(Translated) (Quick english review at the bottom)
For several reasons, it is difficult for me to return to the traditional school system. The rigidity of the schedule and the cost being the main reasons, things which are now difficult for me to manage due to personal difficulties.
I was already trained in programming, but it's been over 10 years. I decided to go to 42 to get up to date, make new contacts and quietly integrate myself into the job market.
I have been on campus for 7 months and I am pleasantly surprised by the openness and attentiveness shown by the employees of 42 and Québec Numérique. Compare to my DEC in computer science, I find that our projects encompass more concepts and are more complete; I learn a lot. On the other hand, the course of 42 does not hold you by the hand, for better or for worse. Expect to hit walls that will sometimes seem overwhelming to you.
In short, if you have an interest in programming, or simply in a field that offers a long-term job and a good salary, and that you are ready to put in the effort and time, I strongly recommend 42 Quebec.
English TL / DR
It's great. Peer-to-peer learning at its best! Although it demands a high level of self-sufficiency in term of learning, I think it's definitely worth it. The staff is incredibly open and communicative; it's a fresh of breath air.
It might be difficult for non-french speakers to follow the partners' workshops and some activities, but everything that is essential is totally fine even if you don't speak a single word of french. There are plenty of bilingual (or more languages) people to hold a conversation with or to work with. Your presence is absolutely essential and welcomed, and will help build 42 to be much more diversified and inclusive.
(Quick english review at the bottom)
Pour plusieurs raisons, il m'est difficile de retourner au système scolaire traditionnel. La rigidité de l'horaire et le coût étant les raisons principales, choses qui me sont maintenant compliquer à gérer suite à des difficultés personnelles.
J'étais déjà formé en programmation, mais cela fait plus de 10 ans. J'ai décidé d'aller à 42 pour me remettre à jour, refaire des contacts et tranquillement m'insérer dans le marché du travail.
Ça fait 7 mois que je fréquente le campus et je suis agréablement surpris de l'ouverture et l'écoute dont fait preuve les employés de 42 et de Québec Numérique. Comparer à mon DEC en informatique, je trouve que nos projets englobent plus de notions et sont plus complets; j'apprends énormément. Par contre, le cursus de 42 ne vous tient pas par la main, pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Attendez-vous à frapper des murs qui vous paraîtront parfois insurmontables.
Bref, si vous avez un intérêt pour la programmation, ou simplement pour un domaine qui offre un emploi à long terme et un bon salaire, et que vous êtes prêts à y mettre de l'effort et du temps, je conseille fortement 42 Québec.
English TL/DR
It's great. Peer-to-peer learning at its best! Although it demands a high level of self-sufficiency in term of learning, I think it's definitely worth it. The staff is incredibly open and communicative; it's a fresh of breath air.
It might be difficult for non-french speakers to follow the partners' workshops and some activities, but everything that is essential is totally fine even if you don't speak a single word of french. There are plenty of bilingual (or more languages) people to hold a conversation with or to work with. Your presence is absolutely essential and welcomed, and will help build 42 to be much more diversified and inclusive.