Reviews of IGA Marché Masson Angers inc. (Fish Shop)

112 Rue Georges, Gatineau, QC J8M 1A2, Canada

Average Rating:


Here we offer you the information of people who consume the services and products of IGA Marché Masson Angers inc. (Fish Shop) around Gatineau territory (Canada).

Now the business receives a rating of 4.4 over 5 and this score has been calculated on 127 reviews.

As you can read, its rating is really high, and it is based on a very large number of feddbacks, so we can be quite sure that the rating is very credible. If people have bothered to value when they are happy, it works.

You know that we don't usually bother to give evaluations when these are positive and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Fish Shop is included in the category of Grocery store.

Where is IGA Marché Masson Angers inc.?

REVIEWS OF IGA Marché Masson Angers inc. IN Gatineau

M.-E. P.

Gabriel st-louis

(Translated) Not strong your poke bolls, too lazy to stir them and cut the vegetables. Ah, $ 15 more. (Original) Pas fort vos poke boll, trop paresseux de les brasser et de couper les legumes.???? Ah, 15$ en plus.

Paul-Louis Leduc

Very good IGA

Huguette Dompierre-Richard

(Translated) excellent courteous service with very nice smiles from all (Original) excellent service courtois avec très beaux sourires de tous

tacha belisle

Martin Charlebois

Sandra Thibault

Roch Lessard

Michael Monfils

Mylenne Proulx

(Translated) Own (Original) Propre

Louis Ferreira

(Translated) Excellent at IGA impeccable customer service. (Original) Excellent chez IGA service impeccable a la clientèle impeccable.

Michel Lacroix

(Translated) The reception of the goods is very clean as a delivery person here is a statement which speaks volumes about the store. Well done. (Original) La réception des marchandises est très propre en tant que livreur voilà une constatation qui en dit long sur le magasin. Bravo.

Pierre Bolduc

That store always have in stock was is on promotion of the week.

Diana Nantel

(Translated) Very expensive (Original) Tres dispendieux

MiSs VéRo

(Translated) A new IGA !!! Wow! Super clean and very big! Lots of articles, good qualities (Original) Un IGA neuf!!! Wow! Super propre et très grand! Pleins d'articles, de bonnes qualités

David Cormier

Janine Anderson

(Translated) The meat, extraordinarily beautiful (Original) La viande, extraordinairement belle

Jean-Philippe T.

(Translated) It feels at home. People are smiling, fresh products. (Original) On s'y sent a la maison. Les gens sont souriant, les produits frais.

Jocelyn Hotte

Maxime Solinas

T pas bon


Marcel Sylvain

Dman Gunner

Lots of food????

Pierre St-Martin


Good food, good food

Alexandre Robertson

Very good place to shop!

G.f.campeau N0w3bzzzb

(Translated) Proximity walk, very popular in the area. (Original) Marche de proximité, très appréciés dans le secteur.

Jaci Mainvi

(Translated) D times (Original) D fois

Sawsan Shorbajee

But expensive

Laurent Cyr

(Translated) A super cheap! IGA has forced itself in recent years to modernize and bring more diverse products to the consumer. Food prices have gone up too, but it's worth it. Very nice meat also with a very varied choice. (Original) Un super de bon marché! IGA s'est vrainent forcé dans les dernières années pour se moderniser et emmener plus de produits diivers au consommateur. Le prix des aliments a monté aussi mais, cà en vaut la peine. Très belle viande aussi avec un choix très varié.

Karl Ivall

(Translated) Good (Original) Bien

Melissa Chartrand

(Translated) The customer service is really exceptional, the store always clean and we always have what we need (Original) Le service a la clientèle est vraiment exceptionnelle, le magasin toujours propre et il on toujours ce que nous avons de besoin

guy therrien

(Translated) Grocery very own very beautiful fruits and vegetables go for it worth it and service at 1 (Original) Épicerie très propre fruits et légumes très beaux allez-y ça vaut la peine et service à 1

Stephanie Walsh

(Translated) From (Original) De

Anne-Marie Plante

(Translated) We find what we want! (Original) Ns trouvons ce qu'on veut !

Mandii Griffith

Clean friendly place

Cardinal Cardinal

(Translated) Effective (Original) Efficace

Karine Rondeau-chartrand

Martin Paquette

Michel Roberge

(Translated) Good quality of meat (Original) Bonne qualité de viande

Nathalie Pilon


PsychoBreck -

Daniel Laflamme

Very clean, staff are polite.

Lise Chainé

(Translated) To help her can go, very expensive food. Not my favorite grocery store. (Original) Pour dépanner sa peux allez ,la nourriture très chers. Pas mon épicerie préféré.

Phil Good

guy st-jean

(Translated) very clean ideal. ..good price (Original) très propre idéal. ..bon prix

Juli Julie

(Translated) Better service .. the employees are attentive ... no need to argue to have a packer ... well done to the whole team .. (Original) Meilleure service ..les employés sont a l'écoute...pas besoin d argumenter pour avoir un embaleur...bravo a toute l équipe..

Sylvie Alain

(Translated) More choice especially counter fish and seafood. (Original) Plus de choix surtout comptoir poissons et fruits de mers.

Fernando Alvarez

Of course 2 of the five items I was looking for were in 2 different places. Flour is in 2 different isles. Which is very frustrating when you're in a hurry. Associated were very helpful and professional.

Claudine Bouchard

(Translated) Very nice family atmosphere. Beautiful wide variety of products. If you are looking for something out of the ordinary, this is the place. (Original) Très belle ambiance familiale. Belle grande variété de produits. Si vous cherchez des petites chose hors de l'ordinaire c'est la place.

Noemie Soucy

Francis Desjardins

(Translated) It's been several months now that you repeat the same song to us at the checkout ... "Be careful the bags are fragile" You don't mind changing them after so long .... I am still caught picking up my groceries in my entry of course .. Besides that you load them, you should be ashamed, the bags vs should keep them for you to put them on the head so much I would be embarrassed in your place. (Original) Voilà maintenant plusieurs mois que vous nous répétez la même chanson au caisse... “Faites attention les sacs sont fragiles” Ça ne vous tentes pas de les changer après autant de temps.... Je suis encore prit à ramasser mon épicerie dans mon entrée de cours.. En plus que vous les charger, vous devriez avoir honte, les sacs vs devriez les garder pour vous les mettres sur la tête tellement je serais gêné à votre place.

Michelle Chainey

Yannick Lefebvre

Philippe Laurin

(Translated) Grocery store well located, there is everything. (Original) Épicerie bien située, on y trouve de tout.

Paul Therrien

Daniel Kersulis

(Translated) Three good ammenager !! (Original) Tres bien ammenager!!

Julie Cloutier


Clean, well stocked, friendly staff.

Stephanie Gingras

Nooks Poire

(Translated) Charcuterie closes 1 hour before closing (9 p.m) but often it is closed at ridiculous hours. 9pm is way too early anyways. (Original) Charcuterie ferme 1h avant la fermeture (9p.m) mais souvent elle est fermer a des heures ridicule . 9pm c'est bien trop tot anyways.

Nathalie Anne Lacelle

Fanny Levert

Mathieu Gagnon

Always a great service, no items that are past their date also never big lineups.

Stacy Kilbride

I give the store four stars, however... after about 8 years of ordering birthday cakes, I ordered a unicorn cake for my daughter’s fourth birthday. The cake was just awful. The icing was melted. The cake itself is a unicorn face. The …

Ann Teske

(Translated) Clean places, warm and caring staff. (Original) Lieux propres, personnel chaleureux et bienveillant.

Suzanne Lachaine

(Translated) Good store they often have what you need (Original) Bon magasin ils ont souvent se que vous avez besoin


Great place

Patrick Turgeon

(Translated) Very satisfied except an item is missing the lemonade "" no compliments "you almost never have very sad because it is excellent yes I talked about it I think it is rarer than the pope ..... (Original) Tres satisfait sauf il manque un item la limonade"" no compliments "vous en avez presque jamais tres triste car elle est excellente oui jen ai parlé je crois qu'elle est plus rare que le pape.....

Gabriel Bélisle-Dupuis

(Translated) The best Pesto. (Original) Le meilleur Pesto.

celest _32566

(Translated) Price too high (Original) Prix trop élevé

Ben Leclerc

Great choice and great service ????

Enriette Lepage

Dennis Robertson

Great friendly little supermarket and even though my first language is French, my girlfriend is unilingual English and the 3 staff members who greeted and interacted with us, did so in their best broken English. 10 STARS in my book. Merci beaucoup !

Melanie Wills

Chantal Henri

(Translated) Good service. (Original) Bon service.

Robert Gagnon

(Translated) Perfect place to shop (Original) Endroit idéal pour faire son marché

Gérald Berriault (Gerrybee)

(Translated) I have always had good service in this place thank you (Original) Jai toujour eu un bon service a cette endroits merci

Bernardo Maldonado

Excelent service

Adrienne Robitaille

(Translated) Excellent checkout service by Patrice (Original) Excellent service au caisse par Patrice

Charles-Andre Beauchamp

(Translated) Always clean and the staff is friendly. However, they often forget to post items that are on sale. Rely on the flyer and not the store labels. Large parking and right next to Larose auction market. ???? (Original) Toujours propre et le staff est aimable. Par contre, ils oublient souvent d'afficher des articles qui sont en vente. Fiez-vous au circulaire et non aux étiquettes du magasin. Grand stationnement et juste à côté du marché encan Larose. ????

Niavlys Ruofud

(Translated) Really a beautiful store, spacious, products not found elsewhere, fast service and with a smile. (Original) Vraiment un beau magasin, spacieux, produits que l'on retrouve pas ailleurs, service rapide et avec le sourire..

Francis Arsenault

(Translated) Huge varieties of food choices. Indoor dining room with large windows. (Original) Immense variétés de choix alimentaires. Salle à manger intérieur avec grandes fenêtres.

Marie-Eve Guilmette

(Translated) There is everything (and if you can't find what you're looking for, you can ask!), The employees are very friendly, the aisles are clear and the quality of the fresh produce is very good. (Original) Il y a de tout (et si on ne trouve pas ce que l'on cherche, on peut le demander!), les employés sont très sympathiques, les allées sont dégagées et la qualité des produits frais est très bien.

Carl Elie

Joanne Labonte

(Translated) Clean place! (Original) Endroit propre!

Olivier Larocque

(Translated) Good supermarket. Not always competitive but close. (Original) Bon supermarché. Pas toujours compétitif mais proche.

Jessica St-Jean

(Translated) We ordered online and were very happy with the service! (Original) Nous avons fais une commande en ligne et nous avons été très heureux du service!

Francisco Simplicio

Marie-louise Marengère

D BadBoy Bélanger

jacqueline white

I like to go to Metro because they have lots of fresh fruits available and the meat is great

Mat Grandmaitre

(Translated) Great prices and items. No too many ethnic foods / products though. Good price and good selection but lack of ethnic products. (Original) Great prices and items. No too many ethnic foods/products though. Bon prix et bonne selection mais manque de produits ethnique.

Sylvain Dufour

(Translated) Very clean store, everything for everyone, price a little higher than elsewhere but excellent choice and quality of products (Original) Magasin très propre, de tout pour tous, prix un peu plus élevé qu'ailleurs mais excellents choix et qualités des produits

Miguel “Migouelos” Raymond

Recommended for quick grocery shopping!

Yves “pico” g

Loïk et Vero TheRousse Leroux

(Translated) Excellent butcher's shop! (Original) Boucherie excellente!

Marie Baillargeon

(Translated) Great variety, very clean and courteous staff (Original) Grande variété, très propre et personnel courtois

Véronique Lajeunesse

(Translated) Good service, friendly employees and attentive to the needs of customers. Good variety of products and I never had a problem with the freshness of the products. (Original) Bon service, employés acceuillants et à l'écoute des besoins des clients. Bonne variété de produits et je n'ai jamais eu de problème avec la fraicheur des produits.

Marc Mocmoc

(Translated) Very good service clean place (Original) Très bon service endroit propre

ML Villeneuve

Excellent service, clean, good variety ????

Odette Gignac

(Translated) Lots of fresh choices (Original) Beaucoup de choix frais

Lyne Brisebois

Carol Menard

Nice displays, good selection. Store very inviting

Marie-Anne Copping

natalie Boucher

(Translated) I really like going shopping there. (Original) J aime beaucoup aller faites des achats à cette place .

J. Wattie

The quality of this establishment used to be outstanding but unfortunately since the passing of the owner a few years ago, it has slowly declined. The shelves are often not stocked with enough goods and on many occasions we have found expired food items that we had to bring to the employees' attention. The fruits and vegetables are not fresh; often very unappealing. It is the closest grocery store but we will only go shopping there as a last resort.

claudie lafond

(Translated) The staff at the cashier always have some food. (Original) Le personnel au caisse ont toujours des fasse de beu.????

Yves Régimbald

(Translated) The products are super fresh! (Original) Les produits sont super frais!

Karl Shatskoff


Sylvie Cloutier

(Translated) Very expensive ..... it's a luxury to go grocerie here ... I go for emergency only ... instead of going to the convenience store ... (Original) Très cher.....c'est un luxe daller faire sa grocerie à cet endroit...jy vais pour urgence lieu daller au dépanneur...

Sophie Lefebvre

(Translated) Exceptional service (Original) Service exceptionnel

Sue Viau

Noor Aatika

Friendly staff and great variety of food. Drive further away from the IGA next to my house to come to this one.

Jean marie Pomerleau

(Translated) Service cleanliness j love (Original) Service propreté j aime

Linda Labelle

(Translated) Super friendly employee (Original) Employé super sympathique

Lucie Parisien

(Translated) Beautiful fruit and good service! (Original) Beaux fruits et Bon service!

Melanie Boucher

(Translated) The service is cold and impersonal and the prices of certain items are too expensive (Original) Le service est froid et impersonnel et les prix de certain articles sont trop dispendieux

Josée Lance

jim miner

I hate when your waiting on line at the deli and the 2nd employee is walking back and forth. You know she saw me there. Then new customer walks up and she turns to him and asks him what he wants.....I've been there 10 minutes! Do you think I was there because my doctor said "your blood pressure is to high...GO stand in line at a deli"

Catherine Scott

Lise Pilon

(Translated) Very nice grocery store (Original) Très belle epicerie

Jean Marc Tambeau

(Translated) Excellent- service- atmosphere. (Original) Excellent- service- ambiance.

Benoit Hamelin

(Translated) Very clean ... the building is not 2 years old .. but the iga prices are too high even with the price drop .. (Original) Très propre...l'édifice n'a pas 2 ans ..mais les prix iga sont trop haut même avec les baisse de prix ..

Rollande lamoureux

(Translated) Very well (Original) Très bien

Rachelle Perriard

(Translated) Awesome (Original) Formidable

Zanne P

Cedric Guindon

Good employees, good food options, free tasting on Saturday afternoon

Serge Lavigne

(Translated) For everything, thank you (Original) De tout , merci

Susan Cousineau

(Translated) Excellent customer service and products. My favorite grocery store. (Original) Service à la clientèle et produits d'excellente qualité. Mon épicerie favorite.

Denis Tremblay

(Translated) Always what we want (Original) Toujours ce que nous voulons

Stephane Lemieux

(Translated) good choice of food (Original) bon choix d aliment

Philippe Morin

(Translated) Beautiful, large, clean in addition to a smiling service. Take this opportunity to visit the Encan Larose de Masson, its immediate neighbor (Original) Beau, grand, propre en plus d'un service souriant. Profitez en pour visiter l'Encan Larose de Masson son voisin immédiat

Rachel Bertrand

(Translated) The staff are fantastic! Really! The price of salads and prepared fruits too expensive on the other hand ... (Original) Le personnel est fantastique! Vraiment! Le prix des salades et fruits prepares trop cher par contre...

eric latulippe

Clean and high quality food

Nathos Nata

It's my go to neighbourhood market when I need a thing or two. I don't always find what I am looking for. You spend a little more for the same product than in other stores. They have better produce than most grocery stores.

Sonia Kenney

Yoan Boisvert

Fabien Tremblay

Dominic Tétreault

Diane Lépine

(Translated) It is acceillant choice varied (Original) C'est acceillant choix varié

Chantal P

Mary Kerschner

Marc Pilon

Great service

Carole Ouimet

(Translated) Courteous people and a welcoming and clean place. Fresh fruits and vegetables ???? (Original) Des gens courtois et un lieu acceuillant et propre. Des fruits et légumes frais ????

Alain Boivin

Plouffette e


(Translated) Store tidy. Not much choice in everything. I have to go to the Metro every time to complete my purchases. (Original) Magasin bien rangé. Pas beaucoup de choix dans tout. Je dois aller au Métro à toute les fois compléter mes achats.

Philippe Fredette

(Translated) Nice grocery store, friendly staff. Lots of products (Original) Bel épicerie, personnel aimable. Beaucoup de produits

Charles Plouffe

(Translated) Very nice and clean found by all but a little more expensive (Original) Très beau et propre trouvé de tous mais un peux plus chère

Aline Tanguay

(Translated) Nice shop good service (Original) Beau magasin bon service

Christopher Doiron

The staff tend to be pretentious. It's annoying. I like the health option foods and the prep seems nice.

Cindy Sauve

(Translated) A big convenience store full of nothing (Original) Un gros dépanneur plein de rien

Sandra Conroy

(Translated) Superb warm and family-friendly place, always clean and fresh food, smiling and helpful staff. I must admit that it is this store that we prefer to choose for our shopping in buckingham. :) keep up your good work especially in these difficult times !! Hats off to the IGA in Masson Angers :) (Original) Superbe endroit chaleureux et familial, toujours propre et aliments frais, personnel souriant et aidant. Je dois avouer que c'est ce magasin que nous préférons choisir pour faire nos courses dans buckingham. :) continuez votre beau travaille sourtout dans ces moments difficiles!! Chapeau au IGA de Masson Angers :)

Louise Lewis

It's a grocery store. Found what I needed

Martial Morin

(Translated) Good service, courteous (Original) Bon service, courtoie

Ginette Vezina

(Translated) Very professional (Original) Très professionnels

Vincent Desjardins

(Translated) Thank you for the high prices, I am discouraged each time I come home from an IGA .. and I am able to pack my shits you alone ... (Original) Merci pour les prix éléver, je suis découragé chaque fois que je rentre des un IGA.. et jsuis capable emballer mes shits tu seule...

Lucie Lanthier

(Translated) Nice well lit market with everything you want at a good price and the staff are courteous and ready to help (Original) Beau marché bien éclairé avec tout ce que vous voulez à bon prix et les employés sont courtois et prêt à vous aidé

Marc-andre Loyer

Frank Dontigny

Very nice store good variety of choices

Stéphane Desproges

Stéphanie Chouinard

(Translated) Great as usual (Original) Super comme d habitude

Christian Leblanc

(Translated) I have Mrs very close to home (Original) J'ai Mme bien près de chez nous

Danielle Hebert

(Translated) Many specials !! (Original) Beaucoup de spéciaux !!

Chantal Thériault

(Translated) Good (Original) Bon

Katie Cyrene

(Translated) Large clean surface and large selection (Original) Grande surface propre et grand choix

Louise Osborne

Nathalie Daneau

(Translated) Exceptional pastry service! They find solutions to satisfy my lack of organization. Thank you so much ! (Original) Service pâtisserie exceptionnel ! Ils trouvent des solutions pour satisfaire mon manque d'organisation. Merci mille fois !

Sylvie Roy

(Translated) Thank you very clean and good service in bakery thank you (Original) Merci très propre et bon service en boulangerie merci

Luc Tessier

(Translated) Close to home (Original) Tout près de chez nous

joanne gougeonmassie

(Translated) The service is excellent the staff number one (Original) Le service est excellent le personnel numéro un

joanne st-georges

(Translated) I found his little side charcuterie my warm (Original) J'ai trouvé sa petit le côté charcuterie mes chaleureux

Christine Dubé

(Translated) Very nice experience people are there to help us. (Original) Très belle expérience les gens sont là pour nous aider.

Blais Gilles

Marcus Habs

Christian St-Jean

George Bell

Fast and freindly food store

Joan Ramsay Burn

Beautiful grocery store with great choice of wine and beer available.

Jennifer Bourgon

(Translated) VERY unpleasant coldness service at the cash desk. besides that I made a small detour to go to an IGA (Original) Service à la caisse d'une froideur TRES désagréable. en plus que j'ai fait un petit détour pour aller dans un IGA

Anacha Sanders

So much variety and fresh good; fresh produce, sushi, prepared meals, the bakery and pastry section, well, it's mouth watering. Good specials and the staff is helpful and very polite. It's a must to shop there. A very full inventory. ????

Lucie Soucy

Great lots of local produces

Carole Sabourin

johanne madore

Jacqueline Gauthier

(Translated) The quality of the food is superior to other grocery stores in the area. A little more expensive but still tender meats and fresh fruits and vegetables that keep longer. (Original) La qualité des aliments est supérieure aux autres épicerie du coin. Un peu plus cher mais toujours des viandes tendres et des fruits et légumes frais qui se conservent plus longtemps.


richard paiement

Clean and spacious

David Gauthier Hébert

Devine Reviewer

Yves Goulet

(Translated) Good very clean store service (Original) Bon service magasin tres propre

Yvon Kyer

(Translated) There is even a smile from the cashier. (Original) On y trouve de tout même un sourie de de la caissière.

Francine Clément

(Translated) Pity! I am leaving from Thurso expressly to buy organic beets, as announced on the circular but they do not have any. Should we go to Gatineau? (Original) Dommage! Je pars de Thurso expressément pour acheter des betteraves bios, tel qu'annoncé sur la circulaire mais ils n'en ont pas. Faut-il se rendre à Gatineau?

Jean guy Beaulne

(Translated) Well liked. All the fruit and veg was all fresh and we found what we needed without asking for help. (Original) Bien aimé. Tout les fruits et légumes était tous frais et on a trouvé ce qu'on avait besoin sans demander de l'aide.

Mark-andre Lefebvre

Kim Beaulieu

(Translated) I love great service. And people are courteous (Original) J'adore super service. Et les gens sont courtois


I order my groceries online from here weekly. The staff is always friendly and they make sure to always bring the freshest produce.

priscile drouin

(Translated) Bcq thing but not quality and especially at department store prices I'm on it we will go see Saint eustache (Original) Bcq de chose mais pas de qualité et surtout a des prix de grands magasins je suis dessus on va allez voir Saint eustache

Nancy Godin

Great entry service for automatic carage cleaning.

France Guitard

(Translated) Good service and welcoming (Original) Bon service et accueillant

Sylvain Pelletier

nicolas lemieux-pigeon

Nadia Dacier

(Translated) New and fresh products (Original) Neuf et produits frais

Nadia Barrette

(Translated) The best Mito Sushi in Gatineau! The products are always fresh and above all well mounted! Impeccable service! The poke bowls are delicious and better than other IGAs! The ingredients are already cut and it's always easier to mix everything! (Original) Le meilleur des Mito Sushi à Gatineau! Les produits sont toujours frais et surtout bien montés! Service impeccable! Les poke bowls sont délicieux et meilleur que dans les autres IGA! Les ingrédients sont déjà coupés et c’est toujours plus facile de mélanger le tout!

Andre Chenier

Lyne Girard

(Translated) Good but sometimes expensive. (Original) Bien mais quelquefois cher.

Clement Trottier


Rock Chevrier

So well organized with health issues. A very pleasant shopping experience.????

Rachel A. Baulne

Wide choice of fruits and veggies. Extensive grocery choice, well displayed, shelves well stocked, pleasant atmosphere, friendly staff.

Andrew Morrison


Charles Lacroix

(Translated) Always clean and well placed, service with a smile. (Original) Toujours propre et bien placé, service avec sourire.

Marc Lalonde

Daniel Bisson

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Denis Simard

(Translated) I love this place the world always smiling (Original) J adore sette place le monde tjrs souriant

Annie-Claude Hamel

Stephane Roussy

Had everything that I needed

Franceline R

(Translated) In times of covid with super high cases with limits of people to be respected everywhere EXCEPT AT THIS IGA, No limits is checked, + 10 people in the aisles without social distancing. Well done to the owner who only worries their pockets since tomorrow will be closed on New Year's Day and Sunday also due to government restrictions. First and last time for us, everyone's safety first. (Original) En temps de covid avec des cas super élevés avec limites de personnes à respecter partout SAUF À CE IGA ,Aucune limites est vérifier, + 10 personnes dans les allées sans distantion social. Bravo au propriétaire qui ne ce soucis que leurs poches étant donné que demain sera fermé Jour de l'an et dimanche aussi due au restriction du Gouvernement . Première et dernière fois pour nous, la sécurité de tous avant tout.


Serge Larocque

(Translated) Beautiful (Original) Très beau

|Lynn Hilgendorff

Most excellent in quality of all types of food, great and friendly staff with great service as well. Very clean and welcoming atmosphere!

Alexandre Gagné

(Translated) Good choice of meat, vegetables are always fresh! Nice grocery store, the prepared dishes are very good too. (Original) Bon choix de viande, légume sont toujours frais ! Belle épicerie, les plats préparés sont très bon aussi.

Genevieve Savage

Gini Cornell-Ribet

Good clean grocery store with alcohol sales too.

Liliane Lefebvre

(Translated) Very well (Original) Très bien

Marie-J L

(Translated) Not ordering your groceries for a Saturday, received some already rotten fruit and vegetable and another time it didn't have the right items. But the service from Monday to Friday is very good. (Original) Ne pas commander votre épicerie pour un samedi, reçu quelque fruit et legume déjà pourri et une autre fois il n'avait pas les bons items. Mais le service du lundi au vendredi est très bon.

Lacroix Andy

Pierluc Lavictoire

Eric Chan

Vanessa Leblanc Adriano

(Translated) Bcq specials if you follow a little the specials of the week are very good and the good t's are there often and the more it is worth it (Original) Bcq de spécial si vous suivez un peu les spécial de la semaine sont très bien et les t bonne sont là souvent et plus sa vaut la peine

Guy Payant

(Translated) Too expensive (Original) Trop cher

Smoky Goldfish

(Translated) All superb expenses (Original) Tout frais superbe

Jocelyn Richard

(Translated) Opening at 8 am suits me perfectly ... (Original) Ouverture à 8 heure me convient parfaitement...

J m Robitaille


Ginette Clément

(Translated) Nice store fresh product good parking (Original) Beau magasin produit frais bon stationnement

Diane Boivin

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Rosalie Barrette

(Translated) Friendly, as soon as you enter with the sushi and fruits and vegetables, good service meets our needs. Super experience (Original) Sympathique, dès l'entrée avec le monsieur des sushis et ceux des fruits et légumes, bon service répond à nos besoins. Super expérience

Jean-Philippe Martin

(Translated) All right, Anab was working! (Original) Très bien, Anab travaillait!

Raymond Fairbairn

Lynne Parker

Rebecca S

France Michauville

(Translated) Clean, I haven't been there long, but lots of variety (Original) Propre, j'ai pas été la longtemps mais bcp de variété

Gaétan Philippe Raby

(Translated) Good variety of vegan products (Original) Bonne variété de produits vegan

L O'Connor

(Translated) Clean store and fresh produce (Original) Magasin propre et produits frais

Mélodie Tremblay

(Translated) Good food ready to eat, the people who work there do their job well, just perfect :) (Original) Bonne bouffe au pret a manger, les personnes qui travailles la bas font bien leur job, juste parfait :)

Roxanne Dubuc-Giroux

(Translated) I just received my groceries that we had delivered for the first time and I am pleasantly satisfied. The fruits and vegetables are beautiful and the dates of the products respect the time of use. Thank you very much to you, it took away a big stress. (Original) Je viens de recevoir mon épicerie que nous avons fait livrer pour la première fois et je suis agréablement satisfaite. Les fruits et légumes sont beaux et les dates des produits respecte le temps d'utilisation. Merci beaucoup à vous, cela a enlever un gros stresse.

Emilie Tasse

(Translated) Great since the new owners (Original) Super depuis les nouveaux propriétaires

Eric L.

(Translated) Wide variety available. Little waiting at the cash desks (Original) Grande variété disponible. Peu dattente aux caisses

Natacha Pichette Robinson

Daniele Allaire

(Translated) This IGA is always clean, the staff is dedicated, polite and professional. It's nice to go grocery shopping here. (Original) Ce IGA est toujours propre, le personnel est dévoué, poli et professionnel. C'est agréable d'aller faire son épicerie dans cet endroit.

andre therrien

Jerome Marois Brunet

Suzanne Caya

Micheline P

(Translated) Good selection! (Original) Bonne sélection!

Guy Gagnon

Ok Always room for improvment. Staff is cordial and helpfull .

Hélène Drouin

(Translated) Excellent!! (Original) Excellent!!

Francine Charette

(Translated) Pleasant commerce, employees available, beautiful fruits and vegetables always fresh. (Original) Commerce agréable, employés disponibles, beaux fruits et légumes toujours frais.

Anita Caron

Always very good

Yves Leduc

(Translated) A star for monday not (Original) Un étoile pour lundi pas

Joanne Larocque

Business Hours of IGA Marché Masson Angers inc. in Gatineau



IGA Marché Masson Angers inc. en Gatineau
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