

Francisco Braga

Not as big this not many usual products you would see at a normal size metro. People are polite. Super great that they bag the items for you.


Nice place clean good selection

Sohail A

Good place for quick (in/out) small grocery shopping. If major shopping i usually go somewhere else. But it is convenient and good place otherwise!

Eric Paulin

It's ok I would rate it 3.5 stars if I could...its a small store so limited selection but has necessities and produce is good

Roger El_Chakieh


Ricky Davidson

Friendly environment, close to home.

Myriam Plourde

(Translated) Great like all metro (Original) Super comme tout les métro

Arruda Lourdes

(Translated) Super friendly the staff? accessible to the clean department too. rather small parking lot. (Original) Super sympa le personnel ? accessible au rayon propre aussi . stationnement plutôt petit.

Lip Edward

While metro is known for its higher cost per cart, the produce laat a longer than other supermarkets. The staff is also very friendly and approachable. They very courteous. Keep up the great job Metro Team

Marc-André St-Jean

(Translated) Good grocery store with variety. (Original) Bonne épicerie avec de la variété.


Metro is nice, but expensive if not on sale.

ronald st-jacques

Nice and clean

Sophia Calic

(Translated) Bought a turkey for christmas and realize it's rotten. The owner would rather lose a customer than give back $ 23 because I didn't bring him a rotten turkey and don't have a bill. How could I have walked out of the store with a turkey in my hands without paying for it. Plus, because there hasn't been any other feedback from other customers. Maybe because people don't bother knowing how bad customer service is. Too bad for them, I'll go to the IGA next door instead from now on. (Original) Acheté une dinde pour noël et se rendre compte qu'elle est pourrie. Le propriétaire préfère perdre une cliente que de rembourser 23$ parce que je ne lui ai pas ramené une dinde pourrie et que je n'ai pas de facture. Comment aurais-je pu sortir du magasin avec une dinde dans les mains sans la payer. De plus, parce qu'il n'y a eu aucun autre retour de d'autres clients. Peut-être parce que les gens ne se donnent pas la peine sachant comment le service à la clientèle est pourrie. Tant pis pour eux, je vais aller à la place au IGA juste à côté dorénavant.

Zayra Bustamante

Good price, great quality

Elaine Bedard

Storenwell stocked and someone washing the carts

Marcelle Ngounou

(Translated) expensive (Original) Onéreux

Denis uncleD. Gregoire

Its a good place to go do groceries

Jen Mlotha

Good atmosphere, clean store, great customer service

Father Naomi

The place to be.

Fatou Aya TRAORE

(Translated) Good (Original) Bon

Colleen Talbot

Loved their produce dept!

christian beriault

Getting to expensive

George C

Great place for groceries

Alireza Mansouri

A little expensive

lamont rafael

(Translated) Everything is good the food can be expensive but it's like that today (Original) Tout est good la bouf un peut chère mais c comme ça aujourd'hui

Niavlys Ruofud

(Translated) One of the beautiful metro in the region. Excellent meat products, albeit a bit pricey, but good. Only the parking lot leaves something to be desired because the lines between the parking lots seem narrower than elsewhere. Maybe because there is not a lot of parking (Original) Un des beaux metro de la région. D'excellent produits de boucherie, quoique quelque peu cher, mais bon. Seul le stationnement laisse a desirer car les lignes entre les stationnement semblent plus étroites qu'ailleurs. Peut être parcequil ny a pas beaucoup de stationnement

Bruno Mongeon

Good grocery store. Good employees that take time to give you good suggestions

gilles monfils

(Translated) very good (Original) tres bien

mels_ prosaic

Kind employees, good service, good experience.

Valerie Menard

(Translated) The shelves were at. 3/4 empty. Unpleasant !! (Original) Les tablettes etais au. 3/4 vide. Deplaisant !!

Andrew McDonald

Enjoy coming here to shop. A great selection of food. And sometimes some great deals. Keep an eye on the flyers. Picked up our Miss Fresh order too.

Jean-Marc Cholette

(Translated) A clean, good-smelling store where you can find regional products (garlic from Quebec, honey from Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette), courteous service (vegetable and fruit and butcher sections) . We took the time to serve me. Smiling cashiers too. Thank you! (Original) Un magasin propre qui sent bon où on trouve des produits de la région ( de l'ail du Québec, du miel de Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette ), du service courtois (sections des légumes et fruits et de la boucherie). On a pris le temps de me servir. Des caissières souriantes aussi. Merci!

Nicolas Paré

(Translated) Do not order online here. They make substitutions without telling them, we are given food almost out of date, a shame. (Original) No faites pas votre commande en linge ici. Ils font des substitutions sans en faire part, on nous passe les aliments presque passé date, vraiment dommage.


(Translated) Very clean! Staff attentive and professional. I always go there! (Original) Très propre! Staff à l'écoute et professionnel. Je vais toujours là!

Le Brasse-Camarade Saint-André-Avellin

(Translated) It is a beautiful metro, with many DD choices. (Original) C'est un beau métro, avec beaucoup DD choix.

Megan B.

(Translated) Good service at the checkout, very dirty in the fruit and vegetable section. (Original) Bon service aux caisses, très sale dans le rayon des fruits et légumes.

Lyne Blondeau

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Therese St-denis

Clean store fast seevice

SAM Moursy

Good place

Pier-luc Brunet Lafreniere

Beter price then i expected

Hubert B

(Translated) I always buy my whole tenderloins from you. I can then make the cut that suits me. Quality meat ++++++ (Original) J'achète toujours mes filets mignon entier chez vous. Je peux ainsi en faire la découpe qui me convient. Viande de qualité ++++++

Alex Anders

Good grocery store, good variety and friendly workers

Jean-François Pauzé

Nice place to do weekly groceries... Has mostly everything...

Yves Savoie

(Translated) I often go to the subway for dinner. Ready to eat food is often not very good or almost expired. I suggest Iga up payment up if you want some food for a quick dinner. (Original) je suis souvent aller au métro la pour dîner. la nourriture du prêt à manger est souvent pas très bonne ou presque expiré. je suggère le Iga en haut de montée paiement si vous voulez de la nourriture pour un dîner rapide.

Rebecca Bowling

Staff is polite and helpful! The store is clean! I find everything I need in this store! Expect for sushi if you go at late hours .... no one is there to make them. But I like the wide selection of foods! I consider this store to everyone!

Denis Murphy

Great fried chicken

Justin Whelan

Many times I asked one of your employees if they had a specific item and was replied that either they did not have it or that they were out of it but later on while shopping I would find the item in an alley and I get that product changes places from time to time but I would appreciate a little more help than simply saying that you are out of it without even looking for it a little bit or asking a colleague.

Dan dzzz

Food and beer in a 1 stop it...clean ...a little old looking but eh its a grocery store...

Stefania Fusillo

Small store but some times they have good sales

John Fixit

Equivalent pricing to IGA but everything you'd ever want

Gaetan Lessard

(Translated) Very nice store very well maintained and clean! (Original) Très beau magasin très bien entretenu et propre!

alex bouchard

I buy my meat here and the place is always clean and the staff is friendly.

Benoit faucher (Skindover)

A bit expensif but always great quality

Marie Elaine

(Translated) Nice grocery store and customer service is always impeccable. (Original) Belle épicerie et le service à la clientèle est toujours impeccable.

Pat Norm

Lots of variety

Tanyia Lyons


Pierre Bedard

(Translated) Very nice presentation of products and especially meat and vegetables (Original) Très belle présentation des produits et surtout viande et légumes

Latreille Nicole

(Translated) Very good customer service and super clean (Original) Très bon service à la clientèle et super propre

james price

Great place and awsome people. Very clean

Anik Lalonde

Great selection in every department

Maggie Holmes

One of ourcfav gorcey stores

Tatiana Knyazeva

Everything what you need.

Claudette Levesque

(Translated) Everything is good and fresh but the price of meat is exorbitant (Original) Tout est bon et frais mais le prix de de la viande est exorbitante Masse

I have yet to be disappointed.

Gilbert Galipeau

nice place to do grocery s

Rene Pilon

Nice place very classy and clean little expensive if you are on a budget

Vincent Doucet-Landry

Nice ingredients diversity, good meat and vegetables choice

Joelle Dallaire

(Translated) There were several empty freezers .. specials that ended on Wednesday .. it was only 2pm. The crates .. black carpet were soiled .... (Original) Ils y avait plusieurs congélateurs vides..des spéciaux qui finissaient mercredi était seulement 14hrs .les caisses ..tapis noir étaient souillés ... .

Lucille Chevrier

Great place very clean store and friendly staff

richard maurice

(Translated) Always well served by Ms. Linda (Original) Toujours bien servi par mme.Linda

Mano Rous

(Translated) Very good service. Fresh food. He is very good. (Original) Très bon service. Nourriture fraîche. Il est très bien.

Tabitha Seguin

Wish I could leave no stars because honestly this place doesn't even deserve any, but it's the only way I can make this review. I'm writing this review on behalf my senior mom, she has a hard time going up and down the stairs in her apartment building so she gets her groceries delivered to her. Usually everything is done right but Monday when she received her groceries they forgot multiple grocery bags. Now my mother is the type that checks her receipts (after this accounter everyone should) so she gave them a call and the delivery guy rudely answered back to her asking her "what now" to then coming back with the WRONG Bag, turns out it was another bag in the truck. My mom showed him her receipt of the items she was missing and he turned back and swore at her. And once he gave her the right bag he asked her rudely "are you good now?" She tried giving a call to the manager to report what happened just for them not wanting to talk to her and send her call to someone else. She got fed up and hanged up on them. It bothers me that people go around treating others this way. Especially if they are senior and they're only doing this because they are not capable to do it themselves. She will never shop there again, and i wouldn't recommend anyone to shop or get their groceries delivered from this place, unless you want to be treated with no respect.

Tom Hainault

(Translated) Small as metro "more". Very clean, courteous and professional employees. (Original) Petit comme métro "plus". Très propre, employés courtois et professionnels.

Louise Galipeau

(Translated) Well in general (Original) Bien en général

Philip Baldwin

They have what I want

Claudine Dupuis

(Translated) Clean and welcoming (Original) Propre et accueillant

Jean-François Paré

Excellent and fresh.

Dawn Carmanico

Great service

Gilles M

(Translated) very good service and competent staff and you find everyone (Original) très bon service et personnels compétents et tu trouves de tous

Isabelle Langevin

Needed some specific things that I couldn't find anywhere. Well, they had them. At the entrance am employee makes sure your sanitized and gives you a clean cart.

Slim Shady

Great experience

Leslie Rodgers

I love metro's!!!!

conrad Carrenard

Good place to shop.

Rosa Perez

(Translated) The minimum you expect when going to the grocery store is to have fresh food. I buy a bag of frozen shrimp, eat them the next day, and I'm sick. They weren't fresh. But their packaging said the opposite. Really disgusting. (Original) Le minimum qu'on s'attend lorsqu'on va à l'épicerie est d'avoir des aliments frais. J'achète un sac de crevettes congelées, je les mange le lendemain et je suis malade. Elles n'étaient pas fraîches. Mais leur emballage disait le contraire. Vraiment dégueulasse.

Jean guy Beaulne

(Translated) Very beautiful place, it has been a long time since I have been to this place. The service is very good too. (Original) Très bel endroit, fait longtemps que j'ai pas été à cet endroit. Le service est très bon aussi.

Stephane Sauve

Found the water I was looking for for the past few months

Robert skaf

Good customer service

Carole Gagnon

(Translated) Good choice (Original) Bon choix

Mario Louis-Seize

(Translated) Good beer (Original) Bonne bière

Denisemarguerite Lortie

(Translated) I have been a regular and avid customer of Metro blvd Greber for twelve years and am very satisfied with the products as well as the impeccable service when needed, information, service, special requests from them. The products are fresh as well as their meals prepared on site. Their meats are fresh and reasonably priced. Metro is more than a regular grocery store ..... believe me !!! I've been shopping at Metro Greber for the past 12 yrs and I have been served professionaly if there is any questions or information's needed. Their products are fresh and at a reasonable price and their meat products are the best! (Original) Je suis une habituée et fervente cliente chez Metro blvd Greber depuis douze ans et je suis très satisfaite des produits ainsi que les services impeccables lorsque les besoins , informations, services, demandes spéciales auprès d'eux. Les produits sont frais ainsi que leurs bouffes préparées sur place. Leurs viandes sont fraîches et à prix raisonnable. Metro est plus qu'une épicerie ordinaire.....croyez-moi!!! I've been shopping at Metro Greber for the past 12 yrs and I have been served professionnaly if there is any questions or information's needed. Their products are fresh and at a reasonable price and their meat products are the best!

stephanie s.samaroo

Expensive but fantastic cashier She made my son smile and was very personable Would go back just because of her kindness

Grant Leishman

Stopped by to purchase some vegetables for the road, carrots we're slimy/past their prime. Not a lot of selection.

Ramiro Lopez


Auston St-aubin

Great prices.

Hans Daalmeyer

Good prices and selection

Rick Leichter

Much better than the one a few blocks east. Friendlier staff, better product selection, better general cleanliness. Fifth star omitted because, during Coronavirus, there should really be someone at the door assuring people that carts are clean and hands are sanitized.

Yves Lacasse

(Translated) Really a nice grocery store with good variety of fresh produce and very clean.Excellent customer service (Original) Vraiment une belle épicerie avec bonne variété de produits frais et très propre.un excellent service à la clientèle

David Philippe

(Translated) Very well located. Close to home and very good. Fri (Original) Très bien situé. Près de chez moi et de très bonne. Ven

Mira Dimitrova

(Translated) Their ready meals stink of garlic in large quantities it's unbearable (Original) Leurs plats préparés puent l'ail en grande quantité c'est insupportable

Liz White

Clean store, friendly staff, great service!

Mich Fournier

Went for a cake. Waited 15 minutes and asked 2 attends for a baker 2 come give me the cake I wanted. No service. So I left with pre packed cupcakes. Even though birthday girl was hoping for a cake.

Diane Breton

I find Metro is like a family store compared to cosco which is all business not friendly like store.

Tim Goulet

good store

James Gaines

Very clean store, all grocery needs with nice bakery.

Rachel Gregoire

Need for pack boys/girls. Cashiers don't seem to want to do it...unless you ask.


Missing alot of the advertised specials

Jean Methot


Nadine Lariviere

(Translated) Always good fresh product and very clean air. I have moved and I am closer to other grocery store, but I make the detour to go to this one anyway. In addition the staff is stable and so courteous. (Original) Toujours de bon produit frais et les airs très propre. J'ai déménager et je me trouve plus près de d'autre épicerie, mais je fais le détour pour me rendre à celle-ci quand même. De plus le personnel est stable et tellement courtois.

yves st-michel

(Translated) 2 at the stars that's all (Original) 2 au étoiles c'est tout

Luc Mondoux

(Translated) Great service from staff today! A not too big grocery store, which does not require you to walk 3km in it to find what you are looking for. (Original) Excellent service du personnel aujourd'hui! Une épicerie pas trop grosse, qui ne nécessite pas de marcher 3km en dedans pour trouver ce qu'on cherche.

Joanne Letang

(Translated) I find that the place is not very clean and the new employees are very lazy, they don't want to know anything about the customers, they ignore us completely. Nothing to say against the old staff. New manager a big one without drawing (Original) Je trouve que la place est pas très propre et les nouveaux employé sont très paresseux il ne veulent rien savoir des clients ils nous ignorent complètement. Rien à dire contre le vieux staff. Nouveau gérant un gros sans dessin

Caro Hubert

always have what i need

Jose Furtado

Been going there for at least 24 year s and lovely staff , great service happy Canada day


(Translated) I've heard they threaten employees to fire them if they don't get the shot. This is contrary to article 16 (c-12) of the Quebec charter of rights and freedoms. "No one may discriminate in the hiring, apprenticeship, length of the probationary period, professional training, promotion, transfer, displacement, layoff, suspension, dismissal or the conditions of a person's work and in the establishment of job categories or classifications. " You risk a $ 300,000 fine and be summoned to international prosecutions which will take place shortly. (Original) J'ai entendu dire qu'ils menacent les employés de les congédier s'ils ne se font pas vacciner. C'est contraire à l'article 16 (c-12) de la charte des droits et libertés du Québec. «Nul ne peut exercer de discrimination dans l’embauche, l’apprentissage, la durée de la période de probation, la formation professionnelle, la promotion, la mutation, le déplacement, la mise à pied, la suspension, le renvoi ou les conditions de travail d’une personne ainsi que dans l’établissement de catégories ou de classifications d’emploi.» Vous risquez des 300 000$ d'amende et être convoquer aux poursuites internationales qui auront lieu sous peu.

Melanie Charbonneau

(Translated) I have always been to the metro, but for the past few weeks there has been a lack of a lot of products. (Original) j'ai toujours été a se métro mais depuis quelques semaine il manque beaucoup de produits .Je suis assez déçu .

amelie michaud

(Translated) Products expired for more than 2 months on the meat shelf last week, floor not clean and dangerous, plus it no longer cleans the baskets when entering or the hands of customers! I was really disappointed! (Original) Produits périmés depuis plus de 2 mois sur l'étagère de viande la semaine dernière , plancher pas propre et dangereux , de plus il ne nettoie plus les paniers a l' entrer ni les mains des clients ! J'ai vraiment été déçu !

Jean Marie Nda

Well organized

Santana Gamble

My number one place to grocery shop I love the selection they have .


Food are really expensive.

Kimberley Tremblay

Big, clean store with good choices in the fresh department but kind of expensive.

Alain Duquette

(Translated) Very good service and wide selection of NESTLÉ products (Original) Très bon service et grand choix des produits NESTLÉ

Jocelyn Boyer

(Translated) Very courteous customer service, impeccable location, professional checkout service, adequate parking, merchandise and special well identified. (Original) Service client très courtois, lieu impeccable, service aux caisses professionnel, stationnement adéquat, marchandise et spéciaux bien identifiés.

Suzanne Emond

(Translated) Exceptional service, great product, a huge selection of local products and import. (Original) Un service exceptionnel , excellent produit, un très grand choix de produits locals et importer.

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