All had been good until I got a new Dentist for my lower left cavity yesterday. It was one of the worst experiences of my life to date and I've unfortunately had a few. The cavity was never removed because she was unable to freeze the mandibular nerve. After 3 excruciating attempts the epinephrine from the multiple anesthetic shots started to make my heart race, and my hands/arms/legs shake. Once I felt recovered enough to leave I quickly returned because as I was driving away I started having trouble swallowing because the freezing was migrating to my soft pallet. I turned around to wait in the dental office so I wasn't alone if things got worse. The staff were all very helpful and made me feel safe throughout what was a very scary event for me, but still one of the worst experiences of my life.
I wasn't able to finish my dinner that night because of the pain and not being able to open my mouth all the way. I woke up this morning quite swollen with increased pain behind my jaw/where it meets my neck under my ear. Talking/eating/yawning/swallowing all hurt. (I usually don't even get freezing as I prefer to go through the raw drilling than the freezing) Again this was all from just the needles, no procedure was done. Two hours of my life I'm not going to get back and a lot of pain/inflammation for the meantime. (I've never had jaw/face pain from an anesthetic needle before, not sure where it was going in my mouth/face but not where it was supposed to)