I brought in equipment purchased from another large company.I couldn't get it to work.The company that I purchased it from couldn't get it to work.I won't say the name of the company, I will say it wasn't the"best buy"!No return or exchange on the equipment.These guys EyeSee...were busy as could be!They stopped what they were doing,to figure out how to get me going.1 fellow spent half an hour b4 asking for assistance from his co worker.They re loaded firm wear.Swapped wiring...got everything working for me!When I brought out my wallet to pay for the amazing service, and the relief that someone cared unlike the store I purchased it from....I only had a credit card with me!The guy kept saying that there's no charge!All that time...no charge??I don't want anything for nothing from people who are so kind and willing to take another companies responsibility to help me!They wouldn't accept anything except for the price of the cord.Instead...I ended up buying some new camera's.The price was fantastic, and these people are honest,fair,with a really good attitude.Where do you find people like that in business.Anyone who still wants to support 1 of these companies, that don't remember you after they have your money.Please give EyeSee a chance!Great caring people,great prices and they are not going leave you all alone with a box,filled with items that you can't get to work for you.They fixed another companies mistakes,and didn't want to charge me.Hello!!I would have gladly paid a premium add on,just to have the type of service that only used to exist!!EyeSee Computers...are the best!Thank you guy's.Never will I have to search high and low for what's right in my backyard.