Reviews of Great Canadian Barn Dance (Catering)

45056 Range Rd 275, Hill Spring, AB T0K 1E0, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will be able to see all the feddbacks of people like you who consume the services of Great Canadian Barn Dance (Catering) near Alberta (Canada).

At the moment this business receives a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5 and that score has been based on 99 reviews.

As you can read, it reaches an reviews average is nearly the best, and it's based on a very large number of scores, so we may conclude that the evaluation is very accurate. If many people have bothered to evaluate when they've done well, is that it works.

As you know, we do not usually stop to place feddbacks when they are positive and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

Where is Great Canadian Barn Dance?

REVIEWS OF Great Canadian Barn Dance IN Alberta

Debora Foster

Hospitable and fun atmosphere as always! The food was delicious too.

Allison Nette

Wholesome family fun and entertainment. A throw back to yesteryears.

John Annett

Suburb supper & awesome music Friendly funny & very talented Would recommend the supper show to any age ☺


Great Canadian Barn Dance en Alberta
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