Reviews of Kia Harold Auto (Car Concessionaire)

1120 Royaume Blvd W, Chicoutimi, Quebec G7H 5B1, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will be able to see all the reviews of people like you who have information of the services and products of Kia Harold Auto (Car Concessionaire) in Jonquière (Canada).

Right now the business gets a rating of 4.3 stars out of 5 and the rating was based on 127 reviews.

As you can see the average score it has is very good, and it is based on a very large number of scores, so we may say that the assessment is very accurate. If many people have bothered to value when they've done well with the business, is that it works.

As you know, we do not usually bother to give scores when they are good and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Car Concessionaire belongs to the category of Kia dealer.

Where is Kia Harold Auto?

REVIEWS OF Kia Harold Auto IN Jonquière

Steeve Francillon

Eric Maltais

(Translated) Very good service, good car. (Original) Très bon service, bonne voiture.

Pierre Belisle


(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Francis Cote

Janic Lavoie

Gill Fillion

Ravenald Guy


Sébastien Blackburn

Vincent Côté

bernard michaud

(Translated) Very welcoming. (Original) Très accueillant.

Richard Roy

Jimmy Beaumont

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Dany Tremblay

Etienne Brûlé

majdi souid


(Translated) The place is bland, bad atmosphere and the seller was very unprofessional ???? (Original) L'endroit est fade, mauvaise ambiance et le vendeur manquait grandement de professionnalisme ????

Gabrielle Lapierre

Sylvin Perreault

Sylvain Turcotte

(Translated) If you have to buy a Kia or get service, this is the place to go in all of Saguenay Lac St Jean. My favorite trade to date. Thanks to Alain (Original) Si vous avez à acheter une Kia ou à obtenir du service c est l endroit à aller dans tout le Saguenay Lac St Jean. Mon commerce preferé à date. Merci à Alain

Jo Coursss

Katrine Robin

Valerie Delisle

Ann-Marie Leblond

Olivier Lemay

(Translated) great service! (Original) excellent service !

eric potvin

Collin Untuned

guy emond

Julie Boies

(Translated) Quick response from sellers (Original) Réponse rapide des vendeurs

Charles Venne

Annie Claude Boisvert

Carolle Coulombe

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Jocelyn Ouellet

(Translated) Good welcome (Original) Bon accueil

Stéphanie Boivin

(Translated) Very good service ???? (Original) Très bon service ????

Martin Vincelette

Geneviève Gauthier

Bruno Gagné

Michel St-Gelais

(Translated) Quite special as a reception (Original) Assez spécial comme réception

louis tremblay

steve lefebvre

Stephane Tremblay

(Translated) I always have good service (Original) J'ai toujours un bon service

Marc Tremblay

Marianne Deschenes

Denise Allaire

(Translated) Because I have been received thanks you are very kind (Original) Parce que j'ai bien été reçu merci vous êtes bien gentil

cédric Charron

michelle gobeil

(Translated) Super Team we go there (Original) Super Équipe on s'y chez nous

Josée Levesque

(Translated) Super good service as usual (Original) Super de bon service comme d'habitude

Annie Turcotte

(Translated) Very good service and the employees are very nice and professional (Original) Très bon service et les employés son très gentil et professionnels

lefebvre steeve

Max-Antoine Guérin

(Translated) Very bad service. Not open at the scheduled time, laborious search in their system, scenarios that change for courtesy car provided because the vehicle purchased in 2017 by our colleague has a record number of problems. In short, start the day with 30 minutes late when we made the effort to be there at 7am. (Original) Très mauvais service. Pas ouvert à l'heure prévue, recherche laborieuse dans leur système, scénarios qui changent pour l'auto de courtoisie fournie parce que le véhicule acheté en 2017 par notre collègue a un nombre record de problèmes. Bref, commencer la journée avec 30 minutes de retard quand on avait fait l'effort d'être là à 7h pile.

Anthony Morel

Frédéric Tremblay

(Translated) I only did business with the service department, but I received an excellent service there. (Original) Je n'y ai fait affaire qu'avec le département de service mais j'y ai recu un excellent sevice.

Linda Harvey

Daniella Canteteau

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Maxime Tremblay

(Translated) Super unparalleled! (Original) Super hors pair!

Steve Noel

Neil Simmons

Christine Dubé

(Translated) Nice experience. ???? All very nice. Nice welcome. (Original) Belle expérience. ???? Tous très gentils. Bel accueil.

Pluc “Phantoman-X” The Serge

(Translated) Despite the fact that the employees and mechanics are courteous and professional, their appointment booking service is abysmal, especially when taken online. Going there on the day and at the time of the appointment to say that they made a mistake (again) and being caught to go back another day, it's quite ordinary. (Original) Malgré le fait que les employés et les mécaniciens sont courtois et professionnels, leur service de prise de rendez-vous est catastrophique, surtout lorsque pris en ligne. Se rendre sur place au jour et a l'heure du rv pour ce faire dire qu'ils ont fait une erreur (encore) et être pris pour y retourner un autre jour, c'est assez ordinaire.

Création Expert

(Translated) Go elsewhere, they charge you for new cars, and cause maintenance breakdowns on what is not guaranteed ..! (Original) Allez ailleurs, ils te font payer des voitures neuves, et engendrent des bris a l'entretien sur ce qui nest pas garanti..!

Chauffeur Taxi

(Translated) Nice garage and good service (Original) Beau garage et bon service

laurent savard

Simon Bélisle

Sabrina Brousseau

Felix Bergeron

Carole Grondin

(Translated) Very good service. (Original) Très bon service.

Martin Lessard

Daniel Poitras

Regis girard

Sonya Gauthier

Jean-francois Samuelson

(Translated) A first class A1 service (Original) Un service de première classe A1

Claude Brassard

Alexandre Maltais

Martin Thibeault

(Translated) Maintenance of my electric car. Order accessories. Excellent service! (Original) Entretien de mon auto électrique. Commande d'accessoires. Excellent service!

David-Alexandre Laforge

(Translated) Good service team (Original) Equipe de tonnere bon service

Waltzing Daniel

(Translated) Excellent (Original) Excellent

Luc Tremblay

Colette Pearson

(Translated) We have just acquired our new ex premium 2018 drunk and we want to thank our representative Mrs. Michelle Gobeil for her exemplary service. (Original) Nous venons d'acquérir notre nouvelle soûl ex premium 2018 et nous voulons remercier notre représentante Madame Michelle Gobeil pour son service exemplaire.

Math Boud

Amélie Lahaie-Bouchard

(Translated) Super good service! Powerful cars! More than competitive prices! I love!! (Original) Super bon service! Voitures puissantes! Prix plus que compétitifs! J'adore!!

Christine Tremblay

(Translated) No comments (Original) Aucun commentaires

claude blackburn

(Translated) Super service so far which leaves us in a state of confidence vis-à-vis our investment. (Original) Super service jusqu'à maintenant qui nous laisse dans un état de confiance vis-à-vis notre investissement.

Fred Guay

Laura Tremblay

Joel Thibeault

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Christian Tremblay

michel gervais

Nancy Demers

Patrick Bouchard

(Translated) Lack of respect towards the customers. Sale under pressure. (Original) Manque de respect envers la clientèle. Vente sous pression.

Celine Gagné

(Translated) Very good service and staff Very smiling, and also very good price and Harold very welcoming (Original) Très bon service et le personnel Très souriant,et aussi très bon prix et Harold très accueillant

Serge Belanger

(Translated) Professional and fast work (Original) Travail professionnel et rapide

Rejean Lacasse

Kim Kearnan

Ghyslain Lavoie

jean claude Duchesne

(Translated) 2 cars to buy and 3rd on the way good service (Original) 2 voitures d'acheter la et 3iem en route bon service

Stephanie Belley

Susan Beaulieu

maxime lavoie

(Translated) Excellent service and a great team !! I recommend it without hesitation !!! (Original) Excellent service et une superbe équipe!! Je vous le recommande sans hésiter!!!

guylaine desbiens

(Translated) The staff is amazing ???? (Original) Le personnel est extraordinaire ????

Claude Perron

Dominic Devin

jp cote

(Translated) We did business with the Service and we were very well received and served. Better than the other 2 Kia dealers we have dealt with. Hats off to Michael and Alain. (Original) Nous avons fait affaire avec le Service et nous avons ete tres bien accueuilli et servi. Mieux que les 2 autres concessionnaires Kia que nous avons fait affaire. Chapeau a Michael et Alain.

Charles Olivier Morin

(Translated) Excellent service from Mr. Alain to the service (Original) Excellent service de M.Alain au service

Cindy Boulianne


Car very defective, terrible service.. will never return or buy another Kia

steeve white

(Translated) Welcoming staff, gives us the impression of being IMPORTANT! Congratulations and long life to this team. I highly recommend it. (Original) Personel accueillant, nous donne l impression d'être IMPORTANT !bravo et longue vie à cette équipe. Je vous la recommande fortement.

Valerie Tanguay

serge doré

Charles Robertson

(Translated) I was very well received (Original) j'ai été très bien reçu

Luc Bélanger

(Translated) The service c crazy !! Guys are great ???????? (Original) Le service c fou!! Les gars sont géniaux ????????

Amelie Bedard

François Savard

(Translated) If you need a new car, Kia offers a nice variety of cars at a good price and with a lot of standard equipment. At Kia Harold, going to see Michelle Gobeil is the best! (Original) Si vous avez besoin d'une nouvelle voiture, Kia offre une belle variété de voitures à un bon prix et avec beaucoup d'équipements de série. Chez Kia Harold, aller voir Michelle Gobeil, c'est la meilleure!

Toutptit54 Toutptit54

Sebastien Jean

Alphonse Pedneault

Donald Nadeau

steeve martel

(Translated) Great service!!! (Original) Excellent service!!!

Manon Girard

Luc Bouchard

jean marcel lefebvre

(Translated) Nice welcome, good service, quick and courteous (Original) Bel accueil, bon service, rapide et courtois

Lynda Duclos

David Bilodeau

Andre St Hilaire

Bruno Vaillancourt

(Translated) No good deals to make (Original) Pas de bonnes affaires à réaliser

Jeanne Duchesne

Gerald Gagnon

Jean H.

(Translated) Excellent service (Original) Excellent service

Charles Côté

Ursule Tremblay

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Veronique Bourgeois

mathieu lepage

(Translated) Take advantage of the scarcity situation to sell vehicles without any negotiation more expensive than the MSRP. Very disappointed and several people made the same remark to me. We bought in Quebec and very good service and prices. This rarity will not be eternal and your independence will cost you in the long run…. (Original) Profite de la situation de rareté pour vendre des véhicules sans aucune négociation plus cher que le PDSF. Très déçu et plusieurs personnes m’ont fait la même remarque. On a acheter à Quebec et tres bon service et prix. Cette rareté ne sera pas éternelle et votre indépendance vous coutera à long terme….

Carl Hamelin

(Translated) Saguenay (Original) Saguenay

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