After sitting down in the chair he asked me why I was here. He then berated me for saying "I need new glasses", and pretty much demanded that I should say "I need a new prescription" instead, before continuing. After that he looked at my old prescription and made a somewhat slanderous comment on the quality of my previous optometrist, saying that she didn't do a good job. We then proceeded with the eye examination, where I felt he was really impatient, which probably lead to an incorrect prescription by him. He noticed the mistake (I watched him review the results and paused for a moment), but did not verbally acknowledge it or try to correct it in any way. According to his prescription, my eyes improved since my previous exam. I'm not usually one to drop the "R" word, but I suspect that he may have treated me this way due to my race, because I don't believe I did anything to deserve this kind of behaviour. To be honest, I've been sitting on this for a few years, so I'm not looking for any compensation or anything, but had I acted, this would be a clear case of negligence. But of course this was just my one time experience with him, and maybe this was just his personality or how he did things. Although I certainly hope nobody else had to go through this kind of treatment from him.