Reviews of Plomberie BPE inc - Plombier St-Hubert (Contractor)

2300 Rue Park, Saint-Hubert, QC J3Y 4Y3, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you have the opinions of real people like you who are consuming the products and services of Plomberie BPE inc - Plombier St-Hubert (Contractor) around Saint-Hubert territory (Canada).

At this moment this firm gets a rating of 5 over 5 and the rating was based on 63 reviews.

As you can see it reaches an opinions average is exceptional, in fact, it gets the highest score it can earn., and it's based on a high number of scores, so we can be quite sure that the assessment is quite accurate. If people have bothered to give their feddback when they are happy with the business, is that it works.

As you know, we do not usually bother to set tatings when these are correct and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Contractor belongs to the category of Plumber.

Where is Plomberie BPE inc - Plombier St-Hubert?

REVIEWS OF Plomberie BPE inc - Plombier St-Hubert IN Saint-Hubert

Jaysen Clarke

Punctual. Good quality work. I recommend this company without hesitation.


Joannie Dufour

(Translated) best plumbing service in town (Original) meilleur service de plomberie en ville

Alexandre Gagnon

(Translated) Very good service. Fast, professional and at the right price. (Original) Très bon services. Rapide, professionnel et au juste prix.

Pierre Michel Beauregard

D’jé L.

(Translated) Very good service. A friendly plumber. Effective. Quick. (Original) Très bon service. Un plombier sympathique. Efficace. Rapide.

Jennifer Tracey

Dominique Lavigne

(Translated) Bruno is very professional and his service has met my expectations. I will not hesitate to refer him to those around me. Thank you, I am very satisfied. (Original) Bruno est très professionel et son service a été à la hauteur de mes attentes. Je ne vais pas hésiter à le référer à mon entourage. Merci je suis très satisfaite.

Jules Communications

(Translated) Professional service! (Original) Service professionel!

Jonathan Mercier

(Translated) Super good service. I am very satisfied with the work he has done. (Original) Super bon service. Je suis très satisfait des travaux qu’il a réalisés.

Rejean Busque

(Translated) Super good service, replacement of a sump pump and repair of piping so that it is compliant. We can see that the plumber (Bruno) who did the work knows his job well, reasonable rates, fast service, we recommend without hesitation... (Original) Super bon service, remplacement d'une pompe de puisard et réparation de tuyauterie pour qu'elle soit conforme. On voit bien que le plombier (Bruno) qui a fait les travaux connait bien son metier, des taux raisonnables, un service rapide, nous recommandons sans aucune hésitation...


Jonathan Kahle

Mathieu Coursol

(Translated) Quick phone response. Very courteous and respectful exchanges. Good appointment availability. Bruno took the time to fully understand our problem. (Original) Réponse téléphonique rapide. Échanges très courtois et respectueux. Bonnes disponibilités de rendez-vous. Bruno a pris le temps de bien comprendre notre problème.

Sebastien Fortier

(Translated) Thanks for your help. (Original) Merci de ton aide.

Maxime Fortier

(Translated) Courteous and very professional service. To recommend without hesitation. (Original) Service courtois et très professionnel. À recommander sans hésitation.

Olivier PIERRE

(Translated) Bruno is friendly, knowledgeable and ethical at the same time. He will give you the best advice, make himself available despite his busy schedule and do a very good job. I am very satisfied with his intervention at home and I think he will be my appointed plumber from now on (Original) Bruno est a la fois sympathique, compétent et ethique. Il vous conseillera au mieux, se rendra disponible malgre son planning chargé et fait du tres bon travail Je suis tres satisfait de son intervention chez moi et je pense qu'il sera mon plombier attitré a partir de maintenant


Bruno takes the time to listen and provides a great service. Thank you!

Eric Leblanc

(Translated) Very professional and attentive ... I recommend without hesitation .... thank you again for your excellent work (Original) Très professionnel et à l'é recommande sans hésiter....encore merci pour ton excellent travail

Terry Low

(Translated) First time with a plumber and I am very satisfied with the job done. I recommend BPE to everyone (Original) Première fois avec un plombier et je suis très satisfait du travail effectué. Je recommande BPE à tout le monde

Yves Moreau

(Translated) Bruno did a great job. Installation of a sump pump + emergency pump with battery. Courteous and punctual service. Competetive price. Highly recommend. (Original) Bruno a fait un excellent travail. Installation d'une pompe puisard + pompe d'urgence avec batterie. Service courtois et ponctuel. Prix compétitif. Recommande fortement.

Lomi Pau

(Translated) My wife and I greatly appreciated Bruno's professionalism and courtesy. The price was very reasonable for the very high quality of the service provided. We strongly recommend that you use the services of this company for any plumbing work. Denis La Rue (Original) Ma conjointe et moi avons grandement apprécié le professionnalisme et la courtoisie de Bruno. Le prix était fort raisonnable pour la très haute qualité du service rendu. Nous recommandons vivement d'avoir recours aux services de cette entreprise pour tout travail de plomberie. Denis La Rue

Olivier Caron

(Translated) Great service. I referred him to lots of people! Professional, resourceful and peace of mind! Not easy to find. (Original) Super service. Je l’ai référé à plein de gens! Professionnel, débrouillard et tranquillité d’esprit! Pas simple à trouver.

Rox Dubé

(Translated) I did business with Bruno in a B to B context and I highly recommend! In addition to his skills, he is funny and likeable! (Original) J’ai fait affaire avec Bruno dans un contexte B to B et je recommande grandement! En plus de ses compétences, il est drôle et sympathique!

Jean-François Demers

(Translated) Very good customer service and conscientious work! (Original) Très bon service à la clientèle et travail consciencieux!

Andy Spilioe

Excellent service. He arrived on time and finished ahead of the estimation he gave me over the phone. Very professional and knowledgeable. I highly recommend him.

Claude Poirier

Sébastien Fortier

(Translated) Very professional service from Bruno and very knowledgeable. He knows where he is going. We used his services very quickly and the job was done very well and on time. We highly recommend his services !!! (Original) Service très professionnel de Bruno et très compétent. Il sait où il s'en va. Nous avons eu recours à ses services très rapidement et le travail a été très bien fait et dans les temps. Nous recommandons fortement ses services !!!

Michelena Construction

Marie-Julie Drapeau

We were very pleased with the plumbing job that Bruno did for us. He arrived on time, was professional and courteous, and he did excellent work. The price was very reasonable as well. We highly recommend this company. We will definitely be calling Bruno again for any future plumbing work. Marie-Julie Drapeau

Julien Charest

(Translated) Impeccable service !!! I totally recommend! (Original) Service impeccable!!! Je recommande totalement!

Karim Beayni

lacasse sylvain


Guy Peladeau

(Translated) Best service, I recommend you. (Original) Meilleur service, je vous recommande.

Émile Tessier

(Translated) Great service, great communication, punctual and honest Bruno has agreed to take over the job done by a botcheux which is not given to everyone. I recommend his services to everyone 5 stars !! (Original) Super service, excellente communication, ponctuel et honnête Bruno a accepter de reprendre la job fait par un botcheux ce qui n'est pas donné a tous. Je recommande ses services à tous 5 étoiles !!

Janin Lefebvre-Forget

(Translated) Very good service and reasonable price. I will do business with this company for my next work for sure! (Original) Très bon service et prix raisonnable. Je vais faire affaire avec cette entreprise pour mes prochains travaux à coup sur!

Germain Beaudry

Chantal Varin

(Translated) very satisfied, impeccable service! (Original) très satisfaite, service impeccable !

Annette Guay

Carole Toupin

Jenifer Yee

(Translated) Super good and punctual service. Very professional. (Original) Super bon service et ponctuel. Très professionel.

Michel Vinette

(Translated) Punctuality Very good service Very professional Work very well done with cleanliness To recommend (Original) Ponctualité Très bon service Très professionnel Travail très bien effectué avec propreté A recommander

Bruno Poirier

Isaac Jacques

(Translated) Work carried out according to the rules of the art! (Original) Travail effectué dans les règles de l'art!

Valérie Butler

(Translated) I am a property manager and I used the BPE Plumbing service for one of my buildings and I am very happy and satisfied. The job was done quickly. I was able to see the experience in his field and I had full confidence in him. Doing business with Bruno is doing business with a professional, I recommend you! (Original) Je suis gestionnaire immobilier et j'ai eu recours au service de Plomberie BPE pour un de mes immeubles et j'en suis fortement heureuse et satisfaite. Le travail a été fait rapidement. J'ai pu constater l'expérience dans son domaine et j'ai eu pleinement confiance en lui. Faire affaire avec Bruno c'est faire affaire avec un professionnel, je vous recommande !

Johanne Lacasse

(Translated) Super satisfied. Professional, kind and polite. Very good quality of work and thoroughness. (Original) Super satisfaite. Professionnel, gentil et poli. Très bonne qualité de travail et de minutie.

denis longtin

Alexandre Thibault

Alex Akoun

(Translated) I highly recommend ; very professional and good advice for the rest of my work. Quick and courteous service. (Original) Je recommande fortement ; très professionnel et de bons conseils pour la suite de mes travaux. Service rapide et courtois.

Alain Noel

(Translated) We have just done business with Bruno for the installation of a new water heater, the replacement of our main water inlet as well as the repair of a sink stopper. Bruno was very professional and we had a great experience from start to finish. He returned our call very quickly, showed up on time (which is a rarity these days), and got the job done efficiently. The total estimated cost was respected and was really reasonable, in my opinion, for everything that was accomplished. In addition, Bruno was very honest in not doing any work for nothing which would have added additional costs. We are extremely satisfied and recommend it without hesitation. A big thank you. (Original) Nous venons de faire affaire avec Bruno pour l’installation d’un nouveau chauffe-eau, le remplacement de notre entrée principale d’eau ainsi que la réparation du bouchon d’un évier. Bruno a été très professionnel et nous avons eu une excellente expérience du début à la fin. Il a retourné notre appel très rapidement, s’est présenté à la date et l’heure prévues (ce qui est rendu plutôt rare ces temps-ci) et a effectué les travaux de façon efficace. Le montant total estimé des coûts a été respecté et était vraiment raisonnable, selon moi, pour tout ce qui a été accompli. De plus, Bruno a été très honnête en ne faisant pas des travaux pour rien ce qui aurait ajouté des coûts supplémentaires. Nous sommes extrêmement satisfaits et le recommandons sans hésitation. Un gros merci.

Marie Gauvin

Nikola Mirkovic

(Translated) A job well done and very professional. I would definitely get back in touch with my future plumbing needs. (Original) Un travaille bien fait et très professionnel. C’est certain que je recontacterais pour mes besoin future de plomberie.

Simon Laviolette

(Translated) Excellent service. Very competitive price, nothing to say. (Original) Excellent service. Prix très compétitif, rien à dire.

Marilyne Chiasson

(Translated) Excellent and fast service. I had an appointment the day after my call. (Original) Excellent service et rapide. J'ai eu un rendez vous le lendemain de mon appel.

louise picard

(Translated) Excellent service. I highly recommend. (Original) Excellent service. Je recommande fortement.

Mireille Dulude

(Translated) Very good service from Bruno, very friendly. We really appreciated him, he will be our plumber from now on. (Original) Très bon service de la part de Bruno, très sympathique. Nous l'avons beaucoup apprécié il sera désormais notre plombier.

sylvie roberge

(Translated) Unparalleled A + service. Work carried out with great care for the redevelopment of a new complete bathroom. We are very satisfied with the work from start to finish. We highly recommend Bruno for his expertise and skills. (Original) Service hors pair A+. Travaux exécutés avec beaucoup de minutie pour réaménagement d'une nouvelle salle de bain complète. Nous sommes très satisfaits des travaux du début à la fin. On recommande fortement Bruno pour son expertise et ses compétences.

Liliane Duchesneau

Paul Fournier

(Translated) I recommend this institution without hesitation. Bruno knows his stuff! Very professional! (Original) Je recommande cette institution sans hésiter. Bruno connaît son affaire! Très professionnel!

Antoin Lessar

Dominique Carbonneau

(Translated) Excellent Plumber, professional, courteous, quality and clean work, conscientious, price quality and guaranteed work, inspires a lot of confidence, reliability - to be recommended without hesitation (Original) Excellent Plombier, professionnel, courtois, travail de qualité et propre, consciencieux, prix qualité et travail garanti, inspire beaucoup la confiance, fiabilité - à recommander sans hésitation

Paul Leclerc

(Translated) Excellent and to recommend (Original) Excellent et a recommander

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