Reviews of L'Ami Junior Nissan (Car Concessionaire)

567 Royaume Blvd W, Chicoutimi, Quebec G7H 5B1, Canada

Average Rating:


You have the information of people who are consuming the products of L'Ami Junior Nissan (Car Concessionaire) in Jonquière area (Canada).

Right now the business receives a score of 4.3 stars over 5 and this score has been based on 99 reviews.

You must have seen that it has an average rating is high, and it's based on a large number of reviews, so we may say that the rating is very credible. If people have bothered to evaluate when they are satisfied with the business, it works.

You know that we don't usually stop to write feddbacks when they are correct and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or incidence...

This Car Concessionaire belongs to the category of Nissan dealer.

Where is L'Ami Junior Nissan?

REVIEWS OF L'Ami Junior Nissan IN Jonquière

girard lise girard lise

(Translated) Very nice people .. (Original) Des gens très sympas..

Darkrai Kaminari Kuroi

(Translated) The service in the garage is poor but very poor. No service. Its done twice as I go and they are not screwed to fix my car properly. The 3rd I am made to return home telling myself that I must come back when it is colder to prove that my heating is working. Really extremely disappointed with the service. (Original) Le service au garage est nul mais vraiment nul. Aucun service. Sa fait 2 fois que jy va et ils sont pas foutus de réparer ma voiture comme il faut. La 3ieme je me fait retourner chez moi en me disant que je dois revenir quand il fera plus froid pour prouver que mon chauffage marche pu. Vraiment extrêmement decu du service.

Valérie Gauthier

(Translated) Impeccable HOME! The rest, less than a star! They charge, $ 180 hr, for unsuccessful work! (Original) ACCUEIL impeccable! Le reste, moins qu'une étoile ! Ils chargent, 180$ hre, pour du travail sans résultat!

Pascal Bilodeau

(Translated) Well, first of all, although I really enjoyed this place, I do not give more than four stars for the simple reason that there is nothing perfect and there is always room for Improvement ... People seem to be very concerned about the customer's well-being and to respond to them as quickly as possible, which makes me believe that they care about customer satisfaction. Also a place I love for one of the best car companies in the world for their performance, their advanced technologies and the desire to excel themselves in automotive advancement ... (Original) Bon, tout d'abord, même si j'ai beaucoup apprécié cet endroit, je ne donne pas plus de quatre étoile pour la simple raison, qu'il n'y rien de parfais et qu'il y a toujours place à l'amélioration...Les personnes semblent bien préoccupées par le bien-être des clients et leurs répondre avec le plus d'empressement possible, ce qui me laisse croire qu'ils ont à coeur la satisfaction des clients. Également un endroit que j'aime pour une des meilleurs compagnie d'auto qui soit au monde pour leurs performances, leurs technologies de pointes et la volonté de vouloir se surpasser dans l'avancement automobile...

David Dubois

(Translated) Too expensive. $ 30 more than dealer in Trois-Rivieres. (Original) Trop cher. 30$ de plus que concessionnaire a Trois-Rivieres.

Sabribloo B

(Translated) Purchases made at Nissan! WE love! (Original) Achats fait chez Nissan! On aime!

Didier Coup

(Translated) Always good service. Welcomed and served! (Original) Toujours un bon service. Bien accueilli et servi !

Pierre Forest

(Translated) Always well received with good advice. If you love Nissan, this is the place! (Original) Toujours bien reçus avec de bons conseils. Si vous aimez Nissan, c'est la place!

Marie Claude Tremblay

(Translated) Really a very good service, explanation, listening to our needs beautiful home thank you Mr Serge Larouche. (Original) Vraiment un très bon service, explication, à l'écoute de nos besoins belle accueil merci Mr Serge Larouche.

Marjorie A.

(Translated) The engine of my chauffret dropped when there were cold (-35). I left an email on their site and left messages on their answering machine (because no one answered) and I had no answer. I ended up repaired elsewhere given the urgency of my situation ... It must be about 3-4 weeks and nobody has conctated me .... (Original) Le moteur de ma chauffret a lâché quand il y avait des grands froids (-35). J'ai laissé un mail sur leur site et laissé des messages sur leur répondeur (parce que personne ne répondait) et je n'ai eu aucune réponse. J'ai fini par faire réparé ailleur vu l'urgence de ma situation... Ça doit faire environs 3-4 semaine et personne ne m'a conctaté....

capitaine zarkag

(Translated) Good room service (Original) Bon service au pieces

Nicolas Morissette

(Translated) Super welcome, the girls in front are very warm, service nothing more. Don't get to the bottom of it, come back with an unsolved problem. (Original) Super accueil, les filles en avant sont très chaleureuses, service sans plus. Ne vont pas au fond des choses, revenu avec un problème non réglé.

Lyne Lalancette

(Translated) Very good service and welcome with a smile and place to wait with tv (Original) Très bon service et acceuil avec un sourire et place pour attendre avec tv

Mario Savard

(Translated) Excellent service. The best.. (Original) Excellent service. Les meilleurs..

yvon thibeault

(Translated) Very friendly sellers (Original) Des vendeurs très sympathique

Jean-Christian Labonte

(Translated) Always excellent service !! (Original) Toujours un excellent service!!

Cloe Lapierre

(Translated) Thanks to Julie, Marie-Pier and Dave for their excellent service! (Original) Merci à Julie , Marie-Pier et Dave pour leur excellent service !

carl ellefsen

(Translated) Super good experience! dedicated and professional personal (Original) Super bonne expérience ! personelle dévoués et professionnel

Nicole Boudreault

(Translated) Super pleasant .. they are all very welcoming ... I have a great good service .... to compare with some other place where there is only your seller who smiles (Original) Super agréable .. ils sont tous très accueillants... J ai un super de bon service.... a comparer avec certain autre place ou il n y a que ton vendeur qui sourit

Philippe Larouche

(Translated) Huge improvement in "staff" over the past three years. I was pampered by the service and attention given to me. I felt listened to and helped in my efforts. I don't regret the new Rogue and I recommend L'Ami Junior Nissan! (Original) Immense amélioration de "staff" depuis trois ans. J'ai été choyé par le service et l'attention qu'on me donnait. Je me suis senti écouté et aidé dans mes démarches. Je ne regrette pas nouveau Rogue et je recommande L'Ami Junior Nissan!

Isabelle Gagné

(Translated) Very good service with Serge Larouche. Thank you! (Original) Très bon service avec Serge Larouche. Merci!

Claude Nepton

(Translated) very poor after-sales service, it takes 3 weeks to change the oil, I have my maintenance done at canadian tire (Original) tres mauvais service apres vente ,ca prend 3 semaines pour faire un changement d huile,je fait faire mon entretient chez canadian tire

Antoine Pelletier

(Translated) Very good welcome very smiling staff (Original) Très bonne accueille personnel très souriant

jean-claude paulin

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Claude Couture

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Jean Tremblay

(Translated) 4 stars not 1. Friendly courteous and knowledgeable staff. (Original) 4 étoiles et non 1. Personnel amical courtois et compétent.

Jeanfrancoys Doyon

(Translated) Warm welcome but very little is said about the car. No test drive offered (Original) Chaleureux accueil mais on parle tres peu de la voiture. Aucun essai routier offert

Annie Lavoie

(Translated) Always good service and GOLDEN employees! Kathy at the service and Serge my salesman. (Original) Toujours un bon service et des employés en OR! Kathy au service et Serge mon vendeur.

Richard Rondeau

(Translated) Super service, clean garage, smiling staff. And that's what makes us our 3rd NISSAN vehicle. (Original) Service super, garage propre, personnel souriant. Et c'est ce qui fait que nous sommes à notre 3e véhicule NISSAN.

Francine Bélanger

(Translated) Very good service they saved my money during the holidays because I will not have had heating and it was very cold (Original) Tres bon service ils m'ont sauvés la mise durant le temps des fêtes car je n'aurai pas eu de chauffage et il a fait très froid

Colette Savard Savard

(Translated) It is a place that is very well maintained and very welcoming thank you very much see you next time (Original) C'est un lieu qui es très bien entretenu et très bien accueillant merci beaucoup à la prochaine

Maud Lapointe

(Translated) Very good service and very warm (Original) Très bon service et très chaleureux

Jean-Marie Lavoie

(Translated) Friendly, pleasant and courteous service, well done the Nissan team (Original) Aceuillant services agréable et courtois bravo l'équipe Nissan

David Tadomgno

(Translated) I bought my Sentra SV 2021 there, got the best service I could have the entire dealership knows how to make you feel welcome everyone is warm. THANKS a lot to the whole Charlevoix Nissan team and especially to Jean-François who really takes care of his customers and who gives everything his heart in his work !! (Original) J'y ai acheté ma Sentra SV 2021, j'ai eu le meilleur service que je pouvais avoir la concession au complet sait vous faire sentir le bienvenue tout le monde est chaleureux. MERCI énormément a toute l'équipe de Charlevoix Nissan et surtout a Jean-François qui prend vraiment soin de ses clients et qui donne tout sont cœur dans sont travaille !!

Andre Deschamps

(Translated) We are always well received and our sales representative takes care of us well Serge Larouche (Original) Nous sommes toujours bien accueilli et notre représentant au ventes s'occupe bien de nous bravo monsieur Serge Larouche

Andrée Lavigne

(Translated) Very effective (Original) Très efficace

Sonia Aubin

(Translated) Great service (Original) Super service

Bruno Bonneau

(Translated) I was greeted in a wonderful and respectful way. I hope that the repair that will follow will also be worthy of the reputation that I give you with all the people to whom I speak for your professionalism. (Original) J'ai été accueilli de façon merveilleuse et respectueuse. J'espère que la réparation qui va suivre sera aussi digne de la réputation que je vous donne auprès de tous les gens à qui je parle de votre professionnalisme.


(Translated) Very good self but very poor service (Original) Très bonne auto mais très mauvais service


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