Reviews of Meilleure École De Conduite (Driving School)

680 Bd du Curé-Labelle, Laval, QC H7V 2T9, Canada

Average Rating:


Here we offer you the reviews of people who purchased the services and products of Meilleure École De Conduite (Driving School) around Châteauguay area (Canada).

At the moment this business gets a rating of 4.8 stars out of 5 and this score is based on 127 reviews.

As you can see it reaches an reviews average is practically the best one, and it is founded on a high number of opinions, so we may think that the rating is very faithful. If many people have bothered to rate when they've done well with the business, is that it works.

As you know, we don't usually bother to write tatings when these are correct and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Driving School is classified in the category of Driving school.

Where is Meilleure École De Conduite?

REVIEWS OF Meilleure École De Conduite IN Châteauguay

Sayed Haq



(Translated) My best driving school ... thank you very much for your efforts .. I have already passed my practical exam today since the first time .. ???????????????????? Thank you very much Nancy and Mr. Jad .. you are the best and the most patient ... ❤️???????? (Original) Mon meilleur école de conduite... merci beaucoup pour vos efforts.. j'ai déjà passé aujourd'hui mon examen pratique dès la première fois.. ???????????????????? Merci beaucoup Nancy et M. Jad.. vous êtes les meilleurs et les plus patients... ❤️????????

eddy awad

Sondos Mribah

(Translated) I will never forget the day I started with THE BEST DRIVING SCHOOL IN LAVAL (aptly named by the way). Thank you very much to you Mario and Nancy for your kindness, your professionalism, your know-how and your patience. I am really happy with the service I got. I learned without too much stress or difficulty with top teachers and a team! Really! A thousand thanks ! xo (Original) Je n’oublierais jamais le jour ou j’ai commencé avec LA MEILLEURE ÉCOLE DE CONDUITE DE LAVAL (qui porte bien son nom d’ailleurs). Merci énormément à vous Mario et Nancy pour votre gentillesse, votre professionnalisme, votre savoir faire et votre patience. Je suis vraiment contente des services que j’ai eu. J’ai appris sans trop de stress ni difficultés avec des profs et une équipe au top! Vraiment! Milles merci ! xo

davide volpe

I am very happy with the service I got in this school. Very grateful to all the instructors for their great feed back, patients and help.


Luna Morhbi

Andrée-Anne Martineau-Legrand

(Translated) Very good driving school, the teachers are there to help you and adapt to your difficulties. After 1 year of practicing with them, you are more than close to passing the exams at the SAAQ (Original) Très bonne école de conduite, les professeurs sont là pour vous aider et s'adapte à vos difficultés. Après 1an à pratiquer avec eux vous êtes plus que près pour passer les examens à la SAAQ

Karine Ouellette

(Translated) I enrolled in this school after reading the comments below. It is indeed the best driving school. The quality of service is exceptional but above all very human !! A big thank you to Nancy and Mario. I took my exam the 1st time! “I will not forget this experience with you and all the advice given. A big thank-you ! I wish you the best ❤️! (Original) Je m’étais inscrite à cette école suite a la lecture des commentaires ci-dessous. C’est en effet la meilleure école de conduite. La qualité du service est exceptionnelle mais surtout très humain!! Un gros merci à Nancy et Mario. J’ai passer mon examen la 1ère fois! ???? Je n’oublierais pas cette expérience chez vous et tout les conseils donnés. Un grand merci ! Je vous souhaite le meilleure ❤️!

Meriem Mouktani


(Translated) Yesterday I passed my practical exam on the first try. Thank you very much to Nancy and to all the teachers who prepare us perfectly for the final exam. Despite the Covid, I was not late. Nancy, you are the best! (Original) J'ai réussi hier mon examen pratique du premier coup. Merci beaucoup à Nancy et à tous les enseignants qui nous préparent parfaitement pour l'examen final. Malgré la Covid, je n'ai pas eu de retard. Nancy, tu es la meilleure!

Berenice Solange

Wish I would give them 10 stars ????!!! They truly are the best .. I very highly recommend them ... I started my classes in 2015 stopped a year later and started back this year (2021) they were very understanding with me ... very patient and very honest as well... if you wanna pass your test and have good knowledge about driving not only just for the test definitely go with them

Jessica Freyre Sanchez

(Translated) Thank you very much for your patience and your excellent personalized way to teach us how to drive❤️ (Original) Merci beaucoup pour votre patience et votre excellent façon personnalisée de nous apprendre à conduire❤️

Jesi Mubenga

An amazing school with the best staff that only wants your success!

Nebyou Gebreyes

(Translated) The staff and instructors are very polite, flexible and professional. I would recommend this place to everyone. Thank you very much for the experience and the driving lessons. You are a good team! (Original) Le personnel et les instructeurs sont très polis, flexibles et professionnels. Je recommanderais cet endroit à tout le monde. Merci beaucoup pour l'expérience et les cours de conduite. Vous êtes une bonne équipe!

salma elh

(Translated) Very good driving school and the teachers prepare very well for the practical test! (Original) Très bonne école de conduite et les profs préparent très bien à l'examen pratique!

Montaser Hamwi

The staff at this school are very respectful

Shant B

Great experience!!

Judel Saint Louis Joseph

(Translated) It's really a good driving school, I just passed my practical exam and I applied all the tips and teachings given by the teachers. Excellent welcome !!!! Do not look elsewhere, the best is Best Driving School. (Original) C'est vraiment une bonne école de conduite, je viens de passer mon examen pratique et j'ai appliqué tous les conseils et les enseignements donnés par les profs. Excellent accueil !!!! Ne cherchez pas ailleurs, le meilleur, c'est Meilleure école de conduite.


Fadl Alibrahim

Great people,flexible schedules


They definitely live up to their name. I am very thankful to have this school near me, I recommend them to everyone. You will always have the same teacher and they will give excellent tips and be of great help throughout your learning process. I have gone to another very popular school and they are nowhere near Meilleure École's level. Can't wait to finish my driving class with them. ❤️

Prashant Sharma

(Translated) Super instructor, great atmosphere very good organization Thank you very much (Original) Super moniteur, super ambiance très bonne organisation Merci beaucoup

Maicol Ospina Bedoya


(Translated) Exceptional quality of teaching and services! The teachers are attentive and make the lessons very enjoyable. The service is very personalized and they pay excellent attention to any request. I therefore recommend this driving school without hesitation! (Original) Qualité de l’enseignement et services exceptionnels! Les professeurs sont attentionnés et rendent les cours très plaisants. Le service est très personnalisé et ils portent une excellente attention à toute demande. Je vous recommande donc cette école de conduite sans hésiter!

Carl Levesque

(Translated) Excellent school. (Original) Excellente école.

Wenda Zahabi

(Translated) I am very happy to have done my classes at this school! The service is super good, in addition the instructors and the teacher are very understandable. It sounds like they want the success of their students. I recommend this school to everyone who wants to have professional courses. This school is aptly named! (Original) Je suis très contente d'avoir fait mes cours à cette école! Le service est super bon, en plus les instructeurs et l'enseignante sont très compréhensibles. Ça parrait qu'ils veulent la réussite de leurs étudiants. Je recomande cette école à tout le monde qui veut avoir des cours professionnels. Cette école porte bien son nom!


Great driving school!

Sky Berry

Great school! They'll take great care of you, and are amazing. They are understanding, and will give you tons of tips. 10/10 would do it again

Amir Shirazi

(Translated) The name is very well chosen for this school. (Original) Le nom est très bien choisir pour cette école.

Yves Brousseau

(Translated) This school is aptly named. We received courteous and professional service. The staff are very pleasant, welcoming and accommodating especially for young students. Instructors prepare students well for the SAAQ exam. In fact, my son took his practical exam and obtained his probationary license today without any problem. Thank you for your professionalism and a Special Thank You to Ms. Nancy who has always listened throughout the various stages of learning to drive and has followed up impeccably. I wish you to continue your good work. Ronie (Original) Cette école porte très bien son nom. Nous avons reçu un service courtois et professionnel. Le personnel est très agréable, accueillant et accommodant surtout pour des jeunes étudiants. Les moniteurs préparent bien les élèves pour l'examen de la SAAQ. D'ailleurs, mon fils a passé son examen pratique et a obtenu son permis probatoire aujourd'hui et ce sans problème. Merci pour votre professionnalisme et un merci Tout Spécial à Mme Nancy qui a toujours été à l'écoute tout au long des différentes étapes de l'apprentissage à la conduite et a fait un suivi impeccable . Je vous souhaite de poursuivre votre beau travail. Ronie

morteanu bogdan

(Translated) I called this school for an appointment to take driving lessons. The day I called, I was told that the person must leave 1h30 in advance and come by the next day. The next day the person was not there and the person at the reception knew absolutely nothing, totally lost. Don't waste your time with them. It is not worth it ! (Original) J'ai appelé cette école pour un rdv pour prendre des cours de conduite. Le jour que j'ai appelé, je me suis fait dire que la personne doit quitter 1h30 à l'avance et de passer le lendemain. Le lendemain, la personne n'était pas là et la personne à la réception ne savait absolument rien, totalement perdue. Ne perdez pas votre temps avec eux. Ça ne vaut pas la peine !

Melis Karabulut

(Translated) An exceptional school! Thank you very much to all your teachers and secretary! (Original) Une école exceptionnelle! Merci beaucoup à tous vos profs et secrétaire!

Adoratrice Miriam Budju

(Translated) They did everything to make me understand safe driving, the teachers explain super well, I passed my exam the first time around and it was great. I recommend you BEST DRIVING SCHOOL ???????????????????????? (Original) Ils ont tout fait pour que je comprenne la conduite sécuritaire, les professeurs expliquent super bien, j'ai réussi mon examen à la première fois et c'était super. Je vous recommande MEILLEURE ÉCOLE DE CONDUITE ????????????????????????

chadi chami

(Translated) The school is aptly named! Thank you very much to Nancy and all the instructors for their great help! If you want to pass your exam with a perfect score. Best driving school is the best choice! (Original) L’école porte bien son nom! Merci énormément à Nancy et tout les instructeurs pour leur grande aide ! Si vous voulez passer avec une score parfait à votre examen. Meilleur école de conduite est le meilleur choix !

Maria Najem

(Translated) Better service and better help in obtaining a successful driver's license! (Original) Meilleur service et meilleur aide pour reussir à obtenir le permis de conduire!


Great school :) I passed my driving exam the first try and with ease thanks to their tips!

Eliane Hajj

Khalil Khalil

Great School! Staff and instructors are very helpful, polite, professional, and kind. I would recommend this place to anyone who wants to learn or even just practice driving before the exam.

Sandy Semaan

This school is really the best, the team have a great experience, they are so lovely and they really care about your success. I recommend "MEILLEUR ÉCOLE DE CONDUITE" to every person who really needs to be a good skilled driver!

Hanna Isberdon

The best????

Charles-Émile Ménard

(Translated) Wow, the school really lives up to its name. Impeccable service from start to finish. I am impressed with the adaptability they have shown so that the students can continue their journey. In my opinion, they have very competent instructors for all types of people. The best obviously being Jean! Many thanks to Nancy for all of her efforts to ensure that all of her students can complete their courses on time. She and her secretaries do everything to accommodate you according to your schedules. I recommend this driving school 1000%. (Original) Wow, l’école porte vraiment bien son nom. Un service impeccable du début à la fin. Je suis impressionné de la capacité d’adaptation dont ils ont fait preuve pour que les élèves puissent continuer leurs parcours. Selon moi, ils ont des moniteurs très compétents pour tout type de personne. Le meilleur étant évidemment Jean ! Un grand merci à Nancy pour tous les efforts qu’elle fait pour permettre à tous ses élèves de compléter leurs cours dans l’échéance prévu. Ses secrétaires et elle font tout pour vous accommoder selon vos horaires. Je recommande cette école de conduite à 1000%.

Annie Perreault

Anne-Marie Rimniceanu

The BEST school !! Loved my experience! They teach you perfection

Yam Hameyeh

sarah khatib

(Translated) I recommend a very good school! (Original) Je recommande très bonne école !

Johnny Jabbour

Great school with an affordable price. The staff is amazing and the instructors are very good teachers. The staff will always look after your success. Would recommend.

Vicken Sarkissian

From the teachers to the administration, everyone was so helpful and friendly to the students. They cared for us, always gave out tips and advice. All I can say is that Meilleure is the best driving school in the metropolitan are! Thank you for everything!

Walid El-mekari

(Translated) Excellent school. I obtained my driving license without any difficulty. The service was excellent and welcoming. I highly recommend this school! (Original) Excellente école. J'ai obtenu mon permis de conduite sans aucune difficulté. Le service était excellent et accueillant. Je recommande grandement cette école!


Très bonne communication et la meilleure école à Laval vraiment!

lynn itani

Great driving school and service! Big thank you to all the instructors who are knowledgable and make you feel super relaxed. I had zero driving experience before attending the school, and I passed the road test from the first trial due to the accurate details and tips that I learned. I would totally recommend this school to everybody.


(Translated) The instructors are nice and give you useful tips. They also take the time to make you practice a lot of little things that my previous school did not do. I have to obtain my permit entirely from the person I met at this school. Thank you very much for accommodating my busy schedule to give me the time of practice necessary for my success. (Original) Les instructeurs sont gentils et te donnent des trucs utiles. Ils prennent aussi le temps de te faire pratiquer beaucoup de petites choses que ma précédente école ne fesait pas. Je dois l'obtention de mon permis entièrement aux personne que j'ai rencontrés à cette école. Merci énormément d'avoir accomoder mon horaire chargé afin de m'offrir le temps de pratique nécessaire à ma réussite.

shady alshammas

One of the worst driving schools ever. .... Cheap ... Unprofissional .. Potenciouse Inslaved to money and the worst instructors in town if ypu wanna burn 900$ with scetchy receipts and bad learning experience you can go there

Nicolas Paul carriere

Sahar Hammoud

pandir lor

(Translated) My monitors were unpleasant at will. Each mistake can potentially give rise to your contempt or / and a raised voice that will get you out of your driving and feel guilty for a crime. I doubt it has changed ... We are not dogs .... Learn from its conditions ... I passed it is not worth taking the driving test with them. better to go somewhere else or precede otherwise the monitors only teach you a straight line and very little maneuver (Original) Mes moniteurs furent désagréable à souhait. Chaque erreur peut potentiellement donner lieu à ton méprisant ou/et un haussement voix qui te font sortir de ta conduite et te sentir coupable d'un crime. Je doute que cela ait changé ... Nous ne sommes pas des chiens .... Apprendre des ses conditions... j'ai passé cela ne vaut pas la peine de passé son examen de conduite chez eux . vaux mieux aller ailleurs ou précéder autrement de plus les moniteurs ne vous apprenez que ligne droite et très peu de manœuvre

Lama Choukair

(Translated) Very good school and professional. The teachers are well experienced and ready to teach you and prepare you for the exams and your success. (Original) Très bonne école et professionnelle. Les profs sont bien expérimenté et prêts à t’apprendre et te préparer pour les examens et ta réussite.

Jade Hilareguy

(Translated) A very good school, I had my license without difficulty !! (Original) Une très bonne école, jai eu mon permis sans difficulté!!

Narjes Mamlouk

(Translated) Personal very welcoming and serious too I succeeded the first time. Thank you for all the team It's the Best School (Original) Personnels trés acceuillants et sérieux aussi J'ai reussi dès la première fois. Merci pour toute l'équipe C'est la Meilleure École

Habes Nabhan

(Translated) Professional academy in every sense of the word Classy management by dealing with difficulties and professional trainers who help you gain the required driving experience Thank you, Nancy, from the bottom of our hearts, for giving us all the benefits, and thanks to the able coach, Jean, and I wish you continued success and excellence always. (Original) اكاديمية احترافية بكل ماتعني الكلمة إدارة راقية بالتعامل وتذليل الصعوبات ومدربين محترفين يساعدون بكسبك الخبرة المطلوبة بالقيادة شكرا نانسي من اعماق قلوبنا على اعطاءنا كل فائدة والشكر للمدرب القدير جان وأتمنى لكم دوام النجاح والتفوق دائما

Ndeye Anta Seck

(Translated) Very good school the teachers are qualified and will help you until you obtain the permit. (Original) Tres bonne école les professeurs sont qualifiés et vont t'aider jusqu'à l'obtention du permis.

Jim Hanan

I'm very Happy for choosing this school. The staff are very friendly special Joanna. I had my driving license from another country so with the help of my instructor

Tristan Goyette

(Translated) I just finished my classes at this school they are very nice and very competitive towards the availability of the students. Thank you (Original) Je viens de finir mes cours à cette école ils sont très gentils et très compétitifs envers les disponibilités des étudiants. Merci

Abdulrahman Alotani

Caroline Zghaib

Really good school. Good teachers and clear explanations.

Arekua Syed

Meilleure école de conduite is really the best driving school. Super professional, best customer service & also the best instructors especially Ralph who was very patient during my whole learning period. Such a kind & smart man who makes you comfortable and makes you believe in yourself. I couldn’t have chosen better. Also they have the sweetest, caring receptionist Nancy. Thank you for everything! This is THE school you want to choose! -Alexandra J.

paul hamamji

Excellent service. My 2 kids took the course and were very successful. I recommend école meilleure de conduite. Very professional and would highly recommend.

Rochdi Benghezal

(Translated) Driving school that lives up to its name! Very good service, flexibility, reliability and excellent student support. (Original) École de conduite qui porte bien son nom ! Très bon service, flexibilité, fiabilité et excellent suivi des élèves.

Maggie Kontoulis

Best driving school!!!! The staff are all super nice, patient and helpful. I recommend this school 100% A huge thank you to Nancy and Ralph????????❤️

Harilla Paco

Mathieu Gélinas

Alaa Al Ali


Firas Bshara

Chris Attayek

Kevin Tayro

Great people. They really prepare you and give you everything you need to succeed on the exams.

georges alyoussef

(Translated) Excellent school and teaching Via Helou and cars school Helween I succeeded examinations from the first time (Original) مدرسة ممتازة و تعليم فيا حلوو و سيارات المدرسة حلوين انا نجحت بالفحصين من اول مرة????

George Arbash

Issam Boulad

nice people and very sociable. Good teachers

Sarita 26

(Translated) The school is aptly named! It really is the best driving school in Laval! Both the monitors and the receptionists are lovely and very understanding. Particularly a big thank you to Nancy and Mario you are the best! end of the conversation Enter a message ... (Original) L'école porte bien son nom! C'est vraiment la meilleure école de conduite à Laval! Les moniteurs comme les réceptionnistes sont adorables et très compréhensifs. Particulièrement un grand merci à Nancy et Mario vous êtes les meilleurs! Fin de la conversation Saisissez un message...

Oreo Merlin

(Translated) Honestly, this really is THE best driving school. They are professional and they really make sure their students are successful. I am very happy that I went through this school. I recommend her without hesitation !! (Original) Honnêtement, c’est vraiment LA meilleure école de conduite. Ils sont professionnels et ils veillent vraiment à ce que leurs élèves réussissent. Je suis très heureux que je suis passé par cette école. Je la recommande sans hésitation!!

Victoria Demes

Very good staff and experience. Staff and teachers are very kind and encouraging

Meryam Affa

(Translated) the best school .. (Original) la meilleure école ..

Shawn Grenier

(Translated) The exceptional service and the quality of the instructors allowed my driving lessons to be done at a much higher speed compared to the two driving schools that I did before this one. (Original) Le service exceptionnel ainsi la qualité des instructeurs ont permis a mes cours de conduite de se faire a une vitesse nettement supérieur face aux deux école de conduite que j'ai fais avant celle-ci.

Harlen Valdelamar

(Translated) Really the BEST school I took my exam at once! Thank you Ralph for your patience. It was a big challenge for me and I feel proud and satisfied. I highly recommend. Many thanks to Nancy too. (Original) Vraiment la MEILLEURE école j'ai passé mon examen d'un coup! Merci Ralph pour votre patience. C'était un grand défi pour moi et je me sens fière et satisfaite. Je recommande fortement. Merci infiniment à Nancy aussi.

Kamila Dudka

Joyce Az

All i can say is this driving school is the greatest place i've been to! They're an amazing team and are super nice. I wouldn't reffer any other places other than this one. Thank you so much for the experience and driving lessons. You guys are a great team and was glad to join this driving school!!! :)



Perfect school, instructors are nice and explain very well. Me and all my friends attended this school and all got our licenses!

gio nehmo

Amazing school with amazing people ????

Moussa Daoui

(Translated) Best driving school in town they have the best instructor with them you can't fail I highly recommend it. Thanks to Nancy and Raphaël and all the team (Original) Meilleur école de conduite de la ville ils ont les bests instructeur avec eux vous ne pouvez pas échouer je vous le recommande fortement. Merci à Nancy et à Raphaël et toutes l’équipe

khaldon sy

Great school

Marcelle Saliba

N. E-K

(Translated) Indeed, as the name suggests, it is the BEST driving school. The teachers are very friendly and prepare you perfectly for the theory and practical exam. I highly recommend it to you, it was a very pleasant experience and I thank you very much for this great job. (Original) En effet, comme son nom l'indique, c'est la MEILLEURE école de conduite. Les professeurs sont très sympathiques et vous prépare parfaitement pour l'examen théorique et pratique. Je vous la recommande fortement.Ce fut une expérience très agréable et je vous remercie énormément pour ce beau travail.

lila tayeb

(Translated) Very good school. Good service and courtesy. Thanks Nancy. I was well prepared for the SAAQ road test. Thanks Mario. (Original) Très bonne école. Bon service et courtoisie. Merci Nancy. On m'a bien préparée pour l'examen pratique de la SAAQ. Merci Mario.

Mohsen Mohsen

Very good school ! Passed from the 1st time :)

Coralie Kumwimba

(Translated) I suggest you sign up too, it's a good driving school, lessons are good and the teachers are kind, generous in the concern of helping to obtain permits. Thank you best school (Original) Je vous suggère de vous inscrire aussi, c'est une bonne école de conduite, des leçons sont bien donner et les profs sont gentils, généreux dans le soucis d'aider à l'obtention de permis . Merci meilleure école

Rouha Sabounji

Fatou Kine DIOP

(Translated) I have just passed my exam on the first attempt. Thanks to Nancy and Raphael also for his support throughout my practice. He showed me the keys to good behavior in such a short time, he has the pedagogy and patience that one needs to drive with peace of mind. Sincerely in relation to my previous experiences, this school really answers to his name. She is by far the BEST. I highly recommend it :-)! (Original) Je viens de réussir mon examen dès la première tentative. Merci à Nancy et à Raphael aussi pour son accompagnement tout au long de ma pratique. Il m'a montré les clefs d'une bonne conduite en si peu de temps, il a de la pédagogie et la patience dont on a besoin pour conduire avec une tranquillité d'esprit. Sincèrement par rapport à mes expériences antécédentes, cette école répond vraiment à son nom. Elle est de loin la MEILLEURE. Je la recommande vivement :-) !

Mohamad Khatib

Reem Nasif

Great teachers take care of you and the best school to get the driver license, I would recommend this school ! -Kamal

george touma

Marc-anthony Atallah

Great experience at meilleur ecole de conduite. Great teachers in Practice class while the theorique classes were with great Teachers too! I surely recommend this Driving school.

Jad Alz

(Translated) The best experience, clear explanation welcoming atmosphere and help from start to finish (Original) La meilleure expérience, explication clair ambiance accueillante et aide du début à la fin

Thefighter Blazer

Amazing school, very friendly, very good teachers. I would recommend this school to every driver want-to-be. -Schumacher ;)

denise rima

albina azizi

(Translated) it's really a good school, it explains you really well. Highly recommended (Original) c’est vraiment une bonne école il t’explique vraiment bien. Très recommandé

Jonas Olenga

(Translated) Frankly, this school is extremely professional, which allows the students to devote themselves even more to obtaining their license. The instructors are excellent, especially Mario! They all teach tactfully in a crisp and clear manner. On the management side, the receptionists do a fabulous job. Bravo to Nancy, the best! I take my hat off to each of them! I highly recommend this academy for a high level and very high quality learning (Original) Franchement, cette école fait extrêmement preuve de professionnalisme ce qui permet aux élèves de se dévouer encore plus à l’obtention de leur permis. Les moniteurs sont excellents, particulièrement Mario ! Ils enseignent tous avec tact de façon clair et net. Pour ce qui en est de la gestion, les réceptionnistes font un travail fabuleux. Bravo à Nancy, la meilleure ! Je tire mon chapeau à chacun d’entre eux ! Je recommande fortement cette académie pour un apprentissage de haut niveau et de très grande qualité


(Translated) Good reception, good service and good teacher! (Original) Bon accueil, bon service et bon prof!

miss fraise

Dima AlBukhari

The best school ever, I have a great support from them, you find respect and support to get your driving permit as you deserve, thank you very much , I’m so proud to be one of your graduates :)

Carolyn Garcia

clarens jolteus

(Translated) Have a good school but do not miss a class it will cost you dearly. (Original) Bonne ecole mais ne rater pas un cours cela va vous coutez chere .

Mostafa Elmerehby

This driving school really top notch! Thank u so much guys for ur efforts. I just did the practical exam today and got 100% on it. Staff and teachers are super nice and helpful they'll always help u and make u feel confident. You guys are such a wonderful group of people. I recommend this school to everybody. Inaddition I want to thank Nancy and John i'm really gratefull for ur help. ????✌

tatahom T.

(Translated) I would like to thank and express my gratitude to The Best Driving School for the dedication and professionalism that drive them! I am very grateful to you and I truly believe that without you my success would not have been possible. Thank you! (Original) Je tiens à remercier et témoigner ma gratitude à La Meilleur École de conduite pour le dévouement et le professionnalisme qui les animent! Je vous suis très reconnaissante et je crois, réellement, que sans vous ma réussite n’aurait pas été possible. Merci!

ahmad darraji

(Translated) This is really the best Nancy school a very kind and funny woman and patient with these students in the theory classes then the teachers are really quiet respectful and they know what they are talking about. (Original) C'est vraiment la meilleure école Nancy une femme très gentille et drôle et patiente avec ces élèves dans les cours théoriques ensuite les profs de pratique sont vraiment calmes respectueux et ils savent de quoi ils parlent .

Rubiat Zaman

The staff is very helpful, they'll help you prepare for the theory test and final driving exam as much as they can. Was able to pass both on my first try thanks to them!

dennis Ho

Tarek Khatib

William Issa

Yolita Affa

Iskandar Touma

I got 100% ????

Hani Chahrour

Mohammad C.

adad sandoval

I have already 20 months in that school. Nancy that she is teacher, receptcionist, etc. She never answer the message for to get Information. She never take the eneogth time for the customer. Just is paid. And never suggest another classes. I lost somes because I was sick. And for the covid19 everything exange. I call many times whit not answer. At the end of the contract I need paid. Extra because the contract finish. So is one class a mont. Unprofessional. And I recomended another company., this is really disgusting cero starts

Forget Steve

they are really nice and i pass m’y driving exam with a score of 100% woop woop :)

Marie Gagne

(Translated) Special thanks to Nancy and Mario. I had been dragging my temporary driver's license for far too many years for fear of going on the road. This driving school helped give me more confidence on the road and I passed my exam on the first try! (Original) Merci particulièrement à Nancy et Mario. Je trainais mon permis de conduire temporaire depuis beaucoup trop d'années par peur d'aller sur la route. Cette école de conduite m'a aidé à me donner plus confiance sur la route et j'ai réussi mon examen du premier coup !


(Translated) No other word to describe, BEST! (Original) Aucun autre mot pour décrire, MEILLEURE!

Josianne Tremblay

Miriam Abboud

(Translated) Very good school; very professional team! (Original) Très bonne école ; équipe très professionnelle!

sana Kanjo

(Translated) amazing (Original) رائعه

achour ibtesam

(Translated) Really it's the best driving school !! Thank you Nancy for being so patient and understanding !! (Original) Vraiment c’est la meilleure école de conduite !! Merci Nancy d’etre aussi patiente et compréhensive !!

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