Reviews of Champlain College Saint-Lambert (College)

900 Rue Riverside, Saint-Lambert, QC J4P 3P2, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will see all the opinions of people who used the services of Champlain College Saint-Lambert (College) in the area close to Beloeil (Canada).

Currently the firm receives a score of 4.4 stars out of 5 and that score has been based on 73 reviews.

You must have seen that it has an average rating is quite high, and it is founded on a very large number of opinions, so we may say that the evaluation is quite faithful. If people have bothered to evaluate when they are satisfied with the business, it works.

You know that we do not usually stop to give feddbacks when these are correct and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or incidence...

This College is included in the category of College.

Where is Champlain College Saint-Lambert?

REVIEWS OF Champlain College Saint-Lambert IN Beloeil

Kedar Mendhurwar

Do not apply for any course at this college. You would end up wasting your time and money.


Naïva B

Herve Ngomseu

Jasmine Jass

romaissa meghoufel

Jay lespinasse

(Translated) Champlain College offers a higher quality education to its students by having access to a larger teaching pool given the fact that the institution is in itself English-speaking. The hours are sometimes uncomfortable to live in, but certainly Champlain gives adequate preparation for university, unlike some CEGEPs. Several programs are also available there that are not offered in French. (Original) Champlain College offre une éducation de qualité supérieure à ses étudiants en ayant accès à un bassin d'enseignant plus grand vu le fait que l'institution est en elle-même anglophone. Les horaires sont parfois inconfortables à vivre mais certes, Champlain donne une préparation adéquate à l'université contrairement à certain cégep. Il y est également disponible plusieurs programmes qui ne sont pas offerts en français.

Mamadou Oury Camara

Emile Desjardins

Teachers are Good

Pickle Pickleson

I'm a pickle. Others know me as JP so if you're one of them you're cool. Oh and btw it's a really good school but don't forget to check your professors' ratings before making a choice.

Janie Allard

Émile Massie-Vanasse

Cesar Zapata

Michel Paradis

(Translated) On May 11, 2019, The Fondation de Schizophrénie Émile Nelligan who included me. Presented a comedy show starring Réal Béland. In short, their performance hall holds around 400 seats and is comfortable. The price to rent this room is really not expensive. It's worth it. The resource people who have taken care of us, speak French well, because it must be said that it is an English-speaking college. (Original) Le 11 Mai 2019, La Fondation de Schizophrénie Émile Nelligan qui m'inclus. À présenté un show d'humour mettant en vedette Réal Béland. Bref leur salle de spectacle contient environ 400 places et est confortable. Le prix pour louer cette salle n'est vraiment pas cher. Ça vaut la peine. Les personnes resource qui se sont occuppées de nous, parle bien le français, car il faut dire que c'est un collège anglophone.



julia maciocia

the librarians need to calm down with their shhhhh, it stop students from doing group work, the students talk at normal levels and get disturbed or kicked out daily for just trying to work or learn off of one another


Jack B.

Christopher Ramroop


Great school! New renovation of library and cafeteria improve as more students arrive

Manon Valcourt

Adam Rahman

Frédéric Gagné

Good school. Loved my time over there.

German Studies

Hossein Oliabak

Charles Renaud-Cordeau

Yannick Lafond-Bahl

Tetyana Tsomko

Wonderful place to work and study

Alex Mykhailenko

Zoltan Juhasz


S/o cassidy

Sarah Snieg

Diane Garanito


Not a single fountain in this school works and the caf doesn’t even sell water. Been like this all year so far and when asking staff when it would be fixed we receive no answers.

Matt Refghi

Jordan Brown

Great school! Reccomend

Florence Desautels

Great school! Really loved it here.

Sherry Xu

Andrei Bursuc

This is no place to visit, but it's a good school. They have a huge parking and it's often 5$ a day or free after a certain time.

Ibrahim Toure

Champlain is one of the best English colleges out there for Quebecers and the learning environment does not compare to the ones offered in Montreal. Truly one big family and great staffing

Timothy Guay

Fun campus

Jonathan Marcotte

Chris Drouin

Anabel Cloutier

Antoine Simard

Louis C

(Translated) Very good college. (Original) Très bon collège.

Liliet Yanez


Mary Mary

A student has one dose. Was advised not to get second dose as the first one made her really sick. She is not allowed to attend graduation because she is not fully vaccinated. We are still in the grace period for the vaccine passport and the ceremony is ourside. Shame on Dean Howie for not allowing this student to attend the ceremony.

Marya Sibri

Very clean College, the staff is very helpful and nice. The majority of the teachers have PHDs or masters. The teachers are excellent. Overall great place!

Remi Poirier

Louis-Victor Champagne

Nohary rakotoarivony

Madeleine Lepage

Jean Dagenais

(Translated) New building under construction (Original) Nouvelle édifice en construction


Alexandra Houghting


Med Samir Rezaiguia

Magda Andrei

The best college ever. The teachers are so nice, they understand people, they are extremely helpful, they are so human. The college has what it needs. The people are smiling to you and you feel as home, in there. Such a nice college !!! Bravo, Champlain and thank you for having the opportunity to be there !!!

Chloe Paquette

Jon H

Valentin Yakovchuk

(Translated) Nice place (Original) Belle place

Léa Naubert

Michael Gabriel

Jean-Nicolas Levesque

(Translated) Small community, good teachers. Good programs, very accessible even for French speakers. Sports teams are emerging, but less competitive than elsewhere (except soccer and football), so you may have to go to another CEGEP if that's what you are looking for. (Original) Petite communauté, bons professeurs. Bons programmes, très accessible même pour les francophones. Les équipes sportives sont en émergence, mais moins compétitives qu'ailleurs (excepté pour le soccer et le football), alors il se pourrait que vous deviez aller à un autre CÉGEP si c'est ce que vous recherchez.

Nicolas St-Pierre

Florence Lambert

Catherine Rachel Gabbay

Joe Isaak

Daniel B

Reza Moradi

Jean-Nicolas Tremblay

Amazing time over there. However if you mind about your R score, competition in here is really hard! All students are strong and care about their studies. Teacher are really devoted and ambiance is warm!

Business Hours of Champlain College Saint-Lambert in Beloeil

7:30AM TO 6:30PM
7:30AM TO 6:30PM
7:30AM TO 6:30PM
7:30AM TO 6:30PM
7:30AM TO 6:30PM


Champlain College Saint-Lambert en Beloeil
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