We have been using MRSB for over 10 years to do our monthly business statements and our year end and they are very reliable and efficient. When I first went to MRSB I went with a box of receipts and invoice days before tax deadline. Michele took it and prepared my taxes, she then helped us get organized and set us up monthly. At first I thought I can't afford a book keeper, but I also could not afford to have my books not in order and I felt my time was better spent growing my business, then doing book work that I was not qualified for.
We have also used them several times for consulting and helping to fasilitate a purchase of some business property. We were audited a few years back and they are very helpful able to back everything up. They are very honest and do everything on the up and up (on times that can be annoying if you want to put something thru RC may question) but very reassuring when Revenue Canada comes nocking. I did notice that when we were audited Revenue Canada really takes into consideration who does your book work. I noticed that they preferred when you use a repitable firm and they definitely take that into consideration.
MRSB is very professional and does a fantastic job. Over the years I have had to work with a couple other companies accounting firms for business transactions and I was never impressed on how they handled business compared to the services I was used to getting,