Reviews of Collège CDI - Longueuil (College)

1111 Rue Saint-Charles O bur. 120, Longueuil, Quebec J4K 5G4, Canada

Average Rating:


We have all the feddbacks of real people who use the services and products of Collège CDI - Longueuil (College) in the territory of Beloeil (Canada).

Nowadays this business has a rating of 4.4 over 5 and the score is based on 90 reviews.

You may have noticed that it reaches an feddbacks average is very good, and it is based on a high number of opinions, so we may conclude that the rating is very reliable. If people have bothered to rate when they are happy with the service, is that it works.

You know that we don't usually bother to put scores when these are correct and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This College is classified in the category of Educational institution.

Where is Collège CDI - Longueuil?

REVIEWS OF Collège CDI - Longueuil IN Beloeil

Jean Marie Morin

(Translated) I am satisfied (Original) Je suis satisfait

Martine Bertrand

(Translated) Service after classes are not very available. I wanted help finding a new job in my field and they are never available always on vacation. (Original) Service après les cours sont pas très disponible. Je voulais avoir de l'aide pour me trouver un nouvel emploi dans mon domaine et ils sont jamais disponible toujours en vacance.

Alioune Mbaye Thioune

Jashanpreet Kaur

I really appreciate the service that I received from my campus director Ann Circelli and Chiraz Sbaghdi. They also there to help me whenever I need and they always listen me when I have any problem and give me solution for that too. I am always thank to all my College teachers for their support.

Frantz Lubin Macome

(Translated) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I add 5 others for the staff ... ???? (Original) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ j'ajoute 5 autres pour le staff... ????

Komik Boyyy

(Translated) Hello ! My name is Puccard I already have my high school diploma I am a Haitian and I still live in Haiti I was told about the cdi college of competent teachers, the necessary materials for students and therefore my dream is to study at cdi college please what are approaches ? Help (Original) Salut ! Je m'appelle Puccard j'ai mon deja mon diplome secondaire J'suis un haitien et je vis toujours en Haïti on m'a parlé du college cdi des professeurs compétents , des materiels nécessaires pour les etudiants et dès lors mon rêve c'est d'étudier au college cdi s'il vous plaît quelles sont les démarches ? De l'aide


(Translated) The principal and my teacher had suggested that I put my school record on hold because of my health problems at the time. It was supposed to be maximum 1 month (the time that I finish my meetings). They pushed back the return date until they could close my file for inactivity. So I haven't finished my lessons and I have to pay a big student loan for nothing. They even managed to trap me in my words when I expressed my concerns about the fact that I was no longer covered by the RAMQ, since my status was no longer that of a student because of the break on the record. (That was before I got tired and called / showed up on the spot for nothing constantly to hear from them that my file had become closed!) I was afraid of having to work more to pay for my treatments / drugs and so less be concentrated in my classes. So they took my words back and told me that I was only there for free medication ... ridiculous because I had a debt of $ 8,500 for medications that would have cost me much less if the question had really been saving on drugs. In short, apart from the receptionist who seemed to have a heart. Staff who see you as a big subsidized check and who will throw you out of school in a subtle and dishonest way. They sell a beautiful dream, and wake you up with a big blow on the back. I should have gone to the public, I would not have had this debt and probably I would have finished my studies in programming today. P.S. Their way of working is that the teacher you trust tells you that he wants to meet you for your own good and that of your program so that you don't fail and don't pay for nothing. Then when you come to meet him, he is with the director (the one who doesn't answer calls and / or answers, then hangs up on you when you want to know what's going on) and they are 2 figures of authority to tell you that it is the right choice etc. They scare you with your notes and your loan which could be affected by your numerous meetings. And one stroke that you agree to pause your class, and well you made yourself roll. It is too late, and they have defrauded you of $ 8,500 paid by the government that you have to pay back with a minimum wage. Thank you CDI. You take your slogan to heart, you changed my life through education .. but think of changing it for "Creators of dreams - Sellers of nightmare" (Original) La directrice et mon prof m'avaient suggéré de mettre en pause mon dossier scolaire à cause de mes problèmes de santé de l'époque. C'était supposé être maximum 1mois (le temps que je finisse mes rendez-vous). Ils m'ont repoussé la date de retour jusqu'à ce qu'ils puissent fermer mon dossier pour inactivité. Je n'ai donc pas fini mes cours et je dois payer un gros prêt étudiant pour rien. Ils ont même réussi à me piéger dans mes paroles quand je leurs ai fait part de mes inquiétudes face au fait que je n'étais plus couvert par la RAMQ, puisque mon statut n'était plus celui d'un étudiant à cause de la pause sur le dossier. (Ça c'était avant que je me tanne et appel/me présente sur place pour rien sans cesse pour avoir des nouvelles de leurs part comme quoi mon dossier était devenu fermer!) J'avais peur de devoir travailler plus pour payer mes traitements/medicaments et ainsi moins être concentré dans mes cours. Ils ont donc repris mes paroles en me disant que j'étais seulement là pour la gratuité de mes médication... ridicule car j'ai eu une dette de 8500$ pour des medications qui m'en aurait coûté beaucoup moins si la question avait vraiment été d'économiser sur les médicaments. Bref, à part la réceptionniste qui semblait avoir un cœur.. Personnel qui vous vois comme un gros chèque subventionné et qui vous jetteras en dehors de l'école de façon subtile et malhonnête. Ils vendent un beau rêve, et vous réveille avec un gros coup dans le dos. J'aurais du aller au public, je n'aurais pas eu cette dette et probablement que j'aurais fini mes études en programmation aujourd'hui. P.s. Leur façon de fonctionné c'est que le prof en qui tu as confiance te dit qu'il veut te rencontrer pour ton bien et celui de ton programme afin que tu n'échoue pas et ne paie pas pour rien. Puis quand tu viens pour le rencontrer, il est avec la directrice (celle qui ne repond pas aux appels et/ou repond, puis te raccroche au nez quand tu veux savoir ce qu'il se passe) et ils sont 2 figures d'autorité à te dire que c'est le bon choix etc.. Ils te font peur avec tes notes et ton prêt qui pourrait être affectés par tes nombreux rendez-vous. Et un coups que tu acceptes de mettre en pause ton cours, et bien tu t'es fait bien rouler. Il est trop tard, et ils t'ont escroquer de 8500$ payer par le gouvernement que tu dois rembourser avec un salaire minimum. Merci CDI. Vous tenez à cœur votre slogan, vous avez changé ma vie à travers l'éducation.. mais songez à le changer pour " Créateurs de rêves - Vendeurs de cauchemar "

Seydou Nabalma

(Translated) I have just finished my training in Computerized Financial Management and the concepts learned help me enormously in my professional daily life: I am now very comfortable in analyzing files and I easily reach the objectives that have been set for me. Thank you to the entire college management team for the quality of the service and special mention to the best of all the teachers; I appointed Mr. Daniel Larivée (Original) Je viens de finir ma formation en Gestion Financière Informatisée et les notions apprises m'aident énormément dans mon quotidien professionnel: Je suis désormais très confortable dans l'analyse des dossiers et j'atteins aisément les objectifs que me sont fixés. Merci à toute l'équipe d'encadrement du Collège pour la qualité du service et mention spéciale au meilleur de tous les enseignants; j'ai nommé M. Daniel Larivée

Debora Nunes

Moises Paredes

(Translated) I completed the Internet Oriented Programmer Analyst course at this college. - Teaching - The teaching is of very high quality. The courses and projects are all completed independently, which means that we can progress at our own pace. This was an advantage for me because I was able to complete the program in half the prescribed time (9 months instead of 18 months). All the lessons are aimed at simulating the job market so that you can join it as soon as the training is finished. There is always a professional available to answer any questions if you need help. In addition, exclusively for the Longueuil CDI campus, programming teachers use tutorial videos to facilitate and enrich the material learned in class. The schedule is very flexible; we can study in the morning or in the evening. - Work Opportunities - CDI college offers a placement assistance service. Once the training is finished, the staff are in constant communication with the student to help him find an internship and a job. Thanks to this and a little initiative on my part, I had offers from SEVERAL companies who were ready to give me a job or an internship. In my case, I managed to find an extremely well paid internship close to my home with a high probability of being hired at the end of the internship. -- Staff -- The staff is very welcoming and warm. I feel that they have an authentic desire so that each pupil succeeds well in his courses and is successful in his professional development. Sometimes extra-curricular activities are organized by the staff to help charitable causes. -- Cost -- The costs may seem high at first glance. However, there are several payment methods as well as student loans and bursaries. I am not at all worried about being able to repay all my debts in less than a year because the job I found thanks to this college allows me to do so. In addition, it is possible to take courses at CDI college for FREE! In my case, the programming course is given in 18 months but I was able to finish it in 9 months. The college gives me the opportunity to use the 9 months of lessons I have left to take other courses for free. I plan to enroll in the networking course and complete it with the remaining 9 months in order to obtain a second diploma when I have only paid for one. In conclusion, the CDI college was a very good experience for me. In an authentic way, I affirm that this college allowed me to draw the maximum of my potential in order to become a true professional. I have never been more motivated to study. (Original) J'ai complété le cours de Programmeur Analyste Orienté Internet à ce collège. -- Enseignement -- L' enseignement est de très haute qualité. Les cours et les projets sont tous complétés de manière autonome, ce qui signifie que nous pouvons avancer à notre proper rythme. Ceci a été un avantage pour moi car j'ai pu compléter le programme en la moitié du temps prescris (9 mois au lieu de 18 mois). Tous les enseignements on pour objectif de simuler le marché du travail afin de pouvoir s'y joindre aussitot que la formation est finie. Il y a toujours un professionel qui est disponible pour répondre à toutes les questions si jamais on a besoin d'aide. De plus, exclusivement pour le campus CDI de Longueuil, les enseigants en programmation utilisent des vidéos tutoriels afin de faciliter et d'enrichir le matériel appris en classe. L'horraire est très flexible; nous pouvons étudier le matin ou le soir. -- Opportunités de Travail -- Le collège CDI offre un service d'aide au placement. Une fois la formation finie, le personnel est en constante communication avec l'étudiant pour l'aider à trouver un stage et un emploi. Grâce à ceci ainsi qu'un peu d'initiative de ma part, j'ai eu des offres de PLUSIEURS compagnies qui étaient prêtent à me donner un emploi ou un stage. Dans mon cas, j'ai réussi à me trouver un stage extrêmement bien rémunéré et proche de chez moi avec forte probabilité d'embauchement à la fin du stage. -- Personnel -- Le personnel est très acceuillant et chaleureux. Je ressens qu'ils ont un désir authentique pour que chaque élève réussisse bien ses cours et ait du succès dans son cheminement professionel. Quelquefois, des activités extra scolaires sont organisés par le personnel pour venir en aide à des causes de charité. -- Coût -- Les coûts peuvent sembler élevés à première vue. Cependant, il y a plusieurs mode de paiements ainsi que des prêts et bourses étudiantes. Je ne suis pas du tout inquiet de pouvoir repayer toutes mes dettes dans moin d'un an car l'emploi que j'ai trouvé grâce à ce collège me le permet. De plus, il est possible de suivre des cours au collège CDI GRATUITEMENT! Dans mon cas, le cours de programmation est donné en 18 mois mais j'ai été capable de le finir en 9 mois. Le collège me donne l'opportunité d'utiliser les 9 mois de cours qu'il me reste pour suivre d'autres cours gratuitement. J'envisage de m'inscrire au cours de réseautique et de le compléter avec ces 9 mois restants afin d'obtenir un deuxième diplôme alors que je n'ai que payé pour un. En conclusion, le collège CDI a été une très belle expérience pour moi. De manière authentique, j'affirme que ce collège m'a permis de puiser le maximum de mon potentiel afin de devenir un vrai professionel. Je n'ai jamais été aussi motivé d'étudier.

Davinder Dhaliwal

Patricia Michaud

(Translated) I am currently at CDI college in early childhood education and I simply love my experience at college because I lived what regular college was then it is not at all the same principles. The teachers are present and help the students in order to obtain a diploma in the profession that fascinates them. Always listening to our fears and fears and then pushing us to move forward. I recommend CDI for more personalized support and to succeed in their studies. ???? (Original) Je suis actuellement au collège CDI en éducation à la petite enfance et j'adore tout simplement mon expérience au collège car jai vécue ce qu'était le cégep régulier puis ce n'est pas du tout le même principes. Les professeurs sont présents et aident les étudiants et étudiantes dans le but d'obtenir un diplôme dans le métier qui les passionnent. Toujours à l'écoute de nos peurs et nos craintes puis nous poussent à aller de l'avant. Moi je recommande CDI pour avoir un soutien plus personnalisé et réussir leurs études. ????

christaramariline Desir

(Translated) Hallo ????, I am currently at college CDI in legal technique, honestly I do not regret my choice. the atmosphere is perfect ???????? (Original) Hallo ????,Je suis actuellement au collège CDI en technique juridique, honnêtement je n'ai pas regretter mon choix . l'ambiance est parfaite ????????

Alexandre Rodier

Tilakraj Kaushal

Good institute for international students. Staff very polite .

omar canada

Suresh Singh

I am one the student of this college. All the staff members and teachers are well educated and cooperative. From my Campus teacher Madhu bala is excellent in his work and very helpful.

Sukhbir Singh

Great college and professional -cooperative staff helps in every step of courses and during the hard time (pandemic ) they arrange everything accordingly which is very much appreciated . According to me our class instructors during our course Mrs. Madhu bala and Mr. Harshinder singh Awal helps us alot in achieving our goals . They both give us plenty of information that we are not really aware of as a international student . Overall 5/5

anik lanteigne

Laura Garzon

(Translated) A good college for migrants as they provide the opportunity to learn in a creative and dynamic way Good hours and qualified teaching staff is located near the metro longueil (Original) Un bon collège pour les migrants car ils donnent la possibilité d’apprendre de manière créative et dynamique De bons horaires et un personnel qualifié pour enseigner est situé près du métro longueil

Melinda P.

Munish Rana

I have been studying in the college in Computer Network and Security program. I really like the teaching pattern and the material they have, to teach us. Teachers have sound knowledge of the subjects they teach and I as an international student have learnt very much in my studies. Thanks to staff and our teacher Mrs Madhu bala .

Andrea Romero

(Translated) Friendly establishment. Small team always available. ???? (Original) Établissement chaleureux. Petite équipe toujours disponible. ????


(Translated) Involved and serious trainers, I had the best Daniel Larivee for teacher !! Smiling students and endorsements and welcoming and warm administration. Good premises, well-equipped classroom. To date I have nothing to complain about ... Everything you need to perfect your education. So far I am very satisfied with my studies !! (Original) Formateurs impliqués et sérieux, j'ai eu pour prof Daniel Larivee le meilleur!! Elèves souriants et avenants et administration accueillante et chaleureuse. De bons locaux, salle de cours bien équipée. A date je n'ai rien a redire... Tout ce qu'il faut pour parfaire son éducation. Jusqu'à date je suis très satisfaite de mes études!!

anurag rana

Mawlana Ahmadou Doudou Nabi Gaye

(Translated) It is with great pleasure and satisfaction that I write these notes as a thank you to Director Mr. Maxime Trembley and to the whole family of the CDI college. Indeed. I am a student in programming, my beginnings were very, very difficult to the point that it raised questions at the level of my teachers. But, after meeting my Director Mr Trembley who by his professionalism, his listening skills, his ability to understand the socio-cultural problems of students, including new ones, his availability but above all his ability to boost your morale to succeed in our studies. In addition, I know that I have not yet finished my program to give thanks, but know that I will finish it in an excellent way because I have promised my teachers in particular HAMID, the only honor that a high can do to his teacher is doing a good job. Yes, because professing is priceless (Yes, I speak of his name Hamed, it is someone who marked me a lot, by letting me know, `` I believe in you therefore, do not let go of the potatoes and do not disappoint me''). As my grandfather said "When someone believes in you, he believes in your human value" Today, I am updating myself, everything is going very well and in a very excellent way thanks to the human warmth of all the staff of the establishment, the availability and the love to teach from my teachers (I emphasize that here, each teacher is a teacher of all students without distinction of department. They are available for all students, at worst recommend you to one of their colleague - Thank you, Mr. Daniel -), but also good solidarity, between study aid for a better understanding of the courses, between students are really to be welcomed (- Thank you, Kevin-). I invite all pupils and students to come and see our programs, the future and the job market (You will find the beautiful Karine, always available for you to coach in order to have a good internship) is with CDI college. I AM PROUD FOR ONCE OF MY CHOICE AMADOU GAYE (Original) C’est avec un grand plaisir et une grande satisfaction que j’écris ces notes en guise de remerciement, à Directeur Monsieur Maxime Trembley et à l’ensemble de la grande famille du collège CDI. En effet. Je suis étudiant en programmation mes débuts, étaient très, très difficiles au point que cela suscitait des questionnements aux niveaux de mes enseignants. Mais, après avoir rencontrer mon Directeur Mr Trembley qui par son professionnalisme, son sens de l’écoute, sa faculté à comprendre les problèmes socioculturels des étudiants, y compris les nouveaux, sa disponibilité mais surtout sa capacité à vous booster le moral pour réussir dans nos études. Par ailleurs ,je sais que j’ai pas encore fini mon programme pour faire des remerciements, mais sachez que je vais le finir de manière excellente car j’ai promis à mes professeurs notamment HAMID ,le seul honneur qu’un élevé peut faire à son professeur est de bien travaille. Oui, car professer n’a pas prix (Si, je parle de son nom Hamed , c’est quelqu’un qui m’a beaucoup marqué, en me faisant savoir ,’’je crois en toi donc ,lâches pas les patates et ne me déçois pas’’). Comme disait mon grand père ‘’ Quand quelqu’un croit en toi , il croit en ta valeur humaine’’ Aujourd’hui, je fais une mise à mise à jour en moi , tout se passe très bien et de manière très excellente grâce à la chaleur humaine de tout le personnel de l’établissement ,la disponibilité et l’amour d’enseigner de mes professeurs (je souligne que ici ,chaque professeur est enseignant de tous étudiants sans distinction de département .Ils sont disponibles pour tous les étudiants ,au pire vous recommande à un de leur collègue –Merci, Monsieur Daniel-),mais aussi la bonne solidarité ,l’entre aide aux études pour une meilleure compréhension des cours , entre étudiants sont vraiment à saluer (– Merci ,Kevin-). J’invite à tous les élèves et étudiants à venir voir nos programmes, l’avenir et le marche du travail (Vous trouverez la belle Karine, toujours disponible pour vous coachez afin d’avoir un bon stage) est avec le collège CDI. JE SUIS FIERE POUR UNE FOIS DE MON CHOIX AMADOU GAYE

Nathaniel ZONGO

(Translated) I am finishing an A.E.C in paralegals and frankly, I do not regret my choice at all. The quality of the teaching and the competence of the staff allowed me to obtain a job which will also serve as an internship before I finished my course. #ThanksCDI (Original) je suis entrain de finir un A.E.C en techniques juridiques et franchement, je ne regrette pas du tout mon choix. La qualité de l'enseignement et la compétence du personnel m'ont permis d'obtenir un emploi qui me servira parallèlement de stage avant que j'ai fini mon cours. #MerciCDI

Akashdeep Gill


Ankit Raju

college location is too good and calm location that helps to study better with its online classes because of covid-19. Mrs madhu bala is our instructor and she teaches so good.We never realised that we are taking online classes.we feel like she is sitting in front of us and teaching.she clears our every doubts in study.thanku so much to CDI college for providing us good staff.

Puneet Singh

I attended this college and have only great things to say about my experience. The teacher was amazing, the curriculum is second to none and each student is treated with care. Grateful to be part of this college.

Catherine Dupont-Gagnon

(Translated) Super nice working atmosphere! Passionate employees, attentive leadership that cares about student success. (Original) Super belle ambiance de travail! Des employés passionnés, une direction attentive qui a à cœur le succès des étudiants.

Bansal Yattin

Cdi is the best college for learning and overseas students because i have learnt many things from the college. Also our instructor (Madhu Bala) is very helpful because she helps every student for doing well in studies.

Lakha Dhaliwal

very good college. i graduate in march 2021 .. jaspreet mam best teacher ????????????????????????????????. very knowledgeable and helpful teacher...thank you mam☺️☺️

Simu Maan

CDI College is the best college for learning something. But I want to appreciate my teacher(Madhu Bala) she has always helped me as well as she have good knowledge about this course . Thank you madam . Chiraz Sbaghdi is nice person because when I facing any problem, he helped me a lot to solve my problem. Thank you Sir. Bhagwant Kaur.

Ja Ja

(Translated) What I love so much about CDI is its warm and helpful staff and especially Shiraz whom I consider my savior, whenever I have a problem she does everything possible to help you and I thank her so much for that and he has so many people to thank from the bottom of my heart that I can even write two pages. (Original) Ce que j'aime tellement au CDI c'est son personnel chaleureux et aidants et surtout Chiraz que je considère comme mon sauveur , chaque fois que j'ai un problème elle fait tout son possible pour t'aider et je la remercie énormément pour ça et il a tellement de personnes à remercier au fond du cœur que je peux même écrire deux pages.

Harjeet Kaur

my name is Harjeet kaur i m student of CDI College longueuil campus. CDI college is the best college according to my experience. staff is very helpfull and the honorable director is very friendly and always take care about the students facilities. My campus provide me the best teacher her name is Mrs. Madhu Bala. she always provide us depath knowledge about our studies and alwyas encourage us to do your best and in a excellent way. i really want other student get the teacher like her.

Ramzi Chaoui

(Translated) excellent training, very very good explanation, the whole group is reactive, they are quick to answer my different questions and abstraction, excellent supervision, the teachers are super nice and master their fields more than perfectly (experts in the field), thanks With the training I had I feel ready for the professional world with great confidence, not to mention the atmosphere of studies, it's like a family for me, thank you to the CDI college, it's an unforgettable experience, and thank you to the director and to the whole school management team, with a warm thank you to Mr. L.DANIEL !! the best of the best (c'est la maaaagie) hahhaha (Original) excellente formation, très très bonne explication tout le groupe est réactifs, il ne tardent pas a répondre a mes différents question et abstraction, excellent encadrement, les profs sont super sympa et maitrise plus que parfaitement leurs domaine (des experts a la matière), grâce a la formation que j'ai eu je me sens prêt au monde professionnel avec une grande confiance, sans parler de l'atmosphère des études, c'est comme une famille pour moi, merci au collège CDI , c'est une expérience inoubliable, et merci a la directrice et a toute l'équipe d'encadrement scolaire, avec un remerciement chaleureux a monsieur L.DANIEL !! the best of the best (c'est la maaaagie) hahhaha

Lydielinedupre Dupre

Mindy Chabot

(Translated) ... poor teaching quality! Diplome is useless! (Original) ... Mauvaise qualité d'enseignement ! Diplome ne servant à rien !


Elhadji Badji

(Translated) Thanks for the excellent service. I appreciate your professionalism and efficiency. I would like to thank Mr François Dion for his availability and follow-up, as well as the administration of the college throughout the training. I recommend you with pleasure. For anyone looking for a winning education, CDI College is a must. Thank you CDI Longueuil college. (Original) Merci pour l’excellent service. J’apprécie votre professionnalisme et votre efficacité. Je tiens à remercier Mr François Dion pour sa disponibilité et le suivi, ainsi que l'administration du collège durant toute la formation. Je vous recommande avec plaisir. À tous ceux qui sont à la recherche d’une formation gagnante, le collège CDI est un incontournable. Merci collège CDI Longueuil.

Jashan Brar

Its been more than a year in the college and it's worth to say that its one of the best college out there in Montreal. Offers all the new in demand courses and friendly environment. Classes with madhu bala mam have been so worthwhile! She has an amazing way of breaking things down so that they are understandable, and always keeping it light

Marie-Pier Bérubé

Penelope R

As a paralegal student, I only have compliments. Im an intern at a law firm, feel prepared to work and confident that what I learned in classes will help me succeed professionally. The staff is helpful, specially the teachers, that are paralegals so they can teach you about the reality of the profession.

Amandeep Kaur

I learnt many things from our instructor Madhu Bala. She is a great teacher. . She has lot of knowledge about this stream. She always hear us whenever we need and try to solve our problems. Her bond with with students is very good.

sourav sian

CDI is a great place to learn. I really appreciate the services that I received from my campus. Our instructor(Madhu Bala) is very helpful, her teaching method is very unique and try to give us excellent teaching services. It is a best place for international students. Thanks to support us every time.

francis sr

(Translated) After several calls in several schools, I was finally treated like a human! I finally decided to enroll in the certificate in administration at UQAM as advised by the counselor but I referred my sister who loves his program of education in childhood! Program accredited by the ministry .... I saw myself the permit of the ministry at the entrance, one inquires before saying anything! (Original) Après plusieurs appels dans plusieurs écoles, j'ai enfin été traité comme un humain! J'ai finalement décidé de m'inscrire au certificat en administration à l'UQAM tel que m'a conseiller la conseillère mais j'ai référé ma soeur qui adore son programme d'éducation à l'enfance! Programme accrédité par le ministère .... j'ai moi même vu le permis du ministère à l'entrée, on s'informe avant de dire n'importe quoi !

Alexandra Racine

Kim Nguyen

Lydia Leduc-Perron

(Translated) Excellent teachers who pass on the passion for the profession to us (Original) Excellents enseignants qui nous transmet la passion du métier

Kiranbatth batth

Currently, I have been doing my networking course in CDI College , Longueuil. From my experience, i can say that this is the best college to learn and get immense knowledge about your subject. secondly, Our teacher Madhu Bala is very responsible and serious about her profession. with her help, we find it easy and interesting to study during online classes. I am extremely thankful for the college and to my teacher to give such a great learning environment ...

Konate Fatoumata

Manjinder singh Dosanjh

I am a web design student and as per my experience this is a very good colg and also staff is very cooperative. So overall this is best college.

Sikander Singh

CDI is a great place to learn with very open and caring staff(GURLEEN KAUR) who want to help you succeed and learn the best you can. The WEBDESIGN course is very in depth and the teacher is very knowledgeable and very helpful ਅੱਤ ਸਿਰਾ ਕਾਲਜ

Karine Nationala

Edwige Koné

Dayna Pierre

Galaxy Note 2

(Translated) Not approved by the Ministry. $ 20,000 the course and MORE !!! False representation, in short, a nightmare. (Original) Aucunement approuvé par le Ministère. 20 000$ le cours et PLUS!!! Fausse representation, bref un cauchemard.

marielou Boisclair

(Translated) I am currently completing my AEC in legal techniques. Having reached the final stage, that of the internship, I can confirm with certainty that the training received was second to none. The teachers are very passionate, know what subjects to put more emphasis on and give very lively projects. Being in the workplace, I find it exceptional to have been taught by people occupying the same functions as me, currently. They don't teach like lawyers, but like paralegals !! Every morning, the welcome is super successful, the receptionist is always very cheerful and gets involved in our academic life! Finally, the only negative point that I have to raise is the instability of the employees concerning the administration (apart from the reception). In short, I highly recommend CDI College, for the speed of the training, but especially for its quality! (Original) Je suis présentement en train de mener à terme mon AEC en techniques juridiques. Étant rendue à l'étape finale, soit celle du stage, je peux confirmer avec certitude que la formation reçue était hors pair. Les enseignantes sont très passionnées, savent sur quels sujets mettre plus d'emphase et donnent des projets très animant. Étant rendue en milieu de travail, je trouve exceptionnel le fait d'avoir été enseigné par des personnes occupant les mêmes fonctions que moi, actuellement. Elles n'enseignent pas comme des avocates, mais comme comme des parajuristes!! Tous les matins, l'accueil est super bien réussi, la réceptionniste est toujours très souriante et s'implique dans notre vie académique! Finalement, le seul point négatif que j'ai à soulever est l'instabilité des employés concernant l'administration (mise à part la réception). Bref, je recommande chaudement le Collège CDI, pour la rapidité de la formation, mais surtout pour sa qualité!

anmol deep

Hi there This is ANMOLDEEP from CDI Campus Longueil I have excellent experiences in my colleges till now . Moreover, my teacher MADHU BALA is an excellent instructor in my experience shes very kind and helpful person. Its is best college in Montreal. Thanks

Émilie Langlois

Shikha Chopra

Cdi college is the best college for international students. Teachers are very good .I have been a student at CDI College Longueuil Campus since 2019. The college offers great learning and amazing exposure to concepts. My learning curve has been increasing exponentially and this has happened because of my Professor Madhu Bala. She is one of the best professors I have come across in my life, very helpful, considerate with immense knowledge base of the subject. She has been a constant support to our batch even with the current situation and has made the online learning experience fun. Thank you Madhu mam for such interactive sessions and your guidance :) .

Josee p

Troubadour Tahoudi

Mohamed Z.

(Translated) Lots of help from CDI for international students. I hope to have my visa. (Original) Beaucoup d'aide de la part de CDI pour les étudiants internationaux. J'espère avoir mon visa.

radhika raj

I am student of CDI Longueuil campus and currently enrolled in networking course. As per my opinion this college is one of the best college in Montreal. They have very supporting and responsible staff members. Also our teachers Mrs Madhu Bala and Mr Harshinder Awal have great knowledge of our course and have been there for us in every difficult situation. Our current teacher Mrs Madhu Bala is so supportive and helpful, she manages all the things in a very professional manner. Overall, I highly recommend this college to upcoming students.

Francis Bouchard

(Translated) I recommend (Original) Je recommande

Navneet Walia

Cdi college is the best college for the international students because they provide all the facilities to the students which they needed. Also our instructor (Madhu Bala ) is very co operative she helps us in every assignment and project. She is very knowledgeable.

tushar mittal

College is very good and teacher Madhu bala is also very cooperative and very helpful

Francis B

Sahand Salami

I graduated last week from the college. I finished programming at Longueuil campus. Flexible class hours, Perfect instructor, and very responsible staff. I had some trouble with applying for PGWP on time, the college collaborated a lot and helped me solve it. There is no reason to not choose this college to continue your study.

Panthpreet Singh

This is one of the best College in Montreal. My own experience with this college is fabulous. All the Teachers have good experience and well educated.

Moussa Lo

(Translated) I'm in GIF tonight and this school is beautiful !! Everyone is cool there. Especially our teacher Daniel who always takes the time and the patience to explain us! I recommend everyone who wants a job of choice. (Original) J'suis en GIF soir et cette école est superbe!! Tout le monde sont symphatique là-bas. Surtout notre professeur Daniel qui prend toujours le temps et la patience de nous expliquer! Je recommande à tout le monde qui veulent un métier de choix.


I am an IT technician and I graduated from the Network and Internet Security Specialist of CDI College. Because I chose CDI College, my life has changed. Before that, I was a Depanneur owner who lived at the bottom of society. They face pressure from all walks of life every day, and are often plundered and persecuted by evil forces. Even need to risk his life and struggle hard in a life without any hope. I desperately hope to get rid of this predicament. But I do not have any skills, which makes it difficult for me to find a competitive job in the job market. My application for school was rejected by many schools. Only CDI College opened the door of hope for me. CDI College has advanced scientific and technological knowledge and a rigorous teaching team. Through humanized management, enthusiastic and patient teaching, in-depth practice and practice, CDI College has enabled me to master many competitive IT technologies. In addition, the powerful employment services of CDI College not only helped me gain valuable internship opportunities, but also successfully found jobs as IT technicians. Now, I face satisfied smiles and respected eyes from customers every day. And use what I have learned to train new interns. Such a sunny and hopeful life is given to me by CDI College. Choosing CDI College is the most correct decision in my life. CDI College can bring hope not only to me, but also to all those who choose CDI College.

Yves Pelchat

Charles Dupuis

(Translated) My teacher is not only an outstanding teacher ... Marie-Sylvie is also a mentor and a role model. (Original) Ma professeur n'est pas seulement une enseignante hors pair ... Marie-Sylvie est également une mentor et un modèle.

Patrick Fournier

(Translated) Very good networking program. (Original) Très bon programme en réseautique.

Tahmina Bilal

(Translated) I did an AEC in Legal Techniques which I greatly appreciated. The teachers were passionate about their subject and very available to answer our questions. However, there has been too much turnover at the administrative level ... (Original) J'ai fais un AEC en Techniques juridiques que j'ai grandement appréciée. Les enseignantes étaient passionnées par leurs matière et très disponible pour répondre à nos questions. Cependant, il y a eu trop de roulement au niveau administratif ...

Patricia Provost

(Translated) The teaching for the Legal Technology Program (ACS) has simply been fantastic. The teachers are outstanding, know their job and we are ready to face the new challenges on the job market. They were available at any time. Answer our questions adequately and provide us with the necessary support. Bibi, at the reception, is smiling, friendly and so kind. We could not have hoped for better than having these teachers to show us what we would expect when we were in the workforce. The negative is that there has been a lot of turnover on the administrative side. (Original) L'enseignement pour le programme de technique juridique (AEC) a tout simplement été fantastique. Les enseignantes sont hors pairs, connaissent leur métier et nous sommes prêtes pour affronter les nouveaux défis sur le marché du travail. Elles étaient disponibles et ce, peut importe l'heure. Répondent à nos questions adéquatement et nous fournissent le support nécessaire. Bibi, à l’accueil est souriante, aimable et tellement gentille. Nous ne pourrions pas espérer mieux que d'avoir ces enseignantes pour nous montrer ce à quoi nous allions nous attendre lorsqu'on serait sur le marché du travail. Le point négatif est qu'il y a eu beaucoup de roulement du côté administratif.

Emilie Tremblay

(Translated) Very good school! (Original) Très bonne école !

Andrew Marticotte

(Translated) Satisfied with my courses in programming (Original) Satisfait de mes cours en programmation

Madhu Bala

Hi, I am a Network Instructor in Longueuil campus. All the admin staff of the college is amazing specially the director of our campus. She is very helpful and supportive. During this pandemic situation she handled everything very smoothly.

Ravinderjit Singh Grewal

Good institute for international students. Our instructor(Madhu Bala) is very polite and helpful. CDI college is really a great place to learn.


(Translated) disappointed all the way !! ARNAQUUUE GROSSSEE (Original) déçu sur toute la ligne !! GROSSSEE ARNAQUUUEEE

stefany perreault-gosselin

(Translated) Very recently, I finished my legal technique (AEC) at CDI College, Longueuil campus and I am currently employed. The training was just great! The teachers are really interesting, they have a lot of knowledge and an immense interest in the profession. All were patient and present. I have developed skills and reflexes through their teaching. They have a great and beautiful experience and a love of their work, which pushed me to persevere. The stress that invaded me at the start of my internship faded very quickly as soon as I entered the industry since I already had a huge knowledge. I love my job and it is entirely thanks to their dedication. (Original) Tout récemment, j'ai terminé ma technique juridique (AEC) au Collège CDI, campus de Longueuil et je suis présentement à l'emploi. La formation était tout simplement super! Les enseignantes sont vraiment intéressantes, elles ont beaucoup de connaissance et un immense intérêt envers le métier. Toutes ont été patientes et présentent. J’ai développé des capacités et des réflexes grâce à leur enseignement. Elles ont une grande et belle expérience et un amour de leur travail, ce qui moi m’a beaucoup poussé à persévérer. Le stresse qui m’envahissait au début de mon stage s’est estompé très rapidement dès mon entré dans le milieu puisque j’avais déjà une énorme connaissance. J’adore mon travail et c’est entièrement grâce à leur dévouement.

William Yan

Very good and small college in Longueuil, very convient by public transit right next to the Longueuil-Université-de-Sherbrooke Station. They had very nice admission councillor that will guide you on which program it will fits you and really recommend you meet Genève and all the staff at Collège CDI.

Mohit Goyal

This is one of the best College in Montreal. My own experience with this college is fabulous. Mrs madhu bala is our instructor and she teaches so good.We never realised that we are taking online classes.we feel like she is sitting in front of us and teaching.she clears our every doubts in study.thanku so much to CDI college for providing us good staff.????

Annie-Pier Laflamme

Meriem Bijjou

(Translated) I am very satisfied to have had the best LINE teacher, and also I am very happy to finish my training in education technique for children. I would like to thank all the staff of the CDI college. (Original) je suis très satisfaite d'avoir eu la meilleure enseignante LINE, et aussi je suis très contente de finir ma formation en technique d’éducation a l'enfance. je tiens a remercier tous le personnel du collège CDI.

Construction Vélox inc. Richard Beauchamp

(Translated) great service! the EVENING computerized financial management teacher is the best. (Original) excellent service! l'enseignant de gestion financiere informatiser DE SOIR est le meilleur.

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