Reviews of Rocoto Toyota Ltd. (Car Concessionaire)

1540 Royaume Blvd W, Chicoutimi, Quebec G7H 5B1, Canada

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You have the opinions of people who purchase the products of Rocoto Toyota Ltd. (Car Concessionaire) near to the territory of Jonquière (Canada).

As of day this business gets a score of 4.3 stars over 5 and this rating has been calculated on 127 reviews.

As you can see it reaches an opinions average is really high, and it's founded on a high number of feddbacks, so we may conclude that the evaluation is very faithful. If people have bothered to value when they are happy with the business, is that it works.

As you know, we don't usually bother to put evaluations when these are correct and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Car Concessionaire is included in the category of Car dealer.

Where is Rocoto Toyota Ltd.?

REVIEWS OF Rocoto Toyota Ltd. IN Jonquière


(Translated) 4 of 5 (Justification at bottom) In May 2020 I had the leaning on the corolla LE 2020 (not the improved group) and I arrived with my idea in mind and my choice was quite already made. I had a service on the big tick. Mr. Savinsky quickly got on the file and quickly proceeded with my requests. I bought the vehicle the same day. Despite this pandemic, I had very good service. I changed my opinion to talk about after sales service. in my case to date it is without reproach. welcomed, knowledgeable, and everything takes place in a relaxing and clean atmosphere. for the 4 stars out of 5, I justify it by wanting to slip a word on the side of the used one. vehicles which are supposed to be certified certainly but sometimes in a rather questionable condition thank you versus the sale price which I find is SOMETIMES exaggerated while in other cases, in my personal and unprofessional judgment, it is correct. In short, for my experience in the new I am satisfied with my purchase and my choice !! (Original) 4 sur 5 (Justification au bas) En mai 2020 j'ai eu le penchant sur la corolla LE 2020 (pas le groupe amélioré) et je suis arrivé avec mon idée en tête et mon choix était pas mal déjà fait. j'ai eu un service sur la grosse coche. Mr Savinsky s'est rapidement mis sur le dossier et a procédé rapidement à mes demandes. j'ai acquis le véhicule la journée même. Malgré cette pandémie j'ai eu un très bon service. J'ai modifié mon avis pour parler du service après vente. dans mon cas à date c'est sans reproches. bien accueilli, bien informé, et tout se passe dans une ambiance relaxante et propre. pour le 4 étoiles sur 5, je le justifie en voulant glisser un mot du côté de l'usagé. des véhicules qui sont sensés être certifiés certes mais parfois dans un état assez discutable merci versus le prix de vente qui je trouve est PARFOIS exagéré tandis que dans d'autres cas, selon mon jugement personnel et non professionnel, c'est correct. Bref pour mon expérience dans le neuf je suis satisfait de mon achat et de mon choix!!

William Bolduc

(Translated) Quite unpleasant to be welcomed like a hair on the soup after having made a purchase of more than 30k at your place, I will keep my good opinion of toyota thanks to toyota rimouski and certainly not thanks to rocoto. (Original) Assez déplaisant d'être accueilli comme un cheveux sur la soupe après avoir fait un achat de plus de 30k chez vous, je vais garder ma bonne opinion de toyota grâce à toyota rimouski et certainement pas grâce à rocoto.

Marlène Lapointe

(Translated) They always have good service (Original) …

gilles morin

(Translated) Clean home choice new and uses (Original) Proprete acceuil choix neufs et usages

Alexandre Theriault

(Translated) The seller was arrogant and did not want to price me by phone (I do not live near ...) not even an approximate! Result I bought my tacoma TRD 2019 elsewhere! ;) (Original) Le vendeur était arrogant et n'a pas voulu me faire de prix par téléphone (j'habite pas à côté...) même pas un approximatif! Résultat j'ai acheté mon tacoma TRD 2019 ailleur! ;)

Simon Lapointe

(Translated) Excellent service, no pressure, no hiding, just the real deal. I highly recommend! (Original) Excellent service, pas de pression, pas de cachette, juste les vrais affaires. Je recommande fortement!

eric dufour

(Translated) I buy a user vehicle of very good quality very welcome from the seller eric and friendly, Thank you (Original) Jai acheter un vehicule usager de tres bonne qualité tres bon accueil de la part du vendeur eric et sympathique, Merci

Alexandre Deschenes

(Translated) always the answer to my questions, quickly and accurately. Two vehicles acquired with them, even if I moved 200 km from their concession. …

Jacques Maltais

(Translated) Always greeted with a smile, gives very good service. (Original) Toujours accueilli avec le sourire, donne un très bon service.

Konstantin Prima

(Translated) Friendly and helpful staff. Fast service. (Original) Personnel sympathique et serviable. Service rapide.


(Translated) Bad after sales service. (Original) Mauvais service après vente .

Pierre Forest

(Translated) Very good place to acquire a good new or used vehicle. Conscientious representatives, excellent after-sales service and good respect for the customer. (Original) Très bon endroit pour acquérir un bon véhicule neuf ou d'occasion. Représentants consciencieux, excellent service après-vente et un bon respect du client.

claudette deschenes

(Translated) A big thank you to Sebastien Lemieux for his availability. …

Spoon Monkey

(Translated) First Toyota purchased at this location. The employees are courteous and not overly inquisitive if you just want to watch. The service is excellent and quick for interviews. Parts are rarely on order or back order. Waiting room with free snack and wifi. Only thing that would be 5 stars would be if they washed our vehicle after the maintenance just a blow of hose would do a big more for the effort. (Original) Premier Toyota acheté a cet endroit. Les employés sont courtois et pas trop inquisiteur si vous voulz juste regarder. Le service est excellent et rapide pour les entretiens. Les pièces son rarement en commande ou back order. Salle d'attente avec collation et wifi gratis. Seul chose qui ferais 5 etoiles serait si il lavaient nos véhicule après les entretiens juste un coup de hose ferais un gros plus pour l'effort.

Vicky Goupil

(Translated) Excellent service from the whole team at Rocoto Toyota. Thank you! (Original) Un excellent service de toute l'équipe chez Rocoto Toyota. Merci!

Esther D

(Translated) I have been well served by Mr Harold (Original) J,ai été bien servi par Mr Harold

Catherine Tremblay

(Translated) Always excellent service, nothing to complain about. A beautiful family that I should never have left but it is good to find !! It's never too late to correct our mistakes! (Original) Toujours un excellent service, rien à redire. Une belle famille que je n'aurais jamais dû quitter mais qu'il fait bon de retrouver!! Il n'est jamais trop tard pour corriger nos erreurs!

Hugo Latuner

(Translated) The staff seem friendly and professional however some of their used cars are real scams ... Disappointments after disappointments after major problems on the tank from the first week (car at $ 4500 and $ 2000 in garage in 1 month !!). Many costs and future repairs are therefore well hidden until it falls on us ... If you are looking for a used vehicle at a good price and safe, go your way. (Original) Le personnel semble sympathique et professionnel cependant certaines de leurs voitures usagées sont de réelles arnaques... Déceptions sur déceptions après des problèmes majeurs sur le char dès la première semaine (auto à 4500$ et 2000$ de garage en 1 mois !!). De nombreux frais et futures réparations sont donc bien caché jusqu'à ce que ça nous tombe dessus... Si vous cherchez un véhicule usagé à bon tarif et sûr, passez votre chemin.

Stéphanie Fortier

(Translated) Always a good service ... Hans is very attentive to our needs and very professional (Original) Toujours un bon service ... Hans est très à l’écoute de nos besoins et tres professionnel

Jean-Guy Bouchard

(Translated) Julien Thériault the best seller in town. Very professional (Original) Julien Thériault le meilleur vendeur en ville. Très professionnel

vincent rene dufour

(Translated) Excellent service ... but most importantly ... no vendor pressure #pricrless …

Stéphane Côté

(Translated) Courtesy staff without pressure (Original) Personnel courtoie sans pression

Mathieu Brisson

(Translated) Good service in terms of car sales. However, for the mechanic part, I did not feel completely confident. (Some things were asked to be done while other mechanics told me that it was not necessary) (Original) Bon service au niveau de la vente de voiture. Cependant, pour la partie mécanicien, je me suis pas senti totalement en confiance. (Certaines choses on été demandé à être fait alors que d'autres mécaniciens m'ont indiqué que cela n'étais pas nécessaire)

Jennifer Gomez

(Translated) Very good service in addition that I went there only for reminders. Very comfortable waiting room with fruit and cookies. We are pampered customers (Original) Très bon service en plus que j y suis allé que pour des rappelles. Salle d'attente très confortable avec des fruits et biscuits. Nous sommes des clients choyés

Dominic Boucher

(Translated) Pierre the product advisor was very courteous, very nice functional garage! (Original) Pierre le conseillé en produit était très courtois, très beau garage fonctionnel!

alain gauthier

Cool ????

Charles Plante

(Translated) Bad experience with warranty repairs. I rented a Rav 4 in December 2018. I use my vehicle to do small errands around 4 times a week or for long journeys on the highway. After two years (30,000km) my brakes kicked off and told me that everything had to be changed because they got hot. I can't believe that with below normal use the brakes are completely dead after only two years. If only the pads would have been changed I could have understood but there is clearly another problem and the dealer does not want to hear a thing. I had several other cars and I changed my brakes approximately every 60,000 km while I had a much sportier driving than in Rav4 .... (Original) Mauvaise expérience lors de réparation sur garantie. J'ai loué un Rav 4 en décembre 2018. Je me sert de mon véhicule pour faire des petites commissions environs 4 fois par semaine ou pour des longs trajets sur l'autoroute. Apres deux ans (30 000km) mes freins sautent et ont me dis que tout doit être changé parce qu'il ont chauffés. Je ne peux pas croire qu'avec une utilisation en dessous de la normale des freins soit complètement hors d'usage apres seulement deux ans. Si seulement les plaquettes aurait été a changer j'aurais pu comprendre mais il y a clairement un autre problème et le concessionnaire ne veut rien entendre. J'ai eu plusieurs autre voiture et je changait mes freins environ aux 60 000km alors que javais une conduite beaucoup plus sportive qu'en Rav4....

Tremblay Jacques

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Frederic Parent

(Translated) Very professional and courteous. Excellent customer service. Nothing more to say. (Original) Très professionel et courtois. Excellent service a la clientéle. Rien a dire de plus.

Francois Vézina

(Translated) 140.oo dollars an hour to work on my rave 4 its expensive they think they are doctors at his salary I would not get repaired in the future a good little garage that I know and he would have helped me out then it wouldn't have cost me an arm for which they take themselves cursed (Original) 140.oo dollars de l'heure pour travailler sûr mon rave 4 sa coute cher il se prennent pour des médecins a ses salaire je me ferais pas réparé la a l'avenir un bon petits garage que je connais et il m'aurait dépanné puis sa ne m'aurais pas coutė un bras pour qui il se prennent maudit

Stephane Grenier

(Translated) I bought a 2017 vehicle and I realized that they did not even change the oil during the preparation of the vehicle whereas they had done it during the purchase of my previous one which was much older. Result when I …

Marc Potvin

(Translated) As always, it's Toyota and the sellers have a touch of arrogance. On the other hand, the welcome is very professional, I was even offered a treat :) …

Andree Dufour

(Translated) Super service thanks ????♀️ (Original) Super service merci ????‍♀️

Harold Boies

(Translated) Small gas door frozen by the cold: Warm and efficient welcome! Unforeseen and quick troubleshooting. (Original) Petite porte à essence gelée par le froid: Accueil chaleureux et efficace! Dépannage imprévu et rapide.

Wong Tong

(Translated) In addition to an ultra arrogant service, I strongly recommend a double-check at another dealership before having something done at eu ... I am not saying that they will not do the job, but rather as a consumer, you deserve a service that matches the quality of the vehicles sold. It's clearly the fact that they don't have a lot of Toyota dealerships in the area that makes them look so good. seriously: double-checking over the phone will save you time and money. P.S. on the sales side, I don't know. (Original) En plus d'un service ultra arrogant, je conseil fortement un double-check chez un autre concessionnaire avant de faire faire quelque chose chez ne dis pas qu'ils ne feront pas la job, mais plutôt qu' en tant que consommateur, vous mériter un service à la hauteur de la qualité des véhicules vendu. C'est clairement le fait qu' il n'a pas beaucoup de concession Toyota dans la région qui fais en sorte qu' ils paraissent aussi bien. sérieusement: double-check par téléphone va vous sauvé temps et argent. P.S. coté vente, je ne sais pas.

Gilbert Savard

(Translated) Look forward to seeing the new Camry 2018 on site. I really like the one I have right now, a 2014 SE, which gives me complete satisfaction. But, I love the news and according to what I have read on the Web, the 2018 …

Jonathan Vaillancourt

(Translated) Best customer service, offering a wide selection of products and services. The employees are always smiling. (Original) Meilleur service à la clientèle, offrant un vaste choix de produits et de services. Les employés sont toujours souriant.

Robert labonté


David Lortie

(Translated) Excellent service, super courteous and professional staff. I clearly recommend this dealer. I'm on my 6th Toyota and still received A1 service. Thank you! (Original) Excellent service, personnel super courtois et professionnel. Je recommande clairement ce concessionnaire. J’en suis à mon 6ième Toyota et toujours reçu un service A1. Merci!

Yves Bélanger

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Vincent Dubuc

(Translated) It's like everything you have to know what you are looking for and be firm on these criteria. Do not be afraid to say that we find an expensive vehicle for the year and the condition, they will understand and offer …

dobmaster storm


Audrey Chevalier

(Translated) Attention to all the potential customers of this car dealership on the used car side, we sell you a supposedly inspected car with a distorted car proof and when we notice it the dealer refuses to correct the situation and even goes so far as to blame it. on you who damaged the vehicle ..... this is how they treat their customers after the purchase of 3 vehicles (Original) Attention a tous les clients potentiels de ce concessionnaire automobile du coté voitures usagées, on vous vend une voiture supposément inspectée avec un car proof faussé et quand on s'en aperçoit le concessionaire refuse de corriger la situation et va meme jusqu'à mettre la faute sur vous qui avez endommagé le véhicule ..... c'est comme ca qu'ils traitent leurs client après l'achat de 3 véhicules

Cédric Senneville

(Translated) Bought a used 2014 vehicle. The tires were hard so I asked them to change them. They told me the tires were 50% worn and that I could do the rest of the summer easy on them. I was gullible and bullshit. When I got …

Patrick Bouchard

(Translated) November 2017 - I bought a new vehicle from a good seller. No complications with him. On the other hand, the commercial director looked like a rabid ox! More difficult to win points than to lose. We will see for the rest of the service on the new vehicle ... +1 April 2019 - Super nice mechanical maintenance. Respectful mechanic who did the maintenance for which I paid. For once, the bill seemed justified to me. +1 (Original) novembre 2017 - J'ai acheté un véhicule neuf d'un bon vendeur. Pas de complication avec lui. Par contre, la directrice commerciale avait un air de bœuf enragé ! Plus difficile de gagné des points qu'à perdre. On verra pour le reste du service sur le véhicule neuf ... +1 avril 2019 - Entretien mécanique super agréable. Mécanicien respectueux qui a fait l'entretien pour lequel j'ai payé. Pour une fois, la facture me semblais justifié. +1

Mario Magbanua

Nice place

Gervais Bouchard

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Pierre-Luc Gagnon

(Translated) Poor after-sales service in the used. The sales manager only calls you back when you call Toyota's parent company to contact you, otherwise you ignore you. I was sold a used vehicle without telling me that there was a …

hoenheim 8

(Translated) Worse customer service! Anybody come see you on your way home ... not even a hello ... At customer service, they will say hello except that they will make you wait 10 months to make a call to talk about their vacation ... Not for nothing that people go to Quebec to buy from Toyota. (Original) Pire service à la clientèle! Personne vient te voir en rentrant... Même pas un bonjour... Au service à la clientèle, ils vont te dire bonjour sauf qu'ils vont te faire attendre pendant 10 mon pour passer un appel pour parler de leur vacances... Pas pour rien que les gens monte à Québec pour acheter chez Toyota.

Mario Bouchard

(Translated) The best service you could hope for. Very courteous staff and the premises are exceptionally clean. I recommend Rocoto. …

Serge Grenon

(Translated) rotten service, charge a fee to check a battery because the car did not start in the morning, have made believe to my wife that it was. and I quote, you do not drive enough madam, (what an idiot), moreover the bottle cap of very fragile windshield washer breaks in the cold, they do not respect the original warranty of 3 years or 60,000 km on a car 18,000 km, so we have to pay the price, never again from Toyota, long live American cars and their guarantee (Original) service pourri,ont charge des frais pour verifier une batterie car l auto na pas démarré se matin,ont a fait croire a mon épouse que c`étais. et je cite,,vous ne roulez pas assez madame,(,quel idiot),de plus le bouchon de reservoir de lave vitre tres fragile casse au froid,ils ne respecte pas la garantie d origine de 3 ans ou 60.000 km sur une auto de 18,000 km,alors faut payé le bouchon,,,plus jamais de Toyota chez nous,vive les voitures américaines et leur garantie

Raymond Savard

(Translated) Eun have you served, treated with a smile (Original) Eun t'ai on servis se ai trai a quelian avec sourire

Marie Merci

(Translated) You mark a bad comment they tell you someone will communicate with you tomorrow hahahah 3 days ago still no communication (Original) Tu marques un mauvais commentaire ils te disent quelqu'un va communiquer avec vous demain ahahah il y a 3 jours toujours aucune communication

Claude Picard


Alec Beaupre

Had a need, Alma toyota did not want to help me. Rocota did it with diligence. Thanks. Very good service.

Maurice Dumont

(Translated) Good courteous service (Original) Bon service courtois

Rhéna Parent

(Translated) He is my dealer and I trust them ... my experience began in 2004 ... I had two Toyota vehicles and I could change ... it would be Toyota ... again ???? (Original) C'est mon concessionnaire et je leur fais confiance ... mon expérience a débuté en 2004 ... j'ai eu deux véhicules Toyota et pouvoir changer ... ça serait Toyota ... encore ????

Bertho Potvin

(Translated) The service was quick. When I left with my vehicle there was a smell of burnt oil. It's been 2 oil changes that I have done at Rocoto and this is the second time that this has happened. Even the first time I had to leave my vehicle on the street in front of my residence because the oil was leaking under the vehicle. Mechanics are unable to do an oil change without spilling oil on the engine. (Original) Le service à été rapide. Quand je suis reparti avec mon véhicule il y a eu une odeur d'huile brûlée. Ça fait 2 changements d'huile que je fais faire chez Rocoto et c'est la deuxième fois que ça arrive. Même que la première fois j'ai dû laisser mon véhicule dans la rue en face de ma résidence parce que l'huile coulait sous le véhicule. Les mécaniciens sont incapables de faire un changement d'huile sans répandre de l'huile sur le moteur.

Suzie Tremblay

(Translated) Very well received and answered (Original) Très bien reçu et répondu

nick voy



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