To the amazing owners, teachers and staff at Theatre Dance Academy
I would like to thank you for the excellent dance experience my daughter Abigail has received from your studio this year. She absolutely loves the studio and continues to learn so much through your positive and fun teaching methods. As for myself, as a parent, I was absolutely impressed with you Barb as the director. You are a true professional and astonishingly insightful, you know exactly what every child needs as soon as the walk thru the studio doors. You did not insist that I sign my daughter up right away for a full course load. In fact you encouraged Abigail to try classes out beforehand. As the director, you set the tone for your studio, Theatre Dance Academy has an open door competitive yet highly professional atmosphere. From the front desk, to the moms in the hall and then onto the teachers and into the studios; the enthusiasm coupled with the focus and dedication of everyone we have met all encourage the wonderful results that are evident on stage.
The tremendous effort taken with all the little details, and yes I do see them all, has made this past year so heartwarming for our family. You need to know that all that you do does matter. Everything from the great music choices, tasteful yet edgy and inspiring choreography, age appropriate flashy costumes and opportunities that you present for all to perform and shine has made this year an absolute delight. With amazement I continue to watch dancers from Theatre Dance Academy perform and it’s not just their mastery of dancing but the sheer joy they seem to feel about being up on stage. There is such wonderful balance of discipline, fun and an extraordinary self confidence in each and every dancer.
It has been a privilege to have been associated with this amazing second home for my daughter. Coming from another studio, Abigail was very shy and withdrawn but in a very short time you have nurtured, challenged, supported and molded her into the bubbly happy girl she is today. Every one of you at Theatre Dance Academy has played a significant role in her development at some point during the year. Thank you for believing in her and allowing her to believe in herself, you are all to be commended for the everyday excellence that you do.
Forever grateful
Sylvia Bryson