Reviews of Les Aliments M&M (Fish Shop)

2400 Bd Louis-XIV 106 & 107, Quebec City, Quebec G1C 5Y8, Canada

Average Rating:


We've got the reviews of real people who are using the services of Les Aliments M&M (Fish Shop) in the territory close to Charlesbourg (Canada).

To this day this business has a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5 and that score was based on 74 reviews.

You may have noticed that its rating is almost the best, and it is founded on a high number of scores, so we may be pretty sure that the score is quite faithful. If there are many people who bothered to give their feddback when they are satisfied, is that it works.

You know that we don't usually bother to place scores when they are good and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Fish Shop is included in the category of Grocery store.

Where is Les Aliments M&M?

REVIEWS OF Les Aliments M&M IN Charlesbourg

Philippe Lauzon

Andre Brault

(Translated) Super friendly service (Original) Super service amiable

Benoit Grothé

(Translated) Always good! (Original) Toujours bon!

Mariouche Gagnon

(Translated) They really changed their meal..C really good (Original) Ils ont vraiment changé leur repas..C vraiment bon

Jimmy Laberge

Nathalie Kinnard

Jean-François Roberge

(Translated) Super good price! Super good product! A classic for me is to go get the mozzarella sticks. (Original) De super bon prix! Super bon produit! Un classique pour moi est d'aller chercher les bâtonnets de mozzarella.

So Phie

(Translated) Always excellent service and has been for several years! (Original) Toujours un excellent service et ce depuis plusieurs années !

Céline Bureau

Cierra Pollock

Michel Ricard

(Translated) Good (Original) Bon

Francine Fournier

(Translated) Very good service and excellent food (Original) Très bon service et aliments excellent

Bill L

If you don't feel like cooking but want that home cooked meal satisfaction, then this is the place for you. Nice helpful,friendly staff.

Danhi Martell

Alain Giguere

Steve Gagné

(Translated) Always in the lead (Original) Toujours en tête

Veronica Scully

Very knowledgeable employees!

Stéphan Crête

Salon Magie Coiffure

(Translated) I recommend wonderful single serving for single people and generous family size (Original) Je recommande merveilleuse portion individuel pour gens seul et format familial généreux

Eduardo Castaneda

Dominic Gaudreau

benoit grothé

(Translated) Good ... as usual! (Original) Bon...comme d'habitude!

Lyam Tardif

(Translated) C very bin (Original) C très bin

Jimmy Nadeau

lucie juneau

(Translated) Super service, good advice, know his customers well and their taste! (Original) Super service, bon conseil , connaît bien sa clientèle et leur goût,!

Erika Belanger

(Translated) Excellent service! (Original) Excellent service!

Valérie H.

(Translated) I love garlic shrimp, cream puffs ... and lots of other things but slightly overpriced at the regular price. (Original) J’adore les crevettes à l’ail, les choux à la crème ... et pleins d’autres choses mais légèrement dispendieux au prix régulier.

Pol Astri

Expensive but good, clean and nice.

Cinthia Gg

Paul McManus

Great service.!!

Jessica Davies

Daniel Hebert


(Translated) Good menu choice - dishes are always tasteful (Original) Bon choix de menu - les plats sont toujours de bon goût

jocelyn dube

(Translated) I am asked for the receipt for an M & M product return. Where do you think we bought it ???? The product is not edible. (rolled sausage, chicken square and mini-pizza). The dough does not taste anything. Very disappointed ... This is the last time I put my feet there. I will discourage those who want to go there and I will buy local, even for more. I put a star. You do not deserve it but one must obligatorily one. (Original) On me demande le reçu pour un retour de produit M&M. Où croyez-vous qu'on l'a acheté???? Le produit n'est pas mangeable. (roulés saucisse, carré poulet?? et mini-pizza). La pâte ne goûte rien. Énormément déçu... C'est la dernière fois que je mets les pieds là. Je vais décourager ceux qui voudront y aller et j'achèterai local, même pour plus cher. J'ai mis une étoile. Vous n'en méritez pas mais on doit obligatoirement une.

Francois Desrosiers

Alexia Drolet

(Translated) More than impeccable service! Thank you (Original) Service plus qu'impécable ! Merci

Carl Clement

Guy Verreault

Valéry Bégin

(Translated) Excellent service (Original) Excellent service

France Tremblay

(Translated) Good meal prepare but humm cakes (Original) Bon repas préparer mais les gâteaux humm

Claude Dion

Jean-Francois Lessard

InYourHeadz Production

Christophe Lacombe

Jean Pageau

(Translated) Specials were available. It's big and clean. Lots of products. The employee was very nice. (Original) Les spéciaux étaient disponibles. C'est grand et propre. Beaucoup de produits. L'employée était très gentille.

Chantale Janvier

tweetie lucie

Ginette Langevin

(Translated) Super nice place. The food is excellent. I love. (Original) Super de bel endroit. La nourriture est excellente. J'adore.

Liesel Albino

Friendly and great service. Feels like a family store with a very community feel

Tommy Martel

Ed Chernis

Very nice store.

Gaétan Longchamp

(Translated) Beautiful branch Courteous staff Always clean Try the pallet roast (Original) Belle succursale Personnel courtois Toujours propre Essayez le rôti de palettes

Andre Chretien

Marcel Bourdeau

(Translated) Well served, good price (Original) Bien servi, bon prix

Valerie David

Caroline Morneau

Francois Blouin

(Translated) Quick service and the staff helps us to find what we want (Original) Service rapide et le personnel nous aide pour trouver ce qu'on désire

pascal verdi

Andree Talbot

(Translated) Perfect (Original) Parfait

Alain Bellerive

Brenda Kirby

Sonia Dubois

ian mackenzie

Serge Belanger

(Translated) Clean staff very polite (Original) Propre personnel très polie

Sellig Beausoleil

denise Shields

(Translated) EXTRA food !!! Welcoming and intentional staff !!! SUPER service !!! What happiness !!! (Original) Nourriture EXTRA!!! Personnel accueillant et intentionné !!! Service SUPER!!! Que du bonheur!!!

Karyn Nadeau

(Translated) Super nice to visit (Original) Super agréable à visiter

Johanne Paquet

(Translated) Very clean place and neat presentation. It makes you want to try all the products! (Original) Endroit très propre et présentation soignée. Ca donne le goût de tout essayer les produits !

Nicolas Couture

Sylvie Savard

Daniel Aubert

(Translated) Close for unstable weather !!! What is that?? (Original) Fermer pour météo instable!!! C'est quoi ça??

Micheline Drolet

(Translated) Excellent and friendly service Well done girls (Original) Le service excellent et amicale Bravo les filles

Roger Laforme

(Translated) Good quality. Often discounts. A lot of choices. The dishes are delicious. (Original) Bonne qualité. Souvent dez rabais. Beaucoup de choix. Les mets sont succulents.

Gaétan Grenier

(Translated) M&M Chicken Strips are the best on the market, without a doubt. But there is everything to receive visitors at a reasonable price. I also love the meat lasagna and the chicken pie. And the welcome is smiling and warm at each visit. What else to add ? (Original) Les languettes de poulet M&M sont les meilleures sur le marché, sans aucun doute. Mais on trouve de tout pour recevoir de la visite à prix raisonnable. Je raffole aussi la lasagne à la viande et le pâté au poulet. Et l'accueil est souriant et chaleureux à chaque visite. Que rajouter de plus ?

Gilles Durand

patrick deschenes

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Marlaine Dussault

Nathalie Duchesneau

denise bonneau

(Translated) The friendliness of the employees (Original) La gentillesse des employés

Vic D

Jerome Tudeau

Ian Logan

Doris Beaulieu

Michel Seguin

(Translated) Owner welcoming, very clean store and tidy counter and all the products you are looking for satisfaction guaranteed (Original) Propriétaire accueillant magasin tres propre et comptoir bien rangé et tous les produits dont vous cherchez satisfaction garantie

David Martel

Max Gelly

Daniel Moreau

Eric Bérubé

Bon service Bonne idée repas

Reeta Basdeo

(Translated) The food is good. The owner has a condescending attitude. (Original) Les aliments sont bons. Le propriétaire a une attitude condescendante.

Serge Nadeau

Justine F.

(Translated) The store service is really top notch. On the other hand some products ... big disappointment when opening the boxes and seeing small trays barely filled. The taste is not always there. I go there especially for the chicken wrap / crumble / marinated carrots / spinach dip & sweet potato fries (Original) Le service en magasin est vraiment top. Par contre certains produits ... grosse deception en ouvrant les boites et en voyant des petites barquettes à peine remplie. Le goût n'est pas toujours là. J'y vais surtout pour les wrap poulet / croustade/ carottes marinées/ trempette épinard & les frites patates douces

Hugo Devin

(Translated) The sauce balls are too good. (Original) Les boulette pour sauce sont trop bonne.

claude martel

(Translated) Well done, nice branch, clean clean clean, we are discovering a new up-to-date M&M, rejuvenated with these accessible products, no need to wait at the counter to order. Small irritant: send me all this fried star from the small cashier counter and offer us your salad dressings and bbq sauce because I forgot to buy some !!! Thank you for tasting your wonderful tzatziki this dip will be a hit at the chalet this summer. Have a good day !!! Claude and Sylvie (Original) Bravo belle succursale , propre propre propre , nous découvrons un nouveau M&M au goût du jour, rajeuni avec ces produits accessibles, plus besoin d'attendre au comptoir pour commander. Petit irritant : virez-moi tout ce star frite du petit comptoir caisse et proposez-nous vos vinaigrettes et sauce bbq car j'ai oublié d'en acheter!!! Merci pour la dégustation de votre merveilleuse tzatziki cette trempette va faire un malheur au chalet cet été. Bonne journée !!! Claude et sylvie

MissPajamaa A

(Translated) Excellent service, need help no problem! I would like to thank the gentleman who served me, (October 1 around 4pm) excellent service, did not know how to choose too much, I asked him several questions. No problem, answered me kindly. Food always so delicious. (Original) Service excellent, besoin d'aide pas de problem! J'aimerais remercier au monsieur qui me servait, (1 Octobre vers 4pm) excellent service, ne savais pas trop choisir, je lui posait plusieurs questions. Pas de problem, me répondais avec gentillesse. Nourriture toujours aussi délicieuse.

katherine leclerc

Monique Bilodeau

(Translated) Stuffed with salt (Original) Bourré de sel

Stephan Asselin

(Translated) We seemed to be disturbed, too bad (Original) On avais l air de dérangé dommage

Daniel Marquis

Nadia “Nadia” Pellerin

Yvan Chassé

(Translated) Good products, including gluten free. (Original) Bons produits, dont sans gluten.

Lemelin Johanne

(Translated) Very good service and large selection of products (Original) Très bon service et grand choix de produits

Emilie Jobin

Lyne Savard

Business Hours of Les Aliments M&M in Charlesbourg

9:30AM TO 8PM
9:30AM TO 8PM
9:30AM TO 8PM
9:30AM TO 9PM
9:30AM TO 9PM


Les Aliments M&M en Charlesbourg
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