Reviews of La p'tite Brûlerie (Coffee Shop)

rue, 363 Rue Laviolette, Trois-Rivières, QC G9A 1V1, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will see all the feddbacks of people who are using the services and products of La p'tite Brûlerie (Coffee Shop) near to the territory of Cap-de-la-Madeleine (Canada).

Now this business has a score of 4.8 over 5 and the score is based on 98 reviews.

As you can read, it reaches an feddbacks average is virtually the highest, and it's based on a very high number of scores, so we can be quite sure that the valuation is very faithful. If many people have bothered to give their review when they've done well, is that it works.

You know that we do not usually bother to place reviews when these are correct and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Coffee Shop corresponds to the category of Cafe.

Where is La p'tite Brûlerie?

REVIEWS OF La p'tite Brûlerie IN Cap-de-la-Madeleine

victor létourneau

Joanie Paillé

Alexandra Muller-Patry

(Translated) I just love it ! French atmosphere, books everywhere, ridiculously low prices and products of incredible flavor! Only downside, slow service and lack of space. (Original) J'adore ! Ambiance à la française, des livres partout, des prix ridiculement bas et des produits d'une saveur incroyable ! Seul bémol, le service lent et le manque d'espace.

Kay Beausoleil

(Translated) A wonderful little cafe where access to used books of all kinds classified by category are at our disposal while sipping a coffee. A very nice place to relax alone or with friends. The staff are very courteous and family oriented. I highly recommend it. (Original) Un merveilleux petit café où l'accès à des livres usagés des toute sorte classé par catégorie sont a notre disposition en sirotant un café. Un très bel endroit pour relaxer seule ou entre amis. Le personnel est très courtois et familiale. Je le recommande grandement.

Juan Carlos Cabrera Pons

Cozy and comfy place for book lovers.

Amir Takbash

Maryse Longchamps

Roxana Arana

(Translated) Nice place! Great place to eat cookies and good coffee (Original) Nice place! Excellent endroit pour manger des biscuits et du bon café

Serge Manseau

(Translated) Good service, good coffee. I will go back there to try lunch. (Original) Bon service, bon café. Je vais y retourner pour essayer le déjeuner.

Karina Kaplun

(Translated) Excellent coffee, great atmosphere! (Original) Excellent café, excellent atmosphère !

Vincent D'amour

Betty Ellinakis

Anaïs Lottin

(Translated) I went there around 2:30 pm with a friend, the atmosphere is very pleasant, but the lady who served us made us uneasy. The latte was not very good ... We were the only ones in the cafe. I would go back before noon to see if the service was better and the atmosphere more welcoming. Maybe it was a bad day for the lady. All in all if you want a different experience don't hesitate to take a look. (Original) J'y suis aller vers 2h30pm avec une amie, l'ambiance est très agréable, mais la madame qui nous à servi nous rendaient malaise. Le latté n'était pas très bon...Nous étions les seules dans le café. J'y retournerais en avant midi pour voir si le service et meilleur et l'ambiance plus chaleureuse. C'était peut-être une mauvaise journée pour la madame. Somme toute si vous voulez une expérience différente n'hésitez pas à y jeter un coup d'oeil.

Claire Wallerand


Latte was the highlight of the morning ...

Daniel Quessy

(Translated) Excellent coffee, and good reading (Original) Excellent café, et bonne lecture

Line Lavergne

(Translated) Delicious and beautiful atmosphere! (Original) Délicieux et belle ambiance!

Nicole Schlosser

I really love this place! Not only is the atmosphere cozy and the service friendly, but there is also an amazing selection of books and delicious and affordable food and coffee. This is my favorite book store in all of Québec and one of my favorite spots to grab lunch.

Luc Légaré

(Translated) To read and have an excellent roast coffee on the spot, nibble at a very affordable price. It is possible to buy used books and coffee per kilo to bring home. Muffled atmosphere accompanied by soft music, that's it! Try to see! (Original) Pour bouquiner et prendre un excellent café torréfier sur place, grignoter à prix très abordable. Il est possible d'acheter des livres usagés et du café au kilo pour apporter chez sois. Ambiance feutrée accompagné de musique douce, c'est tout à fait cela!! Essayez pour voir!

Denis Roy

Émile G. Ouellet

(Translated) Wow! Out of the ordinary, here we love books, coffee, food, life. Low prices (Original) Wow! Hors du commun, ici on aime les livres, le café, la bouffe, la vie. Prix modiques

Sophie B.

Mehdi Bouhraoua

(Translated) Barely entered we already feel at home (Original) À peine entré on se sent deja comme chez nous

Patricia B. Lavoie

(Translated) A great discovery. The coffee is excellent and the atmosphere is really good, the walls are covered with books! Ideal for working in a quiet place or having a quiet coffee with friends. (Original) Une belle découverte. Le café y est excellent et l'ambiance est vraiment bien, les murs y sont couverts de livres! Idéal pour travailler dans un endroit calme ou prendre un café bien tranquille entre amis.

Jean-Philippe Jolin

(Translated) Charming unpretentious very well (Original) Charmant sans prétention très bien

Adriane Gagnon

(Translated) The salad "la p'tite brûlerie" is so good !! Must try (Original) La salade « la p’tite brûlerie » est tellement bonne!! À essayer absolument????????????????????????

Guy Groleau

Chris Noualhat-Colomb

Dom Sawyer

(Translated) Quiet café for reading in Trois-Rivières. The coffees are delicious. (Original) Café tranquille pour lire à Trois-Rivières. Les cafés sont délicieux.

Maé Tout Court

Lucie Bussieres

Stéphane Gosselin

(Translated) A great place where we leave in another world while drinking a divine coffee yum yum (Original) Un formidable lieu ou on quitte dans un autre monde toute en buvant un café divin miam miam

Nyny Quentin Deschênes

(Translated) Intimate and relaxed (Original) Intime et décontracté

Hélène Labrunye

Yann Davidson

(Translated) Wow a pearl! (Original) Wow une perle!

Sophie Gelinas

(Translated) I love this little place with its unique style and their dinner is excellent and above all affordable. (Original) J'adore cette petite endroit avec son style unique et leurs dîner son excellent et surtout abordable.

Nancy Branchaud

(Translated) Beautiful peaceful place ... ideal for reading while sipping a good coffee !!! ???? (Original) Bel endroit paisible... idéal pour la lecture en sirotant un bon café!!! ????

William Pugh

I always buy my coffee here. They have a good selection of single origins and blends and the prices are great. My wife's favorite is the Allegro blend. Minutes is the single origin Costa Rica light (maybe medium) roast. They share the space with a very well-equipped used book store: Histoires sans fin. I almost always find some book that I want to buy... The bike address mostly in French but they do have an English section.

Yvan Noé Girouard

MaX Husseindjian

Jo Anne

(Translated) Small intimate place and succulent health salads (Original) Petit endroit intime et salades santé succulentes

Micheal Lacasse

(Translated) Sometimes you can meet authors, famous, poets during activities that lend themselves to it in the city. Delicious food, all meals are made on site. It is also an Ali Baba's cave for used books. For ten dollars, soup, meals and great coffee. (Original) Quelques fois on peut y rencontrer des auteurs, de célèbres, poètes lors d'activités qui s'y prête dans la ville. Nourriture délicieuses, tous les repas sont faits sur place. C'est également une caverne d'Ali Baba pour bouquins usagers. Pour dix dollars, soupe, repas et un excellent café.

Tyler Plante

Karyne Lemieux


A Google User

Rosalie Blais-L

(Translated) Superb place, beautiful atmosphere, perfect for studying or just to come to drink a good coffee! (Original) Superbe endroit, belle ambiance, parfait pour étudier ou simplement pour venir boire un bon café!

Yves Morin

(Translated) Excellent coffee and excellent jazz music. (Original) Excellent café et excellente musique jazz.

Dominic Vincent

(Translated) A beautiful discovery (Original) Une belle découverte

Jimmy Gervais

(Translated) Price, atmosphere, service (Original) Prix, ambiance, service

Daniel Hénault

Eric Beauchesne

Stéphane Poudrier

(Translated) The best coffee in the Mauricie, staff always present and attentive. I recommend it to coffee drinkers. They also offer meals. (Original) Le meilleur café en Mauricie, personnel toujours présent et attentionné. Je le recommande aux buveurs de café. Ils offrent aussi des repas.

Pierre-Antoine Lesage

(Translated) The best coffee in town (Original) Le meilleur café en ville

Brenda Milette

jichao deng

bad experience. call these and hung up. so impolite. such a bad restaurant

Emily Murdock

Great price, delicious food, good book selection

Sara A.

(Translated) Delicious coffee and a very warm atmosphere. Very nice place to sip a good coffee and read a book in peace. (Original) Café délicieux et ambiance très chaleureuse. Très bel endroit pour siroter un bon café et lire un livre au calme.

Marylou Christin

R.J. G

Delicious cakes, super good coffee, tasty and nourished meals.

Jean-Francois Pinard

(Translated) Good coffee roasted on site. Interesting lunch menus (Original) Bon café torrifié sur place. Menus midi intéressants

François Bourdages

(Translated) Superb discovery. Very interesting selection of books. I would have spent the whole day there. To discover absolutely. (Original) Superbe découverte. Sélection très intéressante de livres. J'y aurais passé la journée entière. A découvrir absolument.

Isabelle Lamothe

(Translated) Very affordable food and a warm atmosphere. Impossible to take a walk without buying a book. A little hidden gem. (Original) Nourriture très abordable et ambiance chaleureuse. Impossible de faire un tour sans acheter un livre. Une petite perle cachée.

Suzanne Hamel

(Translated) Excellent sunny salad. I taste it every week. Thank you (Original) Salade ensoleillée excellente. Je la déguste chaque semaine. Merci


Éric Lesage

(Translated) Great place to snack on dinner time. Good, cheap and charming atmosphere in a setting surrounded by books for those who want to relax by reading and drinking a good coffee. (Original) Endroit idéal pour casser la croûte sur l'heure du dîner. Bon, pas cher et ambiance charmante dans un décor entouré de livres pour ceux qui veulent relaxer en lisant et en buvant un bon café.

Xéver Capron

(Translated) Warm place, library atmosphere. Simple, healthy and inexpensive meal. Great homemade desserts. Free WIFI. Small outdoor terrace. (Original) Endroit chaleureux, ambiance bibliothèque. Repas simple, sain et bon marché. Super desserts maison. Wi-Fi gratuit. Petite terrasse extérieure.

Alain Renaud

Denis Hince

(Translated) Nice place to relax (Original) Belle place pour relaxer

Keven Barthell

(Translated) Best coffee choice (Original) Meilleur choix dcafé

Abrahim Dias

Perfect place to relax, study or read while having a coffee and a delicious croissant!

Christine Roy

(Translated) Very nice place casual fast food but very very good and tasty i vs the recommend it's worth the trip on pr shortened hours of the midday it is more than perfect. (Original) Très bel endroit décontracté repas rapide mais très très bons et savoureux je vs le recommande sa vaut le déplacement sur pr des heures écourtées du midi c est plus que parfait.

Bernard Gosselin

(Translated) Beautiful relaxing atmosphere, reading at will ... (Original) Belle ambiance relaxante, lecture à volonté...

Mathieu Traversy

Gabrielle Normand

Claire Capron

(Translated) Tasty and very inexpensive for lunch. Retro and cozy atmosphere, surrounded by books. Top! (Original) Savoureux et très bon marché pour le déjeuner. Ambiance rétro et cosy, entourée de livres. Top!

Dominic Lemieux

(Translated) Wonderful cafe with a huge library. (Original) Merveilleux café avec une immense bibliothèque.

Sebastien Tremblay

(Translated) Small cafe with hundreds of books that you can read while eating or drinking. The tea picker is poor but the owner seems very nice. (Original) Petit café avec des centaines de livres que l'on peut lire en mangeant ou en buvant. Le chiix de thé est pauvre mais la proprio semble très gentille.

Jonathan Thellend

(Translated) Magnificent (Original) Magnifique

Sabrina Bouchard

jupiter nakhla

(Translated) Good coffee and reading as a bonus (Original) Un bon petit café et la lecture en bonus

Zachary St-Laurent-Hubert

Really nice place with a mellow mood... If you're a book or a coffee amateur, this place will for sure please you.

Olivier Martin

Marie-Claude Hill

(Translated) The best place to buy coffee in town! Excellent value for money! (Original) Le meilleur endroit pour acheter son café en ville! Rapport qualité prix excellent!

Max Benoit

Mathieu Gariepy

Ronald St-onge Lynch

Firas Ghedira

jean bülher


Juan Montecinos


Ricardo Vergel


Super cute café, that appealed to my bookworm tendencies. Enjoyed my latte immensely. I am only a tourist but am glad I came here.

Bernard St-Arnauld

Jacques Adam

(Translated) For the purchase of different kinds of coffee (Original) Pour l'achat de différents sortes de café

Business Hours of La p'tite Brûlerie in Cap-de-la-Madeleine



La p'tite Brûlerie en Cap-de-la-Madeleine
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