Reviews of Restaurant-Bar le 21 (Coffee Shop)

750 Av. du Phare O, Matane, QC G4W 3W8, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will see all the information of people like you who consumed the services of Restaurant-Bar le 21 (Coffee Shop) in the area of Matane (Canada).

At present this firm gets a score of 4.5 stars out of 5 and this rating is based on 91 reviews.

As you can read, the average score it has is nearly the best one, and it's based on a very high number of opinions, so we may think that the valuation is very reliable. If there are many people who bothered to rate when they've done well with the service, it works.

You know that we don't usually bother to place scores when these are positive and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Coffee Shop is classified in the category of Restaurant.

Where is Restaurant-Bar le 21?

REVIEWS OF Restaurant-Bar le 21 IN Matane

Rejeane Côté

(Translated) The food and the service are impeccable I recommend it to you ????????❤????✌ (Original) La cuisine et le service es impécable je vous le recommande ????????❤????✌

Sylvain Gagnon

(Translated) Delicious. Everyone was happy with their plate! (Original) Délicieux. Tout le monde était bien satisfait de son assiette!

Stephen Allard

(Translated) Excellent seafood spagetti (Original) Spagetti au fruit de mer excellent

Jess Pellerin

James Smith

Great food and service. A must try place if your in town.

Martin Fournier

(Translated) Very friendly waitress .. horrible food .. canned vegetables and powdered potatoes (Original) Serveuse tres sympathique.. nourriture horrible.. legumes en conserve et patates en poudre

Bunny-Boy From Nowhere

joey gagnon

(Translated) Yier or parcel !? (Original) Yier ou colis !?

Nadine Dube


(Translated) Great food nothing to say ... only thing ... watch out for the waitress of the bar with long hair ... she has a boyfriend, and doesn't always say it ....: / (Original) Bouffe super rien à dire... seul chose... attention à la waitress du bar au cheveux long ... elle a un copain, et ne le dit pas toujours.... :/

Enrico Ouellet

kayven lafontaine

Sylvie Truchon

(Translated) Very good service and quality of food (Original) Très bon service et qualité des plats

Amélie G.

(Translated) Passage in 2019 I have been going there since I was very young. We went there on a Saturday night with the family. The restaurant was full and despite everything the service was super good and efficient. The food is excellent, the portions are generous. On Saturday evening they have all-you-can-eat cod platters and beef steak, very good as a concept. The value for money is very good, rare in Quebec. Try the fruit salad cake, it's sublime. Passage in October 2021 Always so good, service and food lived up to my expectations. I took the cod plate, it was just perfect. (Original) Passage en 2019 J'y vais depuis que je suis toute petite. Nous y sommes allés un samedi soir en famille. Le restaurant était plein et malgré tout le service était super bon et efficace. La nourriture est excellente, les portions sont généreuses. Le samedi soir ils ont les assiettes de morue et le beef steak à volonté, très bien comme concept. La rapport qualité prix est très bien, rare au Québec. Essayez le gâteau à la salade de fruit, c'est sublime. Passage en octobre 2021 Toujours aussi bon, service et nourriture était à la hauteur de mes espérances. J'ai pris l'assiette de morue, c'était juste parfait.

Martin Ayotte Cummings

J-Michel Desrosiers

(Translated) Excellent food. Shrimps everywhere .. That's what we want! (Original) Excellente nourriture. Des crevettes partout.. C'est ça qu'on veut!

Maxime Pelletier

(Translated) Matane's best kept secret. It's Saturday that it happens friends, cod or roast beef at will ... WHAT TO CHOOSE !!!! ??? IT'S LIKE TRYING TO CHOOSE ONE OF YOUR CHILDREN, WE LOVE THEM AS MUCH AS EACH OTHER !!! (Original) Le secret le mieux gardé de Matane. C'est le samedi que ça se passe les amis, la morue ou le rosbif à volonté... QUEL CHOISIR!!!!??? CEST COMME ESSAYER DE CHOISIR UN DE SES ENFANTS, ON LES AIMES AUTANT UN QU'UN L'AUTRE!!!

Vanessa Tremblay

(Translated) We went last February, the scallops and caesar salads were really excellent. The plates that came out of the kitchen looked too good. We'll have to go back to try other things on the menu. The products were fresh and well cooked. Impeccable service on top of that! Excellent price / quality ratio. (Original) Nous sommes allés en février dernier, les coquilles st-jacques et salades césar étaient vraiment excellentes. Les assiettes qui sortaient de la cuisine avaient l'air trop bonnes. Il va falloir y retourner pour essayer autres choses sur le menu. Les produits étaient frais et bien cuisinés. Service impeccable en plus ! Rapport qualité/prix excellent.

Maryanne St Laurent

Seb Lepecheur

Samuel Pelletier

Cécile Lévesque

(Translated) The fruit salad cake Awesome (Original) Le gâteau à la salade de fruit Génial

Bruno Levasseur

FirstNameFirst NameLastName

(Translated) A real Matanese institution that has managed to maintain the quality of service and food. Despite the thankless location of an end-of-life shopping mall that ruins the beauty of the coastline, 21 is a highly recommended stop if you like kebabs, grills, fish and seafood. Generous portions and warm service. They also have gluten free options. (Original) Véritable institution matanaise qui a sû conserver la qualité du service et de la nourriture. Malgré l'emplacement ingrat d'un centre commercial en fin de vie qui ruine la beauté du littoral, le 21 est un arrêt fortement recommandé si vous aimez les brochettes, grillades, poissons et fruits de mer. Portions généreuses et service chaleureux. Ils ont aussi des plats sans gluten.

Marie-Michèle Laliberté

Jean-François Provost (Jeff)

(Translated) Too full and difficult service despite the goodwill of the waitresses, they should open Monday and Tuesday given the popularity of the restaurant. (Original) Trop plein et service difficile malgré le bon vouloir des serveuses, ils devraient ouvrir lundi et mardi étant donné la popularité du restaurant.

(Translated) Very good! Impeccable service with the little extra of the Gaspé. Generous lasagna with Matane shrimps. (Original) Très bon! Service impeccable avec le petit plus de la Gaspésie. Lasagne généreuse en crevettes de Matane.

Eric Gilbert

(Translated) Fast service, excellent filet mignon, easy access. I will gladly return !!! (Original) Service rapide, filet mignon excellent, facile d'accès. Je reviendrais volontier!!!

Denis Gagne

Marlène Caron

(Translated) Very good service, good value for money and great food. Seafood and fresh fish. We will come back to this when we are in Matane. (Original) Très bon service, bon rapport qualité prix et bonne bouffe. Fruits de mer et poissons frais. Nous y reviendrons lorsque nous serons de passage à Matane.

Vince Savard


(Translated) excellent meal, courteous and prompt service, I recommend it. (Original) excellent repas, service courtois et rapide, je le recommande.

Sylvie Tremblay

(Translated) Always so good so pleasant and thank you for the good service (Original) Toujours aussi bon tellement plaisant et merci pour le bon service

Samuel Daigle

(Translated) Great service, great food, great atmosphere, great beer! (Original) Très bon service, nourriture excellente, belle ambiance, bonne bière !

Guylaine Leclerc

(Translated) I have already stayed in matane and I love the pub 21 (Original) Jai déjà resté à matane et j'adore le pub 21

Wendy Leblanc

Valentin Bourrelier

(Translated) Good, fast and cheap. We took the rosbeef at will (Original) Bon, rapide et pas cher. Nous avons pris le rosbeef à volonté

Manuel Guerra

(Translated) Pleasant and friendly service. Correct plates, good portions, just like at home. Virtually the only restaurant open in town on a Sunday evening. (Original) Service agréable et sympathique. Assiettes correctes , bonnes portions , comme à la maison . Pratiquement le seul restaurant ouvert en ville un dimanche soir .

Nathalie Rail

Chantal Lemieux

frank fiola

(Translated) Very well (Original) Très bien

Regis Boucher

(Translated) Was you still open last year in my vacation I was and was off for dinner (Original) Été vous encore ouvert l'année passée dans mes vacances jai été et setais fermé pour souper

Lisa Petrin

(Translated) Love superb portions. Very delicious meal! (Original) Adorer superbe portions. Repas très délicieux!

Nathalie Cusson

(Translated) I recommend Garden shrimps, excellent ???? (Original) Je vous conseille Crevettes jardinière, excellent ????

gerard fleury

Nala Peters

Philip Charbonneau

(Translated) That was delicious The spaghetti and the club a very good choice (Original) C'était délicieux Le spaghetti et le club un très bon choix

Nancy Forbes

(Translated) Very good (Original) Très bon

yuhan levesque

(Translated) Very warm welcome .. wonderful value for money .. great service from Nathalie (Original) Très bon accueil.. qualité prix merveilleux..super service de Nathalie

paul fillion

(Translated) Well quoted, Professional service with a smile Anxious to satisfy the client fresh seafood Good portion Cleanliness and friendliness of the premises I highly recommend. Coseil: make a reservation. P.fillion (Original) Bien citue, Service professionnel avec le sourire Soucie de satifaire le client fruit de mer frais Bone portion Propreté et convivialité des lieux Je recommande fortement. Coseil: effectuer une réservation. P.fillion

Caroll Halley

(Translated) Excellent meal and cleaning of chairs and table spotless after guests left due to covid-19. (Original) Excellent repas et le nettoyage des chaises et de la table impeccable après le départ des clients à cause de la covid-19.

Harrisson ÉMY

David Normand

(Translated) This place is large and friendly. (Original) Cet endroit est grand et conviviale.

Manon Thériault

(Translated) An excellent meal !!! The shrimps were delicious, the filet mignon tasty and cooked to perfection and what about the oven-baked potato. The service was impeccable. Strongly recommended!!! (Original) Un excellent repas!!! Les crevettes étaient délicieuses, le filet mignon savoureux et cuit à la perfection et que dire de la patate au four toute garnie. Le service était impeccable. Fortement recommandé!!!

Pierre Villeneuve

(Translated) Always so good thank you (Original) Toujours aussi bon merci

matucha martin

(Translated) Very good service, great food and very nice restaurant (Original) Très bon service , très bonne bouffe et très beau restaurant

Fernand Dupuis

Murielle Isabelle

Olivier Forget

(Translated) We couldn't find a restaurant open in Matane and we went to this restaurant by chance ... what a nice surprise! Exceptional service, excellent food and generous portions. Cooking the tenderloins was perfect for everyone at the table! I highly recommend this place. Now a must for us! (Original) Nous n’arrivions pas à trouver un restaurant ouvert à Matane et nous sommes allés à ce restaurant par hasard… quelle belle surprise! Service exceptionnel, nourriture excellente et portions généreuses. La cuisson des filets mignons était parfaite pour tout le monde à table! Je vous recommande fortement cet endroit. Maintenant un incontournable pour nous!

Richard Gagne

(Translated) The best restaurant..everything is delicious ... never been disappointed .. (Original) Le meilleur restaurant..tout est délicieux...jamais été déçu..

France Croteau

Tina Salvati

The service and the food was very good.

Martin Pelletier

(Translated) Very good and good service (Original) Très bon et bon service

France Gauthier

Stephanie Lalonde

(Translated) Excellent food. I start the shrimp skewer and the garden shrimp again. Fast service even if the restaurant is full. Reservation may be required. (Original) Nourriture excellente. Je recommence la brochette de crevettes et les crevettes jardinières. Service rapide même si le restaurant est plein. Une réservation peut être nécessaire.

johanne Gagnon

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Marie-claude Campion

(Translated) Very nice atmosphere, the owner welcomes us with a nice smile and kindness. The food is delicious, served with a smile. (Original) Très belle ambiance,le propriétaire nous accueille avec un beau sourire et amabilité. La nourriture y est succulente,servie avec le sourire.

Jean Philippe Landry

(Translated) Very good. (Original) Très bon.

Mikhail Ilfirovych

Nice place, quality food. Staff was really helpful to find something vegetarian. Would be really great if they had at least one vegetarian meal.

aymeric Lhote

Steve Chrétien

James Ronda

(Translated) Very welcoming and smiling staff, I recommend it at 100 mp / h (Original) Personelle très accueillant et souriant je le recommande a 100 mp/h

Jordan Servant

(Translated) There's a waitress here, I don't know if she does it on purpose but after saying 3 times "no salad please" .. and well guess what I found in huge portion on my plate? I had a dessert with my menu of the day, she never asked me if I wanted it ... in short, if you are not tempted to be a waitress my big job changes! ;) (Original) Y'a une serveuse ici, jsai pas si elle fait exprès mais après avoir dit 3 fois "sans salade s'il vous plaît".. et ben devinez ce que j'ai trouver en portion immense dans mon assiette ? J'avais un dessert avec mon menu du jour, elle m'a jamais demandé si je le voulais.. bref, si ca te tente pas d'être serveuse ma grande ben change de job ! ;)

Brigitte Lehoux

(Translated) We ate very well, generous portion, friendly and warm restaurant. Everything was perfect and in addition an excellent service from Nicole, smiling and kind. (Original) Nous avons très bien mangé,portion généreuse, resto sympathique et chaleureux. Tout était parfait et en plus un excellent service de Nicole souriante et gentille.

Richard Bissonnette

(Translated) Very good and good service and quick excellent shrimp (Original) Très bon et bon service et rapide crevettes excellent

Yannick Lévsque

(Translated) Very good restaurant. Great, unpretentious food. (Original) Très bon restaurant. Super bonne bouffe sans prétention.

Mathieu Fournier

Francois Gagne

(Translated) Very good, not long to receive your plate ???? (Original) Très bon,pas long pour recevoir ton assiette ????

Marco Talbot

(Translated) Excellent meal, superb welcome and excellent service. (Original) Excellent repas, superbe accueil et excellent service.

Katy Langlois

(Translated) Excellent service thank you very much your petience because we did not know what to take thank you (Original) Excellent service merci beaucoup votre petience parce qu on savait pas quoi prendre merci

Levasseur David

Steeve Deschenes

(Translated) Impressive quality and price Filet mignon and garden shrimp Wow (Original) Qualité et prix impressionnant Filet mignon et crevettes jardière Wow

Pascal Dumez

(Translated) Good little shrimp! (Original) Bonnes petites crevettes !

Pétroles Crevier

(Translated) Very well!! (Original) Très bien!!

Dominique Tremblay

(Translated) Good family cooking. Good tastes. Tip: book (Original) Bonne cuisine familiale. Bon goûts. Conseil: réservez

Pierrot Normand

Yannick Mignault


Wei Peng Cai

Service is quick and friendly. But to my own taste the food is mediocre and the quality does not reflect the price well.

Jean yves Murray

(Translated) Great food (Original) Bonne bouffe

Félix Paquet

(Translated) I love this restaurant! The food is excellent and the service is more than acceptable! The restaurant itself is warm, despite a very "rustic" decor. You will not be disappointed (Original) J'adore ce restaurant ! La nourriture est excellente et le service est plus qu'acceptable ! Le restaurant en lui-même est chaleureux, malgré un décor très "rustique". Vous ne serez pas déçus

Business Hours of Restaurant-Bar le 21 in Matane

5 TO 9PM


Restaurant-Bar le 21 en Matane
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