Reviews of Renald Plante Electrique Inc (Electrical Technician)

380 Rue Ernest-Gaboury, Gatineau, QC J8V 2S5, Canada

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Here you will see all the opinions of people who bought the products and services of Renald Plante Electrique Inc (Electrical Technician) in the territory close to Gatineau (Canada).

Right now this firm receives a score of 4.4 stars over 5 and the rating was based on 26 reviews.

You may have noticed that its rating is quite good, and it's founded on a very large number of opinions, so we can conclude that the valuation is very reliable. If many people have bothered to evaluate when they've done well, it works.

As you know, we do not usually stop to put feddbacks when they are correct and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or incidence...

This Electrical Technician belongs to the category of Electrician.

Where is Renald Plante Electrique Inc?

REVIEWS OF Renald Plante Electrique Inc IN Gatineau

Julie Gosselin

(Translated) We contacted them to help us with some small electrical problems. We expected him to send a single electrician, because that's what they told us on the phone. Two electricians arrived and spent 30 minutes at home. They only fixed 1 of the 3 problems we had. Then we received their bill by mail. They had charged us for 2h of work (2 times 1 hour for each electrician) !!!! We will never do business with them again in the future. (Original) Nous les avons contacté pour qu'ils nous aident avec quelques petits problèmes électriques. On s'attendait à ce qu'il envoit un seul électricien, car c'est ce qu'ils nous ont dit au téléphone. Deux électriciens sont arrivés et ont passé 30 min chez nous. Ils ont seulement réparé 1 des 3 problèmes qu'on avait. Ensuite, on a reçu leur facture par la poste. Ils nous avaient chargé pour 2h de travail (2 fois 1 heure pour chaque électricien)!!!! Nous ne ferons plus jamais affaire avec eux dans l'avenir.

Alexandre Vachon

(Translated) Excellent service. The delays are more than reasonable and we really pay for the quality here. I recommend 100% you can not go wrong! (Original) Excellent service. Les délais sont plus que raisonable et l'on paye vraiment pour la qualité ici. Je recommande à 100% vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper!

Thomas Belway

I've used Plante Électrique twice, and although he's been very busy he always managed to maintain professionalism and prompt response. He's true to his word and sticks to his estimates. I will use his services again, surely. He installed new lines to the panel, new sockets, and fixed a few open grounds. He cleaned up after his work, and ensured I was happy with the service prior to departure. Thank you!

O' Leaf

Jazz P.

(Translated) Excellent service from Renald! He works very well and took the time to understand our needs! I highly recommend Renald Plante Electrique! (Original) Excellent service de Renald! Il travaille très bien et à pris le temps de comprendre nos besoins! Je recommande fortement Renald Plante Electrique!

Pascal Sauvé

(Translated) In these times of Covid, it is not easy to book a Master Electrician, I must tell you that from my first telephone contact, I was entitled, in the person of Marie-Josée, who answered all my questions regarding what insurance companies were looking for when it came time to insure a rental property. I was impressed with his knowledge. She told me to leave my phone number and that the Master Electrician would call me back. That said, I had to call at least 15 electrical contractors and no one could give me an appointment before February minimum (we are in December 2021). Before the end of the week I got a call from the master electrician Renald Plante, who immediately understood the urgency of having an appointment quickly and that's what he did by pointing to him. next day 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting time, well done for punctuality! He carried out his inspection and a day later I had an email from him with my letter of attestation of conformity for my insurance! Thank you to the entire Plante Électrique team for your professional and fast service. An extremely satisfied consumer; Pascal S. (Original) En ces temps de Covid, pas évident de se booker un Maître électricien, je dois vous dire que dès mon premier contact téléphonique, J'ai eu droit, en la personne de Marie-Josée, qui a répondu à toutes mes questions en matière de ce que recherchait les compagnies d'assurance lorsque vient le temps d'assurer une propriété à but locatif. J'ai été impressionné par son savoir. Elle me dit de laisser mon No de téléphone et que le Maître électricien allait me rappeler. Ceci dit, j'ai dû appeler au moins 15 entrepreneurs électricien et personne ne pouvait me donner un rdv avant le mois de février minimum(nous sommes en décembre 2021). Avant la fin de la semaine j'ai eu droit à l'appel du maître électricien Renald Plante, qui a toute suite compris l'urgence d'avoir un rdv rapidement et c'est ce qu'il a fait en se pointant le sur lendemain 15 minutes avant l'heure prévue du rdv, bravo pour la ponctualité! Il a effectué son inspection et une journée après j'avais un courriel de lui avec ma lettre d'attestation de conformité pour mes assurances ! Merci à toute l'équipe de Plante électrique pour votre service professionnel et rapide. Un consommateur extrêmement satisfait ; Pascal S.

Mathieu Arseneault

(Translated) Excellent service, courteous and professional staff! I called on their service for a change of electrical panel and a spa connection. Service was prompt and costs were as estimated. The work was done very professionally and the result is great. (Original) Excellent service, du personnel courtois et professionnel! J'ai fais appel à leur service pour un changement de panneau électrique et un branchement de spa. Le service a été rapide et les coûts étaient selon l'estimé. Le travail été effectué de façon très professionnelle et le résultat est super.

Patrick Lozinski

(Translated) Punctual, patient, kind, affordable and efficient! I have only beautiful things to say about Renald Plante. - Patrick Lozinski (Original) Ponctuel, patient, gentil, abordable et efficace! J'ai que des belles choses a dire au sujet de Renald Plante. - Patrick Lozinski

Suzanne Robillard

My experience with Plante Renald Electrique was very positive and I was very satisfied with the work. Three words: professional, reliable and knowledgeable.

Daniel Srugo

Too expensive! Charged 2 hrs of service to disconnect the water heater tank. $212

Jad Ibrahim

Initially i had used another service to install a defective baseboard heater that kept me up at night due to the noise it made. After installation though, i had an issue where it smelled really bad. Not the regular "new baseboard heater" smell, but something different, almost like sulfer. They had disregarded my concern and did not want to come back to verify that it was ok. This is when i contacted Renald due to his good reviews. He came the same day, verified the heater and replaced it after noticing the same odd and abnormal smell i had. He put my mind at ease by verifying that everything was working OK, making sure there were no other issues concerning wiring and the new heater and explaining exactly what he was doing. He did a nice and professional job installing the new heater as well. It's well secured, looks good and he even cleaned up afterwards. He was also a pleasure to speak with. I highly recommend him and would use him for any future work i need done. Thank you again Mr Plante.

Steeve Harvey

(Translated) I really did not appreciate my experience with this company. Firstly during the first phone conversation, sir asks me to do business with a Buckingham contractor. I mention that no one is available in a timely manner and that if he is interested I have no problem doing business with him even if it is 30 minutes of additional travel on the bill. He tells me then that it will cost at least $ 250. I mention that it is a little premature to fix the amount immediately and that I will pay the hours worked without problem. He mentions me then that he will call me 1 hour before surrender. Second call: Renald: Hello it's Renald I'm on the way .... Me: Ha ok, I have to tell someone to open the door of his business because I'm in Aylmer and I do not have time to go. I call and I confirm you all Third call: Me: Hi Renald, I have notified the owner of the business and she can open the door. Renald: Who's going to pay me? Me: I'm going to make an interactive transfer? Just a small clarification if there is anything to discuss please contact me because the owner is a little anxious. Renald: I do not mind this contract too much already it was not tempting me .. find you someone else me I do not do that and get on my nose. This is the kind of service you should expect (Original) Je n'ai vraiment pas apprécié mon expérience avec cette entreprise. Premièrement lors de la première conversation téléphonique monsieur me demande de faire affaire avec un contracteur de Buckingham. Je lui mentionne que personne n'est disponible dans un délai rapide et que si il est intéressé je n'ai pas de problème à faire affaire avec lui même si c'est 30 minute de voyagement supplémentaire sur la facture. Il me dit alors que ça coûtera au moins 250$. Je lui mentionne que c'est un peu prématuré de fixer le montant immédiatement et que je vais payé les heures travaillé sans problème. Il me mentionne alors qu'il va m'appeler 1 heure avant de se rendre. Deuxième appel : Renald : Bonjour c'est Rénald je suis en route.... Moi: Ha d'accord, je dois aviser quelqu'un pour qu'il vous ouvre la porte de son commerce car je suis à Aylmer et je n'ai pas le temps de me rendre. J'appel et je vous confirme le tout Troisième appel : Moi: Bonjour Renald, J'ai avisé la propriétaire du commerce et elle pourra vous ouvrir la porte. Renald : C'est qui qui va me payer moi ? Moi: Je vais vous faire un transfert interact ? Juste une petite précision si il ya quoique ce soit à discuter veuillez me contacter car la propriétaire est un peu anxieuse. Renald : Moi ça me tente pas trop ce contrat là déja ça me tentait pas .. trouve toi quelqu'un d'autre moi je fais pas ça et me racroche au nez. Voilà le genre de service auquel vous devez vous attendre

duke JK

(Translated) I contacted this company to get a quote for work a few hours at home (additions of electrical wiring in the walls, breakers in the electrical panel and the installation of heating units). He seemed to know his stuff and advised me very well. Of the two submissions obtained from 2 electricians, I opted for this one. In the meantime, I saw the lady's opinion on google and I had some fears. But eventually the work took a lot longer than expected and I did not pay a penny more than the bid I got. In addition he was extremely thorough in his work. So do not trust the comment of the first lady ... the service is second to none, I found my electrician in Gatineau! (Original) Jai contacté cette entreprise afin d'obtenir une soumission pour des travaux de quelques heures chez moi (ajouts de filages électriques dans les murs, breakers dans le panneau électrique ainsi que l'installation d'unités de chauffage). Il semblait connaître ses affaires et m'a tres bien conseillé. Des deux soumissions obtenus de 2 électriciens, j'ai opté pour celui ci. J'ai entre-temps aperçu l'avis de la dame sur google et j'ai eu quelques craintes. Mais finalement le travail a pris beaucoup plus de temps que prévu et je n'ai pas payé un sous de plus que la soumission obtenue au départ. De plus il a été extrêmement minutieux dans son travail. Donc ne pas trop vous fier au commentaire de la première dame... le service est hors-pair, J'ai trouvé mon électricien a Gatineau!

Manon Valois

(Translated) Everything was done well! 100% satisfaction. Courteous and prompt service a few days after the call! And on time! Finally no more unnecessary waiting! I recommend to everyone. (Original) Tout a été bien fait! Satisfaction 100%. Service courtois et rapide quelques jours après l’appel! Et à l’heure! Enfin plus d’attente inutile! Je recommande à tous.


(Translated) Excellent service. Very reliable and knowledgeable. Thanks for your great work. (Original) Excellent service. Très fiable et compétent. Merci pour votre superbe travail.

S quaTTro L

(Translated) Impeccable service! Response of rare speed! I called for a short circuit problem and in the afternoon my problem was resolved. I have done business with Mr. Plante several times and each time I am surprised at the quality of the work. I recommend to all (Original) Service impeccable! Réponse d'une rapidité rare! J'ai téléphoné pour un problème de court-circuit et dans l'après-midi même mon problème était règlé. J'ai fait affaire plusieurs fois avec M. Plante et a chaque reprises je suis surpris de la qualitée du travail.Je recommande a tous

Justin Charbonneau

(Translated) Excellent service, very friendly and he identified the problems very quickly. He knows his domain at his fingertips. (Original) Excellent service, très sympathique et il a su cerner les problèmes très rapidement. Il connaît son domaine sur le bout des doigts.

Steven Drouin

I recommend Renald Plante Electrique Inc 100% , Good Price And good Service , always my go to electrician .

Jo-Anne Joseph

(Translated) Renald came the same day we called and sorted out our problems efficiently! I will recommend! (Original) Renald est venu la même journée qu'on a appelé et a réglé nos problèmes efficacement! Je recommanderai!

Mylene O'Brien

(Translated) I called for service last week April 29th and was told by the receptioniste that M.Plante would call me right away, to discuss getting the work done, 5 days go by and I heard nothing. I called again this wednesday May 5th to check in and was told by the receptioniste that I must of called other electracians, I informed her that I hadn't because I took her at her word when she said M.plante would call me back and do thw work, I didn't call anyone else. She the went on to say that it would be a week or so wait and I said thats fine so she confirmed that he would call back to book the work garanteed by Friday May 7th, and I haven't heard anything back. So this can give you an indication of how proffesional they are. __________________________________ I called for service last week on April 29th and the receptionist told me that Mr Plant would call me immediately to discuss the work to be done, 5 days passed and I hadn't heard anything. I called again this Wednesday May 5th to check and the receptionist told me that I should have called other electricians, I told her no, because I took her at her word when she m said Mr Plant would call me back and do the job. She went on to say that we would have to wait a week and a half or so and I said it was good, so she confirmed that Mr Plant would call me back to discuss the guaranteed work by Friday May 7th, and I didn't haven't heard from since. So this can give you an idea of their professionalism. (Original) I called for service last week April 29th and was told by the receptioniste that M.Plante would call me right away, to discuss getting the work done, 5 days go by and I heard nothing. I called again this wednesday May 5th to check in and was told by the receptioniste that I must of called other electracians, I informed her that I hadn't because I took her at her word when she said M.plante would call me back and do thw work, I didn't call anyone else. She the went on to say that it would be a week or so wait and I said thats fine so she confirmed that he would call back to book the work garanteed by Friday May 7th, and I haven't heard anything back. So this can give you an indication of how proffesional they are. __________________________________ J'ai appelé pour du service la semaine dernière le 29 avril et la réceptionniste m'a dit que M.Plante m'appellerait immédiatement pour discuter du travail à faire, 5 jours ont passé et je n'avais rien entendu. J'ai appelé à nouveau ce mercredi 5 mai pour vérifier et la réceptionniste m'a dit que j'aurais dû avoir appeler d'autres électriciens, je lui ai dit que non, car je l'ai prise a son mot quand elle m'a dit que M.Plante me rappellerait et ferait le travail. Elle a continuer en disant qu'il faudrait attendre une semaine et demi environ et j'ai dit que c'était bon, alors elle a confirmé que M.Plante me rappellerait pour discuyer des travaux garantis par le vendredi 7 mai, et je n'ai pas eu de nouvelles depuis. Cela peut donc vous donner une idée de leur professionnalisme.


Maye Red

(Translated) Completely satisfied to have done business with Renald Plante Électrique. Renald took the time to find the solutions that best met our needs and to do quality work at a better price than the other quote we received. I recommend without hesitation! (Original) Entièrement satisfait d'avoir fait affaires avec Renald Plante électrique. Renald a pris le temps de trouver les solutions qui répondaient le mieux à nos besoins et afin de faire un travail de qualité, et ce à un meilleur prix que l'autre soumission que nous avions reçu. Je recommande sans hésiter!

raynald fournier

(Translated) Mr. Plante has done a brilliant job at home. He works very professionally and despite an effort greater than his estimate stuck to his original bid. He is patient, respectful, conscientious and leaves the place clean. You can trust him. I recommend it and will use it again in the future. (Original) M. Plante a effectue des travaux complexes avec brio chez moi. Il travaille tres professionellement et malgre in effort plus grand que son estimation s'en est tenu a sa soumission originale. Il est patient, respectueux, consciencieux et laisse l'endroit propre. Vous pouvez lui faire confiance. Je le recommande et re-utiliserai ses services dans le future.

Daniel N.

(Translated) Electrical installation for a heat pump, professional service, punctuality and professionalism, to recommend. Reasonable price thank you. (Original) Installation electrique pour une thermopompe, service professionel , ponctualite et proffessionalisme, a recommander. Prix raisonnable merci.

JF Boivin

(Translated) Excellent service !!! Fast, friendly and reasonable prices. I highly recommend it. (Original) Excellent service!!! Rapide, sympathique et des prix raisonnables. Je le recommande fortement.

Thierry Marius

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