This could have been a five star experience. The contractor installed a heat pump in the house I just purchased, however the installer did not add a drain line for the AC condenser. It leaked down and helped rust out the old furnace. I bought a new furnace but the new contractor needed to make sure the leak could be fixed. I called the heat pump contractor and he said they put a drain line in. I took pictures of the unit with the furnace guys standing beside me, "no drain line here" and sent them to him. He sent out a tech to fix it. A good guy, four years experience, did a great job installing drain line and I had him install a condensate pump as well. Told his boss too. Boss man called me and said he would not charge for the drain line as it should have been done right. I get the bill, $444. Three hours labour, travel time to and back to shop and $130 for the pump + HST. I call the office. I was told I would not be billed for drain line (" his problem") the condensate pump job took 35 minutes plus an hour travel time, that's fair don't you think? He whined and moaned, claimed he was getting screwed and would never service my address again. Bill was adjusted to $328, cash only. I drove way out to his place of business in the country and paid him cash today. Nice place. I don't think he has been screwed too often. I would hire his technician in the future though, if he worked for another business. Seriously.