Ever since school started - almost 3 months ago - I've been noticing something about Langs Big Yellow School Bus drivers! I work for another company and my job is driving and my job takes me all over London... so I see a lot of bad driving. What I've been noticing is that about once a week, I'll see a school bus doing something it shouldn't be. Eg - pulling over to the curb, with hazard lights on, letting kids off the bus! This isn't how it's done!!!! Eg - stopping the bus in the middle of an intersection to let kids off the bus!!! This is definitely not how it's done. Every time I see a bus driver doing something unsafe, I take a second look to see what company they're driving for! Sadly - it's always been a Langs bus driver!!! After 5 or 6 incidents, I became concerned! After 10 incidents (like I said - I notice 1 incident each week, on average) I decided to do something about it.... but I hadn't decided what! Well, another 2 incidents within 1 hour of each other, just the other day, convinced me that a negative review just might get noticed and be a wake up call to their training division!!!! On my way to work, the other morning, a big yellow cut me off in traffic..... rather dangerously. An hour later, on the other side of the city, a different big yellow failed to stop at a stop sign at a T intersection and cut off oncoming traffic that had to brake quickly! He might have been the blind driver.... GEESH! So.... Langs..... maybe a little defensive driving courses would do your drivers well!!!!!