Reviews of Fujisushi (Fish Shop)

2310 Rue Saint-Louis, Gatineau, QC J8T 5L8, Canada

Average Rating:


Here we offer you all the feddbacks of real people like you who purchase the products and services of Fujisushi (Fish Shop) in the territory close to Gatineau (Canada).

At this moment this business gets a rating of 4.3 out of 5 and this rating was based on 127 reviews.

As you can read, the average of ratings that it reaches is really high, and it's based on a very high number of feddbacks, so we can be pretty sure that the evaluation is very faithful. If people have bothered to rate when they've done well, is that it works.

As you know, we do not usually stop to write tatings when they are positive and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or incidence...

This Fish Shop belongs to the category of Sushi restaurant.

Where is Fujisushi?

REVIEWS OF Fujisushi IN Gatineau

Jing Yi Dai

(Translated) The wasabi and ginger were dry. The rolls were a bombardment of avocados, cucumbers and cream cheese with a piece of salmon quaisi nonexistent. The salmon carcasses were visible behind the counter when I checked the bill. There are other ways to prove that fish are fresh than dismembering fish in front of customers. (Original) Le wasabi et le gingembre étaient secs. Les rouleaux étaient un bombardement d`avocats, concombres et de fromage à la crème avec un morceau de saumon quaisi inexistant. Les carcasses de saumon étaient visible derrière le comptoir lorsque je suis passé régler l'addition. Il y a d'autres moyens de prouver que le poisson est frais que de démembrer le poisson devant les clients.

Jonathan Saindon

(Translated) Good value for money. Beautiful variety and originality in their dishes. (Original) Bon rapport qualité-prix. Belle variété et originalité dans leurs plats.

S Musayev

Abby Kerr

Very friendly staff! Sushi is great!

Nathalie Dubois

Julien Tremblay

(Translated) We ordered a variety of sushi (maki) made from second grade ingredients. Disappointing. (Original) Nous avons commandé une variété de sushis (maki) fait à partir d’ingrédients de deuxième qualité. Décevant.

Carolane Gagnon

Lucie Gervais

Alex D'Aoust

Lucie Jette

Maude Roberto

bin cute, bin bon

Krystell Guevara B.

Super customer service and extremely fresh sushi ???? they made it while we waited and 5 minutes later our order was ready. My new favorite place!

Erik Cadieux

(Translated) Best sushi in town. Order well in advance though. The wait is often long (Original) Meilleurs sushi en ville. Commandez longtemps à l'avance par contre. L'attente est souvent longue

Piano Malo

Luc Landry

(Translated) If you choose your sushi yourself, I think it's a great place. I strongly advise against taking the trays. The sushi is very fresh, but we were disappointed with the great lack of variety on the 75-piece platter. About 50% of the sushi was maki with cucumbers, nigiri and tuna maki. For our family, this is not worth more than 3 stars. (Original) Si vous sélectionnez vous mêmes vos sushis, je crois que c'est un excellent endroit. Je déconseille par contre fortement de prendre les plateaux. Les sushis sont très frais, mais nous avons été déçu du grand manque de variété du plateau de 75 morceaux. Environs 50% des sushis étaient des makis au concombres, des nigiris et et makis au thon. Pour notre famille, ceci ne vaut pas plus que 3 étoiles.

Mathieu Boyer

Virginie Levesque

Jasmin Major

(Translated) First visit to this localization of Fijusushi, we went there simply believing that it was of the style "all-you-can-eat" sushi as it was the case of, formerly, Fujisushi located in the Gloucester center .... well no. A la carte instead, and the sushi is really excellent. The place is small but friendly with a few tables. Excellent for take out orders, there is an excellent selection of platters ready to go but it is also possible to place personalized orders. (Original) Première visite à cette localisation de Fijusushi, nous y sommes allés croyant tout bonnement que c'était du style "all-you-can-eat" sushi comme c'était le cas du, anciennement, Fujisushi localisé au centre Gloucester.... et bien non. Formule à la carte au lieu, et les sushis sont vraiment excellent. L'endroit est petit mais sympathique avec quelques tables. Excellent pour commandes pour emporter, il y a une excellente sélection de plateau déjà près à emporter mais il est également possible de faire des commandes personnalisées.


Great takeout place to order sushi. The quality is a top notch and the service is extremely friendly and very helpful. I wish they had a location in downtown Gatineau.

J-P Vachon

Jackie Ebert

Calling in advance, they make me wait 2.5 hours for my order. Two hours after eating, I have a sore stomach. For the second time. I went a couple months ago and had a sore stomach then too. I gave you guys a second chance and you won't get a third. I saw 10 bags of cooked rice sitting on top of the microwave, and 5 containers of salmon sitting on the counter. Why were these food items not refrigerated?

Marcela Turizo

(Translated) Not good service, hot water to drink, questionable sushi quality. (Original) Pas bon service, de l'eau chaude pour boire, qualité du sushi douteuse.


Not the best tasting sushi at all. Very bland. Good service and nice employees but the sushi is mediocre at best.

Carl Presseault

Dan Beau

(Translated) In my opinion, the best sushi in Gatineau. I order often and I am always satisfied. (Original) Selon moi, les meilleurs sushi à Gatineau. Je commande souvent et je suis toujours satisfait.

Claudine Fugère

(Translated) I have traveled all over the world ... eaten sushi in Los Angeles, Mauritius, Reunion Island, Seychelles, Costa Rica, Panama and Dubai, and the best sushi I have eaten Fuji Sushi .... in Gatineau ... by far! Super job ... great team ... great rolls ... great price ... I love you! (Original) J'ai voyagé partout dans le monde...mangé du sushi à Los Angeles, Île Maurice, Île de la Réunion, les Seychelles, au Costa Rica, au Panama et à Dubai, et le meilleur sushi que j'ai mangé était chez Fuji Sushi....à far! Super job...super équipe...super rouleaux...super prix...Je vous adore!

Guadalupe Nunez-Gonzalez

(Translated) Amaaazing, enormously suggest (Original) Amaaazing , énormément suggérer

Arnold Burrows

Marie Eve R.Tremblay

Theresa Gajecki

Don’t ever go here! Ordered shrimp tempura. Was told to take from the cooler a clear plastic container with 3 cooked earlier shrimp tempura. So I’m supposed to take home and heat in microwave? And have soggy shrimp tempura? 30 years of eating sushi in Vancouver BC the tempura is supposed to come out of a deep fryer nice and warm with a dipping sauce. They tell me they’re not licenced for a deep fryer. Ordered California roll which is usually 6 smaller pieces with imitation crab, avocado etc. I got 3 rolls which were pretty tasteless. The Dragon roll wasn’t much better. And expensive too for tasteless poorly prepared sushi.

Karine Villeneuve

(Translated) Very bad service, the boy at the checkout was stupid and condescending. (Original) Très mauvais service, le garçon à la caisse était bête et condescendant.

Robyn Scholes

(Translated) Always fresh. Excellent quality and choice of sushi. (Original) Toujours frais. Excellent qualité et choix de sushi.

Gabriella Jolin

Vanessa Bédard

(Translated) Wow. Best Sushi I have ever eaten in Canada! Unbelievable. You will not be disappointed. (Original) Wow. Meilleur Sushi que j'ai jamais mangé au Canada! Incroyable. Vous ne serez pas décu.

Stephanie Giroux

Marcel Leger

Emma Régimbald

Sophie Guindon

(Translated) Always delicious! (Original) Toujours délicieux!

Quest Dreamland

Al S

Though i liked their sushi, however the portions are small. For $50 you expect to be full!

Élisabeth Veyrat

(Translated) I have been there twice, guided by the many positive reviews posted on Facebook, but I am far from convinced by this restaurant sushi makis. The first time, the ready choices were ok, and the sushi ok, nothing more. I went back Sunday at 18:00 and there, my experience was frankly bad: a single plateau remaining self-service. For lack of choice, I buy it because I'm in a hurry but I was very disappointed. I found the sushi and maki dry and bland (the latter filled with cucumber or a pasty preparation with crab). As for wasabi, it was frankly dry! A permanent minimum choice of ready-made products is essential to satisfy the customer in a hurry, the employees are young and do not seem very motivated, it would take a little more rigor. So I think I will not go back, even if the shop was closest to home, shame! (Original) J'y suis allée deux fois, guidée par les nombreux avis favorables postés sur Facebook, mais je suis loin d'être convaincue par ce restaurant de sushis makis. La première fois, les choix tout prêts étaient corrects, et les sushis corrects, sans plus. J'y suis retournée dimanche à 18:00 et là, mon expérience a été franchement mauvaise : un seul plateau restant au libre service. Faute de choix, je l'achète car je suis pressée mais j'ai été très déçue. J'ai trouvé les sushis et les makis secs et fades (ces derniers remplis soit de concombre, soit d'une préparation pâteuse à base de crabe). Quant au wasabi, il était franchement sec ! Un choix minimum permanent de produits tout prêts est indispensable pour satisfaire le client pressé, les employés sont jeunes et ne paraissent pas très motivés, il faudrait un peu plus de rigueur. Je crois donc que je n'y retournerai plus, même si la boutique était la plus proche de chez moi, dommage !

R Lacroix

Diane Trif

(Translated) Best place to buy sushi in Gatineau! Excellent service and more;) (Original) Meilleur endroit pour acheter des sushis à Gatineau! Excellent service en plus ;)

Fred Lamontagne

(Translated) Correct sushi. Allow time when ordering over the phone, but your order will be ready well in advance of the time you are given. (Original) Sushis bien corrects. Prévoyez du temps lorsque vous commandes par téléphone, mais votre commande sera prêt bien avant le temps qu'on vous donnera.

Martin Charron

Leo Carvalho

If you like “veggie” sushi, maybe this is your place...

Marie-Lou Boutin

France Pagé

(Translated) Wow today was our first experience at Fuji Sushi and we are very impressed. The sushi is excellent and made fresh for us. Thank you, you have just won two new customers. (Original) Wow aujourd'hui fut notre première expérience au Fuji sushi et nous sommes très impressionnés. Les sushis sont excellents et faits fraîchement pour nous. Merci vous venez de gagner deux nouveaux clients.

Dr. Guillaume Toupin, D.C.

(Translated) The best sushi in Gatineau! We eat it almost once a week! I recommend it with no hesitation! (Original) Les meilleurs sushis de Gatineau! On en mange presque 1 fois par semaine! Je le recommande sans hésiter!

James Milks

Freshly made. Friendly service.

Eric Paulin

Pretty decent for gatineau! tasted fresh even though I picked out of the fridge

Adriana Motino

(Translated) Very good, compared to other sushi places that put a ton of rice and mini piece of avocado and fish in the center! Here they are not cheap on foods. Parcontre it's quite expensive (Original) Très bon , comparativement à d'autres places à sushi qui mettent une tonne de riz et des mini morceau d'avocat et de poisson au centre! Ici ils ne sont pas cheap sur les aliments. Parcontre c'est assez cher

Jophiel Marsolais

Spent $64 with tip. The sashimi tastes like fridge/cooler, definitely not fresh. The other sushi tolls are grey and old, don't taste good either. Not very happy with this purchase.

Roch Beaudoin

Karen McElroy

christine Lacroix

Gabriel Painchaud

(Translated) Extremely disappointing. We received rotten shrimp which we spat out at the first bite and which had a strong smell coming from a lack of freshness. The songs are mediocre; you will find better ones in grocery stores, maybe even in convenience stores! (Original) Extrêmement décevant. Nous avons reçu des crevettes avariés que nous avons recrachés a la première bouchée et qui avaient une forte odeur provenant d'un manque de fraîcheur. Les morceaux sont médiocres; vous allez en retrouver de meilleur en épicerie, peut-être même en dépanneur!

Nataliia Reshetnikova

Ordered plateau of 44 pieces. Fresh, but a lot of cucumber in every roll(((

Jean-David Leblanc

Dale Boulay

(Translated) Not worse (Original) Pas pire

Alexandra Bisson

Danny Caron St-Pierre

(Translated) Very good sushi (Original) Très bon sushi

Magalie Saumure

Deivy Checo

Good Sushi!

Denis Charron

(Translated) Excellent service (Original) Excellent service

Patrick Dinelle

Great service good food, love the fact that I did not waited to long for my food.

Jean-Marie Caron

Vincent Lemieux

(Translated) Excellent sushi, always fresh and delicious. (Original) Excellent sushi, toujours frais et délicieux.

Daniel Rancourt

(Translated) Best sushi in town! (Original) Meilleur sushis en ville!

Kimberly Biggs

(Translated) Sushi is always fresh and excellent. Thank you! (Original) Les sushis sont toujours frais et excellents. Merci!

Karl Azrak

Was tempted by a nice looking store and some positive reviews online, so grabbed one of the ready made boxes and tried it out with my brother. My first impression was that it's relatively expensive sushi, at $25 for 11 pieces and a small mango drink. The sushi itself was bad, with a weird ratio of cucumber to salmon for one roll and huge pieces of avocado and cream cheese in others. In neither case did it really taste like sushi, but more like a weird salad with a slight hint of fish. It has to be said that there aren't many options in Gatineau for sushi but I wouldn't personally return.

Guillaume Decotret

(Translated) I was a regular customer but unfortunately after ajd I can never return the boy who worked tonight was very rude to my departure. (Original) J'étais un client régulier mais malheureusement après ajd je ne pourrai plus jamais retourner le garçon qui travaillait ce soir fût très impoli a mon départ.

Jeff G

George C

Good food. We took the veggie plate and it was delicious.

André Cormier

Gérald Berriault (Gerrybee)

Suzie Lachance

Always fresh. Great staff. Always available for the making of my sushies because I have a severe allergy of sea food! Just wow!

Eric Laplante

(Translated) Ordinary but good (Original) Ordinaire mais bon

Sophie G

(Translated) Best sushi in Gatineau (Original) Meilleur sushi à Gatineau

Maryse Mongeau

Stephanie Mitchell

Best sushi ever in gatineau! ❤️

Ernest Oliver

Good quality, service and food

Cosmic Cray0n

The food was great and I was quite content with delivery! Please please add sweet potato sushi, to the vegetarian section, I'll be a regular customer as my son loves your Inari sushi, however wished there was sweet potato!

Echo Petit (Petite Echo)

Daniel Potvin

Friendly staff

Marc --

(Translated) Best sushi in town! (Original) Meilleurs sushis en ville!

Marlyse Mongrain

(Translated) Freshness of the products. (Original) Fraîcheur des produits.

Guylaine Desjardins

(Translated) Served with a smile would be appreciated, clean place. (Original) Servi avec un sourire serait apprécié, endroit propre.

Stephanie Lefebvre

(Translated) The best sushi in the region, besides being a local company! Fast service, the employees are dynamic and smiling! Always fresh, always delicious! (Original) Les meilleurs sushis de la région, en plus d'être une entreprise locale! Service rapide, les employés sont dynamiques et souriants! Toujours frais, toujours délicieux!

Bob Touchette

Delicious and made to order! Well worth the ride!

Le Brasse-Camarade Saint-André-Avellin

(Translated) Excellent little restaurant, not a lot of seats but super good sushi! (Original) Excellent petit resto, pas beaucoup de places assises mais super bon sushis!

Steve Roy

(Translated) The best sushi in town !! ???? (Original) Les meilleur sushi en ville !! ????

Murray McDonald

Entreprises Maréchal

(Translated) Super service and fast. Fresh and excellent sushi. Wide variety. Courteous employees. (Original) Super service et rapide. Sushi frais et excellent. Grande variété. Employés courtois.

Cardinal Ouellet

(Translated) Woaw! Birthday of my spouse, sushi lovers. It was the perfect place to enjoy. If I had 3 words to describe this feast, freshness, freshness, freshness! Obviously, freshness means exquisite taste. Add to that all the presentation, the marriage of colors and these little bees concocting with a magic touch what would become our birthday meal. Good job girls! It was successful and my wife liked it. The formula proposed by Annie was impeccable. She has also, at my request, registered the combinations for a next time. Bravo and thank you for this extraordinary meal. All obviously with bubbles and a little Chablis. Health to you. Marie and Jacques (Original) Woaw! Anniversaire de ma conjointe, amateurs de sushi. Ce fut l’endroit tout indiqué pour se regaler. Si j’avais 3 mots pour décrire ce festin, fraîcheur, fraîcheur, fraîcheur! Évidemment qui dit fraîcheur dit goût exquis. S’ajoute à tout cela la présentation, le mariage des couleurs et ces petites abeilles concoctant avec une touche magique ce qui allait devenir notre repas d’anniversaire. Bravo les filles! Ce fut réussi et ma conjointe a bien aimé. La formule proposée par Annie fut impeccable. Elle a d’ailleurs, à ma demande, inscrit les combinaisons pour une prochaine fois. Bravo et merci pour ce repas hors du commun. Le tout évidemment avec des bulles et un petit Chablis. Santé à vous. Marie et Jacques

Beryl Tabi

Joseph Hilal (Services SCO)

(Translated) Excellent variety, very good service. We order it to impress our customers during our meetings and meetings ..... (Original) Excellente variété , très bon service . Nous en commandons pour bien impressionner nos clients lors de nos rencontres et réunions .....

Frédéric Sylvestre

(Translated) Fresh and delicious ???? (Original) Frais et délicieux ????

Florence Bolduc

(Translated) I am a sushi lover and these are by far the best I have ever eaten. Try: Gatineau Park, Salmon Anma (Original) Je suis une amateur de sushis et ceux-ci sont DE LOIN les meilleurs que j'ai jamais mangé. À essayer : parc de la gatineau, Anma au saumon

Frantz Renan Jacques


Ekom Ukpong

Terrible attitude from the staff. You’re better of ordering fresh cucumber from the grocery instead of getting any platter from this restaurant.

Skyra Dreyar


(Translated) What a lack of professionalism and respect for its customers! Already we had several errors ds our orders in the past, this time it's the end of the m ****! Our 40-50 sushi order was sold to someone else, so the employee was too incompetent to check the name on the order. The excuse received "It's not my fault, it happens to us often! ", Nothing to compensate us, and he tells us that it will take another 30-40 minutes to redo our order, and the employee in the back dares to sigh more than she had cleaned her stock! What an execrable service! (Original) Quel manque de professionnalisme et de respect pour ses clients! Déjà qu’on a eu plusieurs erreurs ds nos commandes dans le passé, cette fois-ci c’est le bout de la m****! Notre commande de 40-50 sushis a été vendue à quelqu’un d’autre, pcq l’employé était trop incompétent pour vérifier le nom sur la commande. L’excuse reçu « c’est pas ma faute, ça nous arrive souvent! » , rien pour nous compenser, et il nous dit que ça va prendre une autre 30-40 minutes pour refaire notre commande, et l’employé à l’arrière ose en plus soupirer pcq’elle avait nettoyé son stock!! Quel service exécrable!

Jasmine Vozel (nouse4anickname)

(Translated) Simply the best sushi in the region! Fresh and varied ingredients, pleasant service and always courteous. I have been a customer for years and have never been disappointed! If you've never been there - do not wait! (Original) Simplement les meilleurs sushis de la région! Ingrédients frais et variés, service agréable et toujours courtois. Je suis cliente depuis des années et je n'ai jamais été déçue! Si vous n'y avez jamais été - n'attendez plus!

Philippe Aussant

(Translated) I have been a customer since 2014 and they are still just as good, the sushi as the employees. Always good, fresh ingredients. Each time we order a little more. (Original) Je suis client depuis 2014 et ils sont toujours aussi bons, les sushis comme les employés. Toujours de bons ingrédients frais. À chaque fois on en commande un peu plus.


(Translated) Pitiful customer service. I would never have believed in Que. That it was possible to be silly the same. (Original) Service a clientèle pitoyable. J'aurais jamais cru qu'au Qc que c'étais possible d'être bête de même.

Alison Delaney


Staff are friendly. A little pricey for the amount of food, but overall a decent sushi place. Weird that you have to buy the sauces separately instead of included with the rolls you get.

Rasha El-Masri

went there tonight picked up $70 worth of sushi and every single peice was delicious. very well done high end ingredients and cute little place.

Maxime Lévesque

(Translated) El Diablo are the best sushi. These are the most pungent. (Original) Les El Diablo sont les meilleurs sushi. Ce sont les plus piquants.

Chanel Taillefer

(Translated) The best sushi in Gatineau - Ottawa! Tasty, fresh ingredients and the team is SUPER ’I only make the detour for that! You will not find better than that. (Original) Les meilleurs sushis à Gatineau - Ottawa! Goûteux, ingrédients frais et l’équipe est SUPER’ Je fais le détour que pour ça! Vous ne trouverez pas mieux que ça.

Francis Thibault

Nick Trepell (Volcomking17)

So I just picked up my food, I had ordered 3 large rolls and 2 medium rolls, and yet looking at my order they seem to have given me 3 medium and 2 small rolls! Never going back here!

Mathieu Boudreault

(Translated) Excellent fresh sushi, great service. (Original) Excellent sushi frais, très bon service.

Valérie Perreault

(Translated) The place par excellence for quality sushi. (Original) L'endroit par excellence pour du sushi de qualité.


Alexandre Sanfacon

(Translated) First time at FujiSushi but certainly not the last (Original) Première fois chez FujiSushi mais certainement pas la dernière

Charles MP

Gabrielle Dubois-Gómez

Jay Kluke

Cloé Gélinas

(Translated) Very good service and very fresh sushi ???? (Original) Très bon service et des sushis très frais ????

alex mad

(Translated) fish not fresh I was ill barely 3 hours after eating their meal of salad and salmon, this is very bad I do not recommend to anyone and especially poorly clean young people do not clean between orders. we ordered 2 salad meals, one with salmon and the other with seafood, my wife received only shrimps no sauce and me as I said I was sick (Original) poisson pas frais jai ete malade a peine 3h apres avoir manger leur repas salade et saumon, cetais tres mauvais je ne recommande pas a personne et surtout mal propre les jeunes ne nettoie pas entre les commandes . on a commander 2 repas salade, un avec saumon et lautre avec fruit de mer, ma conjointe a recu seulement des crevettes aucune sauce et moi comme je dit jai ete malade

Jean Fortin

(Translated) Good sushi and service Thank you! (Original) Bon sushi et service Merci!

André Lamothe

(Translated) Excellent sushi, always fresh daily. Friendly staff. (Original) Excellent sushis, toujours frais du jour. Personnel accueillant.

Simon Bernard

(Translated) Very good!! (Original) Très bon!!

Andree Lesage

(Translated) Excellent sushi always fresh. Heartwarming welcome. Clean place. (Original) Excellents sushi toujours frais. Accueil chaleureux. Endroit propre.

Karolanne L

Joel Simard

Elma Lozano

Not bad, the rice isn't the right consistency, they need to learn how to cook the rice better. It's a good place to grab something to go. It's a very small place. The staff are friendly.

Natalia L

This place has some of the best sushi in Gatineau. The only reason they didn't get 5 stars is because of the discrepancy in their prices advertized.

MArtin Masson

Claudia L Robertson

Excellent sushi!

karine gagnon

Very good sushi and clean kitchen


Wasn’t fresh. They are extremely unorganized, and their takeout system is not efficient, instead of keeping them in the main fridge where anybody can just grab your order. Looked like a bunch of highschool girls who have no culinary experience. They seemed to have no clue of what was going on. Ruined my whole evening. Would’ve been better if the sushi was actually worth it.

Luc Nadon

Alexandre Benjamin Rivest

Mehdi Moulay

(Translated) Good value for money (Original) Bon rapport qualité prix

centre de verification mecanique c.v.t.o

(Translated) Wow !!! Simply the best place in the Outaouais (Original) Wow!!! Tout simplement la meilleure place en Outaouais

Aymeric Bellefeuille

Anjali Wildgen

Very friendly customer service and delicious fresh sushi at a fairly reasonable price. Very fast too!

Nathalie Dorais-Pagé

Amy Duguay

Very disappointing that for the only sushi delivery in hull they don't even cover the hull sector but go all the way to montée paiment in Gatineau. I live 9 minutes from the restaurant (5km) and I am unable to have delivery services. Even if they are not busy they were not willing to make any exception.

MarieClaude Charron

(Translated) Super service! I travel even if it is not on my way to eat at Fujisushi because their sushi is fresh, good price and good variety of choices. (Original) Super service! Je me déplace même si ce n'est pas sur mon chemin pour aller manger cheZ Fujisushi car leur sushi sont frais, bon prix et bonne variété de choix.

Isabelle Choiniere

(Translated) The best sushi in town, always fresh, they are excellent (Original) Les meilleurs sushis en ville , toujours frais, ils sont excellents????

Carine Chiasson

Philippe Brunet

Alexia Legros

Patrick Flynn

(Translated) The freshest and tastiest sushi in town! (Original) Les sushis les plus frais et goûteux en ville!

Frances Barolet

Cathy Larocque


nader alij

Raffi Missakian

Elodie Jolivette

Andréanne Philion

Fresh, delicious sushi. I recommend calling there in the morning and ordering for a specific time. The plate will be made at the last minute and usually ready to pick up at the time. I am never disappointed when I get sushi there.

Marie Nadon

M Farm

Benoit Laurin

This is an amazing place for sushies

Michael Richards

Small place, but the sushi was well prepared and tasty.

Dumont Maxime

Gaetan Godon

Brigitte Lessard

(Translated) Very good sushi !! The best ???? (Original) Tres bon sushi!! Les meilleures ????

David Lagotte

(Translated) I have never been disappointed and their sushi is super good! (Original) Jai jamais été déçu et leur sushis sont super bons !

Rosa Perez

(Translated) I couldn't taste it. I arrive there, the people are super nice I have nothing to say bad about them. But, they tell me, unfortunately, if it's for an order now, you have 1 hour wait. So they show me the dishes already prepared fresh of the day. It's okay to troubleshoot, but my partner and I felt like eating the sushi to our liking. So I take the menu and I'm like, I'm going to order some tomorrow. I call and I ask for an order, it's 6pm on a Tuesday and I get an answer, sorry we're taking more orders. I make her repeat it because I think it's nonsense, and she keeps repeating the same thing to me, telling me that they are really busy and that they have it until closing time. (Original) Je n'ai pas pu y goûter. J'arrive sur place, les gens sont super gentils je n'ai rien à dire de mal sur eux. Mais, ils me disent, malheureusement, si c'est pour une commande maintenant, vous avez 1 heure d'attente. Alors ils me montrent les plats déjà préparés frais du jour. C'est correct pour dépanner, mais mon conjoint et moi avions le goût de manger les sushis à notre goût. Alors je prend le menu et je me suis dis, je vais en commander demain. J'appelle et je demande pour une commande, il est 18h un mardi et je me fais répondre, désolé nous me prenons plus de commande. Je lui fais répéter car je trouve que c'est un non sens, et elle me répète la même chose en me disant qu'ils sont vraiment occupés et qu'ils en ont jusqu'à la fermeture.

Patrick Parent

(Translated) Very good (Original) Tres bon

François D'Amours

(Translated) Very good sushi, very good service !! Fast service. (Original) Très bons sushis, très bon service!! Service rapide.

Andre Potvin

Danielle Pion

julien villeneuve

Nathalie Bourque

nadine fortin

(Translated) Excellent! We arrived at closing time and the choice of already ready was very good. Worth the trip! (Original) Excellent! Nous arrivés à l'heure de la fermeture et le choix de déjà prêt était très bien. Ça vaut le déplacement!

Éric Vézina

L Guigui

Service was great, but this Sushi isn’t like in a restaurant. We have ordered 30 pices and the most of them was made with shrimp, cooked tuna, some smoked salmon (i don‘t like it smoked) and one ebi. In this case there were no raw fish insite. :(

Danny Lauzon

(Translated) Order your sushi 2 days in advance !!!! They have a hard time taking orders 2 hours before closing time. (Original) Commander vos sushi 2 jours à l'avance !!!! Ils ont de la misère à prendre des commandes 2 heures avant la fermeture.

cynthia Pelletier

Karoline Masse

(Translated) My pref! Very good service and best sushi near work! (Original) Mon pref! Tres bon service at meilleur sushi près du travail!

Atif R

Great sushi, great staff

Lori McGrath

Catherine Fleury

Guillaume Gervais

(Translated) Best fast food sushi in the region !! (Original) Meilleur sushi fast food de la région!!

Vériko Bujo

(Translated) Very good service and excellent food! (Original) Très bon service et nourriture excellente!

Daniel Vaillancourt

(Translated) Hello M.Fugere I want to thank you for following up on my comment. Be assured that my comment was not an offense to your business but a constructive comment. So a big thank you for your professionalism and I will be happy to be one of your loyal customers again Daniel Vaillancourt (Original) Bonjour M.Fugere Je tiens a vous remercier d'avoir fait un suivi suite à mon commentaire . Soyez assurée que mon commentaire ne se voulait pas une offense a votre commerce mais bien un commentaire constructif. Alors un gros merci de votre professionnalisme et il me fera plaisir d'être à nouveau un de vos fidèles clients Daniel Vaillancourt

Kadi Baldé

David Lalande

(Translated) very good the service is always perfect ???? (Original) tres bon le service est toujours parfait ????

Jean Belanger


Ravi Mehta

Tasty Sushi place with friendly staff

Cindy Miron

(Translated) I would eat it every day !!! Your dragon is amazing! (Original) J'en mangerais tous les jours!!! Votre dragon est incroyable!

Marc Gagnon

(Translated) Great food and good service but a bit expensive. (Original) Bonne bouffe et bon service mais un peu dispendieux.

Lise Côté

(Translated) Always very good! (Original) Toujours très bon!

Chantal Chebli

Sylvain Belanger

(Translated) Excellent service and really nice and respectful staff. (Original) Excellent service et personnel vraiment gentils et respectueux.

Louise Seguin

Caro Hubert

Pierre Sauvageau

(Translated) Very good as always !!! (Original) Très bien comme toujours !!!

Renald St-Louis

Nic Lat

Marie-Michelle Bisson

Chris Hulugu

christian diotte

Love there sushi. Price was fair

Edithe nou

(Translated) Good soup. Heartwarming welcome (Original) Bonne soupe. Accueil chaleureux

Jessica St-Pierre

Manal Karime


Mathieu Richer

Aya Al-saiyed

Stephanie Godin

Eli Leger

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