Reviews of Menagez Vous Du Rivage (Cleaning Company)

76 Blvd. Sainte-Madeleine, Trois-Rivières, Quebec G8T 3K6, Canada

Average Rating:


You will be able to see the reviews of people who bought the services of Menagez Vous Du Rivage (Cleaning Company) in Cap-de-la-Madeleine (Canada).

To this day the business has a rating of 4.4 stars over 5 and that score was based on 24 reviews.

As you can see it has an average rating is quite high, and it is founded on a high number of feddbacks, so we may conclude that the valuation is very credible. If many people have bothered to leave their score when they are satisfied with the business, it works.

You know that we don't usually stop to set scores when they are positive and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Cleaning Company is classified in the category of Janitorial service.

Where is Menagez Vous Du Rivage?

REVIEWS OF Menagez Vous Du Rivage IN Cap-de-la-Madeleine

Karoline Chevalier

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Stephany El-Murr Zeit d'amour

(Translated) Excellent service! (Original) Excellent service!

Loli Bel

(Translated) A lot of things and service and advice by nice people..thank you (Original) Énormément de choses et service et conseil par des gens agréable..merci

Nyny Quentin Deschênes

(Translated) Exemplary attendant, even excellent. But administratively, it is deplorable. No way to reach them other than by answering machine. Incoherent information. Since the implementation of the "state-of-the-art" computer system, billing has continued to increase and days without service are counted, even during confinement! I don't recommend their services in any way, unfortunately. (Original) Préposée exemplaire, même excellente. Mais au niveau administratif, c’est déplorable. Aucun moyen de les rejoindre autrement que par répondeur. Information erronée. Depuis l’implantation du système informatique « dernier cri » la facturation ne cesse augmenter et des journées sans service sont compté, est-ce, même pendant le confinement! Je ne recommande d’aucune façon leurs services, malheureusement.

Andre Deziel

Pierre Lemay

Andréanne Richard

Tashang-ka Osaki

Lily Richard

Linda Isabelle

(Translated) It was for my mother, she is very happy and satisfied !! (Original) C'était pour ma mère, elle est très contente et satisfaite !!

Jean-Carl Ayotte

(Translated) Worst housekeeping company in the region. These are inexperienced people who seem to manage everything and the accounts are poorly administered. One bad surprise does not expect the other as much on the quality of the household, of the employees as for the management of the accounts. It is extremely poorly administered. To get out of it they constantly make threats of recovery rather than taking responsibility. In addition, always unavailable during calls to the company and no substitution during supposed holidays of maintenance employees. Even with government subsidy the price is not necessarily more advantageous. (Original) Pire compagnie d'entretien ménager de la région. Ce sont des gens sans expérience qui semble gérer le tout et les comptes sont mal administrés. Une mauvaise surprise n'attend pas l'autre autant sur la qualité du ménage, des employés comme pour la gestion des comptes. C'est extrêmement mal administré. Pour s'en sortir ils font sans cesse des menaces de recouvrement plutôt que de prendre leur responsabilités. De plus, toujours indisponible lors des appels à l'entreprise et aucune substitution lors de supposés vacances des employés d'entretien. Même avec subvention gouvernementale le prix n'est pas nécessairement plus avantageux.

Katie St Jacques

(Translated) Very well! (Original) Très bien!

Claude Veillette

Raymond .parent

(Translated) Good quick wash service and well folded (Original) Bon service lavage rapide et bien plié

Lise Turcotte

(Translated) Very good service and very good person too (Original) Très bon service et de très bonne perésonne aussi

sonia lamarche

guy michaud

Andre Landry

Diane Seguin

Helene.dorval@gmail 18estelle10

(Translated) I work for them very good company wow (Original) Je travaille pour eux très bonne compagnie wow

Nancy Lemire

Louise Pepin

Alexandre Castonguay

martin bellemare

(Translated) people are very kind and welcoming (Original) les gens sont très gentil et accueillant

Business Hours of Menagez Vous Du Rivage in Cap-de-la-Madeleine



Menagez Vous Du Rivage en Cap-de-la-Madeleine
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