A Letter to Management
Good Morning
I am contacting you to expressed the disgust at the treatment of several customers who were unable to comply with the Province controversial vaccination mandate at Dempseys. It is my understanding that you were the only one who had a problem with these people of conscious being inside your establishment last night spending money and passively had them ousted onto patio to finish their purchases in the rain. Do you think these people should still patron your establishment after such treatment? If you were one of these regular patrons, would you return after such treatment? Now should these people you had banished to a rainy night, have the support of their vaccinated friends and both parties decide to no longer patron an establishment that would discrimate, how much money will you stand to lose? Now if these parties decide to continue to tell the true story of this discrimination to others, why would other like minded individuals want to patron your establishment? How many patrons left last night after the ousting of the unvaccinated? Why were the vaccinated not asked to show proof of their vaccination status as the bartender was checking papers before the suspected unvaccinated were ousted?
I realize the fear of being fined and the potential loss of one's liquor license is a powerful incentive to discriminate against the unvaccinated. I wonder though when weighed against one another is the discrimination really worth it. Would the actual lose of patrons' money be greater then the potential fine? What good is a liquor license if you are losing business to keep said license.
Again I understand your positions and I hope you understand mine, after witnessing the inhumane treatment of your patrons last night, I cannot in good conscious support a business that would encourage such treatment.
May your path be well lit
Mel Smith
Communications Professional