While there are pros and cons to Kwantlen, location is certainly the biggest pro here. Classes vary from being insightful and rewarding to being useless and dull, and I would highly recommend checking professors' reviews on Rate My Professors prior to taking their courses, especially lab instructors, as the lowly rated ones tend to be confusing and completely unreasonable and unpredictable with unusual and often nonsensical grading criteria and zero patience. I once asked Len how I can improve my future lab scores in his first-year Physics course, and he told me I must be choosing to do things wrong if I'm getting low grades, saying I need to work on my attitude when really he's got a cryptic and secretive grading criteria which he only reveals after the third lab in the semester. There's also an old chemistry lab assistant who is miserable and wanders between both rooms all day yelling at students and avoiding helping anyone in favor of berating those less miserable than herself. Biology labs tend to be more welcoming and the instructors more outgoing, but the workload tends to be excessive, requiring lots of work outside of scheduled lab periods to experiment. Most labs here are a nightmare. I've however had very good experiences with online courses in general, and the arts instructors have been very knowledgeable, polite, and constructive. The library has a superb staff and a great selection of resources and free tutors, and there's also therapists available as well. I wouldn't recommend buying food or supplies here as the markup is insane.