Communication is the biggest issue with this school. I have dealt with it, as well as MANY friends/family. The school claims to be cheaper than the university but I paid more for my courses here so I wish they wouldn’t lie about this. Also, universities have syllabus’, where all the course info is found. Saskpoly likes to use a online program called bright space where you have to be constantly searching all over the website for info. I have emailed profs about exams and it would be like pulling teeth to just find out where/when the exams are. And then I get to the exam, without a laptop which i needed in order to write the exam. Well they made sure to send emails about how no one can where hoodies or jewellery into the exam, but never mentioned that we needed a laptop, and I wasn’t the only one. I also didn’t need my student ID so anyone could have wrote the exam, but dangly necklaces are such a concern? You would think that bringing your own laptop info would be in the program or course manuals but no, I finally found it written ONCE in a link under the one file on bright space, not bolded or highlighted either. I also still don’t know the due date for a major assignment. Creating a syllabus with all this info would make a lot more sense. Oh and a lot of the courses are waitlisted. “First come first serve” basis. If programs have a 2 year wait list, I don’t get why they don’t have a competitive application for these courses like X-ray and lab. And parking is a joke. Pay $260/semester to park in gravel lots with pot holes that will cause your frame to hit the ground. This school makes it sound like they care so much about their students but they don’t. Some courses have way more credits per semester then you could ever take at one time at any university! I’m regretting not taking my course through a university outside of my province and only came here because it was closer to home. Beware of tuition, minimal and confusing communication, parking, and that most credits won’t transfer to a university, even though some courses claim they will!