Reviews of Saint Albert the Great College (College)

160 Old Bakery Street Il-Belt Valletta, VLT 1457, Malta

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Here you will see all the feddbacks of people who are consuming the products and services of Saint Albert the Great College (College) in Saint Albert (Canada).

At present this firm has a rating of 4.7 over 5 and this score has been calculated on 17 reviews.

You may have noticed that its rating is almost the highest, and it's founded on a very high number of scores, so we may say that the rating is quite faithful. If many people have bothered to value when they are happy with the business, is that it works.

You know that we do not usually stop to give scores when they are correct and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This College is classified in the category of University.

Where is Saint Albert the Great College?

REVIEWS OF Saint Albert the Great College IN Saint Albert

Aldo Fenech

(Translated) One of the best schools on the island. On the Virgin's head was built, Standing, firm, holding, the humblest among the cities, The scholars come, see them, After a siege, of deaths, we, of the gray trousers, Turn fortifications. Black / white tie. Always ready for a peak, Under Dominican province This is our college, in the same street and in the same place, But a city for Ve eighteen, The same human beings who come to see, changed it you do not know, drink, meal, cigarette consume, from conditioned Europe, go through here, look, leave this is just a scene / facade. Indifferent, back, never give up Nostalgia, in tears, Yes, you can be sure, It's about the great St. Albert. It’s still there, how much fun I had. In St. Albert those long years. The days of ‘Holly e Benji’ “We are or are not” time coupon albums, In our mouths "Let's not burst" stickers, Italian / British players. In St. Albert so dear children. To Tsubasa, it turns out to be a painting. That frightening monk, Rector? More like a dictator, A father who beats with a strap, A student brought a crow and a cart. Mathematics we never learned, Who knows if, no one actually told me, Her movement in lessons, How many thoughts we have. Jewwilla was the first time, We are already afraid of the rector, In high school, naughty students, ‘but we found out it had changed. This seems I remember, well, a lot of this cool, ‘cool’, reflector-like mirror-glasses, our uncertainty with the relative. but when she came in, I looked around. those stony-like eyes. which I kept dreaming about all the time. St. Albert the Great, The teachers urge us to gather, St. Albert praises him, frightened because we are young, Saint taught us great clothes. Experience, was, at worst, Where do we get clear urine from! With the shudder we all go home. Magnus Minoribus Magna San Albert in the heart of Valletta Bertu to you rich song, St. Albert opposite a narrow street St. Albert inside a furnace street, St. Albert you second mates St. Albert who instructed to keep me, From little ones made us giants My mentor Waqu, also teaches literature, dead still remained with me, I like to reason with him, in every lesson I teach, I would like to go back, thanks to this true boss. He has no greenery in his heart. A truly professional educator, Furthermore: vocational, With phenomenal positive karma It draws you into dlonk attention. The years have gone well, In my heart I carry everything inside, In primary when we started, When we left we both cried. In it we are almost raised! (Original) One of the best schools on the island. Fuq Xebb ir-ras inbniet, Wieqfa, soda, iżżomm, l-umilissma fost l-ibliet, Ġejjin l-iskulari, arhom, War’ assedju, t’imwiet, aħna, tal-griżi il-qalziet, Dawra fortifikazzjonijiet. Sewda/bajda l-ingravata. Dejjem lesti għal xi ċuċata, Taħt provinċja Dumnikana Dan huwa l-kulleġġ tagħna, fl-istess triq u fl-istess post, Iżda belt għal Ve tmintax, L-istess bnedmin li jiġu jaraw, mibdulha lilha ma tarafx, xarba, ikla, sigarett jikkunsmaw, mill-Ewropa kundizzjonata, jgħaddu minn hawn, ħarsa, jitilqu din hija biss xena/faċċata. Indifferenti, lura, qatt ma jieqfu Nostalġija, f’demgħa għoddost, Iva, inti, tista’ tkun fil-mija ċert, Hu dwar, il-kbir, ta’ San Albert. Għadu hemm, kemm ħadt gost. Fis-San Albert dawk it-twal snin. Iż-żminijiet ta’ ‘Holly e Benji’ Żmien “Aħn’aħna jew maħniex” żmien l-albums tal-kupuni, F’fommna “Ħalluna tfaqfuniex” adesivi, ġokaturi Taljani/Ingliżi. Ġo San Albert tfal hekk għalenin. Lil Tsubasa, jeżulta ‘rħili inpinġi. Dak il-patri li jqajjem terrur, Rettur? Iktar donnu dittatur, Patri kap illi biċ-ċinga jsawwat, Student ġabu jokrob u jkarwat. Matematika tgħallimna qatt, Min jaf jekk, ħadd qalla fil-fatt, Iċ-ċaqliq tagħha fil-lezzjonijiet, Kemm fina nibtu tip ta’ ħsibijiet. Jewwilla kienet l-ewwel darba, Aħna diġàimbezzgħin mir-rettur, Fis-sekondarja, aljievi mqarba, ‘żda sirna nafu li nbidel. Dan jidher niftakarha, sew, ħafna dil-ġarba, ‘cool’, nuċċali-mera qisu riflettur, l-inċertezza tagħna mal-qarba. imma x’ħin hi daħlet, ħarsti ddur. dawk l-għajnejn qishom impitrin. li bqajt noħlom bihom kull ħin. San Albert il-qaddis il-kbir, L-għalliema tgħajjarna ġbar, San Albert lilu jmur kull tifħir, imbeżża’ għax għadna żgħar, Qaddis għallimna ħwejjeġ kbar. Esperjenza, kienet, mill-agħar, Minfejn ngħaddu urina ċar! Bit-twerwir ilkoll immorru d-dar. Magnus Minoribus Magna San Albert fil-qalb tal-belt Valletta Bertu lilek ngħannu għanja, San Albert biswit strada stretta San Albert ġewwa strada forni, San Albert inti t-tieni imranti San Albert illi istruwit iżommni, Minn ckejknin għamiltna ġganti Il-Waqu il-mentur t-tiegħi, jgħallem anki letteratura, mejjet xorta baqa’ miegħi, Inħobb miegħu nirraġuna, f’kull lezzjoni li ngħallem, Nixtieq nerġa mmur lura, ħajr dal-veru imgħallem. F’qalbu m’għandux ħdura. Edukatur tassew professjonali, Iktar minn hekk: vokazzjonali, Bil-karma posittiv fenomenali Jiġbidlek fis dlonk l-attenzjoni. Is-snin ġerbu waħda sewwa, F’qalbi insorr kollox ġewwa, Fil-primarja meta bdejna, Meta tlaqna kemm bkejna. Fiha kważi hemm trabbejna!

Nijin Pn

Michelle Seychell

Mark Meilak

Stephan Borg

Primary and secondary school.

alexander Camilleri

Neil Manicaro

Tessie Bonavia

jeanclaude Buhagiar


Rita Ogbobor

DanilTheKingGaming King

I Learn There

antoinette farrell

Minix Box

Maryann Bonnici

I'm in year7 there

Nickovic Buttigieg

Vanessa Camilleri


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