Brian's concrete poured a walking path to our home (new build) and did not finish it correctly. They finished the product prematurely which means that too much water left in the concrete and the concrete then started to scale almost immediately as it was not sealed properly. We noticed that the concrete was scaling already but, not being a concrete specialist, thought the concrete was just wet and dirty. We waited the winter of course (stupid us) to bring it to our builder's attention as we could not see the concrete damage thoroughly due to snow and ice, and the excuse was used that we had used "ice melt". I have never used that product ever but apparently (rumor in the neighbourhood) is that is the excuse they give everyone, so they don't have to pay for the replacement. As such, I want to warn as many people as possible! You see bad concrete, notify builder immediately. Remember, they are out to make money and as soon as the money exchanges hands, they no longer care about warranty work. Further to this point, you better be lucky enough to get a specialist that will document their opinion as they all want to but can't due to larger builder influence and threats of not getting jobs. This is a big problem so I recommend getting someone from out of town to form an opinion to prove your case.
Brian's concrete signed off on documents saying they did a good job. Isn't this a conflict of interest??? Who, this day and age, would admit they made a mistake? I know I would but unfortunately morels have been lost in the case of business.
Therefore, I will be fixing my own concrete but please everyone! Be aware, there are a lot of contractors, including this one unfortunately, that will not honour work done because they have already been paid.
Also, if you are in your 1 year warranty, I highly recommend getting a home inspection done to make sure that all warranty work has been noted. This way, the builder is on the hook for any further repair before your warranty lapses.
I hope this helps at least one person out there. We work hard for what we have and I personally struggled a long time to make ends meet and save for my home. Don't let shady contractors like this put you out. The more we know, the better!