I had to give a 1 star unfortunately for Dr.Asa who's an amazing Doctor. His receptionist on the other hand is a piece of work, I am a complex case and prior to any surgery I ever have I need iron and/or blood transfusions prior to surgery or they won't put me under. Dr.Asa is amazing himself and I'm confident in his skills it's his secretary that's the incompetent one, I got my hysterectomy date for December 5th and I quickly got to work organized time off work, I had my mother and friends book their vacation time for my surgery date. Lined up child care for my two young children, did my pre-OP and the anesthesiologist had rearranging her schedule so that she was in the OR with me during my surgery and I got a phone call saying that she won't put me under until I have a min of 5 iron transfusions, she had called and informed me of this and that Dr.Asa's receptionist would call and set it up. Fast forward to November 15th when I called the office to follow up on my iron transfusions dates and left a voice mail about it, the weekend passed and were into the afternoon of Monday November 18th with out hearing a single thing so once again I called and this time I got his receptionist and she proceeded to inform me that they hadn't heard from the hospital about my iron transfusions and being that this is routine for me before surgery I can say for once that CMH doesn't drop the ball and my transfusions are always booked with out any issues, and I explained this to dr.asa receptionist,
And I proceeded to tell her we still had two and a half weeks to surgery and I begged her not to take away my surgery that they might still have time to get the transfusions done in time. The receptionist then tells me "No, I am telling you that it will not be happening for the 5th of December, that she didn't know what happened at the hospital but they weren't booked in time and she had a more important patient that came up that would need my scheduled OR time," the ladies in medical daycare at CMH know what they are doing and have never dropped the ball before with any of my planned operations so I called the booking clerk at cmh and she informed me that she had just spoken with Dr. Asa's receptionist and she informed her that she cant do anything for at least two weeks besides what was the rush when the referral had just been faxed Nov.15th and she was processed on the 18th and Dr.Asa's receptionist had stated my surgery was being booked for feb/March. He booking clerk had faxed a letter to Dr.Asa's office on oct 7th asking for more bloodwork to be done before she would book any iron transfusion dates and she had not received my bloodwork and referral before friday November 15th from Dr.Asa's receptionist before then, And it was processed on the 18th.
So what happened was I did my bloodwork on Oct 21st leaving plenty of time to book my 5 iron transfusions before they would put me under HAD Dr.Asa's receptionist done her job correctly the first time we tried booking my transfusions my surgery would have been done on December 5th as scheduled but because Dr. Asa's receptionist had NOT done her job when she got my bloodwork results and faxed it to CMH so they could book the appointments. I now have to suffer an additional god knows how many more months in pain because she was incompetent and didn't fax my results to the hospital in time to book and complete my minimum of 5 transfusions before surgery day she had to use the excuse that a cancer patient was more urgent and that finally after calling several times to book an appointment with Dr. Asa to discuss this matter and my pain leaving several unreturned voice mails i threaten to contact the college of his receptionist didn't return my phone calls. FINALLY his receptionist calls me back to inform me that I can see Dr.Asa on November 25th at 12:50.. that leads to this review I drive 45 mins from another town to be told that DR.Asa was not in the office today at all and my appointment was next monday Dec.2. Yeah not impressed at all.