Reviews of Dr Patrice Phaneuf, Dr Jean-François Coté, Dre Chantal Hébert, Dr Alexandre Pilon, Dre Naomie Pearce (Doctor)

22 Rue Laurier, Magog, QC J1X 2K3, Canada

Average Rating:


We have the reviews of people like you who consume the products of Dr Patrice Phaneuf, Dr Jean-François Coté, Dre Chantal Hébert, Dr Alexandre Pilon, Dre Naomie Pearce (Doctor) in Magog (Canada).

Right now this business gets a score of 4.5 stars out of 5 and the rating is based on 24 reviews.

You must have seen that it reaches an reviews average is almost the best one, and it's based on a high number of reviews, so we can be pretty sure that the assessment is very accurate. If there are many people who bothered to give their feddback when they are satisfied, is that it works.

You know that we don't usually bother to put tatings when these are positive and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Doctor is included in the category of Dentist.

Where is Dr Patrice Phaneuf, Dr Jean-François Coté, Dre Chantal Hébert, Dr Alexandre Pilon, Dre Naomie Pearce?

REVIEWS OF Dr Patrice Phaneuf, Dr Jean-François Coté, Dre Chantal Hébert, Dr Alexandre Pilon, Dre Naomie Pearce IN Magog

sabrina F-T

Sabrina Beaudion

Christian Longpré

(Translated) Excellent hospitality, friendly and professional dental hygienists. Very good advice from the dentist. (Original) Excellent accueil, hygiénistes dentaires sympathiques et professionnelles. Très bons conseils du dentiste.

Jim Lussier

(Translated) no respect !!! 0 financing if you went bankrupt !!! (Original) aucun respect !!! 0 financement si tu as fais faillite !!!

Alex LaPorte

(Translated) Beautiful team! The whole family has been going there for over 10 years! (Original) Belle équipe! Toute la famille y va depuis plus de 10ans!

Samuel Robidoux


Alexandre Gilbert

(Translated) Bad experience (Original) Mauvaise expérience

Zortech lapso

My name is louis , on today march 31 , I got 2 teeth pulled out , it went very well , Thank you Patrice and the team

Genevieve Barabe

(Translated) Patrice is my hero! He fixed a problem resulting from a car accident as well as the source of a tinnitus concern caused by an osteopath. He is a dentist who listens and puts his knowledge to good use. I also have several common treatments as well as an appectomy and a dental implant with him. Patrice is a professional dentist who will do anything to help you and his team is great. He is my dentist and I highly recommend him. (Original) Patrice est mon héros! Il a réglé un problème venant qu’un accident de voiture ainsi que la source d’un souci d’acouphène causé par un ostéopathe. C’est un dentiste à l’écoute et qui met à bon escient ses connaissances. J’ai également plusieurs traitements courants ainsi qu’un apectomie et un implant dentaire avec lui. Patrice est un dentiste professionnel qui va tout faire pour vous aider et son équipe est formidable. C’est mon dentiste et je vous le recommande fortement.

Stephen Mcelreavy

Julie Gagnon

(Translated) Team very dynamic and attentive to the needs of his patients. (Original) Équipe très dynamique et à l'écoute des besoins de ses patients.


(Translated) A fantastic, humane, cheerful and professional team. A rarity! (Original) Une équipe fantastique, humaine, de bonne humeur et professionnelle. Une rareté!

julie roy

(Translated) Very good service! My autistic son is followed there and he feels confident! (Original) Très bon service ! Mon fils autiste se fait suivre la et il se sens en confience!

bruno perron

Andie Breton

arthur bister

(Translated) Three years ago, I came from Boston to receive 4 implants. In a visit of less than 3 hours, the examination, 11 extractions, 4 implants and stitches were done under local anasthesia, Phaneuf installed the implants in the holes left by the removed teeth, rather than piercing new holes like others are doing. The wounds healed normally and today, these implants are still stronger than normal teeth. All after converting the dollar cost almost half the price. A friend of mine got implants in the US for twice the price, and they all fell. Alain Boutin. (Original) Il y a trois ans, je suis venu de Boston pour recevoir 4 implants. En une visite de moins de 3 heures, l''examen, 11 extractions, 4 implants et les points de sutures ont ete faits sous anasthesie locale, Phaneuf a installe les implants dans les trous laisse par les dents enlevees, plutot que de percer des nouveaux trous comme d'autres font. Les plaies ont guerie normalement et aujourd'hui,, ces implants sont toujours plus solides que des dents normales. Le tout apres conversion du dollard, a coute presque moitie prix. Un de mes ami a recu des implants aux USA pour deux fois le prix, et ils ont tous tombe. Alain Boutin.

Sabrina Lefebvre

(Translated) Very nice experience. Great service. From now on, I will go to this dental clinic for the following times! (Original) Très belle expérience. Super de bon service. Désormais, c'est à cette clinique dentaire que j'irai pour les fois suivantes!

Madie LaRebelle

(Translated) I went for my daughter and we were served by a fantastic team! (Original) J'y suis allée pour ma fille et nous avons été servis par une équipe fantastique !

Tara belanger

maryline harper

(Translated) jean-françois coté works miracles. I was afraid to go to the dentist and I am no longer afraid. I had fillings to do and I was nervous but I didn't feel anything for the bite. he went so slowly (Original) jean-françois coté fait des miracles. j avais peur d aller chez le dentiste et la je n ai plus peur . j avais des plombages a faire et j'étais nerveuse mais j ai rien senti pour la piqûre. il est aller tellement doucement


Dentist did a plumbing without ever telling or warning me that it would be of silver color. I would of been perfectly fine paying more for a normal color, but it's too late. Beware of this dentist, not to be trusted.

Aquinah Falardeau

Jasse Dubé

(Translated) good service, much cheaper than ayeur for children, the lady to give confidence to my 2 years old, I recommend feeling hesitant! (Original) bon service, beaucoup moins chère qu'ayeur pour les enfants, la dame a donner confience a ma 2 ans, je recommande sens hésiter!

Business Hours of Dr Patrice Phaneuf, Dr Jean-François Coté, Dre Chantal Hébert, Dr Alexandre Pilon, Dre Naomie Pearce in Magog



Dr Patrice Phaneuf, Dr Jean-François Coté, Dre Chantal Hébert, Dr Alexandre Pilon, Dre Naomie Pearce en Magog
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