Reviews of N. V. Cloutier Inc. (Car Wash)

2550 Rue King O, Sherbrooke, QC J1J 2H1, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will see all the information of people who use the services of N. V. Cloutier Inc. (Car Wash) in the territory of Sherbrooke (Canada).

At the moment this business receives a rating of 4.1 out of 5 and that score was based on 120 reviews.

As you can read, it has an average rating is really high, and it's based on a very large number of feddbacks, so we can conclude that the score is very credible. If many people have bothered to give their feddback when they've done well with the service, is that it works.

As you know, we don't usually bother to write opinions when these are positive and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Car Wash belongs to the category of Car dealer.

Where is N. V. Cloutier Inc.?

REVIEWS OF N. V. Cloutier Inc. IN Sherbrooke

Réjean Hamel

(Translated) Not satisfied with the repair service level (Original) Pas satisfait au niveau services réparation

Christian Lambert

(Translated) While I was looking for a used vehicle I showed up at this dealership. Although they had the vehicle that I had been going to see for several weeks, they had not bothered to prepare it properly. Torn rubbers, bumps, graffiti leather bench ... I was certified that everything would be repaired on delivery ... In any case what I saw, for what I missed, well I doubt that we would have done something. In addition, they refused to give me the vehicle maintenance file, claiming confidentiality! Not reassuring! (Original) Alors que je me cherchais un véhicule d'occasion je me suis présenté chez ce concessionnaire. Bien qu'ils avaient le véhicule que j allais voir depuis plusieurs semaines, ils n'avaient pas pris la peine de le préparer adéquatement. Des caoutchoucs déchiré, bosses, banc de cuir grafigné... On m'a certifiée que le tout serais réparé à la livraison... En tout cas ce que j'ai vu, pour ce que j'ai manqué, ben je doute qu'on aurait fait quelque chose. De plus on a refusé de me donner le dossier d'entretiens du véhicule prétextant la confidentialité! Bof pas rassurant!

Jocelyn Laroche

sylvain auger

(Translated) since 9.00 a morning that we ram is there for a supplement which should be 3 hrs max courois de gas tank and a sensor we call me at 16.00pm and only who calls camille at nv cloutier not very good you're dealing, o month april 2018 i had made a small inspection we did not remove the 4 wheels and the front drivers side was not tightened the bolts just the anti-theft bolte which held all that !!! (Original) depuis 9.00 a matin que m'on ram est la pour un apointement qui devais etre 3 hrs max courois de tank a gas et un sensor on ma apeller a 16.00pm pis seului qui apelle camille chez nv cloutier pas fort t'on affaire,o mois avril 2018 javais faite faire une ptite inspection on n'a enlever les 4 roues pis côté chauffeurs avants a pas serré les bolts juste la bolte antivol qui tenais toute ca!!!

Lynda Therrien-Hartley

When I went to NV Cloutier with my daughter 5 weeks ago to find out why nothing had been done to repair her Dodge Caravan (which was sold to her knowingly with no AC because my garage reported that the AC system had been canceled out), we spoke with Louis, one of the owners who reprimanded my daughter In front of me, for having brought me with her he said, to attack him ... because I questioned the quality of the vehicle they sold her and the price she was charged for it and recommended they replace it with a vehicle that matched the price she paid. Six weeks later they repaired her AC after she refused a van they wanted to exchange hers for which had transmission problems, and they were going to overcharge her for that van and also make her pay them $3,000 just to return her van to them because they said it was only worth $3,000...... To make things worse, on the way home from NV Cloutier Wednesday with her van after they said was repaired, it started overheating so she pulled off the road and discovered there was no Prestone in the radiator... it had all leaked out. She couldn’t get ahold of anyone at NV so she had someone bring Prestone and they saw that it was completely dry and steaming as they filled it and may now have damaged the motor. She made it home and hasn’t used the van since. After not hearing back from NV even though she left a message that night to please call her, she called and was told it was just a clip off one of the hoses for the AC system, they didn’t even apologize or say bring it in.... Since that day my daughter has not used her van because she has a 1yr old and 2yr old and is afraid of it breaking down again. Shame on you NV Cloutier for the way you have treated this young mom who put her trust in you in part, because of your good rating on Google. UPDATE: My daughter decided to take a chance and drive it today, Sunday (without the children) and the AC system wasn’t even fixed.... it still doesn’t work!

Mathieu Tountas

Suzan Norrie

If you need a vehicle then ask for Karim. No BS or trying to add stuff you don't need or want. Very straight forward sale. Be prepared for his relentless teasing though. :-) He will make you smile thru the whole buying experience.

Pierre Rheaume

(Translated) Very friendly garage staff (Original) Le personnel du garage très sympathique

Tiina O

Very helpful service department

Michel Thibault

Lecomte Eric

Josée Jolicoeur

(Translated) not very satisfied with their service, they are much too expensive and in terms of serving you it is rather expeditious. I was even told that since I bought a vehicle with a certain luxury, it goes without saying that I can pay the astronomical price of repairs to them. (Original) pas très satisfaite de leur service, ils sont beaucoup trop cher et pour ce qui est de vous servir c'est plutôt expéditif. Me suis même fait dire que vu que j'ai acheté un véhicule ayant un certain luxe, il va sans dire que je peux payer le prix faramineux des réparations chez eux.

Danielle Blais

Meryem Taleb Bendiab

michel aubin

(Translated) Really cool (Original) Vraiment cool


Broulaye DIARRAS

(Translated) A great place to buy very cheap used cars. Courteous and friendly staff. (Original) Un endroit idéal pour acheter des voitures d'occasion très bon marché. Le personnel courtois et sympa.

Karim Lekehal

Great service

Andre Beaulieu

(Translated) Fast at a fair price ram 2021 (Original) Rapide à juste prix ram 2021

Steve Labrecque

(Translated) I buy a new vehicle, a 2019 Ram at Granby Chrysler. I had a problem wiping Glasse and I was at Nv Cloutier Sherbrooke because closer to home. After giving me an appointment on the phone to see the problem, you do not even want to look at my vehicle and tell me to arrange with my dealer. Why give me an appointment then? For those who do not want a rotten service, do not stop not on the box Nv Cloutier, pass go and do not claim their service. I'm happy not to have stop my choice to buy a new vehicle from this dealership. (Original) J’ai acheter un véhicule neuf, un Ram 2019 chez Granby Chrysler. J’ai eu un problème d’essuie Glasse et j’ai été chez Nv Cloutier Sherbrooke car plus près de chez moi. Après m’avoir donner un rendez vous au telephone pour voir le problème, au rendez vous, il ne veulent même pas regarder mon véhicule et me dit de m’arranger avec mon concessionnaire. Pourquoi me donner un rendez -vous alors ? Pour ceux qui ne veulent pas un service pourrie, ne vous arreter pas sur la case Nv Cloutier, passer go et ne réclamez pas leur service. Je suis heureux de ne pas avoir arreter mon choix pour l’ achat d’un véhicule neuf chez ce concessionnaire.

Claudette Bergeron

(Translated) Courteous service (Original) Service courtois

Remi Valois

Luc Bélanger

(Translated) Always excellent service (Original) Toujours un excellent service

Marc-André Roy

(Translated) Quick service, friendly staff. Reasonable price despite the fact that it is a dealer, sometimes more expensive but usually taken over the time and less that repairs take because the mechanics are familiar with their product and therefore are more effective in repairing them. (Original) Service rapide, personnel chaleureux. Prix raisonnable malgré le fait que ce soit un concessionnaire, parfois plus cher mais généralement repris sur le temps en moins que les réparations prennent parce que les mécaniciens connaissent bien leur produit et donc sont plus efficace à les réparer.

Chef Imed Lakhdara

(Translated) When I was at N. V cloutier, I was greeted by Karim, a devoted and honest salesperson who takes the time to satisfy his customers. I was well advised, without pressure and without surprises. I knew that the dealership is a family affair, and we notice that, because it was direct and honest whether it was by the seller or the boss. Thank you and certainly I will go back there for a second car. (Original) A mon passage chez N. V cloutier, j'étais reçu par Karim, un vendeur dévouer et honnête et qui prend le temps à satisfaire ses clients. J'étais bien conseillé, sans pression et sans surprise. J'ai su que le concessionnaire est une affaire de famille, et on remarque ça, car c'était direct et honnête que se soit par le vendeur ou le boss. Merci et certainement je vais retourner là bas pour une 2eme voiture.

Stephane Fortin

(Translated) Impeccable parts service. (Original) Service aux pièces impécable.

Maxym Perron-Tellier

(Translated) Courteous and very accommodating service. Competitive prices and many times they can beat prices on the web. For repairs, making appointments is quick often during the day or the next day, if not during the week while they have the room. A beautiful waiting room is available while waiting for repairs to be made. The mechanics know their job and don't look for all the little bits to bill, instead they tell you what is starting to wear out and how long it should last before risking becoming dangerous. They are not trying to invoice what is not necessary. Repairs are quickly made unlike other garages and even other Dodge dealers. (Original) Service courtois et très accommodant. Prix compétitifs et à de nombreuses reprises ils peuvent battre les prix sur le Web. Pour des réparations, la prise de rendez-vous est rapide souvent dans la journée ou le lendemain, sinon dans la semaine le temps qu'ils aient la pièce. Une belle salle d'attente est disponible en attendant que les réparations soient faites. Les mécaniciens connaissent leur job et ne cherche pas toutes les petites bebittes à facturer, à la place ils te disent quoi qui commence à user et combien de temps ça devrait durer avant de risquer de devenir dangereux. Ils ne cherchent pas à facturer ce qui n'a pas raison d'être. Les réparations sont rapidement faites contrairement à d'autres garages et même d'autres concessionnaires Dodge.

Charles Bégin

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Stephane Lacourse

(Translated) very good service !!! (Original) tres bon service!!!

Dan Scalabrini

Og Monteiro Junior

Dave Turgeon

(Translated) Super good service !!!! (Original) Super de bon service!!!!????????

hang man


(Translated) charles manager in the service does not help customers who have bought elsewhere especially when you arrive from another province no choice bin bin ... in any case for me I will change dealership (Original) charles manager au service aide pas les clients qui ont acheter ailleur surtout quand tarrive dune autre province pas le choix bin bin ... en tout cas pour moi je vais changer de dealership

Melanie Krawanski (Melaniekp)

Bon service

Bédard Steve


Robert Beaudry

(Translated) Courteous services, simple and without hiding. Sales, welcoming, attentive to your needs before offering you anything. Friendly. I recommend it. (Original) Services courtois,simple et sans cachettes.Les ventes, acceuillante,a l'ecoute de vos besoin avant de vous offrir quoi que ce soit.Amical.Je le recommande.

Alexandre Légaré

Jean-Pierre Proulx

(Translated) Exceptional service, attentive staff and courtesy. Very happy with my choice of dealer. (Original) Service exceptionnel, personnel attentif et courtoisie. Très heureux de mon choix de concessionnaire.

François Dumont

(Translated) Impeccable service, a family business (Original) Service impeccable, une entreprise familiale

Mario Fortier

(Translated) Excellent service (Original) Excellent service

Charles Morin

Nathalie Thibault

(Translated) Lack of honesty, I was told that my radiator was really due and that it was quite urgent to change it. I also asked that the mechanic go and try my vehicle by making a maneuver and I stayed outside, no test of the vehicle, the mechanic entered it directly into the garage. Subsequently, I was informed of some parts to change with a steep amount as a quote, so I checked with 2 other independent garages and to be told that I did not have to change my radiator, and those- ci asking me who told you that it was urgent to change it? very insulted to have been told falsehoods about unnecessary parts changes. Finished, I will not go back. As for the staff who receive us, no complaints, the people smiling and welcoming the 1 star is for the repair garage and their diagnosis. (Original) Manque d'honnêté, on m'a dit que mon radiateur était vraiment dû et qu'il était assez urgent de le changer. J'ai demandé aussi que le mécanicien aille essayer mon véhicule en faisant une manœuvre et je suis resté à l'extérieur, aucune essai du véhicule, le mécano l'a entré direct dans le garage. Par la suite, on m'a informé de quelques pièces à changer avec un montant salé comme soumission, donc j'ai vérifié avec 2 autres garages indépendant et pour me faire dire que je n'avais pas a changer mon radiateur, et ceux-ci me demandant qui vous a dit qu'il était urgent de le changer? très insulté de m'être fait dire des faussetés sur des changements de pièces non nécessaire. Fini, je n'y retournerai pas. Pour ce qui est du personnel qui nous reçoivent, rien à redire, les gens souriant et accueillant le 1 étoile est pour le garage de réparation et leur diagnostic..

Challouf Nidhal

lise laliberte

(Translated) No sales pressure, fair price, in addition to courteous and prompt service to the mechanical department. The repairs requested when buying a used vehicle are done quickly and without any problem. (Original) Aucune pression de vente, prix juste, en plus d'un service courtois et rapide au département mécanique. Les réparations demandé lors de l'achat d'un véhicule usagé ce sont fait rapidement et sans aucun problème.

Eric Lachapelle

(Translated) Personalized and courteous service. Certain points remain to be improved; I was asked to sign sales papers when certain facets were not yet finalized (final sale price, car options, etc.) This gives me the impression that the sellers want to sell at all costs without paying too much attention. care about the customer. (Original) Service personnalisé et courtois. Certains points restent à améliorer; on me demandait de signer des papiers de vente alors que certaines facettes n'étaient pas encore finalisées (prix de vente final, options de la voiture, etc.) Cela me donne l'impression que les vendeurs veulent vendre à tout prix sans trop se soucier du client.

Mike Pezzi

They charge for a Courtesy car when you bring your vehicle in for warranty work. They charged for an antitrust guaranteed for life and don't even spray all the metal Parts under the vehicle. But this is normal to them. They painted the badging on the vehicle prior to purchase And then refused to put on original badging when the paint peeled off. If you want to get screwed go to NV Cloutier.

Kevin Dubreuil

André Boisvert

Yannick Paré

(Translated) Do not respect all the guarantees of replacement or repair cost ton cost, a beautiful gang of crossers. (Original) Ne respecte pas toute les garanties de remplacement ou de réparation cost ton cost, une belle gang de crosseurs.

Rômulo Leitão

mark danjou

(Translated) Slow service (low staff) but great service (Original) Service au ralentie (low staff ) mais super service

Juan Gonzalez

Michel Castonguay

Mario Lapointe

(Translated) good service nice vehicle you personal with a smile (Original) bon service beau véhicule tu personnelle avec un sourire

Gagné Kevin

(Translated) Good service in parts and mechanics (Original) Bon service au piece et mécanique

Daniel Siracusa

marc lebeau

(Translated) more thief that I know does not respect the price of the tender they charge my 1000 DOLLARD for an electric wire they make the errors of diagnosis and these me who pays go anywhere or before go there !!!! yon forget that when you are crosseur Today everything is known with google band of tie cellars .......... !!!!!! (Original) plus voleur que je connais ne respecte pas le prix de la soumission ils mon charger 1000 DOLLARD pour un fil electric ils commetent les erreurs de diagnostique et ces moi qui paye allez nimporte ou avant dallez la!!!!yon oublier que quand tu est crosseur aujourduit tout se sais avec google bande de caves a cravattes..........!!!!!!

Eric Dion Eric

(Translated) Efficient garages but sellers too busy to sell vehicles (Original) Garages efficace mais les vendeurs trop occupé pour vendre des véhicules

Lise Ratte

Cathy Malouin

(Translated) Always a very good service (Original) Toujours un très bon service

Francois Blouin

daniel migneault

killer binou

(Translated) Very happy with my purchase and impeccable service with Laurent. (Original) Très contents de mon service impeccable avec laurent.

Eric Clark

Not too thrilled with the service department. Returned to have some recall work done. When I went the first time they had received the wedding coloured replacement parts. Today when I picked up my vehicle I was told that they would call me to come back when they recieved other parts that hadn't come in. So that will make 3 visits to fix this recall, which is a known issue that I think they should know what parts to order. Very frustrating.

Mario Dubuc

(Translated) Very good service and welcome (Original) Très bon service et accueil

Jean-Francois Blouin

Lyse Breton

Audet Joanie

(Translated) I like (Original) J'aime

Claude Belisle

Yves Letourneau

(Translated) Thank you for the sales team and especially for Karim for his dedication his patience and his great kindness it was a great experience (Original) Merci pour l'équipe de vente et particulièrement pour Karim pour son dévouement sa patience et sa grande gentillesse ce fût un bel expérience

Barry Morrill

Yannick Dallaire

(Translated) A big thank you to Karim for the service we had (patience, honesty). We were treated to 5 star service. Thank you for the delivery of our new hybrid pacifica and all the explanations. (Original) Un grand merci à Karim pour le service que nous avons eu(patience, honnêteté). Nous avons eu droit à un service 5 étoiles. Merci pour la livraison de notre nouvelle pacifica hybride et l'ensemble des explications.

Dave Roy

(Translated) Extraordinary service (Original) Service extraordinaire

Gilles Poulin

(Translated) Place to know with excellent service, specialists for a long time. (Original) Endroit à connaître avec excellent service, des spécialistes depuis longtemps.

Pépé Goulet

Manon Bourassa

(Translated) Very unpleasant just for crossers. (Original) Bien désagréable juste des crosseurs.

Brigitte Hebert

Carl Boissonneault

(Translated) Good service in the garage (Original) Bon service au garage

Michael Bilodeau

Gaetan Dubé

Jean Bourgault

sebastien goulet

(Translated) I am satisfied with the service to the customers, the staff are very courteous. I had bad experiences with other dealer in the past, my at NV Cloutier I am very confident and I am always well received. Thank you to everyone and to Serge. (Original) Je suis trais satisfais du servisse a la clientèle , le personnelle est très courtois . J'ai eu des mauvaises expérience chez d'autre concessionnaire dans le passer , mes chez NV Cloutier je me cent bien en confiance et je suis toujours bien reçu . Merci a tous et a Serge .

Lynn Monette

(Translated) Very good service! Whether for purchase or for after-sales service! Thanks to Karim for his service and courtesy! Score out of 100 = 100% (Original) Très bon service! Que ce soit pour achat ou pour le service après vente! Merci à Karim pour son service et sa courtoisie! Note sur 100= 100%

Ismael houde


Yvan gagné

(Translated) Personal nice and good service to the parts and on sale the seller are listening (Original) Personel gentil et bon service au pièces et sur la vente les vendeur sont a notre écoute

Hakim K

(Translated) Efficiency and speed ???? (Original) Efficacité et rapidité ????

Mélissa Pleau

Andre Chicoine

liette bernatchez

(Translated) Well done vs TS! 1st time! Excellent service, warm welcome, smiling, available, THANKS! (Original) Bravo à vs TS! 1re fois! Excellent service, bel accueil, souriants, disponibles, MERCI!

Pierre Chapdelaine

Mostang 9939

(Translated) Excellent service (Original) Excellent service

dan boy

(Translated) super good service, good advice no pressure and serge Gélinas and jean Blais do a remarkable job thank you (Original) super bon servisse bien conseiller pas de pression et serge Gélinas et jean Blais font un travaille remarquable merci

Richard Noel

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

djamel ziat

Alain Auger

Philippe Lachance

(Translated) Exemplary employer and garage (Original) Employeur et garage exemplaire

Simon Laflamme-Boisvert

Christian Hartley

Another repair job gone wrong with this garage. When the vehicle was picked up it kept overheating, turns out there was no prestone for the radiator at all in the van, the whole thing was dry. Called them up and they automatically knew without looking at what it was that a hose was not hooked up in the back of the motor for the engine coolant. To me and everyone else who knows something about vehicles, it seems like someone was hoping for the motor to blow up. Not impressed, you would think a garage is suppose to repair a vehicle not make you have to go to other garages to get the job done right.

Silvie2 Hill

(Translated) Friendly staff (Original) Personnel accueillant

Danny Baillargeon

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Nicole Ruel

(Translated) Fast, courteous service and efficient and welcoming staff ???????? (Original) Service rapide, courtois et le personnel efficace et accueillant ????????

Josee Trudeau

Philippe Richard

Denis Pinard

Nico Houde

Manon St-Cyr

C Benoit

(Translated) Flagrant lack of knowing how to live. (Original) Manque flagrant de savoir vivre.

maxime létourneau

Mario Tremblay

(Translated) Back to today good service and fast Thank you nice improvement (Original) Retour aujoud'hui bon service et rapide Merci belle amélioration

Jean Caron

Guy Leclerc

(Translated) Make me charge a 2nd time for a job that was not done as it was to be done the first time ... not strong the mechanic ... ???? And I still tell the boss twist .... .watch your bill before signing ... still generous I am..a star ..????. (Original) Me faire facturer une 2 ieme fois pour une job qui n'a pas été faite comme elle se devait se faire la 1ère fois..pas fort le mécano...???? Et j'ai quand même tors dira le boss.....surveillez votre facture avant de signer... encore généreux je suis..un étoile ..????.

Pierre Faille

(Translated) Excellent service (Original) Excellent service

Alexendre Yohan veilleux

(Translated) Regular service (Original) Service ordinaire


Michel Langlois

(Translated) Impeccable service with the best professionals ... !! To recommend .. :) (Original) Service impeccable avec les meilleurs professionnels ... !! A recommander .. :)

Yvon Labrie

Gerhard Diefenbach

Excellent and very positive buying experience. I purchased a 2014 Grand Cherokee Summit and have nothing but good things to say about this dealership. Very honest people that made me feel very comfortable - right from start on the phone to the point of closing the deal. I would buy from these guys again anytime!

Business Hours of N. V. Cloutier Inc. in Sherbrooke

9AM TO 5:30PM


N. V. Cloutier Inc. en Sherbrooke
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